
Sting fights a Vampire

Mar 8th, 2016
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  1. [11:12] * RubieYuesdayi defensively fluffs up with a 'pomf!"
  2. [11:13] <Sister-Sting> "..."
  3. [11:13] <Sister-Sting> "Did"
  4. [11:13] <Sister-Sting> "Did your boobs get bigger?"
  5. [11:13] * RubieYuesdayi ".....Shut up!"
  6. [11:13] <Sister-Sting> "I knew about the color changes, but I guess all that assfat must of moved somewhere"
  7. [11:14] * RubieYuesdayi "Your throat is going to be delicious~!"
  8. [11:17] <Sister-Sting> 'My throat? What are you a vampire?"
  9. [11:18] * RubieYuesdayi came closer.
  10. [11:19] <Sister-Sting> "Get back before I punch your lights out"
  11. [11:20] * RubieYuesdayi "We'll see about that!" Her now pearly white wings spread out!
  12. [11:21] * Sister-Sting goes to punch her
  13. [11:22] * RubieYuesdayi bares her blood suckers and throws forward 2 hammers.
  14. [11:23] * Sister-Sting dodges a hammer, grabbing the other one to rehit Rubie
  15. [11:25] <Sister-Sting> "I was right! You're a fucking Vampire!"
  16. [11:29] * RubieYuesdayi takes the hit and... shrugs it off as she reaches to pull in Sting. "And!?'
  17. [11:31] <Sister-Sting> "I'm surprised you move so fast! Being topheavy now and all" Sting goes for a headbutt
  18. [11:35] * RubieYuesdayi "Well I do suck some special blood at times~!" Grunting as she's headbutted in the gut, Rubie tried to bite into Sting's wings.
  19. [11:35] * Sister-Sting watches as she bites the air, she is slightly confused
  20. [11:36] <Sister-Sting> [sting has no wings]
  21. [11:39] * RubieYuesdayi 's knee goes upwards to hit Sting! "Rarh~!"
  22. [11:41] <Sister-Sting> "Aghhk!" She grabs Rubies leg with one arm
  23. [11:43] * RubieYuesdayi crashes all 4 of her hands down onto Sting. After having let go previously of course.
  24. [11:44] <Sister-Sting> "So really, what size are those melons now?" Sting lifts Rubie leg into the air, throwing her down
  25. [11:47] * RubieYuesdayi "None of your business!" Rubie groans as she hits the floor. Yet she's not out yet! Gripping the nearest thing on her hip, she launches a knife at Sting!
  26. [11:50] * Sister-Sting brings her arm up, just barely having the knife stab it "I'm just asking the important questions!"
  27. [11:52] * RubieYuesdayi "Shut up!" Attempting to bounce from her current position onto Sting, Rubie tries to tear the knife out with quick hands.
  28. [11:54] <Sister-Sting> The second Rubie touched the knife, she is filled with Electricity "Forget I can do that?"
  29. [11:56] * RubieYuesdayi "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Rubie screeched as her fur got a little singed by the current that ran through her. Roaring as her leg raised itself, Rubie crashed it into Sting's chest with a feral strength that led her to let go of the goddam knife!
  30. [11:58] * Sister-Sting fell back, Rubie now on top "Fuck!"
  31. [11:59] * RubieYuesdayi "Finally~!" Rubie tried to hold Sting down as her mouth slammed onto her neck.
  32. [12:02] <Sister-Sting> "Ah!" Sting was blushing a bit, but only because of Rubies mouth on her neck
  33. [12:02] * RubieYuesdayi 's teeth dug in along with her tongue. The sweetest nectar was flowing into her mouth~!"
  34. [12:03] <Sister-Sting> "A-AAh!" Sting tried getting her off
  35. [14:10] * Sylum vision started to get blurry, losing her strength to throw off Rubie...well, with her legs. SS's arms were as strong as ever, being robotic and not tied to her bloodloss
  36. [14:12] * RubieTuesday tore her bloodsuckers from Sting's neck, the fluid splattering onto her and the ground beneath them while a fair bit of it stained her own fluff. "Delicious~!"
  37. [14:13] <Sylum> "...I-Is it?"
  38. [14:13] <Sylum> "Want to know something about me?"
  39. [14:15] * RubieTuesday "What?...."
  40. [14:16] <Sylum> "I dont have sacs that hold my poison, my blood is the poison I use to pump into people" Sting was making this shit up, but hoped Rubie fell for it
  41. [14:18] * RubieTuesday leaped right off Sting after hearing this and gripped her chest fluff, lifting it up. While this allowed her to examine the stuff, it also gave a bigger view at her double E's.
  42. [14:19] <Sylum> "...."
  43. [14:20] * RubieTuesday "What is..." Backing away slightly and tugging a little more, her breasts bounced.
  44. [14:22] * RubieTuesday "Y-You're lying!"
  45. [14:23] <Sylum> "Am I?! You'll never know"
  46. [14:23] * RubieTuesday "Considering I subsist on blood, then I'd be feeling the ill effects of consuming something poisonous!"
  47. [14:24] <Sylum> "I usually pump it straight into them, you drank it. Give it a while, you'll feel it"
  48. [14:27] * RubieTuesday "......Hmph."
  49. 16:20 Sister-Sting "T-The longer you think about it, the less time you have to deal with it"
  50. 16:24 RubieTuesday considered her options in this situation. "Hmmm...."
  51. 16:25 Sister-Sting slowly got up, she was weak, couldn't even shootpunch her "I can help...I can stop it"
  52. 16:27 RubieTuesday "....How~?"
  53. 16:28 Sister-Sting "I know how to cure it, a few ingredients into a drink and you'll be fine"
  54. 16:29 RubieTuesday "What will I have to do to get this ingredient~? Something degrading?"
  55. 16:30 Sister-Sting stared at Rubie,. thinking of all she could trick her into doing
  56. 16:31 RubieTuesday "...Well!?"
  57. 16:34 Sister-Sting "...The Anti-Magic teeth, they can cure it when grinded up into dust. Then poured into water"
  58. 16:37 RubieTuesday started to chuckle.
  59. 16:40 Sister-Sting shit Shit SHIT
  60. 16:40 Sister-Sting looked worried
  61. 16:43 Sister-Sting "Y-You dont believe me? Fine! Die slowly then!"
  62. 16:44 RubieTuesday cackled like a mad-woman. "W-Why would you grind up even a little of the thing you said keeps you safe, from.. from.. ahaha~! The PERSON WHO RUINED YOUR LIFE~!?" Cackles even harder, stumbling.
  63. 16:46 Sister-Sting "I-I....I wouldn't! The poison is my blood, I'm immune to it~"
  64. 16:46 RubieTuesday "T-Then why did you say it~!?"
  65. 16:48 Sister-Sting "I-I'm no killer! Even if I do hate you I wont kill you! Now please help me! I helped you"
  66. 16:52 RubieTuesday 's cackling stops. "Ah.. delicious~ And fine, dear. I'll try to help as best I can!"
  67. 16:53 Sister-Sting Yes! She fell for it, maybe SS can survive her attack after all
  68. 16:57 RubieTuesday "...But one thing before we can officially put this on hold~"
  69. 16:57 Sister-Sting "W-What?!"
  70. 17:00 RubieTuesday charged at Sting.
  71. 17:01 Sister-Sting was barely off the ground, and her weak state means she couldn't stop Rubie
  72. 17:04 RubieTuesday crashed both of her fists into Sting's cheek. "That's for nearly murdering my husband or at least a part of him!"
  73. 17:06 Sister-Sting "Ahhg!" Sting was now in pain along with being weak "O-Ow"
  74. 17:08 RubieTuesday "That's all~ Now, about those teeth~?"
  75. 17:08 Sister-Sting "W-Why are you asking me?! You have them!"
  76. 17:09 RubieTuesday "I'm thinking about it out loud!"
  77. 17:09 Sister-Sting "You still dont remember where they are?"
  78. 17:10 RubieTuesday "Well.. let me jog my memory..."
  79. 17:15 Sister-Sting got back up slowly again "Well, hurry up!"
  80. 17:15 RubieTuesday "It's in, it's in... it's in! My..."
  81. 17:16 Sister-Sting breathed hard
  82. 17:17 RubieTuesday "Ooh wait~!"
  83. 17:17 Sister-Sting !!!
  84. 17:18 RubieTuesday "It's in my bathroom."
  85. 17:18 Sister-Sting "..."
  86. 17:18 Sister-Sting "Fuck, forgot to look there"
  87. 17:18 RubieTuesday "Dummy~"
  88. 17:19 Sister-Sting BioSuit covers her body, she gets back up ramming into Rubie "Says you!"
  89. 17:20 RubieTuesday is launched off the ground from the hit. "Gack!"
  90. 17:21 Sister-Sting runs off, supercharging her legs with Bio Electricity, it also keeping her adrenaline up
  91. 17:22 RubieTuesday After a few moments of laying on the ground, Rubie leaps onto her feet in a ghastly motion. "Ugh.."
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