

Jul 13th, 2014
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  1. -[X] 2 Carry stack of dirty dishes, trip and fall... with it colliding into the protagonist. The dirty dishes of course. And yourself. Apologize profusely, attempt to clean up mess on protagonist. Fail epically (on cleaning part).... And then 'suddenly recognize him' and start throwing things at him and trying to tackle him, incidentally pushing certain parts of your anatomy up to him.: (kinglugia, Darkened)
  2. [X] 2 Fluff: (kinglugia, BFldyq)
  3. [X] 1 Fluff (Action/RomCom): (Lunaryon)
  4. [X] 4 It is quiet, though you can see a couple abandoned cars, and several person walking past the windows... and they seem unhealthy. (Grim): (Deathwings, Happerry, ReinZero, dreadis)
  5. [X] 1 It seems peaceful - there are couple cars goes by, and you can see a couple... well, couple, walk past the window. (Fluff): (Jaertin)
  6. [X] 1 Neutral: (rcnr)
  7. [X] 1 Normal: (Darkened)
  8. -[X] 3 Shout at him for 'betraying' you and breaking your childhood promise. Tell him you'll never forgive him for that thing he did.: (kinglugia, Darkened, BFldyq)
  9. [X] 1 Wear Cat Ears and the stack of dishes, collect more dirty dishes, stumble and nearly fall when near the protagonist (cute redhead with a sword), apologize profusely.: (Lunaryon)
  10. [X] 2 Wear apron + car ears and stick a piece of toast in your mouth because it's a classic.: (kinglugia, Darkened)
  11. [X] 5 Wear apron + car ears. Carry stack of dirty dishes, trip and fall... with it colliding into the protagonist. The dirty dishes of course. And yourself. Apologize profusely, attempt to clean up mess on protagonist. Fail epically (on cleaning part). Wind up with clothes stripped in process... by complete accident. Posture totally looks like the protagonist assault her instead.: (Deathwings, Jaertin, Happerry, ReinZero, dreadis)
  12. [X] 1 Wear the apron+cat ears. When you see the protagonist start throwing things at him, starting with the dirty dishes, then the smartphone and anything else.: (BFldyq)
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