
Green scientocracy

Jan 16th, 2018
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  1. 1:07:15 PM+gjvcSimd are you a marxist? leninist?
  2. 1:07:21 PM+SimdNo
  3. 1:07:33 PM+gjvctrotskyist ?
  4. 1:07:36 PM+SimdNo
  5. 1:07:54 PM+SimdI describe my political worldview as green scientocracy
  6. 1:08:03 PM+gjvcjust how left are you and with what group do you identify?
  7. 1:08:14 PM+gjvci see
  8. 1:08:20 PM+Simdgjvc: I am heavily influenced by Buddhism and have a degree in molecular biology
  9. 1:08:27 PM+SimdI don't heavily define in regards to groups
  10. 1:08:28 PM+gjvcabsolute communist pinko?
  11. 1:08:32 PM+gjvcok
  12. 1:08:50 PM+SimdAlso, I agree with James Madison -- primary author of the US Constitution -- that factions are the primary threat to human civilization
  13. 1:08:59 PM+SimdTherefore, those mental constructs that reduce factionalism are good
  14. 1:09:01 PM+gjvcnharris right-thinking republican
  15. 1:09:26 PM+SimdExample: Data, presence, rule of law, science, transparency, etc.
  16. 1:09:41 PM+SimdNon-factionalism allows a society to have all of its intellectual capital flourish, resulting in greatness
  17. 1:09:59 PM+SimdWhen we allow factions to flourish, we inevitably crush those groups which are the enemy of that faction
  18. 1:10:12 PM+SimdWithin that 'enemy faction', there are geniues, artists, leaders, and humanitarians
  19. 1:10:25 PM← muellerti has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
  20. 1:10:47 PM+SimdYou'll recall that John Stuart Mill, when arguing for universal suffrage and labor equality for the genders, mentioned that "Any nation which does not employ its women loses half its workforce".
  21. 1:10:57 PM+SimdNo resource on Earth is more valuable than the human mind
  22. 1:11:27 PM+RaccoonSimd: And none so worthless at the same time
  23. 1:11:42 PM+SimdWhy?
  24. 1:12:38 PM+RaccoonMost human-mind ore is mined in very small trace amounts. It's rare to strike a large vein of the good stuff
  25. 1:12:42 PM+SimdSoon, computation will be the most important resource on Earth
  26. 1:12:49 PM+SimdBut I don't think we're quite there
  27. 1:12:53 PM+SimdMaybe I'm wrong, though
  28. 1:13:05 PM+SimdRaccoon: Your average human is very dumb -- agreed
  29. 1:13:16 PM+SimdThat is why I wish to extend the restrictions of the US Constitution
  30. 1:13:23 PM+SimdThe Constitution already restricts democracy
  31. 1:13:38 PM+SimdThe primary restrictions are in regards to the rights of minorities and individuals, which history show get crushed by large majorities
  32. 1:13:49 PM+SimdI wish to extend those restrictions to those things demonstrated by science as highly likely to be true
  33. 1:14:15 PM+SimdFor example, I would like to make it illegal for politicians to advocate for policies that include a claim that anthropogenic climate change is false
  34. 1:14:23 PM+SimdI don't want to leave that up to the voters
  35. 1:14:43 PM+SimdWe need to leverage our built up intellectual capital from generation to generation -- and that's called scientific knowledge
  36. 1:15:10 PM+SimdIf a politician were to claim vaccines cause autism -- as Trump did in the debates -- I'd like to open up impeachment hearings
  37. 1:15:34 PM+SimdAlso, a record of saying false things should be an impeachable offense
  38. 1:15:46 PM+SimdTruth is the most important of all values
  39. 1:16:28 PM+SimdIn this sense, non-religious statements would become like religious statements
  40. 1:16:34 PM+SimdIn your personal life, you can religiously believe whatever you want
  41. 1:16:45 PM+SimdBut if you're a politician, you are forbidden, by law, from advocating for anything on the basis of religion
  42. 1:17:09 PM+SimdIn your personal life, you can be a moron and believe whatever you want, but if you advocate for moronic things as a politician, that is forbidden
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