
salamander tfs

Jan 13th, 2020
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  1. //drinking the firewater
  2. >This hip flask contains high-proof beverage called 'Salamander Firewater', which one sip can make your throat feel like it been set on fire.
  3. This hip flask contains a high-proof beverage called 'Salamander Firewater', one sip of which can make your throat feel like it's been set on fire.
  4. >While heat builds in your muscles, their already-potent mass shifting slightly as they gain even more strength than before.
  5. delete "while"
  6. >After eating it, your chest aches and tingles, and your hands reach up to scratch at it unthinkingly.
  7. As soon as you swallow the last drop, your chest aches and tingles, and your hands reach up to scratch at it unthinkingly.
  8. >You feel a strange heating sensation in your tail and when you grab your own tail, you can see that it retains the same shape though the color changes to red. It becomes hotter to the touch and you let go of your tail before it gets too hot. For a brief moment it tip ignite with a red-colored flame that with as little as your merely thought vanish moment later. Still you somehow know you can set ablaze any part or whole your tail at any moment and even use it to burn enemies after lashing them with your tail.
  9. You feel a strange burning sensation in your tail, [if (red skin) {though|and}] when you twist it around your body to check, [if (red skin) {it doesn't appear any different. Just when you think you must have imagined the pain, it |your [skintone] [skindesc] [skinis] already shifting to a fiery red. As if that weren't enough, it quickly}] grows so hot against your hand that you're forced to let go, the tip bursting into bright flame as soon as it slips from your fingers. Even when you [if (singleleg) {remain|stand}] still, [if (!isnaked) { and despite your [armor],}] its heat rests uncomfortably on your back, and it's hard to pull yourself away from the ever-present threat of [if (isgoo) {melting away|burning yourself}].
  11. Which is precisely when the warmth vanishes, snuffed out by an unseen hand, and you [if (isgoo) {let|breathe}] out a sigh of relief when you touch a finger to your scales and find them unreasonably cool. After a few tense moments of doubt, worry, and finally experimentation, you find that you can make your tail ebb and flare with little more than a thought, and you suspect that if you put your mind to it, you could set it entirely ablaze and use it as a red-hot lash.
  12. >After a longer moment of ignoring it you finally glance down in irritation, only to discover that your arms former appearance has changed into those of a salamander with leathery, red scales and short, fiery-red claws replacing your fingernails.
  13. After trying to ignore it for as long as you can, you finally glance down at your arms in irritation, only to discover that [if (hasscales) {your [if (not red scales) {[skintone] scales are now red and|scales}] have the texture of firm leather|your [skindesc] [if (hasfeathers) {have|has}] hardened into red, leathery scales}] and your fingers are now tipped with short, curved claws that look almost like fire in the [sun]light.
  15. //appearance, I think?
  16. >Shining thick, leathery red scales cover your arms from the biceps down and your fingernails are now short, fiery-red curved claws.
  17. //I feel like they're only shining because someone copied and pasted the spider chitin description, but maybe they're supposed to be? The message when you transform into them doesn't mention it though.
  18. Thick and leathery red scales cover your arms from the biceps down, and, though your hands appear human from a distance, your fingernails are actually short, fiery-red claws.
  19. >A tapered, covered in red scales tail hangs down from just above your [ass].
  20. A tapered, red-scaled tail hangs down from just above your [ass].
  21. >When you are in battle or when you want could set your whole tail ablaze in red-hot fire.
  22. All it takes is a moment of concentration to set your entire tail ablaze in red-hot fire.
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