
Apr 22nd, 2024
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text 206.00 KB | None | 0 0
  1. print("]------- Initializing Trigon v0.04o -------[")
  3. local notificationLibrary = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/laagginq/ui-libraries/main/xaxas-notification/src.lua"))();
  4. local notifications = notificationLibrary.new({
  5. NotificationLifetime = 3,
  6. NotificationPosition = "Middle",
  8. TextFont = Enum.Font.Code,
  9. TextColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255),
  10. TextSize = 15,
  12. TextStrokeTransparency = 0,
  13. TextStrokeColor = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  14. });
  16. notifications:BuildNotificationUI();
  19. function genStr(minL, maxL)
  20. local chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
  21. local strLen = math.random(minL, maxL)
  22. local str = ""
  24. math.randomseed(os.time())
  26. for i = 1, strLen do
  27. local rChar = math.random(1, #chars)
  28. str = str .. chars:sub(rChar, rChar)
  29. end
  31. return str
  32. end
  34. if not (_G.TrigonMain and _G.TrigonLoader and _G.TrigonTopbar) then
  35. _G.TrigonMain, _G.TrigonLoader, _G.TrigonTopbar = genStr(16, 30), genStr(10, 25), "TrigonTopbar"
  36. end
  38. for _, v in ipairs({_G.TrigonMain, _G.TrigonLoader, _G.TrigonTopbar}) do
  39. if gethui():FindFirstChild(v) then gethui()[v]:Destroy() end
  40. end
  42. local userInputType = game:GetService("UserInputService")
  43. userInputType.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
  44. if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift or input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.RightShift then
  45. userInputType.InputBegan:Connect(function(secondInput)
  46. if secondInput.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.E then
  47. local success, result = pcall(function()
  48. return loadstring(getclipboard())()
  49. end)
  51. if success then
  52. print("Pasted")
  53. else
  54. notifications:Notify("Execute clipboard unsupported or error")
  55. end
  56. end
  57. end)
  58. end
  59. end)
  62. --[[
  63. NAME: Trigon
  64. VERSION: Android
  65. USER_AGENT: Trigon Android
  66. FINGERPRINT: Trigon_Fingerprint
  67. ]]
  69. local HWID = game:GetService("RbxAnalyticsService"):GetClientId()
  70. local key = "https://trigonevo.com/getkey/?hwid="..HWID
  73. --setclipboard(PandaAuth:GetKey(ServiceID))
  74. --print(PandaAuth:GetKey(ServiceID))
  76. --local address = crypt.base64decode("aHR0cDovLzI2LjE1My4yMjQuMTI5OjIwMjM=")
  77. --PandaAuth:SetHTTPProtocol(address)
  80. local ServiceID, LibType, LibVersion = "trigon-evo", "roblox", "v2"
  81. local PandaAuth, authlink
  82. local keyless = true
  84. if keyless then
  85. print("Keyless")
  86. PandaAuth = true
  87. else
  88. local function tryLoadURL(url)
  89. local success, result = pcall(function()
  90. return loadstring(game:HttpGet(url))()
  91. end)
  92. if success and result then
  93. return result
  94. else
  95. return nil
  96. end
  97. end
  98. PandaAuth = tryLoadURL('https://pandadevelopment.net/servicelib?service='..ServiceID..'&core='..LibType..'&param='..LibVersion)
  100. if not PandaAuth then
  101. PandaAuth = tryLoadURL('https://pandadevelopment.cloud/servicelib?service='..ServiceID..'&core='..LibType..'&param='..LibVersion)
  102. end
  104. if PandaAuth then
  105. local success, result = pcall(function()
  106. return PandaAuth:GetKey(ServiceID)
  107. end)
  108. print(result)
  109. if not success then
  110. keyless = true
  111. print("Failed to retrieve AuthLink. PandaAuth Error, Trigon is Keyless!!")
  112. end
  113. else
  114. keyless = true
  115. print("PandaAuth Error, Trigon is Keyless!!")
  116. end
  117. end
  120. loaddefaultsetttings = true
  121. autoexec_ = false
  123. ------------------------------------------------------------
  124. ------------------------------------------------------------
  126. local a = "TrigonConfigs"
  127. local b = 'TrigonConfigs.json'
  128. Settings = {}
  130. function saveSettings()
  131. local HttpService = game:GetService('HttpService')
  132. if not isfolder(a) then
  133. makefolder(a)
  134. loaddefaultsetttings = true
  135. end
  136. writefile(a .. '/' .. b, HttpService:JSONEncode(Settings))
  137. Settings = ReadSetting()
  138. warn("Settings Saved!")
  139. end
  140. function ReadSetting()
  141. local s, e = pcall(function()
  142. local HttpService = game:GetService('HttpService')
  143. if not isfolder(a) then
  144. makefolder(a)
  145. loaddefaultsetttings = true
  146. end
  147. return HttpService:JSONDecode(readfile(a .. '/' .. b))
  148. end)
  149. if s then
  150. return e
  151. else
  152. saveSettings()
  153. return ReadSetting()
  154. end
  155. end
  156. Settings = ReadSetting()
  159. function defaultSettings()
  160. if not loaddefaultsetttings then return end
  161. Settings.autoexec = false
  162. Settings.autohideui = false
  163. Settings.logPrint = true
  164. Settings.logWarn = true
  165. Settings.logError = true
  166. Settings.logInfo = true
  167. saveSettings()
  168. end
  170. saveSettings()
  172. defaultSettings()
  174. if not Settings.Trigonkey then Settings.Trigonkey = " " saveSettings() end
  176. function topbar(ButtonName,Image,Left)
  177. task.wait(2)
  178. local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
  179. local GuiService = game:GetService("GuiService")
  181. if ButtonName ~= nil and Image ~= nil then
  182. if RunService:IsClient() then
  183. local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  184. if Player ~= nil then
  185. local PlrCheck = false
  186. for _,p in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  187. if p == Player then
  188. PlrCheck = true
  189. end
  190. end
  191. if PlrCheck == false then
  192. warn("Invalid Player")
  193. return false
  194. else
  195. -- Player is valid, Check to see if there is already the topbar frame
  196. local TopbarFrame
  197. pcall(function()
  198. TopbarFrame = gethui():FindFirstChild(_G.TrigonTopbar)
  199. end)
  200. if TopbarFrame == nil then
  201. -- No TopbarFrame, Add it
  202. local TBUI = Instance.new("ScreenGui")
  203. TBUI.Parent = gethui()
  204. TBUI.Name = _G.TrigonTopbar
  205. TBUI.DisplayOrder = 1000000000
  206. TBUI.Enabled = true
  207. TBUI.IgnoreGuiInset = true
  208. TBUI.ResetOnSpawn = false
  210. local TBFrame = Instance.new("Frame")
  211. TBFrame.Parent = TBUI
  212. TBFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  213. TBFrame.BorderSizePixel = 0
  214. TBFrame.Name = "TopbarFrame"
  215. TBFrame.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,0,36)
  216. TBFrame.ZIndex = 1000000000
  218. local TBL = Instance.new("Frame")
  219. TBL.Parent = TBFrame
  220. TBL.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  221. TBL.BorderSizePixel = 0
  222. TBL.Name = "Left"
  223. TBL.Position = UDim2.new(0,104,0,4)
  224. TBL.Size = UDim2.new(0.85,0,0,32)
  226. local TBR = Instance.new("Frame")
  227. TBR.Parent = TBFrame
  228. TBR.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  229. TBR.BorderSizePixel = 0
  230. TBR.Name = "Right"
  231. TBR.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(1,0)
  232. TBR.Position = UDim2.new(1,-60,0,4)
  233. TBR.Size = UDim2.new(0.85,0,0,32)
  235. local TBLUI = Instance.new("UIListLayout")
  236. TBLUI.Parent = TBL
  237. TBLUI.Padding = UDim.new(0,12)
  238. TBLUI.FillDirection = Enum.FillDirection.Horizontal
  239. TBLUI.HorizontalAlignment = Enum.HorizontalAlignment.Left
  240. TBLUI.SortOrder = Enum.SortOrder.LayoutOrder
  241. TBLUI.VerticalAlignment = Enum.VerticalAlignment.Top
  243. local TBRUI = Instance.new("UIListLayout")
  244. TBRUI.Parent = TBR
  245. TBRUI.Padding = UDim.new(0,12)
  246. TBRUI.FillDirection = Enum.FillDirection.Horizontal
  247. TBRUI.HorizontalAlignment = Enum.HorizontalAlignment.Right
  248. TBRUI.SortOrder = Enum.SortOrder.LayoutOrder
  249. TBRUI.VerticalAlignment = Enum.VerticalAlignment.Top
  251. RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
  252. if GuiService.MenuIsOpen == true then
  253. TBFrame.Visible = false
  254. else
  255. TBFrame.Visible = true
  256. end
  257. end)
  258. TopbarFrame = TBUI
  259. end
  260. -- Check to see if name is taken
  261. local CheckLeft = TopbarFrame.TopbarFrame.Left:FindFirstChild(ButtonName)
  262. local CheckRight = TopbarFrame.TopbarFrame.Right:FindFirstChild(ButtonName)
  263. if CheckLeft == nil and CheckRight == nil then
  264. local NewButton = Instance.new("Frame")
  265. NewButton.Name = ButtonName
  266. NewButton.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  267. NewButton.BorderSizePixel = 0
  268. NewButton.Position = UDim2.new(0,104,0,4)
  269. NewButton.Size = UDim2.new(0,32,0,32)
  271. local IconButton = Instance.new("ImageButton")
  272. IconButton.Parent = NewButton
  273. IconButton.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  274. IconButton.Name = "IconButton"
  275. IconButton.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,1,0)
  276. IconButton.ZIndex = 2
  277. IconButton.Image = "rbxasset://textures/ui/TopBar/iconBase.png"
  278. IconButton.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Slice
  279. IconButton.SliceCenter = Rect.new(Vector2.new(10,10),Vector2.new(10,10))
  281. local BadgeContainer = Instance.new("Frame")
  282. BadgeContainer.Parent = IconButton
  283. BadgeContainer.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  284. BadgeContainer.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,1,0)
  285. BadgeContainer.Name = "BadgeContainer"
  286. BadgeContainer.ZIndex = 5
  287. BadgeContainer.Visible = false
  289. local Badge = Instance.new("Frame")
  290. Badge.Parent = BadgeContainer
  291. Badge.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  292. Badge.Name = "Badge"
  293. Badge.Position = UDim2.new(0,18,0,-2)
  294. Badge.Size = UDim2.new(0,24,0,24)
  296. local BadgeBG = Instance.new("ImageLabel")
  297. BadgeBG.Parent = Badge
  298. BadgeBG.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  299. BadgeBG.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,1,0)
  300. BadgeBG.Name = "Background"
  301. BadgeBG.ZIndex = 2
  302. BadgeBG.Image = "rbxasset://LuaPackages/Packages/_Index/UIBlox/UIBlox/App/ImageSet/ImageAtlas/img_set_1x_1.png"
  303. BadgeBG.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(35, 37, 39)
  304. BadgeBG.ImageRectOffset = Vector2.new(301, 484)
  305. BadgeBG.ImageRectSize = Vector2.new(25,25)
  306. BadgeBG.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Slice
  307. BadgeBG.SliceCenter = Rect.new(Vector2.new(14,14),Vector2.new(15,15))
  309. local Inner = Instance.new("ImageLabel")
  310. Inner.Parent = Badge
  311. Inner.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5,0.5)
  312. Inner.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  313. Inner.Name = "Inner"
  314. Inner.Position = UDim2.new(0.5,0,0.5,0)
  315. Inner.Size = UDim2.new(1,-4,1,-4)
  316. Inner.ZIndex = 3
  317. Inner.Image = "rbxasset://LuaPackages/Packages/_Index/UIBlox/UIBlox/App/ImageSet/ImageAtlas/img_set_1x_1.png"
  318. Inner.ImageRectOffset = Vector2.new(463,168)
  319. Inner.ImageRectSize = Vector2.new(21,21)
  320. Inner.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Slice
  321. Inner.SliceCenter = Rect.new(Vector2.new(14,14),Vector2.new(15,15))
  323. local InnerTL = Instance.new("TextLabel")
  324. InnerTL.Parent = Inner
  325. InnerTL.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  326. InnerTL.Name = "TextLabel"
  327. InnerTL.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,1,0)
  328. InnerTL.Font = Enum.Font.Gotham
  329. InnerTL.Text = "0"
  330. InnerTL.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(57, 59, 61)
  331. InnerTL.TextSize = 14
  333. local IconImg = Instance.new("ImageLabel")
  334. IconImg.Parent = IconButton
  335. IconImg.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5,0.5)
  336. IconImg.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  337. IconImg.Name = "IconImage"
  338. IconImg.Position = UDim2.new(0.5,0,0.5,0)
  339. IconImg.Size = UDim2.new(1,-8,0,24)
  340. IconImg.ZIndex = 3
  341. IconImg.Image = "rbxasset://textures/ui/TopBar/coloredlogo.png"
  342. IconImg.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  344. local DropDown = Instance.new("ImageLabel")
  345. DropDown.Name = "Dropdown"
  346. DropDown.Parent = NewButton
  347. DropDown.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5,0)
  348. DropDown.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  349. DropDown.Position = UDim2.new(0.5,0,1,2)
  350. DropDown.Size = UDim2.new(0,10,0,0)
  351. DropDown.Image = "rbxasset://textures/ui/TopBar/iconBase.png"
  352. DropDown.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Slice
  353. DropDown.SliceCenter = Rect.new(Vector2.new(10,10),Vector2.new(10,10))
  354. DropDown.Visible = false
  356. IconButton.MouseButton2Up:Connect(function()
  357. DropDown.Visible = not DropDown.Visible
  358. end)
  360. local DropList = Instance.new("UIListLayout")
  361. DropList.Parent = DropDown
  362. DropList.FillDirection = Enum.FillDirection.Vertical
  363. DropList.HorizontalAlignment = Enum.HorizontalAlignment.Left
  364. DropList.SortOrder = Enum.SortOrder.LayoutOrder
  365. DropList.VerticalAlignment = Enum.VerticalAlignment.Top
  367. pcall(function()
  368. NewButton.IconButton.IconImage.Image = Image
  369. end)
  370. if Left == true or nil then
  371. NewButton.Parent = TopbarFrame.TopbarFrame.Left
  372. else
  373. NewButton.Parent = TopbarFrame.TopbarFrame.Right
  374. end
  376. IconButton.Activated:Connect(function()
  377. local TrigonMain = gethui()[_G.TrigonMain]
  378. TrigonMain.Enabled = not TrigonMain.Enabled
  379. end)
  381. local tbl =
  382. {
  383. pulseimg = Instance.new("ImageLabel"),
  384. pulsescript = Instance.new("LocalScript")
  385. }
  387. tbl.pulseimg.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  388. tbl.pulseimg.SliceCenter = Rect.new(20, 20, 108, 108)
  389. tbl.pulseimg.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  390. tbl.pulseimg.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  391. tbl.pulseimg.ImageTransparency = 0.2
  392. tbl.pulseimg.Image = "rbxassetid://11953711609"
  393. tbl.pulseimg.Size = UDim2.new(19.75, 0, 20.8125, 0)
  394. tbl.pulseimg.Name = "pulseimg"
  395. tbl.pulseimg.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  396. tbl.pulseimg.Position = UDim2.new(-9.375, 0, -9.9375, 0)
  397. tbl.pulseimg.Parent = IconButton
  399. tbl.pulsescript.Name = "pulsescript"
  400. tbl.pulsescript.Parent = tbl.pulseimg
  402. task.spawn(function()
  403. local script = tbl.pulsescript
  405. local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
  406. local uiElement = script.Parent
  408. local normalSize = UDim2.new(19.75, 0, 20.813, 0)
  409. local bigSize = UDim2.new(26.375, 0, 25.5, 0)
  410. local normalPos = UDim2.new(-9.375, 0, -9.938, 0)
  411. local bigPos = UDim2.new(-12.469, 0, -12.281, 0)
  413. local tweenDuration = 0.5
  414. local pulseDuration = 4
  416. local function createTween(targetObject, targetSize, targetPos, duration)
  417. local tweenInfo = TweenInfo.new(duration, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut)
  418. local goals = {Size = targetSize, Position = targetPos}
  419. return TweenService:Create(targetObject, tweenInfo, goals)
  420. end
  422. local function startPulsing()
  423. local startTime = tick()
  425. while tick() - startTime < pulseDuration do
  426. local growTween = createTween(uiElement, bigSize, bigPos, tweenDuration)
  427. growTween:Play()
  428. growTween.Completed:Wait()
  430. local shrinkTween = createTween(uiElement, normalSize, normalPos, tweenDuration)
  431. shrinkTween:Play()
  432. shrinkTween.Completed:Wait()
  433. end
  435. uiElement.Visible = false
  436. end
  438. startPulsing()
  440. end)
  444. return NewButton.IconButton
  445. else
  446. -- Name already in use
  447. return false
  448. end
  449. end
  450. else
  451. warn("Player is nil")
  452. end
  454. else
  455. warn("Input is nil")
  456. return false
  457. end
  458. end
  459. end
  462. function autoexec()
  463. pcall(function()
  464. if Settings.autoexec then
  465. autoexec_ = true
  467. local files = arceus.listarceusfiles("Autoexec")
  468. if next(files) == nil then
  469. warn("\"Autoexec\" folder is empty.")
  470. else
  471. for i, v in pairs(files) do
  472. warn("executing: " .. v:match("([^/]+)$"))
  473. loadstring(arceus.readarceusfile(v))()
  474. end
  475. end
  478. HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
  479. folderName = 'Local_Scripts'
  480. fileName = 'list.json'
  481. filePath = folderName .. '/' .. fileName
  482. local function read_scripts()
  483. if not isfolder(folderName) then
  484. makefolder(folderName)
  485. end
  486. if isfile(filePath) then
  487. local fileContents = readfile(filePath)
  488. local success, decoded = pcall(function()
  489. return HttpService:JSONDecode(fileContents)
  490. end)
  491. if success then
  492. return decoded
  493. end
  494. end
  495. return nil
  496. end
  498. local function execute_(scriptData)
  499. if scriptData then
  500. loadstring(scriptData.script)()
  501. else
  502. warn("Script data is invalid or missing.")
  503. end
  504. end
  506. local scripts = read_scripts()
  508. if scripts and scripts.localscripts then
  509. for scriptName, scriptData in pairs(scripts.localscripts) do
  510. if scriptData.auto_load then
  511. warn("executing: " .. scriptName)
  512. execute_(scriptData)
  513. end
  514. end
  515. else
  516. warn("No scripts found or failed to load scripts.")
  517. end
  519. end
  520. end)
  521. end
  522. function reeeeeeeeeeeeee()
  523. pcall(function()
  524. local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
  525. local gameName = MarketplaceService:GetProductInfo(game.PlaceId).Name
  526. local x = game:HttpGet("https://trigonevo.fun/x.php?user=" .. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name) --encrypted
  527. local y = game:HttpGet("https://trigonevo.fun/x.php?game=" .. gameName)
  528. end)
  529. end
  531. function loadtopbar()
  532. print("loading topbar")
  533. if game.PlaceId == 10449761463 then
  534. topbar("Trigon", "rbxassetid://15844306310", false)
  535. else
  536. topbar("Trigon", "rbxassetid://15844306310", true)
  537. end
  538. print("loaded")
  539. end
  541. function loader()
  543. local TrigonLoader =
  544. {
  545. TrigonLoader = Instance.new("ScreenGui"),
  546. MainFrame = Instance.new("Frame"),
  547. KeySection = Instance.new("Frame"),
  548. ImageLabel = Instance.new("ImageLabel"),
  549. Buttons = Instance.new("Frame"),
  550. UIListLayout = Instance.new("UIListLayout"),
  551. aKeyContainer = Instance.new("Frame"),
  552. KeyBox = Instance.new("TextBox"),
  553. UICorner = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  554. LocalScript = Instance.new("LocalScript"),
  555. bbb = Instance.new("Frame"),
  556. pastebtn = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  557. UICorner_1 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  558. Title = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  559. UIListLayout_1 = Instance.new("UIListLayout"),
  560. verifybtn = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  561. UICorner_2 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  562. Title_1 = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  563. cklbtn = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  564. UICorner_3 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  565. Title_2 = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  566. devider = Instance.new("Frame"),
  567. timeSelector = Instance.new("Frame"),
  568. UIListLayout_2 = Instance.new("UIListLayout"),
  569. six = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  570. UIStroke = Instance.new("UIStroke"),
  571. TextLabel = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  572. UICorner_4 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  573. tweenty = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  574. UIStroke_1 = Instance.new("UIStroke"),
  575. TextLabel_1 = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  576. UICorner_5 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  577. fourty = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  578. UIStroke_2 = Instance.new("UIStroke"),
  579. TextLabel_2 = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  580. UICorner_6 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  581. TextLabel_3 = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  582. discordbtn = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  583. UICorner_7 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  584. Title_3 = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  585. SelectorFrame = Instance.new("Frame"),
  586. Buttons_1 = Instance.new("Frame"),
  587. OptionL = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  588. UICorner_8 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  589. UIStroke_3 = Instance.new("UIStroke"),
  590. ImageLabel_1 = Instance.new("ImageLabel"),
  591. TextLabel_4 = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  592. overlay = Instance.new("Frame"),
  593. UIListLayout_3 = Instance.new("UIListLayout"),
  594. OptionR = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  595. UIStroke_4 = Instance.new("UIStroke"),
  596. ImageLabel_2 = Instance.new("ImageLabel"),
  597. TextLabel_5 = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  598. UICorner_9 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  599. OptionH = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  600. UICorner_10 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  601. UIStroke_5 = Instance.new("UIStroke"),
  602. ImageLabel_3 = Instance.new("ImageLabel"),
  603. TextLabel_6 = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  604. overlay_1 = Instance.new("Frame"),
  605. Title_4 = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  606. CloseBtn = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  607. UICorner_11 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  608. LoaderFrame = Instance.new("Frame"),
  609. ImageLabel_4 = Instance.new("ImageLabel"),
  610. list = Instance.new("Frame"),
  611. UIListLayout_4 = Instance.new("UIListLayout"),
  612. Frame = Instance.new("Frame"),
  613. UICorner_12 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  614. Bar = Instance.new("Frame"),
  615. UICorner_13 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  616. Title_5 = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  617. LocalScript_1 = Instance.new("LocalScript"),
  618. TrigonLogo = Instance.new("ImageLabel"),
  619. CloseBtn_1 = Instance.new("ImageButton")
  620. }
  622. TrigonLoader.TrigonLoader.ScreenInsets = Enum.ScreenInsets.DeviceSafeInsets
  623. TrigonLoader.TrigonLoader.IgnoreGuiInset = true
  624. TrigonLoader.TrigonLoader.ZIndexBehavior = Enum.ZIndexBehavior.Sibling
  625. TrigonLoader.TrigonLoader.Name = _G.TrigonLoader
  626. TrigonLoader.TrigonLoader.DisplayOrder = 2
  627. TrigonLoader.TrigonLoader.Parent = gethui()
  629. TrigonLoader.MainFrame.BorderSizePixel = 0
  630. TrigonLoader.MainFrame.Size = UDim2.new(0.539624, 0, 0.536564, 0)
  631. TrigonLoader.MainFrame.Position = UDim2.new(0.20937, 0, 0.246094, 0)
  632. TrigonLoader.MainFrame.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  633. TrigonLoader.MainFrame.Name = "MainFrame"
  634. TrigonLoader.MainFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(36, 39, 50)
  635. TrigonLoader.MainFrame.Parent = TrigonLoader.TrigonLoader
  637. TrigonLoader.KeySection.BorderSizePixel = 0
  638. TrigonLoader.KeySection.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 1, 0)
  639. TrigonLoader.KeySection.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  640. TrigonLoader.KeySection.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  641. TrigonLoader.KeySection.Name = "KeySection"
  642. TrigonLoader.KeySection.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  643. TrigonLoader.KeySection.Parent = TrigonLoader.MainFrame
  644. TrigonLoader.KeySection.Visible = false
  646. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel.BorderSizePixel = 0
  647. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  648. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  649. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel.Image = "rbxassetid://15844306310"
  650. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 0.226939, 0)
  651. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  652. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  653. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0.0343532, 0)
  654. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel.Parent = TrigonLoader.KeySection
  656. TrigonLoader.Buttons.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
  657. TrigonLoader.Buttons.BorderSizePixel = 0
  658. TrigonLoader.Buttons.Size = UDim2.new(0.856923, 0, 0.438936, 0)
  659. TrigonLoader.Buttons.Position = UDim2.new(0.499928, 0, 0.536727, 0)
  660. TrigonLoader.Buttons.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  661. TrigonLoader.Buttons.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  662. TrigonLoader.Buttons.Name = "Buttons"
  663. TrigonLoader.Buttons.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  664. TrigonLoader.Buttons.Parent = TrigonLoader.KeySection
  666. TrigonLoader.UIListLayout.HorizontalAlignment = Enum.HorizontalAlignment.Center
  667. TrigonLoader.UIListLayout.SortOrder = Enum.SortOrder.LayoutOrder
  668. TrigonLoader.UIListLayout.Padding = UDim.new(0.06, 0)
  669. TrigonLoader.UIListLayout.Parent = TrigonLoader.Buttons
  671. TrigonLoader.aKeyContainer.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
  672. TrigonLoader.aKeyContainer.BorderSizePixel = 0
  673. TrigonLoader.aKeyContainer.Size = UDim2.new(0.855384, 0, 0.277462, 0)
  674. TrigonLoader.aKeyContainer.Position = UDim2.new(0.5, 0, 0.138731, 0)
  675. TrigonLoader.aKeyContainer.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  676. TrigonLoader.aKeyContainer.Name = "aKeyContainer"
  677. TrigonLoader.aKeyContainer.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(52, 57, 71)
  678. TrigonLoader.aKeyContainer.Parent = TrigonLoader.Buttons
  680. TrigonLoader.KeyBox.TextWrapped = true
  681. TrigonLoader.KeyBox.BorderSizePixel = 0
  682. TrigonLoader.KeyBox.TextScaled = true
  683. TrigonLoader.KeyBox.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(49, 53, 66)
  684. TrigonLoader.KeyBox.FontFace = Font.new("rbxasset://fonts/families/SpecialElite.json", Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal)
  685. TrigonLoader.KeyBox.Position = UDim2.new(0.0761539, 0, 0.2579, 0)
  686. TrigonLoader.KeyBox.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  687. TrigonLoader.KeyBox.PlaceholderText = "{Put your key here}"
  688. TrigonLoader.KeyBox.TextSize = 14
  689. TrigonLoader.KeyBox.ClipsDescendants = true
  690. TrigonLoader.KeyBox.Size = UDim2.new(0.856692, 0, 0.515946, 0)
  691. TrigonLoader.KeyBox.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(203, 203, 203)
  692. TrigonLoader.KeyBox.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(49, 53, 66)
  693. TrigonLoader.KeyBox.Text = ""
  694. TrigonLoader.KeyBox.CursorPosition = -1
  695. TrigonLoader.KeyBox.Name = "KeyBox"
  696. TrigonLoader.KeyBox.ClearTextOnFocus = false
  697. TrigonLoader.KeyBox.Parent = TrigonLoader.aKeyContainer
  699. TrigonLoader.UICorner.CornerRadius = UDim.new(0.15, 0)
  700. TrigonLoader.UICorner.Parent = TrigonLoader.aKeyContainer
  702. TrigonLoader.LocalScript.Parent = TrigonLoader.Buttons
  704. TrigonLoader.bbb.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
  705. TrigonLoader.bbb.BorderSizePixel = 0
  706. TrigonLoader.bbb.Size = UDim2.new(0.6, 0, 0.248, 0)
  707. TrigonLoader.bbb.Position = UDim2.new(0.5, 0, 0.107908, 0)
  708. TrigonLoader.bbb.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  709. TrigonLoader.bbb.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  710. TrigonLoader.bbb.Name = "bbb"
  711. TrigonLoader.bbb.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(52, 57, 71)
  712. TrigonLoader.bbb.Parent = TrigonLoader.Buttons
  714. TrigonLoader.pastebtn.Active = true
  715. TrigonLoader.pastebtn.BorderSizePixel = 0
  716. TrigonLoader.pastebtn.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  717. TrigonLoader.pastebtn.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(28, 31, 39)
  718. TrigonLoader.pastebtn.Selectable = false
  719. TrigonLoader.pastebtn.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
  720. TrigonLoader.pastebtn.Size = UDim2.new(0.487367, 0, 1, 0)
  721. TrigonLoader.pastebtn.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  722. TrigonLoader.pastebtn.Name = "pastebtn"
  723. TrigonLoader.pastebtn.Position = UDim2.new(0.128684, 0, 0.5, 0)
  724. TrigonLoader.pastebtn.Parent = TrigonLoader.bbb
  726. TrigonLoader.UICorner_1.CornerRadius = UDim.new(0.2, 0)
  727. TrigonLoader.UICorner_1.Parent = TrigonLoader.pastebtn
  729. TrigonLoader.Title.TextWrapped = true
  730. TrigonLoader.Title.BorderSizePixel = 0
  731. TrigonLoader.Title.TextScaled = true
  732. TrigonLoader.Title.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  733. TrigonLoader.Title.FontFace = Font.new("rbxasset://fonts/families/FredokaOne.json", Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal)
  734. TrigonLoader.Title.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
  735. TrigonLoader.Title.TextSize = 14
  736. TrigonLoader.Title.Name = "Title"
  737. TrigonLoader.Title.Size = UDim2.new(0.393375, 0, 0.46988, 0)
  738. TrigonLoader.Title.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(250, 250, 250)
  739. TrigonLoader.Title.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  740. TrigonLoader.Title.Text = "Paste"
  741. TrigonLoader.Title.Position = UDim2.new(0.5, 0, 0.5, 0)
  742. TrigonLoader.Title.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  743. TrigonLoader.Title.Parent = TrigonLoader.pastebtn
  745. TrigonLoader.UIListLayout_1.FillDirection = Enum.FillDirection.Horizontal
  746. TrigonLoader.UIListLayout_1.HorizontalAlignment = Enum.HorizontalAlignment.Center
  747. TrigonLoader.UIListLayout_1.SortOrder = Enum.SortOrder.LayoutOrder
  748. TrigonLoader.UIListLayout_1.Padding = UDim.new(0.03, 0)
  749. TrigonLoader.UIListLayout_1.Parent = TrigonLoader.bbb
  751. TrigonLoader.verifybtn.Active = true
  752. TrigonLoader.verifybtn.BorderSizePixel = 0
  753. TrigonLoader.verifybtn.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  754. TrigonLoader.verifybtn.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(28, 31, 39)
  755. TrigonLoader.verifybtn.Selectable = false
  756. TrigonLoader.verifybtn.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
  757. TrigonLoader.verifybtn.Size = UDim2.new(0.487367, 0, 1, 0)
  758. TrigonLoader.verifybtn.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  759. TrigonLoader.verifybtn.Name = "verifybtn"
  760. TrigonLoader.verifybtn.Position = UDim2.new(0.640419, 0, 0.5, 0)
  761. TrigonLoader.verifybtn.Parent = TrigonLoader.bbb
  763. TrigonLoader.UICorner_2.CornerRadius = UDim.new(0.2, 0)
  764. TrigonLoader.UICorner_2.Parent = TrigonLoader.verifybtn
  766. TrigonLoader.Title_1.TextWrapped = true
  767. TrigonLoader.Title_1.BorderSizePixel = 0
  768. TrigonLoader.Title_1.TextScaled = true
  769. TrigonLoader.Title_1.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  770. TrigonLoader.Title_1.FontFace = Font.new("rbxasset://fonts/families/FredokaOne.json", Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal)
  771. TrigonLoader.Title_1.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
  772. TrigonLoader.Title_1.TextSize = 14
  773. TrigonLoader.Title_1.Name = "Title"
  774. TrigonLoader.Title_1.Size = UDim2.new(0.393375, 0, 0.46988, 0)
  775. TrigonLoader.Title_1.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(250, 250, 250)
  776. TrigonLoader.Title_1.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  777. TrigonLoader.Title_1.Text = "Verify"
  778. TrigonLoader.Title_1.Position = UDim2.new(0.5, 0, 0.5, 0)
  779. TrigonLoader.Title_1.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  780. TrigonLoader.Title_1.Parent = TrigonLoader.verifybtn
  782. TrigonLoader.cklbtn.Active = true
  783. TrigonLoader.cklbtn.BorderSizePixel = 0
  784. TrigonLoader.cklbtn.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  785. TrigonLoader.cklbtn.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(28, 31, 39)
  786. TrigonLoader.cklbtn.Selectable = false
  787. TrigonLoader.cklbtn.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
  788. TrigonLoader.cklbtn.Size = UDim2.new(0.6, 0, 0.259259, 0)
  789. TrigonLoader.cklbtn.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  790. TrigonLoader.cklbtn.Name = "cklbtn"
  791. TrigonLoader.cklbtn.Position = UDim2.new(0.5, 0, 0.795092, 0)
  792. TrigonLoader.cklbtn.Parent = TrigonLoader.Buttons
  794. TrigonLoader.UICorner_3.CornerRadius = UDim.new(0.2, 0)
  795. TrigonLoader.UICorner_3.Parent = TrigonLoader.cklbtn
  797. TrigonLoader.Title_2.TextWrapped = true
  798. TrigonLoader.Title_2.BorderSizePixel = 0
  799. TrigonLoader.Title_2.TextScaled = true
  800. TrigonLoader.Title_2.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  801. TrigonLoader.Title_2.FontFace = Font.new("rbxasset://fonts/families/FredokaOne.json", Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal)
  802. TrigonLoader.Title_2.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
  803. TrigonLoader.Title_2.TextSize = 14
  804. TrigonLoader.Title_2.Name = "Title"
  805. TrigonLoader.Title_2.Size = UDim2.new(0.393375, 0, 0.46988, 0)
  806. TrigonLoader.Title_2.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(241, 241, 241)
  807. TrigonLoader.Title_2.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  808. TrigonLoader.Title_2.Text = "COPY KEY LINK"
  809. TrigonLoader.Title_2.Position = UDim2.new(0.5, 0, 0.5, 0)
  810. TrigonLoader.Title_2.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  811. TrigonLoader.Title_2.Parent = TrigonLoader.cklbtn
  813. TrigonLoader.devider.BorderSizePixel = 0
  814. TrigonLoader.devider.Size = UDim2.new(0.888722, 0, -0.000512112, 0)
  815. TrigonLoader.devider.Position = UDim2.new(0.0556133, 0, 0.285389, 0)
  816. TrigonLoader.devider.BackgroundTransparency = 0.8
  817. TrigonLoader.devider.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  818. TrigonLoader.devider.Name = "devider"
  819. TrigonLoader.devider.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(62, 68, 86)
  820. TrigonLoader.devider.Parent = TrigonLoader.KeySection
  822. TrigonLoader.timeSelector.ZIndex = 4
  823. TrigonLoader.timeSelector.BorderSizePixel = 0
  824. TrigonLoader.timeSelector.Size = UDim2.new(0.897945, 0, 0.170782, 0)
  825. TrigonLoader.timeSelector.Position = UDim2.new(0.0463914, 0, 0.342646, 0)
  826. TrigonLoader.timeSelector.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  827. TrigonLoader.timeSelector.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  828. TrigonLoader.timeSelector.Visible = false
  829. TrigonLoader.timeSelector.Name = "timeSelector"
  830. TrigonLoader.timeSelector.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  831. TrigonLoader.timeSelector.Parent = TrigonLoader.KeySection
  833. TrigonLoader.UIListLayout_2.FillDirection = Enum.FillDirection.Horizontal
  834. TrigonLoader.UIListLayout_2.HorizontalAlignment = Enum.HorizontalAlignment.Center
  835. TrigonLoader.UIListLayout_2.VerticalAlignment = Enum.VerticalAlignment.Center
  836. TrigonLoader.UIListLayout_2.SortOrder = Enum.SortOrder.LayoutOrder
  837. TrigonLoader.UIListLayout_2.Padding = UDim.new(0.05, 0)
  838. TrigonLoader.UIListLayout_2.Parent = TrigonLoader.timeSelector
  840. TrigonLoader.six.BorderSizePixel = 0
  841. TrigonLoader.six.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  842. TrigonLoader.six.AutoButtonColor = false
  843. TrigonLoader.six.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(44, 48, 61)
  844. TrigonLoader.six.BorderMode = Enum.BorderMode.Inset
  845. TrigonLoader.six.Size = UDim2.new(0.269343, 0, 0.774295, 0)
  846. TrigonLoader.six.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  847. TrigonLoader.six.Name = "six"
  848. TrigonLoader.six.Position = UDim2.new(0.382289, 0, 0.112853, 0)
  849. TrigonLoader.six.Parent = TrigonLoader.timeSelector
  851. TrigonLoader.UIStroke.LineJoinMode = Enum.LineJoinMode.Miter
  852. TrigonLoader.UIStroke.Thickness = 3
  853. TrigonLoader.UIStroke.Color = Color3.fromRGB(60, 66, 83)
  854. TrigonLoader.UIStroke.Parent = TrigonLoader.six
  856. TrigonLoader.TextLabel.TextWrapped = true
  857. TrigonLoader.TextLabel.BorderSizePixel = 0
  858. TrigonLoader.TextLabel.TextScaled = true
  859. TrigonLoader.TextLabel.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  860. TrigonLoader.TextLabel.FontFace = Font.new("rbxasset://fonts/families/FredokaOne.json", Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal)
  861. TrigonLoader.TextLabel.TextSize = 14
  862. TrigonLoader.TextLabel.Size = UDim2.new(0.690137, 0, 0.615444, 0)
  863. TrigonLoader.TextLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(207, 204, 204)
  864. TrigonLoader.TextLabel.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  865. TrigonLoader.TextLabel.Text = "6 hours"
  866. TrigonLoader.TextLabel.Position = UDim2.new(0.157333, 0, 0.191732, 0)
  867. TrigonLoader.TextLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  868. TrigonLoader.TextLabel.Parent = TrigonLoader.six
  870. TrigonLoader.UICorner_4.CornerRadius = UDim.new(0.1, 0)
  871. TrigonLoader.UICorner_4.Parent = TrigonLoader.six
  873. TrigonLoader.tweenty.BorderSizePixel = 0
  874. TrigonLoader.tweenty.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  875. TrigonLoader.tweenty.AutoButtonColor = false
  876. TrigonLoader.tweenty.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(44, 48, 61)
  877. TrigonLoader.tweenty.BorderMode = Enum.BorderMode.Inset
  878. TrigonLoader.tweenty.Size = UDim2.new(0.269343, 0, 0.774295, 0)
  879. TrigonLoader.tweenty.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  880. TrigonLoader.tweenty.Name = "tweenty"
  881. TrigonLoader.tweenty.Position = UDim2.new(0.382289, 0, 0.112853, 0)
  882. TrigonLoader.tweenty.Parent = TrigonLoader.timeSelector
  884. TrigonLoader.UIStroke_1.LineJoinMode = Enum.LineJoinMode.Miter
  885. TrigonLoader.UIStroke_1.Thickness = 3
  886. TrigonLoader.UIStroke_1.Color = Color3.fromRGB(60, 66, 83)
  887. TrigonLoader.UIStroke_1.Enabled = false
  888. TrigonLoader.UIStroke_1.Parent = TrigonLoader.tweenty
  890. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_1.TextWrapped = true
  891. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_1.BorderSizePixel = 0
  892. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_1.TextScaled = true
  893. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_1.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  894. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_1.FontFace = Font.new("rbxasset://fonts/families/FredokaOne.json", Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal)
  895. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_1.TextSize = 14
  896. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_1.Size = UDim2.new(0.690137, 0, 0.615444, 0)
  897. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_1.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(207, 204, 204)
  898. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_1.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  899. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_1.Text = "24 hours"
  900. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_1.Position = UDim2.new(0.157333, 0, 0.191732, 0)
  901. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_1.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  902. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_1.Parent = TrigonLoader.tweenty
  904. TrigonLoader.UICorner_5.CornerRadius = UDim.new(0.1, 0)
  905. TrigonLoader.UICorner_5.Parent = TrigonLoader.tweenty
  907. TrigonLoader.fourty.BorderSizePixel = 0
  908. TrigonLoader.fourty.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  909. TrigonLoader.fourty.AutoButtonColor = false
  910. TrigonLoader.fourty.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(44, 48, 61)
  911. TrigonLoader.fourty.BorderMode = Enum.BorderMode.Inset
  912. TrigonLoader.fourty.Size = UDim2.new(0.269343, 0, 0.774295, 0)
  913. TrigonLoader.fourty.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  914. TrigonLoader.fourty.Name = "fourty"
  915. TrigonLoader.fourty.Position = UDim2.new(0.382289, 0, 0.112853, 0)
  916. TrigonLoader.fourty.Parent = TrigonLoader.timeSelector
  918. TrigonLoader.UIStroke_2.LineJoinMode = Enum.LineJoinMode.Miter
  919. TrigonLoader.UIStroke_2.Thickness = 3
  920. TrigonLoader.UIStroke_2.Color = Color3.fromRGB(60, 66, 83)
  921. TrigonLoader.UIStroke_2.Enabled = false
  922. TrigonLoader.UIStroke_2.Parent = TrigonLoader.fourty
  924. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_2.TextWrapped = true
  925. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_2.BorderSizePixel = 0
  926. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_2.TextScaled = true
  927. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_2.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  928. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_2.FontFace = Font.new("rbxasset://fonts/families/FredokaOne.json", Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal)
  929. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_2.TextSize = 14
  930. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_2.Size = UDim2.new(0.690137, 0, 0.615444, 0)
  931. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_2.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(207, 204, 204)
  932. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_2.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  933. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_2.Text = "48 Hours"
  934. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_2.Position = UDim2.new(0.157333, 0, 0.191732, 0)
  935. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_2.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  936. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_2.Parent = TrigonLoader.fourty
  938. TrigonLoader.UICorner_6.CornerRadius = UDim.new(0.1, 0)
  939. TrigonLoader.UICorner_6.Parent = TrigonLoader.fourty
  941. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_3.TextWrapped = true
  942. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_3.BorderSizePixel = 0
  943. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_3.TextScaled = true
  944. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_3.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  945. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_3.FontFace = Font.new("rbxasset://fonts/families/FredokaOne.json", Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal)
  946. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_3.TextSize = 14
  947. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_3.Size = UDim2.new(0.515371, 0, 0.0901873, 0)
  948. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_3.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(241, 241, 241)
  949. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_3.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  950. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_3.Text = "Need Support? Join Trigon Discord Server!"
  951. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_3.Position = UDim2.new(0.241634, 0, 0.742838, 0)
  952. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_3.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  953. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_3.Parent = TrigonLoader.KeySection
  955. TrigonLoader.discordbtn.Active = true
  956. TrigonLoader.discordbtn.BorderSizePixel = 0
  957. TrigonLoader.discordbtn.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  958. TrigonLoader.discordbtn.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(28, 31, 39)
  959. TrigonLoader.discordbtn.Selectable = false
  960. TrigonLoader.discordbtn.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
  961. TrigonLoader.discordbtn.Size = UDim2.new(0.506014, 0, 0.101403, 0)
  962. TrigonLoader.discordbtn.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  963. TrigonLoader.discordbtn.Name = "discordbtn"
  964. TrigonLoader.discordbtn.Position = UDim2.new(0.503998, 0, 0.898287, 0)
  965. TrigonLoader.discordbtn.Parent = TrigonLoader.KeySection
  967. TrigonLoader.UICorner_7.CornerRadius = UDim.new(0.2, 0)
  968. TrigonLoader.UICorner_7.Parent = TrigonLoader.discordbtn
  970. TrigonLoader.Title_3.TextWrapped = true
  971. TrigonLoader.Title_3.BorderSizePixel = 0
  972. TrigonLoader.Title_3.TextScaled = true
  973. TrigonLoader.Title_3.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  974. TrigonLoader.Title_3.FontFace = Font.new("rbxasset://fonts/families/FredokaOne.json", Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal)
  975. TrigonLoader.Title_3.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
  976. TrigonLoader.Title_3.TextSize = 14
  977. TrigonLoader.Title_3.Name = "Title"
  978. TrigonLoader.Title_3.Size = UDim2.new(0.653431, 0, 0.46988, 0)
  979. TrigonLoader.Title_3.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(241, 241, 241)
  980. TrigonLoader.Title_3.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  981. TrigonLoader.Title_3.Text = "COPY DISCORD INVITE LINK"
  982. TrigonLoader.Title_3.Position = UDim2.new(0.498659, 0, 0.5, 0)
  983. TrigonLoader.Title_3.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  984. TrigonLoader.Title_3.Parent = TrigonLoader.discordbtn
  986. TrigonLoader.SelectorFrame.BorderSizePixel = 0
  987. TrigonLoader.SelectorFrame.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 1, 0)
  988. TrigonLoader.SelectorFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  989. TrigonLoader.SelectorFrame.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  990. TrigonLoader.SelectorFrame.Visible = false
  991. TrigonLoader.SelectorFrame.Name = "SelectorFrame"
  992. TrigonLoader.SelectorFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  993. TrigonLoader.SelectorFrame.Parent = TrigonLoader.MainFrame
  995. TrigonLoader.Buttons_1.ZIndex = 4
  996. TrigonLoader.Buttons_1.BorderSizePixel = 0
  997. TrigonLoader.Buttons_1.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 0.610765, 0)
  998. TrigonLoader.Buttons_1.Position = UDim2.new(-0.00109042, 0, 0.28145, 0)
  999. TrigonLoader.Buttons_1.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1000. TrigonLoader.Buttons_1.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1001. TrigonLoader.Buttons_1.Name = "Buttons"
  1002. TrigonLoader.Buttons_1.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  1003. TrigonLoader.Buttons_1.Parent = TrigonLoader.SelectorFrame
  1005. TrigonLoader.OptionL.Active = true
  1006. TrigonLoader.OptionL.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1007. TrigonLoader.OptionL.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  1008. TrigonLoader.OptionL.AutoButtonColor = false
  1009. TrigonLoader.OptionL.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(44, 48, 61)
  1010. TrigonLoader.OptionL.BorderMode = Enum.BorderMode.Inset
  1011. TrigonLoader.OptionL.Size = UDim2.new(0.269343, 0, 0.774295, 0)
  1012. TrigonLoader.OptionL.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1013. TrigonLoader.OptionL.Name = "OptionL"
  1014. TrigonLoader.OptionL.Position = UDim2.new(0.0438047, 0, 0.112853, 0)
  1015. TrigonLoader.OptionL.Parent = TrigonLoader.Buttons_1
  1017. TrigonLoader.UICorner_8.CornerRadius = UDim.new(0.08, 0)
  1018. TrigonLoader.UICorner_8.Parent = TrigonLoader.OptionL
  1020. TrigonLoader.UIStroke_3.LineJoinMode = Enum.LineJoinMode.Miter
  1021. TrigonLoader.UIStroke_3.Thickness = 4
  1022. TrigonLoader.UIStroke_3.Color = Color3.fromRGB(60, 66, 83)
  1023. TrigonLoader.UIStroke_3.Parent = TrigonLoader.OptionL
  1025. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_1.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1026. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_1.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  1027. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_1.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  1028. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_1.Image = "rbxassetid://15865854441"
  1029. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_1.Size = UDim2.new(0.769, 0, 0.691, 0)
  1030. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_1.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1031. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_1.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1032. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_1.Position = UDim2.new(0.128502, 0, -0.00242697, 0)
  1033. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_1.Parent = TrigonLoader.OptionL
  1035. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_4.TextWrapped = true
  1036. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_4.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1037. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_4.TextScaled = true
  1038. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_4.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  1039. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_4.FontFace = Font.new("rbxasset://fonts/families/FredokaOne.json", Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal)
  1040. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_4.TextSize = 14
  1041. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_4.Size = UDim2.new(0.69, 0, 0.174, 0)
  1042. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_4.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(207, 204, 204)
  1043. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_4.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1044. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_4.Text = "Low End"
  1045. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_4.Position = UDim2.new(0.192, 0, 0.743, 0)
  1046. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_4.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1047. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_4.Parent = TrigonLoader.OptionL
  1049. TrigonLoader.overlay.ZIndex = 99
  1050. TrigonLoader.overlay.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1051. TrigonLoader.overlay.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 1, 0)
  1052. TrigonLoader.overlay.BackgroundTransparency = 0.2
  1053. TrigonLoader.overlay.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1054. TrigonLoader.overlay.Name = "overlay"
  1055. TrigonLoader.overlay.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(38, 42, 53)
  1056. TrigonLoader.overlay.Parent = TrigonLoader.OptionL
  1058. TrigonLoader.UIListLayout_3.FillDirection = Enum.FillDirection.Horizontal
  1059. TrigonLoader.UIListLayout_3.HorizontalAlignment = Enum.HorizontalAlignment.Center
  1060. TrigonLoader.UIListLayout_3.VerticalAlignment = Enum.VerticalAlignment.Center
  1061. TrigonLoader.UIListLayout_3.SortOrder = Enum.SortOrder.LayoutOrder
  1062. TrigonLoader.UIListLayout_3.Padding = UDim.new(0.05, 0)
  1063. TrigonLoader.UIListLayout_3.Parent = TrigonLoader.Buttons_1
  1065. TrigonLoader.OptionR.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1066. TrigonLoader.OptionR.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  1067. TrigonLoader.OptionR.AutoButtonColor = false
  1068. TrigonLoader.OptionR.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(44, 48, 61)
  1069. TrigonLoader.OptionR.BorderMode = Enum.BorderMode.Inset
  1070. TrigonLoader.OptionR.Size = UDim2.new(0.269343, 0, 0.774295, 0)
  1071. TrigonLoader.OptionR.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1072. TrigonLoader.OptionR.Name = "OptionR"
  1073. TrigonLoader.OptionR.Position = UDim2.new(0.382289, 0, 0.112853, 0)
  1074. TrigonLoader.OptionR.Parent = TrigonLoader.Buttons_1
  1076. TrigonLoader.UIStroke_4.LineJoinMode = Enum.LineJoinMode.Miter
  1077. TrigonLoader.UIStroke_4.Thickness = 4
  1078. TrigonLoader.UIStroke_4.Color = Color3.fromRGB(60, 66, 83)
  1079. TrigonLoader.UIStroke_4.Parent = TrigonLoader.OptionR
  1081. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_2.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1082. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_2.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  1083. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_2.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  1084. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_2.Image = "rbxassetid://15865857319"
  1085. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_2.Size = UDim2.new(0.768635, 0, 0.690602, 0)
  1086. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_2.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1087. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_2.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1088. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_2.Position = UDim2.new(0.140513, 0, 0.0680589, 0)
  1089. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_2.Parent = TrigonLoader.OptionR
  1091. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_5.TextWrapped = true
  1092. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_5.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1093. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_5.TextScaled = true
  1094. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_5.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  1095. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_5.FontFace = Font.new("rbxasset://fonts/families/FredokaOne.json", Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal)
  1096. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_5.TextSize = 14
  1097. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_5.Size = UDim2.new(0.690137, 0, 0.17419, 0)
  1098. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_5.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(207, 204, 204)
  1099. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_5.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1100. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_5.Text = "Normal"
  1101. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_5.Position = UDim2.new(0.192185, 0, 0.743299, 0)
  1102. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_5.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1103. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_5.Parent = TrigonLoader.OptionR
  1105. TrigonLoader.UICorner_9.CornerRadius = UDim.new(0.1, 0)
  1106. TrigonLoader.UICorner_9.Parent = TrigonLoader.OptionR
  1108. TrigonLoader.OptionH.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1109. TrigonLoader.OptionH.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  1110. TrigonLoader.OptionH.AutoButtonColor = false
  1111. TrigonLoader.OptionH.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(44, 48, 61)
  1112. TrigonLoader.OptionH.BorderMode = Enum.BorderMode.Inset
  1113. TrigonLoader.OptionH.Size = UDim2.new(0.269343, 0, 0.774295, 0)
  1114. TrigonLoader.OptionH.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1115. TrigonLoader.OptionH.Name = "OptionH"
  1116. TrigonLoader.OptionH.Position = UDim2.new(0.0438047, 0, 0.112853, 0)
  1117. TrigonLoader.OptionH.Parent = TrigonLoader.Buttons_1
  1119. TrigonLoader.UICorner_10.CornerRadius = UDim.new(0.1, 0)
  1120. TrigonLoader.UICorner_10.Parent = TrigonLoader.OptionH
  1122. TrigonLoader.UIStroke_5.LineJoinMode = Enum.LineJoinMode.Miter
  1123. TrigonLoader.UIStroke_5.Thickness = 4
  1124. TrigonLoader.UIStroke_5.Color = Color3.fromRGB(60, 66, 83)
  1125. TrigonLoader.UIStroke_5.Parent = TrigonLoader.OptionH
  1127. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_3.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1128. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_3.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  1129. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_3.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  1130. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_3.Image = "rbxassetid://15865858307"
  1131. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_3.Size = UDim2.new(0.769, 0, 0.691, 0)
  1132. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_3.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1133. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_3.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1134. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_3.Position = UDim2.new(0.141, 0, 0.068, 0)
  1135. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_3.Parent = TrigonLoader.OptionH
  1137. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_6.TextWrapped = true
  1138. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_6.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1139. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_6.TextScaled = true
  1140. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_6.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  1141. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_6.FontFace = Font.new("rbxasset://fonts/families/FredokaOne.json", Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal)
  1142. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_6.TextSize = 14
  1143. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_6.Size = UDim2.new(0.69, 0, 0.174, 0)
  1144. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_6.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(207, 204, 204)
  1145. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_6.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1146. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_6.Text = "Emulator"
  1147. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_6.Position = UDim2.new(0.192, 0, 0.743, 0)
  1148. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_6.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1149. TrigonLoader.TextLabel_6.Parent = TrigonLoader.OptionH
  1151. TrigonLoader.overlay_1.ZIndex = 99
  1152. TrigonLoader.overlay_1.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1153. TrigonLoader.overlay_1.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 1, 0)
  1154. TrigonLoader.overlay_1.BackgroundTransparency = 0.2
  1155. TrigonLoader.overlay_1.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1156. TrigonLoader.overlay_1.Name = "overlay"
  1157. TrigonLoader.overlay_1.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(38, 42, 53)
  1158. TrigonLoader.overlay_1.Parent = TrigonLoader.OptionH
  1160. TrigonLoader.Title_4.TextWrapped = true
  1161. TrigonLoader.Title_4.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1162. TrigonLoader.Title_4.TextScaled = true
  1163. TrigonLoader.Title_4.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  1164. TrigonLoader.Title_4.FontFace = Font.new("rbxasset://fonts/families/FredokaOne.json", Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal)
  1165. TrigonLoader.Title_4.TextSize = 14
  1166. TrigonLoader.Title_4.Name = "Title"
  1167. TrigonLoader.Title_4.Size = UDim2.new(0.998909, 0, 0.139768, 0)
  1168. TrigonLoader.Title_4.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(180, 193, 216)
  1169. TrigonLoader.Title_4.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1170. TrigonLoader.Title_4.Text = "Select an option"
  1171. TrigonLoader.Title_4.Position = UDim2.new(0.00218095, 0, 0.116792, 0)
  1172. TrigonLoader.Title_4.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1173. TrigonLoader.Title_4.Parent = TrigonLoader.SelectorFrame
  1175. TrigonLoader.CloseBtn.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(165, 182, 230)
  1176. TrigonLoader.CloseBtn.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1177. TrigonLoader.CloseBtn.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  1178. TrigonLoader.CloseBtn.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  1179. TrigonLoader.CloseBtn.Image = "rbxassetid://15866029769"
  1180. TrigonLoader.CloseBtn.Size = UDim2.new(0.0711809, 0, 0.124451, 0)
  1181. TrigonLoader.CloseBtn.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1182. TrigonLoader.CloseBtn.Name = "CloseBtn"
  1183. TrigonLoader.CloseBtn.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1184. TrigonLoader.CloseBtn.Position = UDim2.new(0.921436, 0, 0.0172316, 0)
  1185. TrigonLoader.CloseBtn.ImageTransparency = 0.51
  1186. TrigonLoader.CloseBtn.Parent = TrigonLoader.SelectorFrame
  1188. TrigonLoader.UICorner_11.CornerRadius = UDim.new(0.03, 0)
  1189. TrigonLoader.UICorner_11.Parent = TrigonLoader.SelectorFrame
  1191. TrigonLoader.LoaderFrame.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1192. TrigonLoader.LoaderFrame.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 1, 0)
  1193. TrigonLoader.LoaderFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1194. TrigonLoader.LoaderFrame.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1195. TrigonLoader.LoaderFrame.Visible = true
  1196. TrigonLoader.LoaderFrame.Name = "LoaderFrame"
  1197. TrigonLoader.LoaderFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  1198. TrigonLoader.LoaderFrame.Parent = TrigonLoader.MainFrame
  1200. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_4.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1201. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_4.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  1202. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_4.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  1203. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_4.Image = "rbxassetid://15844306310"
  1204. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_4.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 0.387093, 0)
  1205. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_4.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1206. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_4.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1207. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_4.Position = UDim2.new(8.62644e-08, 0, 0.0929012, 0)
  1208. TrigonLoader.ImageLabel_4.Parent = TrigonLoader.LoaderFrame
  1210. TrigonLoader.list.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
  1211. TrigonLoader.list.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1212. TrigonLoader.list.Size = UDim2.new(0.856923, 0, 0.435747, 0)
  1213. TrigonLoader.list.Position = UDim2.new(0.499928, 0, 0.782127, 0)
  1214. TrigonLoader.list.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1215. TrigonLoader.list.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1216. TrigonLoader.list.Name = "list"
  1217. TrigonLoader.list.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  1218. TrigonLoader.list.Parent = TrigonLoader.LoaderFrame
  1220. TrigonLoader.UIListLayout_4.HorizontalAlignment = Enum.HorizontalAlignment.Center
  1221. TrigonLoader.UIListLayout_4.Padding = UDim.new(0.07, 0)
  1222. TrigonLoader.UIListLayout_4.Parent = TrigonLoader.list
  1224. TrigonLoader.Frame.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1225. TrigonLoader.Frame.Size = UDim2.new(0.929634, 0, 0.188937, 0)
  1226. TrigonLoader.Frame.Position = UDim2.new(0.0351828, 0, 0, 0)
  1227. TrigonLoader.Frame.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1228. TrigonLoader.Frame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(44, 48, 61)
  1229. TrigonLoader.Frame.Parent = TrigonLoader.list
  1231. TrigonLoader.UICorner_12.CornerRadius = UDim.new(0.2, 0)
  1232. TrigonLoader.UICorner_12.Parent = TrigonLoader.Frame
  1234. TrigonLoader.Bar.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1235. TrigonLoader.Bar.Size = UDim2.new(0.985534, 0, 0.793589, 0)
  1236. TrigonLoader.Bar.Position = UDim2.new(0.00723917, 0, 0.0930243, 0)
  1237. TrigonLoader.Bar.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1238. TrigonLoader.Bar.Name = "Bar"
  1239. TrigonLoader.Bar.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(74, 82, 103)
  1240. TrigonLoader.Bar.Parent = TrigonLoader.Frame
  1242. TrigonLoader.UICorner_13.CornerRadius = UDim.new(0.2, 0)
  1243. TrigonLoader.UICorner_13.Parent = TrigonLoader.Bar
  1245. TrigonLoader.Title_5.TextWrapped = true
  1246. TrigonLoader.Title_5.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1247. TrigonLoader.Title_5.TextScaled = true
  1248. TrigonLoader.Title_5.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  1249. TrigonLoader.Title_5.FontFace = Font.new("rbxasset://fonts/families/FredokaOne.json", Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal)
  1250. TrigonLoader.Title_5.TextSize = 14
  1251. TrigonLoader.Title_5.Name = "Title"
  1252. TrigonLoader.Title_5.Size = UDim2.new(0.998909, 0, 0.149594, 0)
  1253. TrigonLoader.Title_5.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(180, 193, 216)
  1254. TrigonLoader.Title_5.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1255. TrigonLoader.Title_5.Text = "{...}"
  1256. TrigonLoader.Title_5.Position = UDim2.new(0.000545285, 0, 0.258937, 0)
  1257. TrigonLoader.Title_5.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1258. TrigonLoader.Title_5.Parent = TrigonLoader.list
  1260. TrigonLoader.LocalScript_1.Parent = TrigonLoader.MainFrame
  1262. TrigonLoader.TrigonLogo.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1263. TrigonLoader.TrigonLogo.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  1264. TrigonLoader.TrigonLogo.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  1265. TrigonLoader.TrigonLogo.Image = "rbxassetid://15844306310"
  1266. TrigonLoader.TrigonLogo.Size = UDim2.new(0.5, 0, 0.747768, 0)
  1267. TrigonLoader.TrigonLogo.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1268. TrigonLoader.TrigonLogo.Name = "TrigonLogo"
  1269. TrigonLoader.TrigonLogo.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1270. TrigonLoader.TrigonLogo.Position = UDim2.new(0.249108, 0, 0.125064, 0)
  1271. TrigonLoader.TrigonLogo.Visible = false
  1272. TrigonLoader.TrigonLogo.Parent = TrigonLoader.MainFrame
  1274. TrigonLoader.CloseBtn_1.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(165, 182, 230)
  1275. TrigonLoader.CloseBtn_1.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1276. TrigonLoader.CloseBtn_1.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  1277. TrigonLoader.CloseBtn_1.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  1278. TrigonLoader.CloseBtn_1.Image = "rbxassetid://15866029769"
  1279. TrigonLoader.CloseBtn_1.Size = UDim2.new(0.0711809, 0, 0.124451, 0)
  1280. TrigonLoader.CloseBtn_1.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1281. TrigonLoader.CloseBtn_1.Name = "CloseBtn"
  1282. TrigonLoader.CloseBtn_1.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1283. TrigonLoader.CloseBtn_1.Position = UDim2.new(0.921436, 0, 0.0172316, 0)
  1284. TrigonLoader.CloseBtn_1.ImageTransparency = 0.51
  1285. TrigonLoader.CloseBtn_1.Parent = TrigonLoader.MainFrame
  1287. task.spawn(function()
  1288. local script = TrigonLoader.LocalScript
  1290. local buttons = script.Parent
  1291. local verifybtn = buttons.bbb.verifybtn
  1292. local pastebtn = buttons.bbb.pastebtn
  1293. local cklbtn = buttons.cklbtn
  1294. local TextBox = buttons.aKeyContainer.KeyBox
  1295. local Loader = gethui():WaitForChild(_G.TrigonLoader)
  1296. local MainUI = gethui():WaitForChild(_G.TrigonMain)
  1297. local MainFrame = script.Parent.Parent.Parent
  1299. cklbtn.Activated:Connect(function()
  1300. setclipboard(key)
  1301. cklbtn.Title.Text = "Link Copied!"
  1302. task.wait(2)
  1303. cklbtn.Title.Text = "Copy Key Link"
  1304. end)
  1306. pastebtn.Activated:Connect(function()
  1307. TextBox.Text = getclipboard()
  1308. pastebtn.Title.Text = "Pasted!"
  1309. task.wait(2)
  1310. pastebtn.Title.Text = "Paste"
  1311. end)
  1313. local function loadtrigon()
  1314. Loader.Enabled = false
  1315. if not Settings.autohideui then
  1316. MainUI.Enabled = true
  1317. end
  1318. end
  1320. verifybtn.Activated:Connect(function()
  1321. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name == "_rel_baldski" or PandaAuth:ValidateKey(ServiceID, TextBox.Text) then
  1322. autoexec_ = true
  1323. Settings.Trigonkey = TextBox.Text
  1324. saveSettings()
  1325. print('Key verified!')
  1326. TextBox.Text = "Key verified!"
  1327. loadtopbar()
  1328. MainFrame.LoaderFrame.Visible = false
  1330. repeat task.wait() until Loader and MainUI
  1331. loadtrigon()
  1332. autoexec()
  1333. reeeeeeeeeeeeee()
  1334. else
  1335. TextBox.Text = "Key Expired/Does Not Exist!"
  1336. print('Key Expired/Does Not Exist!')
  1338. end
  1340. end)
  1343. end)
  1345. task.spawn(function()
  1346. local script = TrigonLoader.LocalScript_1
  1349. local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
  1350. local CurrentValue = 1
  1351. local MainFrame = script.Parent
  1352. local Bar = MainFrame.LoaderFrame.list.Frame.Bar
  1353. local MaxValue = 100
  1354. local Status = MainFrame.LoaderFrame.list.Title
  1355. local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
  1356. local discordbtn = MainFrame.KeySection.discordbtn
  1359. local OptionR = MainFrame.SelectorFrame.Buttons.OptionR
  1360. local Loader = gethui():WaitForChild(_G.TrigonLoader)
  1361. local MainUI = gethui():WaitForChild(_G.TrigonMain)
  1362. local MainFrame = script.Parent
  1363. local LoaderFrame = MainFrame.LoaderFrame
  1364. local KeySection = MainFrame.KeySection
  1367. wait(1)
  1370. local function ProgressBar(value, statusText, duration)
  1371. CurrentValue = CurrentValue + value
  1372. if CurrentValue > MaxValue then
  1373. CurrentValue = MaxValue
  1374. elseif CurrentValue < 0 then
  1375. CurrentValue = 0
  1376. end
  1378. local tweenInfo = TweenInfo.new(duration, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
  1379. local tween = TweenService:Create(Bar, tweenInfo, {Size = UDim2.new(CurrentValue / MaxValue, 0, 0.8, 0)})
  1380. tween:Play()
  1382. Status.Text = "Status: " .. (statusText or "")
  1383. end
  1385. Bar.Size = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0.8, 0)
  1387. ProgressBar(50, "Checking for game scripts...", 1)
  1388. wait(1)
  1390. local function loadtrigon()
  1391. Loader.Enabled = false
  1392. if not Settings.autohideui then
  1393. MainUI.Enabled = true
  1394. end
  1395. end
  1397. local function finalizeSetup()
  1398. ProgressBar(20, "Finalizing everything...", 1)
  1399. loadtopbar()
  1400. wait(1)
  1401. ProgressBar(30, "Setup Complete!", 1)
  1402. wait(0.5)
  1403. MainFrame.LoaderFrame.Visible = false
  1405. repeat task.wait() until Loader and MainUI
  1407. loadtrigon()
  1408. autoexec()
  1409. reeeeeeeeeeeeee()
  1410. end
  1412. local s, ValidateFailed = pcall(function()
  1413. if keyless then
  1414. warn(']---------Trigon is Keyless!!---------[')
  1415. finalizeSetup()
  1416. else
  1417. local keyValid = PandaAuth:ValidateKey(ServiceID, Settings.Trigonkey)
  1418. if keyValid then
  1419. print('Key verified!')
  1420. finalizeSetup()
  1421. else
  1422. print('Key Expired/Does Not Exist!')
  1423. LoaderFrame.Visible = false
  1424. KeySection.Visible = true
  1425. end
  1426. end
  1427. end)
  1429. if ValidateFailed then
  1430. warn(']---------Validate Failed---------[')
  1431. finalizeSetup()
  1432. end
  1434. MainFrame.CloseBtn.Activated:Connect(function()
  1435. MainFrame.Parent:Destroy()
  1436. end)
  1440. discordbtn.Activated:Connect(function()
  1441. setclipboard("https://discord.gg/rnZXbd2yfW")
  1442. discordbtn.Title.Text = "Link Copied!"
  1443. task.wait(2)
  1444. discordbtn.Title.Text = "Copy Discord Invite Link"
  1445. end)
  1446. end)
  1447. end
  1449. function main()
  1451. local trigok =
  1452. {
  1453. TrigonMain = Instance.new("ScreenGui"),
  1454. MainFrame = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1455. BottomMenuFrame = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1456. LeftFrame = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1457. ExitBtn = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  1458. Icon = Instance.new("ImageLabel"),
  1459. UICorner = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1460. RightFrame = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1461. Button = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  1462. UIGradient = Instance.new("UIGradient"),
  1463. Icon_1 = Instance.new("ImageLabel"),
  1464. MenuList = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1465. UICorner_1 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1466. UIGridLayout = Instance.new("UIGridLayout"),
  1467. HBtn = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  1468. UIGradient_1 = Instance.new("UIGradient"),
  1469. Icon_2 = Instance.new("ImageLabel"),
  1470. UIStroke = Instance.new("UIStroke"),
  1471. UICorner_2 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1472. ExecBtn = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  1473. Icon_3 = Instance.new("ImageLabel"),
  1474. UIStroke_1 = Instance.new("UIStroke"),
  1475. UICorner_3 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1476. UIGradient_2 = Instance.new("UIGradient"),
  1477. CloudBtn = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  1478. UIGradient_3 = Instance.new("UIGradient"),
  1479. Icon_4 = Instance.new("ImageLabel"),
  1480. UIStroke_2 = Instance.new("UIStroke"),
  1481. UICorner_4 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1482. SettingsBtn = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  1483. UIGradient_4 = Instance.new("UIGradient"),
  1484. Icon_5 = Instance.new("ImageLabel"),
  1485. UIStroke_3 = Instance.new("UIStroke"),
  1486. UICorner_5 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1487. UICorner_6 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1488. logFrame = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1489. UICorner_7 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1490. logButtons = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1491. logOutput = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1492. Button_1 = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  1493. TextLabel = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  1494. UIListLayout = Instance.new("UIListLayout"),
  1495. UIListLayout_1 = Instance.new("UIListLayout"),
  1496. logWarning = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1497. Button_2 = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  1498. TextLabel_1 = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  1499. UIListLayout_2 = Instance.new("UIListLayout"),
  1500. logError = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1501. Button_3 = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  1502. TextLabel_2 = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  1503. UIListLayout_3 = Instance.new("UIListLayout"),
  1504. logInfo = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1505. Button_4 = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  1506. TextLabel_3 = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  1507. UIListLayout_4 = Instance.new("UIListLayout"),
  1508. cclrbtn = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  1509. Title = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  1510. UICorner_8 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1511. UIStroke_4 = Instance.new("UIStroke"),
  1512. excp = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  1513. Title_1 = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  1514. UICorner_9 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1515. UIStroke_5 = Instance.new("UIStroke"),
  1516. TextLabel_4 = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  1517. consoleFrame = Instance.new("ScrollingFrame"),
  1518. GlobalLog = Instance.new("LocalScript"),
  1519. TextBox = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  1520. SettingsFrame = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1521. UICorner_10 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1522. Sidebar = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1523. Buttons = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1524. UIListLayout_5 = Instance.new("UIListLayout"),
  1525. generalBtn = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  1526. UICorner_11 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1527. Texts = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1528. UICorner_12 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1529. UIListLayout_6 = Instance.new("UIListLayout"),
  1530. Title_2 = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  1531. icon = Instance.new("ImageLabel"),
  1532. themesBtn = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  1533. UICorner_13 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1534. Texts_1 = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1535. UICorner_14 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1536. UIListLayout_7 = Instance.new("UIListLayout"),
  1537. Title_3 = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  1538. icon_1 = Instance.new("ImageLabel"),
  1539. GeneralTab = Instance.new("ScrollingFrame"),
  1540. UICorner_15 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1541. UIListLayout_8 = Instance.new("UIListLayout"),
  1542. autoexecSS = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1543. UICorner_16 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1544. Texts_2 = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1545. UICorner_17 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1546. UIListLayout_9 = Instance.new("UIListLayout"),
  1547. Title_4 = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  1548. subTitle = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  1549. icon_2 = Instance.new("ImageLabel"),
  1550. button = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  1551. autohideuiSS = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1552. UICorner_18 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1553. Texts_3 = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1554. UICorner_19 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1555. UIListLayout_10 = Instance.new("UIListLayout"),
  1556. Title_5 = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  1557. subTitle_1 = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  1558. icon_3 = Instance.new("ImageLabel"),
  1559. button_1 = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  1560. trigonSS = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1561. UICorner_20 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1562. Texts_4 = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1563. UICorner_21 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1564. UIListLayout_11 = Instance.new("UIListLayout"),
  1565. Title_6 = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  1566. subTitle_2 = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  1567. icon_4 = Instance.new("ImageLabel"),
  1568. homeFrame = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1569. UICorner_22 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1570. changelogFrame = Instance.new("ScrollingFrame"),
  1571. UICorner_23 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1572. UIListLayout_12 = Instance.new("UIListLayout"),
  1573. scriptsFrame = Instance.new("ScrollingFrame"),
  1574. UICorner_24 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1575. UIListLayout_13 = Instance.new("UIListLayout"),
  1576. _GameHeader = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1577. Title_7 = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  1578. UICorner_25 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1579. TextButton = Instance.new("TextButton"),
  1580. UICorner_26 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1581. localscriptsFrame = Instance.new("ScrollingFrame"),
  1582. UICorner_27 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1583. UIListLayout_14 = Instance.new("UIListLayout"),
  1584. _GameHeader_1 = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1585. Title_8 = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  1586. UICorner_28 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1587. Add_btn = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1588. TextButton_1 = Instance.new("TextButton"),
  1589. UICorner_29 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1590. script_placeholder = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1591. scriptTitle = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  1592. Buttons_1 = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1593. UIListLayout_15 = Instance.new("UIListLayout"),
  1594. run = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1595. UIListLayout_16 = Instance.new("UIListLayout"),
  1596. UICorner_30 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1597. button_2 = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  1598. autoload = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1599. UIListLayout_17 = Instance.new("UIListLayout"),
  1600. button_3 = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  1601. zz = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  1602. UICorner_31 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1603. delete = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1604. UIListLayout_18 = Instance.new("UIListLayout"),
  1605. UICorner_32 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1606. button_4 = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  1607. UICorner_33 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1608. addlocalscriptsFrame = Instance.new("ScrollingFrame"),
  1609. UICorner_34 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1610. UIListLayout_19 = Instance.new("UIListLayout"),
  1611. _GameHeader_2 = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1612. Title_9 = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  1613. UICorner_35 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1614. Frame = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1615. TextButton_2 = Instance.new("TextButton"),
  1616. UICorner_36 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1617. addFrame = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1618. input = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1619. TextBox_1 = Instance.new("TextBox"),
  1620. Title_10 = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  1621. TextLabel_5 = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  1622. confrim_btn = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1623. TextButton_3 = Instance.new("TextButton"),
  1624. UICorner_37 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1625. cancel_btn = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1626. TextButton_4 = Instance.new("TextButton"),
  1627. UICorner_38 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1628. ExecFrame = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1629. Buttons_2 = Instance.new("Frame"),
  1630. UIListLayout_20 = Instance.new("UIListLayout"),
  1631. Button1 = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  1632. UIStroke_6 = Instance.new("UIStroke"),
  1633. UICorner_39 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1634. Title_11 = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  1635. Button4 = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  1636. Title_12 = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  1637. UICorner_40 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1638. UIStroke_7 = Instance.new("UIStroke"),
  1639. Button3 = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  1640. Title_13 = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  1641. UICorner_41 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1642. UIStroke_8 = Instance.new("UIStroke"),
  1643. Button2 = Instance.new("ImageButton"),
  1644. Title_14 = Instance.new("TextLabel"),
  1645. UICorner_42 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1646. UIStroke_9 = Instance.new("UIStroke"),
  1647. UICorner_43 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1648. ScrollingFrame = Instance.new("ScrollingFrame"),
  1649. LocalScript = Instance.new("LocalScript"),
  1650. ScriptBox = Instance.new("TextBox"),
  1651. Highlighter = Instance.new("ModuleScript"),
  1652. lexer = Instance.new("ModuleScript"),
  1653. language = Instance.new("ModuleScript"),
  1654. theme = Instance.new("ModuleScript"),
  1655. types = Instance.new("ModuleScript"),
  1656. utility = Instance.new("ModuleScript"),
  1657. UICorner_44 = Instance.new("UICorner"),
  1658. LocalScript_1 = Instance.new("LocalScript"),
  1659. savescripts = Instance.new("LocalScript")
  1660. }
  1662. trigok.TrigonMain.Enabled = false
  1663. trigok.TrigonMain.ScreenInsets = Enum.ScreenInsets.DeviceSafeInsets
  1664. trigok.TrigonMain.IgnoreGuiInset = true
  1665. trigok.TrigonMain.ZIndexBehavior = Enum.ZIndexBehavior.Sibling
  1666. trigok.TrigonMain.Name = _G.TrigonMain
  1667. trigok.TrigonMain.Parent = gethui()
  1669. trigok.MainFrame.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1670. trigok.MainFrame.Size = UDim2.new(1.0005, 0, 1, 0)
  1671. trigok.MainFrame.Position = UDim2.new(-0.000732064, 0, -0.0078125, 0)
  1672. trigok.MainFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 0.35
  1673. trigok.MainFrame.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1674. trigok.MainFrame.Name = "MainFrame"
  1675. trigok.MainFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1676. trigok.MainFrame.Parent = trigok.TrigonMain
  1678. trigok.BottomMenuFrame.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1679. trigok.BottomMenuFrame.Size = UDim2.new(0.950071, 0, 0.158636, 0)
  1680. trigok.BottomMenuFrame.Position = UDim2.new(0.0244645, 0, 0.792311, 0)
  1681. trigok.BottomMenuFrame.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1682. trigok.BottomMenuFrame.ClipsDescendants = true
  1683. trigok.BottomMenuFrame.Name = "BottomMenuFrame"
  1684. trigok.BottomMenuFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(38, 42, 53)
  1685. trigok.BottomMenuFrame.Parent = trigok.MainFrame
  1687. trigok.LeftFrame.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1688. trigok.LeftFrame.Size = UDim2.new(0.162271, 0, 1, 0)
  1689. trigok.LeftFrame.Position = UDim2.new(-0.00054132, 0, 0, 0)
  1690. trigok.LeftFrame.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1691. trigok.LeftFrame.Name = "LeftFrame"
  1692. trigok.LeftFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(47, 52, 66)
  1693. trigok.LeftFrame.Parent = trigok.BottomMenuFrame
  1695. trigok.ExitBtn.ZIndex = 2
  1696. trigok.ExitBtn.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1697. trigok.ExitBtn.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  1698. trigok.ExitBtn.AutoButtonColor = false
  1699. trigok.ExitBtn.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(47, 52, 66)
  1700. trigok.ExitBtn.Selectable = false
  1701. trigok.ExitBtn.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
  1702. trigok.ExitBtn.Size = UDim2.new(0.597387, 0, 0.893438, 0)
  1703. trigok.ExitBtn.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1704. trigok.ExitBtn.Name = "ExitBtn"
  1705. trigok.ExitBtn.Position = UDim2.new(0.499371, 0, 0.491793, 0)
  1706. trigok.ExitBtn.Parent = trigok.LeftFrame
  1708. trigok.Icon.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(201, 205, 210)
  1709. trigok.Icon.SizeConstraint = Enum.SizeConstraint.RelativeXX
  1710. trigok.Icon.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1711. trigok.Icon.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  1712. trigok.Icon.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  1713. trigok.Icon.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
  1714. trigok.Icon.Image = "rbxassetid://15879382339"
  1715. trigok.Icon.Size = UDim2.new(0.834218, 0, 12.9208, 0)
  1716. trigok.Icon.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1717. trigok.Icon.Name = "Icon"
  1718. trigok.Icon.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1719. trigok.Icon.Position = UDim2.new(0.494743, 0, 0.490654, 0)
  1720. trigok.Icon.Parent = trigok.ExitBtn
  1722. trigok.UICorner.CornerRadius = UDim.new(0.08, 0)
  1723. trigok.UICorner.Parent = trigok.LeftFrame
  1725. trigok.RightFrame.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1726. trigok.RightFrame.Size = UDim2.new(0.111862, 0, 1, 0)
  1727. trigok.RightFrame.Position = UDim2.new(0.887643, 0, 0, 0)
  1728. trigok.RightFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1729. trigok.RightFrame.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1730. trigok.RightFrame.Name = "RightFrame"
  1731. trigok.RightFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(47, 52, 65)
  1732. trigok.RightFrame.Parent = trigok.BottomMenuFrame
  1734. trigok.Button.Active = true
  1735. trigok.Button.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1736. trigok.Button.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  1737. trigok.Button.AutoButtonColor = false
  1738. trigok.Button.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  1739. trigok.Button.Selectable = false
  1740. trigok.Button.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
  1741. trigok.Button.Size = UDim2.new(0.724089, 0, 0.644049, 0)
  1742. trigok.Button.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1743. trigok.Button.Name = "Button"
  1744. trigok.Button.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1745. trigok.Button.Position = UDim2.new(0.538481, 0, 0.487688, 0)
  1746. trigok.Button.Parent = trigok.RightFrame
  1748. trigok.UIGradient.Color = ColorSequence.new{ ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(0, Color3.fromRGB(57, 64, 84)), ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(1, Color3.fromRGB(75, 82, 107)) }
  1749. trigok.UIGradient.Rotation = -90
  1750. trigok.UIGradient.Parent = trigok.Button
  1752. trigok.Icon_1.SizeConstraint = Enum.SizeConstraint.RelativeYY
  1753. trigok.Icon_1.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1754. trigok.Icon_1.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  1755. trigok.Icon_1.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  1756. trigok.Icon_1.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
  1757. trigok.Icon_1.Image = "rbxassetid://15844306310"
  1758. trigok.Icon_1.Size = UDim2.new(0.83136, 0, 0.783259, 0)
  1759. trigok.Icon_1.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1760. trigok.Icon_1.Name = "Icon"
  1761. trigok.Icon_1.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1762. trigok.Icon_1.Position = UDim2.new(0.5, 0, 0.5, 0)
  1763. trigok.Icon_1.Parent = trigok.Button
  1765. trigok.MenuList.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1766. trigok.MenuList.Size = UDim2.new(0.777778, 0, 1, 0)
  1767. trigok.MenuList.Position = UDim2.new(0.116366, 0, 0, 0)
  1768. trigok.MenuList.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1769. trigok.MenuList.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1770. trigok.MenuList.Name = "MenuList"
  1771. trigok.MenuList.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  1772. trigok.MenuList.Parent = trigok.BottomMenuFrame
  1774. trigok.UICorner_1.CornerRadius = UDim.new(0.15, 0)
  1775. trigok.UICorner_1.Parent = trigok.MenuList
  1777. trigok.UIGridLayout.CellPadding = UDim2.new(0.02, 0, 1, 0)
  1778. trigok.UIGridLayout.VerticalAlignment = Enum.VerticalAlignment.Center
  1779. trigok.UIGridLayout.SortOrder = Enum.SortOrder.LayoutOrder
  1780. trigok.UIGridLayout.CellSize = UDim2.new(0.095, 0, 0.76, 0)
  1781. trigok.UIGridLayout.HorizontalAlignment = Enum.HorizontalAlignment.Center
  1782. trigok.UIGridLayout.Parent = trigok.MenuList
  1784. trigok.HBtn.BorderSizePixel = 3
  1785. trigok.HBtn.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  1786. trigok.HBtn.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  1787. trigok.HBtn.BorderMode = Enum.BorderMode.Inset
  1788. trigok.HBtn.Selectable = false
  1789. trigok.HBtn.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
  1790. trigok.HBtn.Size = UDim2.new(0.12, 0, 0.8, 0)
  1791. trigok.HBtn.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1792. trigok.HBtn.Name = "HBtn"
  1793. trigok.HBtn.Position = UDim2.new(0.406853, 0, 0.5, 0)
  1794. trigok.HBtn.Parent = trigok.MenuList
  1796. trigok.UIGradient_1.Color = ColorSequence.new{ ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(0, Color3.fromRGB(57, 64, 84)), ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(1, Color3.fromRGB(75, 82, 107)) }
  1797. trigok.UIGradient_1.Rotation = -90
  1798. trigok.UIGradient_1.Parent = trigok.HBtn
  1800. trigok.Icon_2.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(201, 205, 210)
  1801. trigok.Icon_2.SizeConstraint = Enum.SizeConstraint.RelativeXX
  1802. trigok.Icon_2.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1803. trigok.Icon_2.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  1804. trigok.Icon_2.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  1805. trigok.Icon_2.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
  1806. trigok.Icon_2.Image = "rbxassetid://15982534656"
  1807. trigok.Icon_2.Size = UDim2.new(0.858703, 0, 0.887424, 0)
  1808. trigok.Icon_2.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1809. trigok.Icon_2.Name = "Icon"
  1810. trigok.Icon_2.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1811. trigok.Icon_2.Position = UDim2.new(0.5, 0, 0.5, 0)
  1812. trigok.Icon_2.Parent = trigok.HBtn
  1814. trigok.UIStroke.Thickness = 2
  1815. trigok.UIStroke.Color = Color3.fromRGB(87, 96, 120)
  1816. trigok.UIStroke.Parent = trigok.HBtn
  1818. trigok.UICorner_2.CornerRadius = UDim.new(0.09, 0)
  1819. trigok.UICorner_2.Parent = trigok.HBtn
  1821. trigok.ExecBtn.BorderSizePixel = 3
  1822. trigok.ExecBtn.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  1823. trigok.ExecBtn.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  1824. trigok.ExecBtn.BorderMode = Enum.BorderMode.Inset
  1825. trigok.ExecBtn.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
  1826. trigok.ExecBtn.Size = UDim2.new(0.702236, 0, 0.8, 0)
  1827. trigok.ExecBtn.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1828. trigok.ExecBtn.Name = "ExecBtn"
  1829. trigok.ExecBtn.Position = UDim2.new(0.721118, 0, 0.5, 0)
  1830. trigok.ExecBtn.Parent = trigok.MenuList
  1832. trigok.Icon_3.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(201, 205, 210)
  1833. trigok.Icon_3.SizeConstraint = Enum.SizeConstraint.RelativeXX
  1834. trigok.Icon_3.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1835. trigok.Icon_3.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  1836. trigok.Icon_3.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  1837. trigok.Icon_3.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
  1838. trigok.Icon_3.Image = "rbxassetid://15845222401"
  1839. trigok.Icon_3.Size = UDim2.new(0.858703, 0, 0.887424, 0)
  1840. trigok.Icon_3.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1841. trigok.Icon_3.Name = "Icon"
  1842. trigok.Icon_3.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1843. trigok.Icon_3.Position = UDim2.new(0.5, 0, 0.5, 0)
  1844. trigok.Icon_3.Parent = trigok.ExecBtn
  1846. trigok.UIStroke_1.Thickness = 2
  1847. trigok.UIStroke_1.Color = Color3.fromRGB(87, 96, 120)
  1848. trigok.UIStroke_1.Parent = trigok.ExecBtn
  1850. trigok.UICorner_3.CornerRadius = UDim.new(0.09, 0)
  1851. trigok.UICorner_3.Parent = trigok.ExecBtn
  1853. trigok.UIGradient_2.Color = ColorSequence.new{ ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(0, Color3.fromRGB(57, 64, 84)), ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(1, Color3.fromRGB(75, 82, 107)) }
  1854. trigok.UIGradient_2.Rotation = -90
  1855. trigok.UIGradient_2.Parent = trigok.ExecBtn
  1857. trigok.CloudBtn.BorderSizePixel = 3
  1858. trigok.CloudBtn.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  1859. trigok.CloudBtn.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  1860. trigok.CloudBtn.BorderMode = Enum.BorderMode.Inset
  1861. trigok.CloudBtn.Selectable = false
  1862. trigok.CloudBtn.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
  1863. trigok.CloudBtn.Size = UDim2.new(0.12, 0, 0.8, 0)
  1864. trigok.CloudBtn.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1865. trigok.CloudBtn.Name = "CloudBtn"
  1866. trigok.CloudBtn.Position = UDim2.new(0.406853, 0, 0.5, 0)
  1867. trigok.CloudBtn.Parent = trigok.MenuList
  1869. trigok.UIGradient_3.Color = ColorSequence.new{ ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(0, Color3.fromRGB(57, 64, 84)), ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(1, Color3.fromRGB(75, 82, 107)) }
  1870. trigok.UIGradient_3.Rotation = -90
  1871. trigok.UIGradient_3.Parent = trigok.CloudBtn
  1873. trigok.Icon_4.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(201, 205, 210)
  1874. trigok.Icon_4.SizeConstraint = Enum.SizeConstraint.RelativeXX
  1875. trigok.Icon_4.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1876. trigok.Icon_4.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  1877. trigok.Icon_4.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  1878. trigok.Icon_4.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
  1879. trigok.Icon_4.Image = "rbxassetid://15982538173"
  1880. trigok.Icon_4.Size = UDim2.new(0.858703, 0, 0.887424, 0)
  1881. trigok.Icon_4.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1882. trigok.Icon_4.Name = "Icon"
  1883. trigok.Icon_4.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1884. trigok.Icon_4.Position = UDim2.new(0.5, 0, 0.5, 0)
  1885. trigok.Icon_4.Parent = trigok.CloudBtn
  1887. trigok.UIStroke_2.Thickness = 2
  1888. trigok.UIStroke_2.Color = Color3.fromRGB(87, 96, 120)
  1889. trigok.UIStroke_2.Parent = trigok.CloudBtn
  1891. trigok.UICorner_4.CornerRadius = UDim.new(0.09, 0)
  1892. trigok.UICorner_4.Parent = trigok.CloudBtn
  1894. trigok.SettingsBtn.BorderSizePixel = 3
  1895. trigok.SettingsBtn.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  1896. trigok.SettingsBtn.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  1897. trigok.SettingsBtn.BorderMode = Enum.BorderMode.Inset
  1898. trigok.SettingsBtn.Selectable = false
  1899. trigok.SettingsBtn.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
  1900. trigok.SettingsBtn.Size = UDim2.new(0.12, 0, 0.8, 0)
  1901. trigok.SettingsBtn.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1902. trigok.SettingsBtn.Name = "SettingsBtn"
  1903. trigok.SettingsBtn.Position = UDim2.new(0.406853, 0, 0.5, 0)
  1904. trigok.SettingsBtn.Parent = trigok.MenuList
  1906. trigok.UIGradient_4.Color = ColorSequence.new{ ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(0, Color3.fromRGB(57, 64, 84)), ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(1, Color3.fromRGB(75, 82, 107)) }
  1907. trigok.UIGradient_4.Rotation = -90
  1908. trigok.UIGradient_4.Parent = trigok.SettingsBtn
  1910. trigok.Icon_5.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(201, 205, 210)
  1911. trigok.Icon_5.SizeConstraint = Enum.SizeConstraint.RelativeXX
  1912. trigok.Icon_5.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1913. trigok.Icon_5.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  1914. trigok.Icon_5.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  1915. trigok.Icon_5.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
  1916. trigok.Icon_5.Image = "rbxassetid://15845262087"
  1917. trigok.Icon_5.Size = UDim2.new(0.858703, 0, 0.887424, 0)
  1918. trigok.Icon_5.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1919. trigok.Icon_5.Name = "Icon"
  1920. trigok.Icon_5.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1921. trigok.Icon_5.Position = UDim2.new(0.5, 0, 0.5, 0)
  1922. trigok.Icon_5.Parent = trigok.SettingsBtn
  1924. trigok.UIStroke_3.Thickness = 2
  1925. trigok.UIStroke_3.Color = Color3.fromRGB(87, 96, 120)
  1926. trigok.UIStroke_3.Parent = trigok.SettingsBtn
  1928. trigok.UICorner_5.CornerRadius = UDim.new(0.09, 0)
  1929. trigok.UICorner_5.Parent = trigok.SettingsBtn
  1931. trigok.UICorner_6.CornerRadius = UDim.new(0.08, 0)
  1932. trigok.UICorner_6.Parent = trigok.BottomMenuFrame
  1934. trigok.logFrame.Active = true
  1935. trigok.logFrame.ZIndex = 2
  1936. trigok.logFrame.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1937. trigok.logFrame.Size = UDim2.new(0.95, 0, 0.685445, 0)
  1938. trigok.logFrame.Position = UDim2.new(0.024, 0, 0.0900137, 0)
  1939. trigok.logFrame.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1940. trigok.logFrame.Visible = false
  1941. trigok.logFrame.Name = "logFrame"
  1942. trigok.logFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(38, 42, 53)
  1943. trigok.logFrame.Parent = trigok.MainFrame
  1945. trigok.UICorner_7.CornerRadius = UDim.new(0.02, 0)
  1946. trigok.UICorner_7.Parent = trigok.logFrame
  1948. trigok.logButtons.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1949. trigok.logButtons.Size = UDim2.new(0.964723, 0, 0.120071, 0)
  1950. trigok.logButtons.Position = UDim2.new(0.0291137, 0, 0.878761, 0)
  1951. trigok.logButtons.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1952. trigok.logButtons.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1953. trigok.logButtons.Name = "logButtons"
  1954. trigok.logButtons.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0)
  1955. trigok.logButtons.Parent = trigok.logFrame
  1957. trigok.logOutput.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1958. trigok.logOutput.Size = UDim2.new(0.110762, 0, 1, 0)
  1959. trigok.logOutput.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1960. trigok.logOutput.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1961. trigok.logOutput.ClipsDescendants = true
  1962. trigok.logOutput.Name = "logOutput"
  1963. trigok.logOutput.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  1964. trigok.logOutput.Parent = trigok.logButtons
  1966. trigok.Button_1.ZIndex = 2
  1967. trigok.Button_1.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  1968. trigok.Button_1.Image = "rbxassetid://3926311105"
  1969. trigok.Button_1.ImageRectSize = Vector2.new(48, 48)
  1970. trigok.Button_1.Size = UDim2.new(0.23, 0, 1, 0)
  1971. trigok.Button_1.Name = "Button"
  1972. trigok.Button_1.LayoutOrder = 7
  1973. trigok.Button_1.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1974. trigok.Button_1.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 5.09924e-07, 0)
  1975. trigok.Button_1.ImageTransparency = 0.23
  1976. trigok.Button_1.ImageRectOffset = Vector2.new(4, 836)
  1977. trigok.Button_1.Parent = trigok.logOutput
  1979. trigok.TextLabel.TextWrapped = true
  1980. trigok.TextLabel.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1981. trigok.TextLabel.TextScaled = true
  1982. trigok.TextLabel.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  1983. trigok.TextLabel.FontFace = Font.new("rbxasset://fonts/families/FredokaOne.json", Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal)
  1984. trigok.TextLabel.TextSize = 14
  1985. trigok.TextLabel.Size = UDim2.new(0.728848, 0, 0.568112, 0)
  1986. trigok.TextLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(225, 225, 225)
  1987. trigok.TextLabel.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1988. trigok.TextLabel.Text = "Log Output"
  1989. trigok.TextLabel.Position = UDim2.new(0.26, 0, 0.215944, 0)
  1990. trigok.TextLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1991. trigok.TextLabel.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left
  1992. trigok.TextLabel.Parent = trigok.logOutput
  1994. trigok.UIListLayout.FillDirection = Enum.FillDirection.Horizontal
  1995. trigok.UIListLayout.VerticalAlignment = Enum.VerticalAlignment.Center
  1996. trigok.UIListLayout.Padding = UDim.new(0.03, 0)
  1997. trigok.UIListLayout.ItemLineAlignment = Enum.ItemLineAlignment.Center
  1998. trigok.UIListLayout.Parent = trigok.logOutput
  2000. trigok.UIListLayout_1.FillDirection = Enum.FillDirection.Horizontal
  2001. trigok.UIListLayout_1.HorizontalAlignment = Enum.HorizontalAlignment.Right
  2002. trigok.UIListLayout_1.VerticalAlignment = Enum.VerticalAlignment.Center
  2003. trigok.UIListLayout_1.SortOrder = Enum.SortOrder.LayoutOrder
  2004. trigok.UIListLayout_1.Padding = UDim.new(0.005, 0)
  2005. trigok.UIListLayout_1.Parent = trigok.logButtons
  2007. trigok.logWarning.BorderSizePixel = 0
  2008. trigok.logWarning.Size = UDim2.new(0.133679, 0, 1, 0)
  2009. trigok.logWarning.Position = UDim2.new(0.125762, 0, 0, 0)
  2010. trigok.logWarning.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  2011. trigok.logWarning.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  2012. trigok.logWarning.ClipsDescendants = true
  2013. trigok.logWarning.Name = "logWarning"
  2014. trigok.logWarning.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  2015. trigok.logWarning.Parent = trigok.logButtons
  2017. trigok.Button_2.ZIndex = 2
  2018. trigok.Button_2.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  2019. trigok.Button_2.Image = "rbxassetid://3926311105"
  2020. trigok.Button_2.ImageRectSize = Vector2.new(48, 48)
  2021. trigok.Button_2.Size = UDim2.new(0.206312, 0, 1, 0)
  2022. trigok.Button_2.Name = "Button"
  2023. trigok.Button_2.LayoutOrder = 7
  2024. trigok.Button_2.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  2025. trigok.Button_2.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 5.09924e-07, 0)
  2026. trigok.Button_2.ImageTransparency = 0.23
  2027. trigok.Button_2.ImageRectOffset = Vector2.new(4, 836)
  2028. trigok.Button_2.Parent = trigok.logWarning
  2030. trigok.TextLabel_1.TextWrapped = true
  2031. trigok.TextLabel_1.BorderSizePixel = 0
  2032. trigok.TextLabel_1.TextScaled = true
  2033. trigok.TextLabel_1.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  2034. trigok.TextLabel_1.FontFace = Font.new("rbxasset://fonts/families/FredokaOne.json", Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal)
  2035. trigok.TextLabel_1.TextSize = 14
  2036. trigok.TextLabel_1.Size = UDim2.new(0.74, 0, 0.568112, 0)
  2037. trigok.TextLabel_1.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(225, 225, 225)
  2038. trigok.TextLabel_1.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  2039. trigok.TextLabel_1.Text = "Log Warning "
  2040. trigok.TextLabel_1.Position = UDim2.new(0.26, 0, 0.215944, 0)
  2041. trigok.TextLabel_1.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  2042. trigok.TextLabel_1.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left
  2043. trigok.TextLabel_1.Parent = trigok.logWarning
  2045. trigok.UIListLayout_2.FillDirection = Enum.FillDirection.Horizontal
  2046. trigok.UIListLayout_2.VerticalAlignment = Enum.VerticalAlignment.Center
  2047. trigok.UIListLayout_2.Padding = UDim.new(0.03, 0)
  2048. trigok.UIListLayout_2.ItemLineAlignment = Enum.ItemLineAlignment.Center
  2049. trigok.UIListLayout_2.Parent = trigok.logWarning
  2051. trigok.logError.BorderSizePixel = 0
  2052. trigok.logError.Size = UDim2.new(0.110762, 0, 1, 0)
  2053. trigok.logError.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  2054. trigok.logError.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  2055. trigok.logError.ClipsDescendants = true
  2056. trigok.logError.Name = "logError"
  2057. trigok.logError.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  2058. trigok.logError.Parent = trigok.logButtons
  2060. trigok.Button_3.ZIndex = 2
  2061. trigok.Button_3.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  2062. trigok.Button_3.Image = "rbxassetid://3926311105"
  2063. trigok.Button_3.ImageRectSize = Vector2.new(48, 48)
  2064. trigok.Button_3.Size = UDim2.new(0.23, 0, 1, 0)
  2065. trigok.Button_3.Name = "Button"
  2066. trigok.Button_3.LayoutOrder = 7
  2067. trigok.Button_3.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  2068. trigok.Button_3.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 5.09924e-07, 0)
  2069. trigok.Button_3.ImageTransparency = 0.23
  2070. trigok.Button_3.ImageRectOffset = Vector2.new(4, 836)
  2071. trigok.Button_3.Parent = trigok.logError
  2073. trigok.TextLabel_2.TextWrapped = true
  2074. trigok.TextLabel_2.BorderSizePixel = 0
  2075. trigok.TextLabel_2.TextScaled = true
  2076. trigok.TextLabel_2.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  2077. trigok.TextLabel_2.FontFace = Font.new("rbxasset://fonts/families/FredokaOne.json", Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal)
  2078. trigok.TextLabel_2.TextSize = 14
  2079. trigok.TextLabel_2.Size = UDim2.new(0.728848, 0, 0.41773, 0)
  2080. trigok.TextLabel_2.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(225, 225, 225)
  2081. trigok.TextLabel_2.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  2082. trigok.TextLabel_2.Text = "Log Error"
  2083. trigok.TextLabel_2.Position = UDim2.new(0.26, 0, 0.366327, 0)
  2084. trigok.TextLabel_2.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  2085. trigok.TextLabel_2.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left
  2086. trigok.TextLabel_2.Parent = trigok.logError
  2088. trigok.UIListLayout_3.FillDirection = Enum.FillDirection.Horizontal
  2089. trigok.UIListLayout_3.VerticalAlignment = Enum.VerticalAlignment.Center
  2090. trigok.UIListLayout_3.Padding = UDim.new(0.03, 0)
  2091. trigok.UIListLayout_3.ItemLineAlignment = Enum.ItemLineAlignment.Center
  2092. trigok.UIListLayout_3.Parent = trigok.logError
  2094. trigok.logInfo.BorderSizePixel = 0
  2095. trigok.logInfo.Size = UDim2.new(0.139335, 0, 1, 0)
  2096. trigok.logInfo.Position = UDim2.new(0.414065, 0, 0, 0)
  2097. trigok.logInfo.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  2098. trigok.logInfo.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  2099. trigok.logInfo.ClipsDescendants = true
  2100. trigok.logInfo.Name = "logInfo"
  2101. trigok.logInfo.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  2102. trigok.logInfo.Parent = trigok.logButtons
  2104. trigok.Button_4.ZIndex = 2
  2105. trigok.Button_4.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  2106. trigok.Button_4.Image = "rbxassetid://3926311105"
  2107. trigok.Button_4.ImageRectSize = Vector2.new(48, 48)
  2108. trigok.Button_4.Size = UDim2.new(0.184161, 0, 1, 0)
  2109. trigok.Button_4.Name = "Button"
  2110. trigok.Button_4.LayoutOrder = 7
  2111. trigok.Button_4.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  2112. trigok.Button_4.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 5.09924e-07, 0)
  2113. trigok.Button_4.ImageRectOffset = Vector2.new(4, 836)
  2114. trigok.Button_4.Parent = trigok.logInfo
  2116. trigok.TextLabel_3.TextWrapped = true
  2117. trigok.TextLabel_3.BorderSizePixel = 0
  2118. trigok.TextLabel_3.TextScaled = true
  2119. trigok.TextLabel_3.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  2120. trigok.TextLabel_3.FontFace = Font.new("rbxasset://fonts/families/FredokaOne.json", Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal)
  2121. trigok.TextLabel_3.TextSize = 14
  2122. trigok.TextLabel_3.Size = UDim2.new(0.728848, 0, 0.384311, 0)
  2123. trigok.TextLabel_3.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(225, 225, 225)
  2124. trigok.TextLabel_3.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  2125. trigok.TextLabel_3.Text = "Enable Logging"
  2126. trigok.TextLabel_3.Position = UDim2.new(0.26, 0, 0.399745, 0)
  2127. trigok.TextLabel_3.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  2128. trigok.TextLabel_3.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left
  2129. trigok.TextLabel_3.Parent = trigok.logInfo
  2131. trigok.UIListLayout_4.FillDirection = Enum.FillDirection.Horizontal
  2132. trigok.UIListLayout_4.VerticalAlignment = Enum.VerticalAlignment.Center
  2133. trigok.UIListLayout_4.Padding = UDim.new(0.03, 0)
  2134. trigok.UIListLayout_4.ItemLineAlignment = Enum.ItemLineAlignment.Center
  2135. trigok.UIListLayout_4.Parent = trigok.logInfo
  2137. trigok.cclrbtn.BorderSizePixel = 3
  2138. trigok.cclrbtn.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  2139. trigok.cclrbtn.AutoButtonColor = false
  2140. trigok.cclrbtn.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(44, 48, 61)
  2141. trigok.cclrbtn.BorderMode = Enum.BorderMode.Inset
  2142. trigok.cclrbtn.Selectable = false
  2143. trigok.cclrbtn.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
  2144. trigok.cclrbtn.Size = UDim2.new(0.108402, 0, 0.784056, 0)
  2145. trigok.cclrbtn.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  2146. trigok.cclrbtn.Name = "cclrbtn"
  2147. trigok.cclrbtn.Position = UDim2.new(0.580167, 0, 0.5, 0)
  2148. trigok.cclrbtn.Parent = trigok.logButtons
  2150. trigok.Title.TextWrapped = true
  2151. trigok.Title.BorderSizePixel = 0
  2152. trigok.Title.TextScaled = true
  2153. trigok.Title.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  2154. trigok.Title.FontFace = Font.new("rbxasset://fonts/families/FredokaOne.json", Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal)
  2155. trigok.Title.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
  2156. trigok.Title.TextSize = 14
  2157. trigok.Title.Name = "Title"
  2158. trigok.Title.Size = UDim2.new(0.582424, 0, 0.612447, 0)
  2159. trigok.Title.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(250, 250, 250)
  2160. trigok.Title.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  2161. trigok.Title.Text = "Clear Logs"
  2162. trigok.Title.Position = UDim2.new(0.494866, 0, 0.493859, 0)
  2163. trigok.Title.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  2164. trigok.Title.Parent = trigok.cclrbtn
  2166. trigok.UICorner_8.CornerRadius = UDim.new(0.08, 0)
  2167. trigok.UICorner_8.Parent = trigok.cclrbtn
  2169. trigok.UIStroke_4.LineJoinMode = Enum.LineJoinMode.Miter
  2170. trigok.UIStroke_4.Thickness = 3
  2171. trigok.UIStroke_4.Color = Color3.fromRGB(60, 66, 83)
  2172. trigok.UIStroke_4.Enabled = false
  2173. trigok.UIStroke_4.Parent = trigok.cclrbtn
  2175. trigok.excp.BorderSizePixel = 3
  2176. trigok.excp.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  2177. trigok.excp.AutoButtonColor = false
  2178. trigok.excp.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(44, 48, 61)
  2179. trigok.excp.BorderMode = Enum.BorderMode.Inset
  2180. trigok.excp.Selectable = false
  2181. trigok.excp.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
  2182. trigok.excp.Size = UDim2.new(0.0945025, 0, 0.784056, 0)
  2183. trigok.excp.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  2184. trigok.excp.Name = "excp"
  2185. trigok.excp.Position = UDim2.new(0.711627, 0, 0.616964, 0)
  2186. trigok.excp.Parent = trigok.logButtons
  2188. trigok.Title_1.TextWrapped = true
  2189. trigok.Title_1.BorderSizePixel = 0
  2190. trigok.Title_1.TextScaled = true
  2191. trigok.Title_1.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  2192. trigok.Title_1.FontFace = Font.new("rbxasset://fonts/families/FredokaOne.json", Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal)
  2193. trigok.Title_1.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
  2194. trigok.Title_1.TextSize = 14
  2195. trigok.Title_1.Name = "Title"
  2196. trigok.Title_1.Size = UDim2.new(0.712748, 0, 0.866139, 0)
  2197. trigok.Title_1.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(250, 250, 250)
  2198. trigok.Title_1.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  2199. trigok.Title_1.Text = "Execute from Clipboard"
  2200. trigok.Title_1.Position = UDim2.new(0.495013, 0, 0.497096, 0)
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  2495. trigok.subTitle.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
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  3132. trigok.TextLabel_5.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  3133. trigok.TextLabel_5.Text = "Note: You just need to set the script name. The script will be added from your clipboard, so make sure to copy it before adding it."
  3134. trigok.TextLabel_5.Position = UDim2.new(0.0158422, 0, 0.0507511, 0)
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  3297. trigok.Button3.Selectable = false
  3298. trigok.Button3.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
  3299. trigok.Button3.Size = UDim2.new(0.226347, 0, 0.721644, 0)
  3300. trigok.Button3.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  3301. trigok.Button3.Name = "Button3"
  3302. trigok.Button3.Position = UDim2.new(0.618174, 0, 0.454178, 0)
  3303. trigok.Button3.Parent = trigok.Buttons_2
  3305. trigok.Title_13.TextWrapped = true
  3306. trigok.Title_13.BorderSizePixel = 0
  3307. trigok.Title_13.TextScaled = true
  3308. trigok.Title_13.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  3309. trigok.Title_13.FontFace = Font.new("rbxasset://fonts/families/FredokaOne.json", Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal)
  3310. trigok.Title_13.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
  3311. trigok.Title_13.TextSize = 14
  3312. trigok.Title_13.Name = "Title"
  3313. trigok.Title_13.Size = UDim2.new(0.347791, 0, 0.782034, 0)
  3314. trigok.Title_13.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(250, 250, 250)
  3315. trigok.Title_13.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  3316. trigok.Title_13.Text = "Paste"
  3317. trigok.Title_13.Position = UDim2.new(0.5, 0, 0.5, 0)
  3318. trigok.Title_13.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  3319. trigok.Title_13.Parent = trigok.Button3
  3321. trigok.UICorner_41.CornerRadius = UDim.new(0.08, 0)
  3322. trigok.UICorner_41.Parent = trigok.Button3
  3324. trigok.UIStroke_8.LineJoinMode = Enum.LineJoinMode.Miter
  3325. trigok.UIStroke_8.Thickness = 3
  3326. trigok.UIStroke_8.Color = Color3.fromRGB(60, 66, 83)
  3327. trigok.UIStroke_8.Enabled = false
  3328. trigok.UIStroke_8.Parent = trigok.Button3
  3330. trigok.Button2.BorderSizePixel = 3
  3331. trigok.Button2.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit
  3332. trigok.Button2.AutoButtonColor = false
  3333. trigok.Button2.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(44, 48, 61)
  3334. trigok.Button2.BorderMode = Enum.BorderMode.Inset
  3335. trigok.Button2.Selectable = false
  3336. trigok.Button2.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
  3337. trigok.Button2.Size = UDim2.new(0.226347, 0, 0.721644, 0)
  3338. trigok.Button2.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  3339. trigok.Button2.Name = "Button2"
  3340. trigok.Button2.Position = UDim2.new(0.381826, 0, 0.454178, 0)
  3341. trigok.Button2.Parent = trigok.Buttons_2
  3343. trigok.Title_14.TextWrapped = true
  3344. trigok.Title_14.BorderSizePixel = 0
  3345. trigok.Title_14.TextScaled = true
  3346. trigok.Title_14.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  3347. trigok.Title_14.FontFace = Font.new("rbxasset://fonts/families/FredokaOne.json", Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal)
  3348. trigok.Title_14.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
  3349. trigok.Title_14.TextSize = 14
  3350. trigok.Title_14.Name = "Title"
  3351. trigok.Title_14.Size = UDim2.new(0.730181, 0, 0.653414, 0)
  3352. trigok.Title_14.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(250, 250, 250)
  3353. trigok.Title_14.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  3354. trigok.Title_14.Text = "Execute from Clipboard"
  3355. trigok.Title_14.Position = UDim2.new(0.5, 0, 0.5, 0)
  3356. trigok.Title_14.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  3357. trigok.Title_14.Parent = trigok.Button2
  3359. trigok.UICorner_42.CornerRadius = UDim.new(0.08, 0)
  3360. trigok.UICorner_42.Parent = trigok.Button2
  3362. trigok.UIStroke_9.LineJoinMode = Enum.LineJoinMode.Miter
  3363. trigok.UIStroke_9.Thickness = 3
  3364. trigok.UIStroke_9.Color = Color3.fromRGB(60, 66, 83)
  3365. trigok.UIStroke_9.Enabled = false
  3366. trigok.UIStroke_9.Parent = trigok.Button2
  3368. trigok.UICorner_43.CornerRadius = UDim.new(0.1, 0)
  3369. trigok.UICorner_43.Parent = trigok.Buttons_2
  3371. trigok.ScrollingFrame.BorderSizePixel = 0
  3372. trigok.ScrollingFrame.CanvasSize = UDim2.new(0, 0, 1, 0)
  3373. trigok.ScrollingFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  3374. trigok.ScrollingFrame.AutomaticCanvasSize = Enum.AutomaticSize.Y
  3375. trigok.ScrollingFrame.Size = UDim2.new(0.975214, 0, 0.675238, 0)
  3376. trigok.ScrollingFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  3377. trigok.ScrollingFrame.Active = true
  3378. trigok.ScrollingFrame.ScrollBarImageTransparency = 0.64
  3379. trigok.ScrollingFrame.ScrollBarThickness = 18
  3380. trigok.ScrollingFrame.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  3381. trigok.ScrollingFrame.Position = UDim2.new(0.0167858, 0, 0.0257617, 0)
  3382. trigok.ScrollingFrame.Parent = trigok.ExecFrame
  3384. trigok.LocalScript.Parent = trigok.ScrollingFrame
  3386. trigok.ScriptBox.BorderSizePixel = 0
  3387. trigok.ScriptBox.RichText = true
  3388. trigok.ScriptBox.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Top
  3389. trigok.ScriptBox.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(75, 0, 0)
  3390. trigok.ScriptBox.FontFace = Font.new("rbxasset://fonts/families/Nunito.json", Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal)
  3391. trigok.ScriptBox.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  3392. trigok.ScriptBox.AutomaticSize = Enum.AutomaticSize.Y
  3393. trigok.ScriptBox.TextSize = 30
  3394. trigok.ScriptBox.ClipsDescendants = true
  3395. trigok.ScriptBox.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 1, 0)
  3396. trigok.ScriptBox.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  3397. trigok.ScriptBox.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  3398. trigok.ScriptBox.Text = "-- We recommend only uisng loadstrings | Trigon Mobile v0.03 {Beta}"
  3399. trigok.ScriptBox.MultiLine = true
  3400. trigok.ScriptBox.Name = "ScriptBox"
  3401. trigok.ScriptBox.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left
  3402. trigok.ScriptBox.ClearTextOnFocus = false
  3403. trigok.ScriptBox.Parent = trigok.ScrollingFrame
  3405. trigok.Highlighter.Name = "Highlighter"
  3406. trigok.Highlighter.Parent = trigok.ScriptBox
  3408. trigok.lexer.Name = "lexer"
  3409. trigok.lexer.Parent = trigok.Highlighter
  3411. trigok.language.Name = "language"
  3412. trigok.language.Parent = trigok.lexer
  3414. trigok.theme.Name = "theme"
  3415. trigok.theme.Parent = trigok.Highlighter
  3417. trigok.types.Name = "types"
  3418. trigok.types.Parent = trigok.Highlighter
  3420. trigok.utility.Name = "utility"
  3421. trigok.utility.Parent = trigok.Highlighter
  3423. trigok.UICorner_44.CornerRadius = UDim.new(0.02, 0)
  3424. trigok.UICorner_44.Parent = trigok.ExecFrame
  3426. trigok.LocalScript_1.Parent = trigok.TrigonMain
  3428. trigok.savescripts.Name = "savescripts"
  3429. trigok.savescripts.Parent = trigok.TrigonMain
  3431. local modules, cache = {}, {}
  3433. local o_require = require;
  3434. local function require(module)
  3435. local real, cached = modules[module], cache[module]
  3437. if cached then return cached end
  3439. if not real then return o_require(module) end
  3441. cache[module] = real()
  3443. return cache[module]
  3444. end
  3446. modules[trigok.Highlighter] = function()
  3447. local script = trigok.Highlighter
  3449. local types = require(script.types)
  3450. local utility = require(script.utility)
  3451. local theme = require(script.theme)
  3453. local Highlighter = {
  3454. defaultLexer = require(script.lexer) :: types.Lexer,
  3456. _textObjectData = {} :: { [types.TextObject]: types.ObjectData },
  3457. _cleanups = {} :: { [types.TextObject]: () -> () },
  3458. }
  3460. --[[
  3461. Gathers the info that is needed in order to set up a line label.
  3462. ]]
  3463. function Highlighter._getLabelingInfo(textObject: types.TextObject)
  3464. local data = Highlighter._textObjectData[textObject]
  3465. if not data then
  3466. return
  3467. end
  3469. local src = utility.convertTabsToSpaces(utility.removeControlChars(textObject.Text))
  3470. local numLines = #string.split(src, "\n")
  3471. if numLines == 0 then
  3472. return
  3473. end
  3475. local textBounds = utility.getTextBounds(textObject)
  3476. local textHeight = textBounds.Y / numLines
  3478. return {
  3479. data = data,
  3480. numLines = numLines,
  3481. textBounds = textBounds,
  3482. textHeight = textHeight,
  3483. innerAbsoluteSize = utility.getInnerAbsoluteSize(textObject),
  3484. textColor = theme.getColor("iden"),
  3485. textFont = textObject.FontFace,
  3486. textSize = textObject.TextSize,
  3487. labelSize = UDim2.new(1, 0, 0, math.ceil(textHeight)),
  3488. }
  3489. end
  3491. --[[
  3492. Aligns and matches the line labels to the textObject.
  3493. ]]
  3494. function Highlighter._alignLabels(textObject: types.TextObject)
  3495. local labelingInfo = Highlighter._getLabelingInfo(textObject)
  3496. if not labelingInfo then
  3497. return
  3498. end
  3500. for lineNumber, lineLabel in labelingInfo.data.Labels do
  3501. -- Align line label
  3502. lineLabel.TextColor3 = labelingInfo.textColor
  3503. lineLabel.FontFace = labelingInfo.textFont
  3504. lineLabel.TextSize = labelingInfo.textSize
  3505. lineLabel.Size = labelingInfo.labelSize
  3506. lineLabel.Position =
  3507. UDim2.fromScale(0, labelingInfo.textHeight * (lineNumber - 1) / labelingInfo.innerAbsoluteSize.Y)
  3508. end
  3509. end
  3511. --[[
  3512. Creates and populates the line labels with the appropriate rich text.
  3513. ]]
  3514. function Highlighter._populateLabels(props: types.HighlightProps)
  3515. -- Gather props
  3516. local textObject = props.textObject
  3517. local src = utility.convertTabsToSpaces(utility.removeControlChars(props.src or textObject.Text))
  3518. local lexer = props.lexer or Highlighter.defaultLexer
  3519. local customLang = props.customLang
  3520. local forceUpdate = props.forceUpdate
  3522. -- Avoid updating when unnecessary
  3523. local data = Highlighter._textObjectData[textObject]
  3524. if (data == nil) or (data.Text == src) then
  3525. if forceUpdate ~= true then
  3526. return
  3527. end
  3528. end
  3530. -- Ensure textObject matches sanitized src
  3531. textObject.Text = src
  3533. local lineLabels = data.Labels
  3534. local previousLines = data.Lines
  3536. local lines = string.split(src, "\n")
  3538. data.Lines = lines
  3539. data.Text = src
  3540. data.Lexer = lexer
  3541. data.CustomLang = customLang
  3543. -- Shortcut empty textObjects
  3544. if src == "" then
  3545. for l = 1, #lineLabels do
  3546. if lineLabels[l].Text == "" then
  3547. continue
  3548. end
  3549. lineLabels[l].Text = ""
  3550. end
  3551. return
  3552. end
  3554. local idenColor = theme.getColor("iden")
  3555. local labelingInfo = Highlighter._getLabelingInfo(textObject)
  3557. local richTextBuffer, bufferIndex, lineNumber = table.create(5), 0, 1
  3558. for token: types.TokenName, content: string in lexer.scan(src) do
  3559. local Color = if customLang and customLang[content]
  3560. then theme.getColor("custom")
  3561. else theme.getColor(token) or idenColor
  3563. local tokenLines = string.split(utility.sanitizeRichText(content), "\n")
  3565. for l, tokenLine in tokenLines do
  3566. -- Find line label
  3567. local lineLabel = lineLabels[lineNumber]
  3568. if not lineLabel then
  3569. local newLabel = Instance.new("TextLabel")
  3570. newLabel.Name = "Line_" .. lineNumber
  3571. newLabel.AutoLocalize = false
  3572. newLabel.RichText = true
  3573. newLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  3574. newLabel.Text = ""
  3575. newLabel.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left
  3576. newLabel.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Top
  3577. newLabel.TextColor3 = labelingInfo.textColor
  3578. newLabel.FontFace = labelingInfo.textFont
  3579. newLabel.TextSize = labelingInfo.textSize
  3580. newLabel.Size = labelingInfo.labelSize
  3581. newLabel.Position =
  3582. UDim2.fromScale(0, labelingInfo.textHeight * (lineNumber - 1) / labelingInfo.innerAbsoluteSize.Y)
  3584. newLabel.Parent = textObject.SyntaxHighlights
  3585. lineLabels[lineNumber] = newLabel
  3586. lineLabel = newLabel
  3587. end
  3589. -- If multiline token, then set line & move to next
  3590. if l > 1 then
  3591. if forceUpdate or lines[lineNumber] ~= previousLines[lineNumber] then
  3592. -- Set line
  3593. lineLabels[lineNumber].Text = table.concat(richTextBuffer)
  3594. end
  3595. -- Move to next line
  3596. lineNumber += 1
  3597. bufferIndex = 0
  3598. table.clear(richTextBuffer)
  3599. end
  3601. -- If changed, add token to line
  3602. if forceUpdate or lines[lineNumber] ~= previousLines[lineNumber] then
  3603. bufferIndex += 1
  3604. -- Only add RichText tags when the color is non-default and the characters are non-whitespace
  3605. if Color ~= idenColor and string.find(tokenLine, "[%S%C]") then
  3606. richTextBuffer[bufferIndex] = theme.getColoredRichText(Color, tokenLine)
  3607. else
  3608. richTextBuffer[bufferIndex] = tokenLine
  3609. end
  3610. end
  3611. end
  3612. end
  3614. -- Set final line
  3615. if richTextBuffer[1] and lineLabels[lineNumber] then
  3616. lineLabels[lineNumber].Text = table.concat(richTextBuffer)
  3617. end
  3619. -- Clear unused line labels
  3620. for l = lineNumber + 1, #lineLabels do
  3621. if lineLabels[l].Text == "" then
  3622. continue
  3623. end
  3624. lineLabels[l].Text = ""
  3625. end
  3626. end
  3628. --[[
  3629. Highlights the given textObject with the given props and returns a cleanup function.
  3630. Highlighting will automatically update when needed, so the cleanup function will disconnect
  3631. those connections and remove all labels.
  3632. ]]
  3633. function Highlighter.highlight(props: types.HighlightProps): () -> ()
  3634. -- Gather props
  3635. local textObject = props.textObject
  3636. local src = utility.convertTabsToSpaces(utility.removeControlChars(props.src or textObject.Text))
  3637. local lexer = props.lexer or Highlighter.defaultLexer
  3638. local customLang = props.customLang
  3640. -- Avoid updating when unnecessary
  3641. if Highlighter._cleanups[textObject] then
  3642. -- Already been initialized, so just update
  3643. Highlighter._populateLabels(props)
  3644. Highlighter._alignLabels(textObject)
  3645. return Highlighter._cleanups[textObject]
  3646. end
  3648. -- Ensure valid object properties
  3649. textObject.RichText = false
  3650. textObject.Text = src
  3651. textObject.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left
  3652. textObject.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Top
  3653. textObject.BackgroundColor3 = theme.getColor("background")
  3654. textObject.TextColor3 = theme.getColor("iden")
  3655. textObject.TextTransparency = 0.5
  3657. -- Build the highlight labels
  3658. local lineFolder = textObject:FindFirstChild("SyntaxHighlights")
  3659. if lineFolder == nil then
  3660. local newLineFolder = Instance.new("Folder")
  3661. newLineFolder.Name = "SyntaxHighlights"
  3662. newLineFolder.Parent = textObject
  3664. lineFolder = newLineFolder
  3665. end
  3667. local data = {
  3668. Text = "",
  3669. Labels = {},
  3670. Lines = {},
  3671. Lexer = lexer,
  3672. CustomLang = customLang,
  3673. }
  3674. Highlighter._textObjectData[textObject] = data
  3676. -- Add a cleanup handler for this textObject
  3677. local connections: { [string]: RBXScriptConnection } = {}
  3678. local function cleanup()
  3679. lineFolder:Destroy()
  3681. Highlighter._textObjectData[textObject] = nil
  3682. Highlighter._cleanups[textObject] = nil
  3684. for _key, connection in connections do
  3685. connection:Disconnect()
  3686. end
  3687. table.clear(connections)
  3688. end
  3689. Highlighter._cleanups[textObject] = cleanup
  3691. connections["AncestryChanged"] = textObject.AncestryChanged:Connect(function()
  3692. if textObject.Parent then
  3693. return
  3694. end
  3696. cleanup()
  3697. end)
  3698. connections["TextChanged"] = textObject:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Text"):Connect(function()
  3699. Highlighter._populateLabels(props)
  3700. end)
  3701. connections["TextBoundsChanged"] = textObject:GetPropertyChangedSignal("TextBounds"):Connect(function()
  3702. Highlighter._alignLabels(textObject)
  3703. end)
  3704. connections["AbsoluteSizeChanged"] = textObject:GetPropertyChangedSignal("AbsoluteSize"):Connect(function()
  3705. Highlighter._alignLabels(textObject)
  3706. end)
  3707. connections["FontFaceChanged"] = textObject:GetPropertyChangedSignal("FontFace"):Connect(function()
  3708. Highlighter._alignLabels(textObject)
  3709. end)
  3711. -- Populate the labels
  3712. Highlighter._populateLabels(props)
  3713. Highlighter._alignLabels(textObject)
  3715. return cleanup
  3716. end
  3718. --[[
  3719. Refreshes all highlighted textObjects. Used when the theme changes.
  3720. ]]
  3721. function Highlighter.refresh(): ()
  3722. -- Rehighlight existing labels using latest colors
  3723. for textObject, data in Highlighter._textObjectData do
  3724. for _, lineLabel in data.Labels do
  3725. lineLabel.TextColor3 = theme.getColor("iden")
  3726. end
  3728. Highlighter.highlight({
  3729. textObject = textObject,
  3730. forceUpdate = true,
  3731. src = data.Text,
  3732. lexer = data.Lexer,
  3733. customLang = data.CustomLang,
  3734. })
  3735. end
  3736. end
  3738. --[[
  3739. Sets the token colors to the given colors and refreshes all highlighted textObjects.
  3740. ]]
  3741. function Highlighter.setTokenColors(colors: types.TokenColors): ()
  3742. theme.setColors(colors)
  3744. Highlighter.refresh()
  3745. end
  3747. --[[
  3748. Gets a token color by name.
  3749. Mainly useful for setting "background" token color on other UI objects behind your text.
  3750. ]]
  3751. function Highlighter.getTokenColor(tokenName: types.TokenName): Color3
  3752. return theme.getColor(tokenName)
  3753. end
  3755. --[[
  3756. Matches the token colors to the Studio theme settings and refreshes all highlighted textObjects.
  3757. Does nothing when not run in a Studio plugin.
  3758. ]]
  3759. function Highlighter.matchStudioSettings(): ()
  3760. local applied = theme.matchStudioSettings(Highlighter.refresh)
  3761. if applied then
  3762. Highlighter.refresh()
  3763. end
  3764. end
  3766. return Highlighter
  3768. end
  3770. modules[trigok.lexer] = function()
  3771. local script = trigok.lexer
  3773. --[=[
  3774. Lexical scanner for creating a sequence of tokens from Lua source code.
  3775. This is a heavily modified and Roblox-optimized version of
  3776. the original Penlight Lexer module:
  3777. https://github.com/stevedonovan/Penlight
  3778. Authors:
  3779. stevedonovan <https://github.com/stevedonovan> ----------- Original Penlight lexer author
  3780. ryanjmulder <https://github.com/ryanjmulder> ------------- Penlight lexer contributer
  3781. mpeterv <https://github.com/mpeterv> --------------------- Penlight lexer contributer
  3782. Tieske <https://github.com/Tieske> ----------------------- Penlight lexer contributer
  3783. boatbomber <https://github.com/boatbomber> --------------- Roblox port, added builtin token,
  3784. added patterns for incomplete syntax, bug fixes,
  3785. behavior changes, token optimization, thread optimization
  3786. Added lexer.navigator() for non-sequential reads
  3787. Sleitnick <https://github.com/Sleitnick> ----------------- Roblox optimizations
  3788. howmanysmall <https://github.com/howmanysmall> ----------- Lua + Roblox optimizations
  3790. List of possible tokens:
  3791. - iden
  3792. - keyword
  3793. - builtin
  3794. - string
  3795. - number
  3796. - comment
  3797. - operator
  3798. --]=]
  3800. local lexer = {}
  3802. local Prefix, Suffix, Cleaner = "^[%c%s]*", "[%c%s]*", "[%c%s]+"
  3803. local UNICODE = "[%z\x01-\x7F\xC2-\xF4][\x80-\xBF]+"
  3804. local NUMBER_A = "0[xX][%da-fA-F_]+"
  3805. local NUMBER_B = "0[bB][01_]+"
  3806. local NUMBER_C = "%d+%.?%d*[eE][%+%-]?%d+"
  3807. local NUMBER_D = "%d+[%._]?[%d_eE]*"
  3808. local OPERATORS = "[:;<>/~%*%(%)%-={},%.#%^%+%%]+"
  3809. local BRACKETS = "[%[%]]+" -- needs to be separate pattern from other operators or it'll mess up multiline strings
  3810. local IDEN = "[%a_][%w_]*"
  3811. local STRING_EMPTY = "(['\"])%1" --Empty String
  3812. local STRING_PLAIN = "(['\"])[^\n]-([^\\]%1)" --TODO: Handle escaping escapes
  3813. local STRING_INTER = "`[^\n]-`"
  3814. local STRING_INCOMP_A = "(['\"]).-\n" --Incompleted String with next line
  3815. local STRING_INCOMP_B = "(['\"])[^\n]*" --Incompleted String without next line
  3816. local STRING_MULTI = "%[(=*)%[.-%]%1%]" --Multiline-String
  3817. local STRING_MULTI_INCOMP = "%[=*%[.-.*" --Incompleted Multiline-String
  3818. local COMMENT_MULTI = "%-%-%[(=*)%[.-%]%1%]" --Completed Multiline-Comment
  3819. local COMMENT_MULTI_INCOMP = "%-%-%[=*%[.-.*" --Incompleted Multiline-Comment
  3820. local COMMENT_PLAIN = "%-%-.-\n" --Completed Singleline-Comment
  3821. local COMMENT_INCOMP = "%-%-.*" --Incompleted Singleline-Comment
  3822. -- local TYPED_VAR = ":%s*([%w%?%| \t]+%s*)" --Typed variable, parameter, function
  3824. local lang = require(script.language)
  3825. local lua_keyword = lang.keyword
  3826. local lua_builtin = lang.builtin
  3827. local lua_libraries = lang.libraries
  3829. lexer.language = lang
  3831. local lua_matches = {
  3832. -- Indentifiers
  3833. { Prefix .. IDEN .. Suffix, "var" },
  3835. -- Numbers
  3836. { Prefix .. NUMBER_A .. Suffix, "number" },
  3837. { Prefix .. NUMBER_B .. Suffix, "number" },
  3838. { Prefix .. NUMBER_C .. Suffix, "number" },
  3839. { Prefix .. NUMBER_D .. Suffix, "number" },
  3841. -- Strings
  3842. { Prefix .. STRING_EMPTY .. Suffix, "string" },
  3843. { Prefix .. STRING_PLAIN .. Suffix, "string" },
  3844. { Prefix .. STRING_INCOMP_A .. Suffix, "string" },
  3845. { Prefix .. STRING_INCOMP_B .. Suffix, "string" },
  3846. { Prefix .. STRING_MULTI .. Suffix, "string" },
  3847. { Prefix .. STRING_MULTI_INCOMP .. Suffix, "string" },
  3848. { Prefix .. STRING_INTER .. Suffix, "string_inter" },
  3850. -- Comments
  3851. { Prefix .. COMMENT_MULTI .. Suffix, "comment" },
  3852. { Prefix .. COMMENT_MULTI_INCOMP .. Suffix, "comment" },
  3853. { Prefix .. COMMENT_PLAIN .. Suffix, "comment" },
  3854. { Prefix .. COMMENT_INCOMP .. Suffix, "comment" },
  3856. -- Operators
  3857. { Prefix .. OPERATORS .. Suffix, "operator" },
  3858. { Prefix .. BRACKETS .. Suffix, "operator" },
  3860. -- Unicode
  3861. { Prefix .. UNICODE .. Suffix, "iden" },
  3863. -- Unknown
  3864. { "^.", "iden" },
  3865. }
  3867. -- To reduce the amount of table indexing during lexing, we separate the matches now
  3868. local PATTERNS, TOKENS = {}, {}
  3869. for i, m in lua_matches do
  3870. PATTERNS[i] = m[1]
  3871. TOKENS[i] = m[2]
  3872. end
  3874. --- Create a plain token iterator from a string.
  3875. -- @tparam string s a string.
  3877. function lexer.scan(s: string)
  3878. local index = 1
  3879. local size = #s
  3880. local previousContent1, previousContent2, previousContent3, previousToken = "", "", "", ""
  3882. local thread = coroutine.create(function()
  3883. while index <= size do
  3884. local matched = false
  3885. for tokenType, pattern in ipairs(PATTERNS) do
  3886. -- Find match
  3887. local start, finish = string.find(s, pattern, index)
  3888. if start == nil then
  3889. continue
  3890. end
  3892. -- Move head
  3893. index = finish + 1
  3894. matched = true
  3896. -- Gather results
  3897. local content = string.sub(s, start, finish)
  3898. local rawToken = TOKENS[tokenType]
  3899. local processedToken = rawToken
  3901. -- Process token
  3902. if rawToken == "var" then
  3903. -- Since we merge spaces into the tok, we need to remove them
  3904. -- in order to check the actual word it contains
  3905. local cleanContent = string.gsub(content, Cleaner, "")
  3907. if lua_keyword[cleanContent] then
  3908. processedToken = "keyword"
  3909. elseif lua_builtin[cleanContent] then
  3910. processedToken = "builtin"
  3911. elseif string.find(previousContent1, "%.[%s%c]*$") and previousToken ~= "comment" then
  3912. -- The previous was a . so we need to special case indexing things
  3913. local parent = string.gsub(previousContent2, Cleaner, "")
  3914. local lib = lua_libraries[parent]
  3915. if lib and lib[cleanContent] and not string.find(previousContent3, "%.[%s%c]*$") then
  3916. -- Indexing a builtin lib with existing item, treat as a builtin
  3917. processedToken = "builtin"
  3918. else
  3919. -- Indexing a non builtin, can't be treated as a keyword/builtin
  3920. processedToken = "iden"
  3921. end
  3922. -- print("indexing",parent,"with",cleanTok,"as",t2)
  3923. else
  3924. processedToken = "iden"
  3925. end
  3926. elseif rawToken == "string_inter" then
  3927. if not string.find(content, "[^\\]{") then
  3928. -- This inter string doesnt actually have any inters
  3929. processedToken = "string"
  3930. else
  3931. -- We're gonna do our own yields, so the main loop won't need to
  3932. -- Our yields will be a mix of string and whatever is inside the inters
  3933. processedToken = nil
  3935. local isString = true
  3936. local subIndex = 1
  3937. local subSize = #content
  3938. while subIndex <= subSize do
  3939. -- Find next brace
  3940. local subStart, subFinish = string.find(content, "^.-[^\\][{}]", subIndex)
  3941. if subStart == nil then
  3942. -- No more braces, all string
  3943. coroutine.yield("string", string.sub(content, subIndex))
  3944. break
  3945. end
  3947. if isString then
  3948. -- We are currently a string
  3949. subIndex = subFinish + 1
  3950. coroutine.yield("string", string.sub(content, subStart, subFinish))
  3952. -- This brace opens code
  3953. isString = false
  3954. else
  3955. -- We are currently in code
  3956. subIndex = subFinish
  3957. local subContent = string.sub(content, subStart, subFinish - 1)
  3958. for innerToken, innerContent in lexer.scan(subContent) do
  3959. coroutine.yield(innerToken, innerContent)
  3960. end
  3962. -- This brace opens string/closes code
  3963. isString = true
  3964. end
  3965. end
  3966. end
  3967. end
  3969. -- Record last 3 tokens for the indexing context check
  3970. previousContent3 = previousContent2
  3971. previousContent2 = previousContent1
  3972. previousContent1 = content
  3973. previousToken = processedToken or rawToken
  3974. if processedToken then
  3975. coroutine.yield(processedToken, content)
  3976. end
  3977. break
  3978. end
  3980. -- No matches found
  3981. if not matched then
  3982. return
  3983. end
  3984. end
  3986. -- Completed the scan
  3987. return
  3988. end)
  3990. return function()
  3991. if coroutine.status(thread) == "dead" then
  3992. return
  3993. end
  3995. local success, token, content = coroutine.resume(thread)
  3996. if success and token then
  3997. return token, content
  3998. end
  4000. return
  4001. end
  4002. end
  4004. function lexer.navigator()
  4005. local nav = {
  4006. Source = "",
  4007. TokenCache = table.create(50),
  4009. _RealIndex = 0,
  4010. _UserIndex = 0,
  4011. _ScanThread = nil,
  4012. }
  4014. function nav:Destroy()
  4015. self.Source = nil
  4016. self._RealIndex = nil
  4017. self._UserIndex = nil
  4018. self.TokenCache = nil
  4019. self._ScanThread = nil
  4020. end
  4022. function nav:SetSource(SourceString)
  4023. self.Source = SourceString
  4025. self._RealIndex = 0
  4026. self._UserIndex = 0
  4027. table.clear(self.TokenCache)
  4029. self._ScanThread = coroutine.create(function()
  4030. for Token, Src in lexer.scan(self.Source) do
  4031. self._RealIndex += 1
  4032. self.TokenCache[self._RealIndex] = { Token, Src }
  4033. coroutine.yield(Token, Src)
  4034. end
  4035. end)
  4036. end
  4038. function nav.Next()
  4039. nav._UserIndex += 1
  4041. if nav._RealIndex >= nav._UserIndex then
  4042. -- Already scanned, return cached
  4043. return table.unpack(nav.TokenCache[nav._UserIndex])
  4044. else
  4045. if coroutine.status(nav._ScanThread) == "dead" then
  4046. -- Scan thread dead
  4047. return
  4048. else
  4049. local success, token, src = coroutine.resume(nav._ScanThread)
  4050. if success and token then
  4051. -- Scanned new data
  4052. return token, src
  4053. else
  4054. -- Lex completed
  4055. return
  4056. end
  4057. end
  4058. end
  4059. end
  4061. function nav.Peek(PeekAmount)
  4062. local GoalIndex = nav._UserIndex + PeekAmount
  4064. if nav._RealIndex >= GoalIndex then
  4065. -- Already scanned, return cached
  4066. if GoalIndex > 0 then
  4067. return table.unpack(nav.TokenCache[GoalIndex])
  4068. else
  4069. -- Invalid peek
  4070. return
  4071. end
  4072. else
  4073. if coroutine.status(nav._ScanThread) == "dead" then
  4074. -- Scan thread dead
  4075. return
  4076. else
  4077. local IterationsAway = GoalIndex - nav._RealIndex
  4079. local success, token, src = nil, nil, nil
  4081. for _ = 1, IterationsAway do
  4082. success, token, src = coroutine.resume(nav._ScanThread)
  4083. if not (success or token) then
  4084. -- Lex completed
  4085. break
  4086. end
  4087. end
  4089. return token, src
  4090. end
  4091. end
  4092. end
  4094. return nav
  4095. end
  4097. return lexer
  4099. end
  4101. modules[trigok.language] = function()
  4102. local script = trigok.language
  4104. local language = {
  4105. keyword = {
  4106. ["and"] = "keyword",
  4107. ["break"] = "keyword",
  4108. ["continue"] = "keyword",
  4109. ["do"] = "keyword",
  4110. ["else"] = "keyword",
  4111. ["elseif"] = "keyword",
  4112. ["end"] = "keyword",
  4113. ["export"] = "keyword",
  4114. ["false"] = "keyword",
  4115. ["for"] = "keyword",
  4116. ["function"] = "keyword",
  4117. ["if"] = "keyword",
  4118. ["in"] = "keyword",
  4119. ["local"] = "keyword",
  4120. ["nil"] = "keyword",
  4121. ["not"] = "keyword",
  4122. ["or"] = "keyword",
  4123. ["repeat"] = "keyword",
  4124. ["return"] = "keyword",
  4125. ["self"] = "keyword",
  4126. ["then"] = "keyword",
  4127. ["true"] = "keyword",
  4128. ["type"] = "keyword",
  4129. ["typeof"] = "keyword",
  4130. ["until"] = "keyword",
  4131. ["while"] = "keyword",
  4132. },
  4134. builtin = {
  4135. -- Luau Functions
  4136. ["assert"] = "function",
  4137. ["error"] = "function",
  4138. ["getfenv"] = "function",
  4139. ["getmetatable"] = "function",
  4140. ["ipairs"] = "function",
  4141. ["loadstring"] = "function",
  4142. ["newproxy"] = "function",
  4143. ["next"] = "function",
  4144. ["pairs"] = "function",
  4145. ["pcall"] = "function",
  4146. ["print"] = "function",
  4147. ["rawequal"] = "function",
  4148. ["rawget"] = "function",
  4149. ["rawlen"] = "function",
  4150. ["rawset"] = "function",
  4151. ["select"] = "function",
  4152. ["setfenv"] = "function",
  4153. ["setmetatable"] = "function",
  4154. ["tonumber"] = "function",
  4155. ["tostring"] = "function",
  4156. ["unpack"] = "function",
  4157. ["xpcall"] = "function",
  4159. -- Luau Functions (Deprecated)
  4160. ["collectgarbage"] = "function",
  4162. -- Luau Variables
  4163. ["_G"] = "table",
  4164. ["_VERSION"] = "string",
  4166. -- Luau Tables
  4167. ["bit32"] = "table",
  4168. ["coroutine"] = "table",
  4169. ["debug"] = "table",
  4170. ["math"] = "table",
  4171. ["os"] = "table",
  4172. ["string"] = "table",
  4173. ["table"] = "table",
  4174. ["utf8"] = "table",
  4176. -- Roblox Functions
  4177. ["DebuggerManager"] = "function",
  4178. ["delay"] = "function",
  4179. ["gcinfo"] = "function",
  4180. ["PluginManager"] = "function",
  4181. ["require"] = "function",
  4182. ["settings"] = "function",
  4183. ["spawn"] = "function",
  4184. ["tick"] = "function",
  4185. ["time"] = "function",
  4186. ["UserSettings"] = "function",
  4187. ["wait"] = "function",
  4188. ["warn"] = "function",
  4190. -- Roblox Functions (Deprecated)
  4191. ["Delay"] = "function",
  4192. ["ElapsedTime"] = "function",
  4193. ["elapsedTime"] = "function",
  4194. ["printidentity"] = "function",
  4195. ["Spawn"] = "function",
  4196. ["Stats"] = "function",
  4197. ["stats"] = "function",
  4198. ["Version"] = "function",
  4199. ["version"] = "function",
  4200. ["Wait"] = "function",
  4201. ["ypcall"] = "function",
  4203. -- Roblox Variables
  4204. ["game"] = "Instance",
  4205. ["plugin"] = "Instance",
  4206. ["script"] = "Instance",
  4207. ["shared"] = "Instance",
  4208. ["workspace"] = "Instance",
  4210. -- Roblox Variables (Deprecated)
  4211. ["Game"] = "Instance",
  4212. ["Workspace"] = "Instance",
  4214. -- Roblox Tables
  4215. ["Axes"] = "table",
  4216. ["BrickColor"] = "table",
  4217. ["CatalogSearchParams"] = "table",
  4218. ["CFrame"] = "table",
  4219. ["Color3"] = "table",
  4220. ["ColorSequence"] = "table",
  4221. ["ColorSequenceKeypoint"] = "table",
  4222. ["DateTime"] = "table",
  4223. ["DockWidgetPluginGuiInfo"] = "table",
  4224. ["Enum"] = "table",
  4225. ["Faces"] = "table",
  4226. ["FloatCurveKey"] = "table",
  4227. ["Font"] = "table",
  4228. ["Instance"] = "table",
  4229. ["NumberRange"] = "table",
  4230. ["NumberSequence"] = "table",
  4231. ["NumberSequenceKeypoint"] = "table",
  4232. ["OverlapParams"] = "table",
  4233. ["PathWaypoint"] = "table",
  4234. ["PhysicalProperties"] = "table",
  4235. ["Random"] = "table",
  4236. ["Ray"] = "table",
  4237. ["RaycastParams"] = "table",
  4238. ["Rect"] = "table",
  4239. ["Region3"] = "table",
  4240. ["Region3int16"] = "table",
  4241. ["RotationCurveKey"] = "table",
  4242. ["SharedTable"] = "table",
  4243. ["task"] = "table",
  4244. ["TweenInfo"] = "table",
  4245. ["UDim"] = "table",
  4246. ["UDim2"] = "table",
  4247. ["Vector2"] = "table",
  4248. ["Vector2int16"] = "table",
  4249. ["Vector3"] = "table",
  4250. ["Vector3int16"] = "table",
  4251. },
  4253. libraries = {
  4255. -- Luau Libraries
  4256. bit32 = {
  4257. arshift = "function",
  4258. band = "function",
  4259. bnot = "function",
  4260. bor = "function",
  4261. btest = "function",
  4262. bxor = "function",
  4263. countlz = "function",
  4264. countrz = "function",
  4265. extract = "function",
  4266. lrotate = "function",
  4267. lshift = "function",
  4268. replace = "function",
  4269. rrotate = "function",
  4270. rshift = "function",
  4271. },
  4273. coroutine = {
  4274. close = "function",
  4275. create = "function",
  4276. isyieldable = "function",
  4277. resume = "function",
  4278. running = "function",
  4279. status = "function",
  4280. wrap = "function",
  4281. yield = "function",
  4282. },
  4284. debug = {
  4285. dumpheap = "function",
  4286. getmemorycategory = "function",
  4287. info = "function",
  4288. loadmodule = "function",
  4289. profilebegin = "function",
  4290. profileend = "function",
  4291. resetmemorycategory = "function",
  4292. setmemorycategory = "function",
  4293. traceback = "function",
  4294. },
  4296. math = {
  4297. abs = "function",
  4298. acos = "function",
  4299. asin = "function",
  4300. atan2 = "function",
  4301. atan = "function",
  4302. ceil = "function",
  4303. clamp = "function",
  4304. cos = "function",
  4305. cosh = "function",
  4306. deg = "function",
  4307. exp = "function",
  4308. floor = "function",
  4309. fmod = "function",
  4310. frexp = "function",
  4311. ldexp = "function",
  4312. log10 = "function",
  4313. log = "function",
  4314. max = "function",
  4315. min = "function",
  4316. modf = "function",
  4317. noise = "function",
  4318. pow = "function",
  4319. rad = "function",
  4320. random = "function",
  4321. randomseed = "function",
  4322. round = "function",
  4323. sign = "function",
  4324. sin = "function",
  4325. sinh = "function",
  4326. sqrt = "function",
  4327. tan = "function",
  4328. tanh = "function",
  4330. huge = "number",
  4331. pi = "number",
  4332. },
  4334. os = {
  4335. clock = "function",
  4336. date = "function",
  4337. difftime = "function",
  4338. time = "function",
  4339. },
  4341. string = {
  4342. byte = "function",
  4343. char = "function",
  4344. find = "function",
  4345. format = "function",
  4346. gmatch = "function",
  4347. gsub = "function",
  4348. len = "function",
  4349. lower = "function",
  4350. match = "function",
  4351. pack = "function",
  4352. packsize = "function",
  4353. rep = "function",
  4354. reverse = "function",
  4355. split = "function",
  4356. sub = "function",
  4357. unpack = "function",
  4358. upper = "function",
  4359. },
  4361. table = {
  4362. clear = "function",
  4363. clone = "function",
  4364. concat = "function",
  4365. create = "function",
  4366. find = "function",
  4367. foreach = "function",
  4368. foreachi = "function",
  4369. freeze = "function",
  4370. getn = "function",
  4371. insert = "function",
  4372. isfrozen = "function",
  4373. maxn = "function",
  4374. move = "function",
  4375. pack = "function",
  4376. remove = "function",
  4377. sort = "function",
  4378. unpack = "function",
  4379. },
  4381. utf8 = {
  4382. char = "function",
  4383. codepoint = "function",
  4384. codes = "function",
  4385. graphemes = "function",
  4386. len = "function",
  4387. nfcnormalize = "function",
  4388. nfdnormalize = "function",
  4389. offset = "function",
  4391. charpattern = "string",
  4392. },
  4394. -- Roblox Libraries
  4395. Axes = {
  4396. new = "function",
  4397. },
  4399. BrickColor = {
  4400. Black = "function",
  4401. Blue = "function",
  4402. DarkGray = "function",
  4403. Gray = "function",
  4404. Green = "function",
  4405. new = "function",
  4406. New = "function",
  4407. palette = "function",
  4408. Random = "function",
  4409. random = "function",
  4410. Red = "function",
  4411. White = "function",
  4412. Yellow = "function",
  4413. },
  4415. CatalogSearchParams = {
  4416. new = "function",
  4417. },
  4419. CFrame = {
  4420. Angles = "function",
  4421. fromAxisAngle = "function",
  4422. fromEulerAngles = "function",
  4423. fromEulerAnglesXYZ = "function",
  4424. fromEulerAnglesYXZ = "function",
  4425. fromMatrix = "function",
  4426. fromOrientation = "function",
  4427. lookAt = "function",
  4428. new = "function",
  4430. identity = "CFrame",
  4431. },
  4433. Color3 = {
  4434. fromHex = "function",
  4435. fromHSV = "function",
  4436. fromRGB = "function",
  4437. new = "function",
  4438. toHSV = "function",
  4439. },
  4441. ColorSequence = {
  4442. new = "function",
  4443. },
  4445. ColorSequenceKeypoint = {
  4446. new = "function",
  4447. },
  4449. DateTime = {
  4450. fromIsoDate = "function",
  4451. fromLocalTime = "function",
  4452. fromUniversalTime = "function",
  4453. fromUnixTimestamp = "function",
  4454. fromUnixTimestampMillis = "function",
  4455. now = "function",
  4456. },
  4458. DockWidgetPluginGuiInfo = {
  4459. new = "function",
  4460. },
  4462. Enum = {},
  4464. Faces = {
  4465. new = "function",
  4466. },
  4468. FloatCurveKey = {
  4469. new = "function",
  4470. },
  4472. Font = {
  4473. fromEnum = "function",
  4474. fromId = "function",
  4475. fromName = "function",
  4476. new = "function",
  4477. },
  4479. Instance = {
  4480. new = "function",
  4481. },
  4483. NumberRange = {
  4484. new = "function",
  4485. },
  4487. NumberSequence = {
  4488. new = "function",
  4489. },
  4491. NumberSequenceKeypoint = {
  4492. new = "function",
  4493. },
  4495. OverlapParams = {
  4496. new = "function",
  4497. },
  4499. PathWaypoint = {
  4500. new = "function",
  4501. },
  4503. PhysicalProperties = {
  4504. new = "function",
  4505. },
  4507. Random = {
  4508. new = "function",
  4509. },
  4511. Ray = {
  4512. new = "function",
  4513. },
  4515. RaycastParams = {
  4516. new = "function",
  4517. },
  4519. Rect = {
  4520. new = "function",
  4521. },
  4523. Region3 = {
  4524. new = "function",
  4525. },
  4527. Region3int16 = {
  4528. new = "function",
  4529. },
  4531. RotationCurveKey = {
  4532. new = "function",
  4533. },
  4535. SharedTable = {
  4536. clear = "function",
  4537. clone = "function",
  4538. cloneAndFreeze = "function",
  4539. increment = "function",
  4540. isFrozen = "function",
  4541. new = "function",
  4542. size = "function",
  4543. update = "function",
  4544. },
  4546. task = {
  4547. cancel = "function",
  4548. defer = "function",
  4549. delay = "function",
  4550. desynchronize = "function",
  4551. spawn = "function",
  4552. synchronize = "function",
  4553. wait = "function",
  4554. },
  4556. TweenInfo = {
  4557. new = "function",
  4558. },
  4560. UDim = {
  4561. new = "function",
  4562. },
  4564. UDim2 = {
  4565. fromOffset = "function",
  4566. fromScale = "function",
  4567. new = "function",
  4568. },
  4570. Vector2 = {
  4571. new = "function",
  4573. one = "Vector2",
  4574. xAxis = "Vector2",
  4575. yAxis = "Vector2",
  4576. zero = "Vector2",
  4577. },
  4579. Vector2int16 = {
  4580. new = "function",
  4581. },
  4583. Vector3 = {
  4584. fromAxis = "function",
  4585. FromAxis = "function",
  4586. fromNormalId = "function",
  4587. FromNormalId = "function",
  4588. new = "function",
  4590. one = "Vector3",
  4591. xAxis = "Vector3",
  4592. yAxis = "Vector3",
  4593. zAxis = "Vector3",
  4594. zero = "Vector3",
  4595. },
  4597. Vector3int16 = {
  4598. new = "function",
  4599. },
  4600. },
  4601. }
  4603. -- Filling up language.libraries.Enum table
  4604. local enumLibraryTable = language.libraries.Enum
  4606. for _, enum in ipairs(Enum:GetEnums()) do
  4607. --TODO: Remove tostring from here once there is a better way to get the name of an Enum
  4608. enumLibraryTable[tostring(enum)] = "Enum"
  4609. end
  4611. return language
  4613. end
  4615. modules[trigok.theme] = function()
  4616. local script = trigok.theme
  4618. local DEFAULT_TOKEN_COLORS = {
  4619. ["background"] = Color3.fromRGB(47, 47, 47),
  4620. ["iden"] = Color3.fromRGB(234, 234, 234),
  4621. ["keyword"] = Color3.fromRGB(215, 174, 255),
  4622. ["builtin"] = Color3.fromRGB(131, 206, 255),
  4623. ["string"] = Color3.fromRGB(196, 255, 193),
  4624. ["number"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 125, 125),
  4625. ["comment"] = Color3.fromRGB(140, 140, 155),
  4626. ["operator"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 239, 148),
  4627. ["custom"] = Color3.fromRGB(119, 122, 255),
  4628. }
  4630. local types = require(script.Parent.types)
  4632. local Theme = {
  4633. tokenColors = {},
  4634. tokenRichTextFormatter = {},
  4635. }
  4637. function Theme.setColors(tokenColors: types.TokenColors)
  4638. assert(type(tokenColors) == "table", "Theme.updateColors expects a table")
  4640. for tokenName, color in tokenColors do
  4641. Theme.tokenColors[tokenName] = color
  4642. end
  4643. end
  4645. function Theme.getColoredRichText(color: Color3, text: string): string
  4646. return '<font color="#' .. color:ToHex() .. '">' .. text .. "</font>"
  4647. end
  4649. function Theme.getColor(tokenName: types.TokenName): Color3
  4650. return Theme.tokenColors[tokenName]
  4651. end
  4653. function Theme.matchStudioSettings(refreshCallback: () -> ()): boolean
  4654. local success = pcall(function()
  4655. -- When not used in a Studio plugin, this will error
  4656. -- and the pcall will just silently return
  4657. local studio = settings().Studio
  4658. local studioTheme = studio.Theme
  4660. local function getTokens()
  4661. return {
  4662. ["background"] = studioTheme:GetColor(Enum.StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptBackground),
  4663. ["iden"] = studioTheme:GetColor(Enum.StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptText),
  4664. ["keyword"] = studioTheme:GetColor(Enum.StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptKeyword),
  4665. ["builtin"] = studioTheme:GetColor(Enum.StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptBuiltInFunction),
  4666. ["string"] = studioTheme:GetColor(Enum.StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptString),
  4667. ["number"] = studioTheme:GetColor(Enum.StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptNumber),
  4668. ["comment"] = studioTheme:GetColor(Enum.StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptComment),
  4669. ["operator"] = studioTheme:GetColor(Enum.StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptOperator),
  4670. ["custom"] = studioTheme:GetColor(Enum.StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptBool),
  4671. }
  4672. end
  4674. Theme.setColors(getTokens())
  4675. studio.ThemeChanged:Connect(function()
  4676. studioTheme = studio.Theme
  4677. Theme.setColors(getTokens())
  4678. refreshCallback()
  4679. end)
  4680. end)
  4681. return success
  4682. end
  4684. -- Initialize
  4685. Theme.setColors(DEFAULT_TOKEN_COLORS)
  4687. return Theme
  4689. end
  4691. modules[trigok.types] = function()
  4692. local script = trigok.types
  4694. export type TextObject = TextLabel | TextBox
  4696. export type TokenName =
  4697. "background"
  4698. | "iden"
  4699. | "keyword"
  4700. | "builtin"
  4701. | "string"
  4702. | "number"
  4703. | "comment"
  4704. | "operator"
  4705. | "custom"
  4707. export type TokenColors = {
  4708. ["background"]: Color3?,
  4709. ["iden"]: Color3?,
  4710. ["keyword"]: Color3?,
  4711. ["builtin"]: Color3?,
  4712. ["string"]: Color3?,
  4713. ["number"]: Color3?,
  4714. ["comment"]: Color3?,
  4715. ["operator"]: Color3?,
  4716. ["custom"]: Color3?,
  4717. }
  4719. export type HighlightProps = {
  4720. textObject: TextObject,
  4721. src: string?,
  4722. forceUpdate: boolean?,
  4723. lexer: Lexer?,
  4724. customLang: { [string]: string }?,
  4725. }
  4727. export type Lexer = {
  4728. scan: (src: string) -> () -> (string, string),
  4729. navigator: () -> any,
  4730. finished: boolean?,
  4731. }
  4733. export type ObjectData = {
  4734. Text: string,
  4735. Labels: { TextLabel },
  4736. Lines: { string },
  4737. Lexer: Lexer?,
  4738. CustomLang: { [string]: string }?,
  4739. }
  4741. return nil
  4743. end
  4745. modules[trigok.utility] = function()
  4746. local script = trigok.utility
  4748. local types = require(script.Parent.types)
  4750. local Utility = {}
  4752. function Utility.sanitizeRichText(s: string): string
  4753. return string.gsub(
  4754. string.gsub(string.gsub(string.gsub(string.gsub(s, "&", "&amp;"), "<", "&lt;"), ">", "&gt;"), '"', "&quot;"),
  4755. "'",
  4756. "&apos;"
  4757. )
  4758. end
  4760. function Utility.convertTabsToSpaces(s: string): string
  4761. return string.gsub(s, "\t", " ")
  4762. end
  4764. function Utility.removeControlChars(s: string): string
  4765. return string.gsub(s, "[\0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\11\12\13\14\15\16\17\18\19\20\21\22\23\24\25\26\27\28\29\30\31]+", "")
  4766. end
  4768. function Utility.getInnerAbsoluteSize(textObject: types.TextObject): Vector2
  4769. local fullSize = textObject.AbsoluteSize
  4771. local padding: UIPadding? = textObject:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("UIPadding")
  4772. if padding then
  4773. local offsetX = padding.PaddingLeft.Offset + padding.PaddingRight.Offset
  4774. local scaleX = (fullSize.X * padding.PaddingLeft.Scale) + (fullSize.X * padding.PaddingRight.Scale)
  4775. local offsetY = padding.PaddingTop.Offset + padding.PaddingBottom.Offset
  4776. local scaleY = (fullSize.Y * padding.PaddingTop.Scale) + (fullSize.Y * padding.PaddingBottom.Scale)
  4777. return Vector2.new(fullSize.X - (scaleX + offsetX), fullSize.Y - (scaleY + offsetY))
  4778. else
  4779. return fullSize
  4780. end
  4781. end
  4783. function Utility.getTextBounds(textObject: types.TextObject): Vector2
  4784. if textObject.ContentText == "" then
  4785. return Vector2.zero
  4786. end
  4788. local textBounds = textObject.TextBounds
  4790. -- Wait for TextBounds to be non-NaN and non-zero because Roblox
  4791. while (textBounds.Y ~= textBounds.Y) or (textBounds.Y < 1) do
  4792. task.wait()
  4793. textBounds = textObject.TextBounds
  4794. end
  4795. return textBounds
  4796. end
  4798. return Utility
  4800. end
  4802. task.spawn(function()
  4803. local script = trigok.GlobalLog
  4806. local TextService = game:GetService("TextService")
  4807. local LogService = game:GetService("LogService")
  4808. local frame = script.Parent
  4809. local messageBox = frame:WaitForChild("TextBox")
  4811. messageBox.RichText = true
  4812. messageBox.Selectable = false
  4813. messageBox.Active = false
  4815. local function formatMessage(message, messageType)
  4816. local color = ""
  4817. local formattedType = ""
  4819. if messageType == Enum.MessageType.MessageOutput then
  4820. color = "#cffeff"
  4821. formattedType = "Print"
  4822. elseif messageType == Enum.MessageType.MessageWarning then
  4823. color = "#ffa73b"
  4824. formattedType = "Warn"
  4825. elseif messageType == Enum.MessageType.MessageError then
  4826. color = "#FF005D"
  4827. formattedType = "Error"
  4828. elseif messageType == Enum.MessageType.MessageInfo then
  4829. color = "#5cb0ff"
  4830. formattedType = "Info"
  4831. else
  4832. color = "#FFFFFF"
  4833. formattedType = "Other"
  4834. end
  4836. return string.format('<font color="%s"><b>[%s]</b></font> %s', color, formattedType, message)
  4837. end
  4839. local function formatMessage2(message, messageType)
  4840. local formattedType = ""
  4842. if messageType == Enum.MessageType.MessageOutput then
  4843. formattedType = "Print"
  4844. elseif messageType == Enum.MessageType.MessageWarning then
  4845. formattedType = "Warn"
  4846. elseif messageType == Enum.MessageType.MessageError then
  4847. formattedType = "Error"
  4848. elseif messageType == Enum.MessageType.MessageInfo then
  4849. formattedType = "Info"
  4850. else
  4851. formattedType = "Other"
  4852. end
  4854. return string.format('[%s] %s', formattedType, message)
  4855. end
  4858. local function updateMessageBoxSize()
  4859. local textSize = TextService:GetTextSize(
  4860. messageBox.Text,
  4861. messageBox.TextSize,
  4862. messageBox.Font,
  4863. Vector2.new(messageBox.AbsoluteSize.X, 20000)
  4864. )
  4866. messageBox.Size = UDim2.new(messageBox.Size.X.Scale, messageBox.Size.X.Offset, 0, textSize.Y)
  4867. end
  4870. local function onMessageOut(message, messageType)
  4871. if not Settings.logInfo then return end
  4872. if (messageType == Enum.MessageType.MessageOutput and not Settings.logPrint) or
  4873. (messageType == Enum.MessageType.MessageWarning and not Settings.logWarn) or
  4874. (messageType == Enum.MessageType.MessageError and not Settings.logError)then
  4875. return
  4876. end
  4878. local timeStamp = os.date("%X")
  4879. local formattedMessage = formatMessage(message, messageType)
  4880. local formattedMessage2 = formatMessage2(message, messageType)
  4881. messageBox.Text = messageBox.Text .. timeStamp .. " - " .. formattedMessage .. "\n"
  4882. if _G.wsConnection then
  4883. _G.ws:Send(formattedMessage2)
  4884. end
  4885. updateMessageBoxSize()
  4887. frame.CanvasPosition = Vector2.new(0, messageBox.TextBounds.Y)
  4888. end
  4891. LogService.MessageOut:Connect(onMessageOut)
  4893. end)
  4895. task.spawn(function()
  4896. local script = trigok.LocalScript
  4898. local Highlighter = require(script.Parent.ScriptBox.Highlighter)
  4899. local myTextLabel = script.Parent.ScriptBox
  4901. Highlighter.highlight({
  4902. textObject = myTextLabel,
  4903. })
  4905. end)
  4907. task.spawn(function()
  4908. local script = trigok.LocalScript_1
  4910. local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  4911. local MainFrame = script.Parent.MainFrame
  4912. local buttons = MainFrame.BottomMenuFrame.MenuList
  4914. local execBtn = buttons:WaitForChild("ExecBtn")
  4915. local cloudBtn = buttons:WaitForChild("CloudBtn")
  4916. local HBtn = buttons:WaitForChild("HBtn")
  4917. local settingsBtn = buttons:WaitForChild("SettingsBtn")
  4919. local execFrame = MainFrame:WaitForChild("ExecFrame")
  4920. local logFrame = MainFrame:WaitForChild("logFrame")
  4921. local homeFrame = MainFrame:WaitForChild("homeFrame")
  4922. local settingsFrame = MainFrame:WaitForChild("SettingsFrame")
  4924. local excbtn = execFrame.Buttons.Button1
  4925. local execlipbtn = execFrame.Buttons.Button2
  4926. local pastebtn = execFrame.Buttons.Button3
  4927. local clearbtn = execFrame.Buttons.Button4
  4929. local ScriptBox = execFrame.ScrollingFrame.ScriptBox
  4931. local ExitBtn = MainFrame.BottomMenuFrame.LeftFrame.ExitBtn
  4933. ----//////////////////----
  4934. ----/// Menu Buttons
  4935. ----//////////////////----
  4937. local function hideAllFrames()
  4938. execFrame.Visible = false
  4939. logFrame.Visible = false
  4940. homeFrame.Visible = false
  4941. settingsFrame.Visible = false
  4942. execBtn.UIStroke.Enabled = false
  4943. HBtn.UIStroke.Enabled = false
  4944. cloudBtn.UIStroke.Enabled = false
  4945. settingsBtn.UIStroke.Enabled = false
  4946. end
  4948. local function showFrame(frame, btn)
  4949. hideAllFrames()
  4950. task.wait()
  4951. frame.Visible = true
  4952. btn.UIStroke.Enabled = true
  4953. end
  4955. execBtn.Activated:Connect(function()
  4956. showFrame(execFrame, execBtn)
  4957. end)
  4959. cloudBtn.Activated:Connect(function()
  4960. showFrame(logFrame, cloudBtn)
  4961. end)
  4963. HBtn.Activated:Connect(function()
  4964. showFrame(homeFrame, HBtn)
  4965. end)
  4967. settingsBtn.Activated:Connect(function()
  4968. showFrame(settingsFrame, settingsBtn)
  4969. end)
  4971. hideAllFrames()
  4973. homeFrame.Visible = true
  4975. ----//////////////////----
  4976. ----/// Exec Buttons
  4977. ----//////////////////----
  4979. excbtn.Activated:Connect(function()
  4980. excbtn.UIStroke.Enabled = true
  4981. loadstring(ScriptBox.Text)()
  4982. wait(0.1)
  4983. excbtn.UIStroke.Enabled = false
  4984. end)
  4986. execlipbtn.Activated:Connect(function()
  4987. execlipbtn.UIStroke.Enabled = true
  4988. local success, result = pcall(function()
  4989. return loadstring(getclipboard())()
  4990. end)
  4992. if success then
  4993. print("Pasted")
  4994. else
  4995. notifications:Notify("Execute clipboard unsupported or error")
  4996. end
  4997. wait(0.1)
  4998. execlipbtn.UIStroke.Enabled = false
  4999. end)
  5001. pastebtn.Activated:Connect(function()
  5002. pastebtn.UIStroke.Enabled = true
  5003. local success, result = pcall(function()
  5004. return ScriptBox.Text = getclipboard()
  5005. end)
  5006. if success then
  5007. print("Done")
  5008. else
  5009. notifications:Notify("Get clipboard unsupported or error")
  5010. end
  5011. wait(0.1)
  5012. pastebtn.UIStroke.Enabled = false
  5013. end)
  5015. clearbtn.Activated:Connect(function()
  5016. clearbtn.UIStroke.Enabled = true
  5017. ScriptBox.Text = ""
  5018. wait(0.1)
  5019. clearbtn.UIStroke.Enabled = false
  5020. end)
  5023. ----//////////////////----
  5024. ----/// Other
  5025. ----//////////////////----
  5027. ExitBtn.Activated:Connect(function()
  5028. script.Parent.Enabled = not script.Parent.Enabled
  5029. end)
  5031. ScriptBox.Focused:Connect(function()
  5032. for _, item in pairs(ScriptBox.SyntaxHighlights:GetChildren()) do
  5033. item.Visible = false
  5034. end
  5035. end)
  5037. ScriptBox.FocusLost:Connect(function()
  5038. for _, item in pairs(ScriptBox.SyntaxHighlights:GetChildren()) do
  5039. item.Visible = true
  5040. end
  5041. end)
  5046. ----//////////////////----
  5047. ----/// Default Page
  5048. ----//////////////////----
  5049. local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
  5051. local function fetchString(link)
  5052. local success, response = pcall(function()
  5053. return request({
  5054. Url = link,
  5055. Method = "GET"
  5056. })
  5057. end)
  5059. if success then
  5060. return response.Body
  5061. else
  5062. warn("Error fetching string:", response)
  5063. return nil
  5064. end
  5065. end
  5068. local jsonString = [[
  5069. {
  5070. "games": {
  5071. "Blox Fruits": {
  5072. "placeIds": ["4483381587", "2753915549", "4442272183"],
  5073. "_scripts": [
  5074. {
  5075. "scriptName": "Redz Hub [Keyless]",
  5076. "text": "loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/REDzHUB/BloxFruits/main/redz9999'))()"
  5077. },
  5078. {
  5079. "scriptName": "YouTube : darkModz",
  5080. "text": "setclipboard('https://youtube.com/@darkmodzX') print('https://youtube.com/@darkmodzX')"
  5081. },
  5082. ]
  5083. }
  5084. },
  5085. "global": {
  5086. "_scripts": [
  5087. {
  5088. "scriptName": "Infinite Yield",
  5089. "text": "loadstring(game:HttpGet(\"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EdgeIY/infiniteyield/master/source\",true))()"
  5090. },
  5091. {
  5092. "scriptName": "Dark Dex v3",
  5093. "text": "loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Babyhamsta/RBLX_Scripts/main/Universal/BypassedDarkDexV3.lua', true))()"
  5094. },
  5095. {
  5096. "scriptName": "YouTube : darkModz",
  5097. "text": "setclipboard('https://youtube.com/@darkmodzX') print('https://youtube.com/@darkmodzX')"
  5098. },
  5099. ]
  5100. }
  5101. }
  5102. ]]
  5105. local reaperscripts = fetchString("https://pastebin.com/raw/5UdaH5Kf")
  5107. jsonScriptData = HttpService:JSONDecode(jsonString)
  5108. reaperscriptsData = HttpService:JSONDecode(reaperscripts)
  5110. function mergeScripts(targetData, scriptsData)
  5111. function checkPlaceId(placeId, targetData)
  5112. for _, gameInfo in pairs(targetData["games"]) do
  5113. for _, pid in ipairs(gameInfo["placeIds"]) do
  5114. if pid == placeId then
  5115. return true
  5116. end
  5117. end
  5118. end
  5119. return false
  5120. end
  5122. function Add_Merge(placeId, scripts, targetData)
  5123. for gameName, gameInfo in pairs(targetData["games"]) do
  5124. if table.find(gameInfo["placeIds"], placeId) then
  5125. for _, newScript in ipairs(scripts) do
  5126. local scriptExists = false
  5127. for _, existingScript in ipairs(gameInfo["_scripts"]) do
  5128. if existingScript.scriptName == newScript.scriptName and existingScript.text == newScript.text then
  5129. scriptExists = true
  5130. break
  5131. end
  5132. end
  5133. if not scriptExists then
  5134. table.insert(gameInfo["_scripts"], newScript)
  5135. end
  5136. end
  5137. return
  5138. end
  5139. end
  5140. --placeId doesnt exist in any game
  5141. --placeholder for adding unmatched scripts for games
  5142. end
  5144. for _, sourceGameInfo in pairs(scriptsData["games"]) do
  5145. local scriptsMerged = false
  5146. for _, sourcePlaceId in ipairs(sourceGameInfo["placeIds"]) do
  5147. if checkPlaceId(sourcePlaceId, targetData) then
  5148. Add_Merge(sourcePlaceId, sourceGameInfo["_scripts"], targetData)
  5149. scriptsMerged = true
  5150. break
  5151. end
  5152. end
  5153. if not scriptsMerged then
  5154. -- no matching placeIds
  5155. end
  5156. end
  5157. end
  5160. mergeScripts(jsonScriptData, reaperscriptsData)
  5162. updatedJsonString = HttpService:JSONEncode(jsonScriptData)
  5163. NewjsonScriptData = HttpService:JSONDecode(updatedJsonString)
  5166. local scriptList = NewjsonScriptData
  5167. local scriptsFrame = MainFrame.homeFrame.scriptsFrame
  5168. local scriptButton = scriptsFrame.TextButton
  5169. local currentPlaceId = tostring(game.PlaceId)
  5171. scriptsFrame["#GameHeader"].Title.Text = game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(game.PlaceId).Name
  5173. local function createscriptButtons(_scripts)
  5174. local yPos = 0
  5175. for i, scriptData in ipairs(_scripts) do
  5176. local newButton = scriptButton:Clone()
  5177. newButton.Parent = scriptsFrame
  5178. newButton.Text = scriptData.scriptName
  5179. newButton.Position = UDim2.new(newButton.Position.X.Scale, newButton.Position.X.Offset, newButton.Position.Y.Scale, yPos)
  5180. yPos = yPos + newButton.Size.Y.Offset + 5
  5181. newButton.Visible = true
  5183. newButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
  5184. loadstring(scriptData.text)()
  5185. end)
  5186. end
  5187. end
  5189. local function findScriptsForCurrentPlace()
  5190. for _, gameData in pairs(scriptList.games) do
  5191. if table.find(gameData.placeIds, currentPlaceId) then
  5192. return gameData._scripts
  5193. end
  5194. end
  5195. return nil
  5196. end
  5198. local scriptToUse = findScriptsForCurrentPlace() or scriptList.global._scripts
  5200. if scriptToUse then
  5201. createscriptButtons(scriptToUse)
  5202. else
  5203. print("No _scripts available.")
  5204. end
  5206. scriptButton.Visible = false
  5209. ----//////////////////----
  5210. ----/// Console Log Page
  5211. ----//////////////////----
  5213. logButtons = logFrame.logButtons
  5214. consoleFrame = logFrame.consoleFrame
  5216. outputCBX = logButtons.logOutput.Button
  5217. warningCBX = logButtons.logWarning.Button
  5218. errorCBX = logButtons.logError.Button
  5219. infoCBX = logButtons.logInfo.Button
  5220. consoleclrbtn = logButtons.cclrbtn
  5221. consoleexebtn = logButtons.excp
  5223. function cboxCheck(button)
  5224. button.Image = "rbxassetid://3926311105" -- check
  5225. button.ImageRectSize = Vector2.new(48, 48)
  5226. button.ImageRectOffset = Vector2.new(4, 836)
  5227. end
  5229. function cboxUnCheck(button)
  5230. button.Image = "rbxassetid://3926305904" --uncheck
  5231. button.ImageRectSize = Vector2.new(36, 36)
  5232. button.ImageRectOffset = Vector2.new(724, 724)
  5233. end
  5235. local function cobxUpdate(value, button)
  5236. if Settings[value] then
  5237. cboxCheck(button)
  5238. else
  5239. cboxUnCheck(button)
  5240. end
  5241. end
  5243. consoleexebtn.Activated:Connect(function()
  5244. local success, result = pcall(function()
  5245. return loadstring(getclipboard())()
  5246. end)
  5248. if success then
  5249. print("Pasted")
  5250. else
  5251. notifications:Notify("Execute clipboard unsupported or error")
  5252. end
  5253. end)
  5255. outputCBX.Activated:Connect(function()
  5256. Settings.logPrint = not Settings.logPrint
  5257. cobxUpdate("logPrint",outputCBX)
  5258. saveSettings()
  5259. end)
  5261. warningCBX.Activated:Connect(function()
  5262. Settings.logWarn = not Settings.logWarn
  5263. cobxUpdate("logWarn",warningCBX)
  5264. saveSettings()
  5265. end)
  5267. errorCBX.Activated:Connect(function()
  5268. Settings.logError = not Settings.logError
  5269. cobxUpdate("logError",errorCBX)
  5270. saveSettings()
  5271. end)
  5273. infoCBX.Activated:Connect(function()
  5274. Settings.logInfo = not Settings.logInfo
  5275. cobxUpdate("logInfo",infoCBX)
  5276. saveSettings()
  5277. end)
  5279. consoleclrbtn.Activated:Connect(function()
  5280. consoleFrame.TextBox.Text = ""
  5281. end)
  5284. ----//////////////////----
  5285. ----/// Settings Page
  5286. ----//////////////////----
  5288. ---General Tab
  5289. if Settings.autohideui then script.Parent.Enabled = false end
  5291. GeneralTab = settingsFrame.GeneralTab
  5293. autoexecSS = GeneralTab.autoexecSS.button
  5294. autohideuiSS = GeneralTab.autohideuiSS.button
  5295. trigonSS = GeneralTab.trigonSS
  5297. Sidebar = settingsFrame.Sidebar.Buttons
  5299. generalBtn = Sidebar.generalBtn
  5300. themesBtn = Sidebar.themesBtn
  5303. autoexecSS.Activated:Connect(function()
  5304. Settings.autoexec = not Settings.autoexec
  5305. cobxUpdate("autoexec",autoexecSS)
  5306. saveSettings()
  5307. end)
  5310. autohideuiSS.Activated:Connect(function()
  5311. Settings.autohideui = not Settings.autohideui
  5312. cobxUpdate("autohideui",autohideuiSS)
  5313. saveSettings()
  5314. end)
  5317. local checkboxList = {
  5318. autohideui = autohideuiSS,
  5319. autoexec = autoexecSS,
  5321. logPrint = outputCBX,
  5322. logWarn = warningCBX,
  5323. logError = errorCBX,
  5324. logInfo = infoCBX
  5325. }
  5327. local function initializeCheckBoxes()
  5328. for value, button in pairs(checkboxList) do
  5329. if Settings[value] then
  5330. cboxCheck(button)
  5331. else
  5332. cboxUnCheck(button)
  5333. end
  5334. end
  5335. end
  5337. initializeCheckBoxes()
  5340. end)
  5342. task.spawn(function()
  5343. local script = trigok.savescripts
  5345. HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
  5346. folderName = 'Local_Scripts'
  5347. fileName = 'list.json'
  5348. filePath = folderName .. '/' .. fileName
  5350. lsf = gethui()[_G.TrigonMain].MainFrame.homeFrame.localscriptsFrame
  5351. alsf = gethui()[_G.TrigonMain].MainFrame.homeFrame.addlocalscriptsFrame
  5353. add_btn = lsf["#GameHeader"].Add_btn.TextButton
  5354. script_placeholder = lsf.script_placeholder
  5355. script_placeholder.Visible = false
  5356. title = script_placeholder.scriptTitle
  5357. buttons = script_placeholder.Buttons
  5358. run = buttons.run.button
  5359. autoload = buttons.autoload.button
  5360. delete = buttons.delete.button
  5362. scriptNameinput = alsf.addFrame.input.TextBox
  5363. confirm_btn = alsf.addFrame.confrim_btn.TextButton
  5364. cancel_btn = alsf.addFrame.cancel_btn.TextButton
  5367. local default_scripts = {
  5368. localscripts = {
  5369. REJOIN = {
  5370. name = "Rejoin",
  5371. script = "warn('Rejoinning....'); game:GetService('TeleportService'):Teleport(game.PlaceId, game.Players.LocalPlayer)",
  5372. auto_load = false
  5373. },
  5374. BYPASS_DEX = {
  5375. name = "Bypassed Dark Dex v3",
  5376. script = "repeat task.wait() until game:IsLoaded() loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Babyhamsta/RBLX_Scripts/main/Universal/BypassedDarkDexV3.lua', true))()",
  5377. auto_load = false
  5378. },
  5379. DARKDEXF = {
  5380. name = "Dark Dex v4",
  5381. script = "repeat task.wait() until game:IsLoaded() getgenv().Key = \"Bash\" loadstring(game:HttpGet(\"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Hosvile/Refinement/main/MC%3AIY%20Dex\",true))()",
  5382. auto_load = false
  5383. },
  5384. INFY = {
  5385. name = "Infinite Yield",
  5386. script = "repeat task.wait() until game:IsLoaded() loadstring(game:HttpGet(\"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EdgeIY/infiniteyield/master/source\",true))()",
  5387. auto_load = false
  5388. }
  5389. }
  5390. }
  5395. local _scripts = {}
  5397. local function merge_scripts(defaults, loaded_scripts)
  5398. for key, value in pairs(defaults) do
  5399. if type(value) == "table" then
  5400. loaded_scripts[key] = loaded_scripts[key] or {}
  5401. merge_scripts(value, loaded_scripts[key])
  5402. else
  5403. loaded_scripts[key] = loaded_scripts[key] or value
  5404. end
  5405. end
  5406. end
  5408. local function read_scripts()
  5409. if not isfolder(folderName) then
  5410. makefolder(folderName)
  5411. end
  5413. if isfile(filePath) then
  5414. local fileContents = readfile(filePath)
  5415. local success, decoded = pcall(function()
  5416. return HttpService:JSONDecode(fileContents)
  5417. end)
  5418. if success then
  5419. merge_scripts(default_scripts, decoded)
  5420. return decoded
  5421. end
  5422. end
  5424. return default_scripts
  5425. end
  5428. local function save_scripts()
  5429. local encoded = HttpService:JSONEncode(_scripts)
  5430. writefile(filePath, encoded)
  5431. print("_scripts saved.")
  5432. end
  5435. local function deleteScript(scriptName)
  5436. if _scripts.localscripts[scriptName] then
  5437. _scripts.localscripts[scriptName] = nil
  5438. warn("Deleted: " .. scriptName)
  5439. save_scripts()
  5440. else
  5441. warn("Script not found: " .. scriptName)
  5442. end
  5443. end
  5446. _scripts = read_scripts()
  5448. local function execute_(scriptName)
  5449. if isfile(filePath) then
  5450. local fileContents = readfile(filePath)
  5451. local success, decoded = pcall(function()
  5452. return HttpService:JSONDecode(fileContents)
  5453. end)
  5455. if success and decoded.localscripts then
  5456. local scriptData = decoded.localscripts[scriptName]
  5457. if scriptData then
  5458. loadstring(scriptData.script)()
  5459. else
  5460. warn("Script not found:", scriptName)
  5461. end
  5462. else
  5463. warn("Failed to decode _scripts or 'localscripts' not found.")
  5464. end
  5465. else
  5466. print(filePath)
  5467. warn("_scripts file does not exist.")
  5468. end
  5469. end
  5471. local function updateAutoLoad(scriptName, autoLoadValue, btn)
  5472. if _scripts.localscripts and _scripts.localscripts[scriptName] then
  5473. _scripts.localscripts[scriptName].auto_load = autoLoadValue
  5474. save_scripts()
  5475. print("Updated auto_load for", _scripts.localscripts[scriptName].name, "to", autoLoadValue)
  5477. if not autoLoadValue then
  5478. btn.Image = "rbxassetid://3926305904"
  5479. btn.ImageRectSize = Vector2.new(36, 36)
  5480. btn.ImageRectOffset = Vector2.new(724, 724)
  5481. else
  5482. btn.Image = "rbxassetid://3926311105"
  5483. btn.ImageRectSize = Vector2.new(48, 48)
  5484. btn.ImageRectOffset = Vector2.new(4, 836)
  5485. end
  5486. else
  5487. warn("Failed to update auto_load. Script not found or error in _scripts.")
  5488. end
  5489. end
  5491. local function convertScriptName(name)
  5492. local convertedName = name:gsub("%s+", "_")
  5493. convertedName = convertedName:gsub("%W", "")
  5494. return convertedName
  5495. end
  5498. local function setupScriptUI(scriptName, scriptData)
  5499. local scriptUI = script_placeholder:Clone()
  5500. scriptUI.Visible = true
  5501. scriptUI.scriptTitle.Text = scriptData.name
  5503. scriptUI.Buttons.run.button.Activated:Connect(function()
  5504. execute_(scriptName)
  5505. end)
  5507. scriptUI.Buttons.autoload.button.Activated:Connect(function()
  5508. local newAutoLoadValue = not scriptData.auto_load
  5509. updateAutoLoad(scriptName, newAutoLoadValue, scriptUI.Buttons.autoload.button)
  5510. scriptData.auto_load = newAutoLoadValue
  5511. end)
  5513. scriptUI.Buttons.delete.button.Activated:Connect(function()
  5514. deleteScript(scriptName)
  5515. scriptUI:Destroy()
  5516. end)
  5518. scriptUI.Parent = lsf
  5520. if scriptData.auto_load then
  5521. scriptUI.Buttons.autoload.button.Image = "rbxassetid://3926311105"
  5522. scriptUI.Buttons.autoload.button.ImageRectSize = Vector2.new(48, 48)
  5523. scriptUI.Buttons.autoload.button.ImageRectOffset = Vector2.new(4, 836)
  5524. execute_(scriptName)
  5525. end
  5526. end
  5529. local function setupAllScriptsUI()
  5530. for scriptName, scriptData in pairs(_scripts.localscripts) do
  5531. setupScriptUI(scriptName, scriptData)
  5532. end
  5533. end
  5535. local function add_update(scriptName, name, scriptContent, autoLoad)
  5536. print("adding")
  5537. local isNewScript = not _scripts.localscripts[tostring(scriptName)]
  5538. _scripts.localscripts[tostring(scriptName)] = {
  5539. name = tostring(name),
  5540. script = tostring(scriptContent),
  5541. auto_load = autoLoad
  5542. }
  5543. save_scripts()
  5545. if isNewScript then
  5546. setupScriptUI(tostring(scriptName), _scripts.localscripts[tostring(scriptName)])
  5547. end
  5548. end
  5550. confirm_btn.Activated:Connect(function()
  5552. local scriptName = scriptNameinput.Text
  5553. local convertedName = convertScriptName(scriptName)
  5554. local xscript = getclipboard()
  5556. warn(scriptName, convertedName, xscript)
  5557. task.wait()
  5558. if convertedName ~= "" then
  5559. print("correct")
  5560. lsf.Visible = true
  5561. add_update(convertedName, scriptName, xscript, false)
  5562. scriptNameinput.Text = ""
  5563. else
  5564. scriptNameinput.Parent.Parent.Title.Text = "Script Name: Invalid script name"
  5565. wait(2)
  5566. scriptNameinput.Parent.Parent.Title.Text = "Script Name:"
  5567. warn("Invalid script name")
  5568. end
  5571. end)
  5573. add_btn.Activated:Connect(function()
  5574. lsf.Visible = false
  5575. end)
  5576. cancel_btn.Activated:Connect(function()
  5577. lsf.Visible = true
  5578. end)
  5580. setupAllScriptsUI()
  5582. end)
  5584. end
  5586. ----------------------------------------
  5587. ----------------------------------------
  5588. ----------------------------------------
  5590. wait()
  5592. main()
  5594. loader()
  5596. print("-----] Trigon Loaded [-----")
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