
#CONLeaks — Kavita P

Sep 14th, 2016
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  1. [27/12/2014, 10:53:40 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I want to show this to Kav, but I think Kav made it (based on the username):
  2. [27/12/2014, 10:53:53 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): because it looks like something she'd like. lol
  3. [27/12/2014, 10:54:14 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
  4. [27/12/2014, 11:00:37 AM] Quinnae: By the way, I haven't seen Kav in here in a while. Where'd she go?
  5. [27/12/2014, 11:01:05 AM] Rob: I think she's traveling
  6. [27/12/2014, 11:01:09 AM] Rob: or getting readyto
  7. [27/12/2014, 11:01:19 AM] Rob: She's around, just usually on twitter
  8. [27/12/2014, 11:04:10 AM] nicholas.boterf: Yeah kav is definitely on and off here (like me).
  10. [01/01/2015, 2:26:31 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: dina, you'll have to teach me to makeup someday
  11. [01/01/2015, 2:26:49 AM] Rob: I pictured Dina basically reenacting the scene in Predator where Arnold covers himself in mud
  12. [01/01/2015, 2:26:54 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
  13. [01/01/2015, 2:27:23 AM] Dina : LOL
  14. [01/01/2015, 2:27:27 AM] Rob: ^_^ bows
  15. [01/01/2015, 2:27:40 AM] Dina : Sarah I would love to! Make up is super fun!
  16. [01/01/2015, 2:27:50 AM] Dina : please don't actually dunk your head in concealer
  17. [01/01/2015, 2:27:53 AM] Rob: And one day, Kav, Athena, and I will teach all of you to drink
  18. [01/01/2015, 2:27:59 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
  19. [01/01/2015, 2:28:00 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ha
  20. [01/01/2015, 2:28:08 AM] Dina : wait Kav is in here?
  21. [01/01/2015, 2:28:14 AM] Dina : Which one is Kav?
  22. [01/01/2015, 2:28:17 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): She is but not regularly
  23. [01/01/2015, 2:28:17 AM] Rob: Yeah but she's busy traveling so ehs' not as active on skype
  24. [01/01/2015, 2:28:24 AM] Dina : oh ok
  25. [01/01/2015, 2:28:27 AM] Peter Coffin: kiratails I think
  26. [01/01/2015, 2:28:33 AM] Rob: I talk to her on twitter most often
  28. [04/01/2015, 4:51:49 AM] Rob: Except for KAV WHO IS NOT HERE TO TALK ABOUT BOOZE.
  29. [04/01/2015, 4:52:13 AM] Athena Hollow: DAMMIT KAV.
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