
Einar the Fell

May 16th, 2014
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  1. Einar the Fell, the Bardish Human
  3. Einar was born the only sister among a family of 5 brothers and was given a name that of a man because they had expected to have a 6th brother added to the family. Einar's "manliness" comes further as her mother died from childbirth, Einar being particularly rough, and so only took parenting from her father, a mercenary. She also had the counseling of her older simblings, the oldest being 17 years older than her, but also had to learn to fight from their constant disputes. Over the years after her father took to retiring the children all began leaving the house for jobs. The oldest Brother previously mentioned, Al, took to the mercenary trade, Fritz (12 years old) took to fishery, Galm (10) to smithing, taking a job north bound to be an apprentice, Soren (7) took to starting a meadery in a small village to the south, and Sigurd (3) went off to train and fight for the military. Einar however took a fancy to the idea of a mercenary, to trek the land and see sights, make gold, and take note to the lust within life but also fancied a note upon the air to sign of tales of valor! She had read short books on poetry and song, old books her mother had once owned, and carried them dear as she took her father's blade, Fritz being more akin to a mace or crossbow, and took off one morning, leaving her home to be abandoned but not forgotten.
  5. Appearance: 5'9", Pale skin, freckled face, and rather light and dull, though not brown, red hair. Soft features, but a stockier body though not quite overso. More muscled and scarred from countless fights, but not too skinny or fattened, though no waifish.
  7. Equipment: Very light armor or clothing, preferably of chainmail, and a light sword and dagger.
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