
Tantei Opera Milky Holmes TD - 09

Mar 10th, 2015
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  1. Cordelia I've just camu up with something.
  2. Cordelia Shouldn't we ask it about the whereabouts of Marine-san's Elements?
  3. Cordelia To this!
  4. Elly Ouija board... it's been so long.
  5. Sheryl I see.
  6. Nero Going all around even to England at random is just too much.
  7. Sheryl Then let's do it already!
  8. Sheryl Ouija board-san, ouija board-san.
  9. Elly Tell us, please.
  10. Cordelia The location of Marine-san's elements.
  11. Nero It's fine if you, our ancestors, don't come out though.
  12. Nero You're really a pain after all.
  13. Nero E-eh? What?
  14. Cordelia I-it's too long.
  15. Sheryl I-it's too hard.
  16. Alice Look, Milky-san.
  17. Alice Could it be talking about this?
  18. Newspaper up Huge Casino Island
  19. Newspaper down <Grand> Opening over Pacific Ocean
  20. News Vertical Huge casino island over Pacific Ocean
  21. Everyone Casino Island!
  23. OP
  25. Marine Thank you very much.
  26. Marine To come and pick us with the Royal Airplane...
  27. Prince Not at all. We were invited to the grand opening of Casino Island anyway.
  28. Prince I'm looking forward to it.
  29. Prince It's the last casino build by that Red Queen after all.
  30. Marine The Red Queen... is she someone famous?
  31. Prince Among celebrities, there's no one that doesn't know about this great woman.
  32. Prince She manages a few Casinos all around the world.
  33. Prince This Casino Island would make the sixth one.
  34. Marine Is that so?
  35. Prince You are not in this for the Casino though.
  36. Prince I hope you find an element.
  37. Marine Yes... but to be honest...
  38. Marine I'm not completely sure about this...
  39. Announcer We're arriving Casino Island.
  40. Announcer This plane is starting landing maneuvers.
  41. Nero Whoa, curry is really good, isn't it?
  42. Elly I'm completely full.
  43. Sheryl Eh? Where are we?
  44. Marine Geez, didn't whe all come here to look for my Elements?
  45. Cordelia Now that you mention it, that's true.
  46. Sheryl Then, let's go all out and look for the Elements!
  47. Nero Sheryl?
  48. Cordelia Sheryl? Are you all right?
  49. Sheryl I-I'm fine!
  50. Cordelia I'm glad you're fine.
  51. Elly Em... pleased to meet you.
  52. Panel Hello
  53. Good morning
  54. Good evening
  55. Thank you for your work
  56. How are you doing?
  57. Long time no see
  58. Pleased to meet you
  59. Anne Pleased... to meet you...
  60. Nero So, why did you came falling from the sky?
  61. Anne I didn't fall, I was just traveling.
  62. Marine Traveling? From where?
  63. Anne My island.
  64. Marine Island?
  65. Sheryl What is your name?
  66. Anne My name is
  67. Sheryl Eh? What did you say?
  68. Anne Guardi...
  69. Sheryl Oh! Anne Gaudi-chan, right?
  70. Sheryl Pleased to meet you, Anne-chan.
  71. Sheryl I'm Sherlock Shellingford!
  72. Anne Sherlock? A man's name?
  73. Sheryl Sherlock is a girl's name!
  74. Sheryl Please, call me Sheryl!
  75. Anne Sheryl?
  76. Prince Girls, isn't it about time we go?
  77. Prince The opening ceremony is about to start.
  78. Cordelia How gorgeous.
  79. Elly So wonderful.
  80. Nero Gold, silver and pearls everywhere!
  81. Marine Was it really all right for us to bring Anne-chan?
  82. Sheryl It's fine. We're already friends after all!
  83. Sheryl Right, Anne-chan?
  84. Anne Friends? I don't really know...
  85. Sheryl Geez, Anne-chan, you're such a funny girl.
  86. Red Queen Good day, ladies and gentlemen.
  87. Red Queen I'm the Red Queen, Scarlet Ohada.
  88. Red Queen Thank you all for comming to this, my new casino.
  89. Red Queen Please, forget about time and enjoy your stay here.
  90. Red Queen I hope the fairies of luck give their blessings to you all.
  91. Red Queen I can feel it... this huge perturbation in the fortune.
  92. Melodia Marine! Marine!
  93. Marine Whatg's wrong, Meloria?
  94. Marine Girls...
  95. Melodia We just felt it!
  96. Melodia We felt one of us close by!
  97. Sheryl Is that so?
  98. Sheryl As expected of the ouija board.
  99. Elly Ancestors... thank you...
  100. Cordelia Well, I was the one that came up with it though.
  101. Nero Well, that doesn't matter at all, does it!?
  102. Marine C-could it be?
  103. Marine The Milkies' rough, vague and irresponsible reasoning was right on the mark?
  104. Cordelia Then, now comes the easy part.
  105. Cordelia We just need to find the person among these that has an element!
  106. Elly Let's find them!
  107. Nero All right, then, right away!
  108. Nero Hey, don't you have an Element?
  109. Nero You have one, right?
  110. Nero I bet you do!
  111. Nero It would be great if you did!
  112. Nero Do you really don't have it?
  113. Nero Hey, don't you have it?
  114. Nero You don't have it?
  115. Sheryl Let's go, Anne-chan.
  116. Sheryl What are you doing?
  117. Anne This electric cord...
  118. Sheryl Ah, you're sucking it, right?
  119. Anne You're not exactly right...
  120. Cordelia It's being quite hard to find the person with the Element, right?
  121. Nero Geez, I'm already tired of asking around.
  122. Elly My legs are numb...
  123. Sheryl This is it!
  124. Sheryl Let's use this and ask the ouija board over that table over there!
  125. Sheryl Ouija board-san, ouija board-san!
  126. Sheryl Give us some kind of hint!
  127. Cordelia Black two? This is supposed to be a hint?
  128. Woman No more bets!
  129. Woman Black 2. Congratulations.
  130. Marine It's being quite hard to find it...
  131. Marine Melodia, do you feel anything?
  132. Melodia I'm not sure... sorry...
  133. Marine Not at all. Don't worry.
  134. Miki Marine-chan!
  135. Marine Miki-chan!?
  136. Miki I'm so happy! You came to see me!
  137. Miki I'm so nervous...
  138. Miki To think I would ever be the center acting in front of so many people...
  139. Miki I don't know what to do.
  140. Miki But I'll do my best.
  141. Miki It's always been my goal, so with this, I'm becoming closer to you, Marine-chan!
  142. Marine Congratulations! I'm sure that you, Miki-chan, will be able to do a magnificent performance!
  143. Miki Really? Do you really think so?
  144. Marine Yeah.
  145. Marine That's right. Should I give you a charm to calm your nerves?
  146. Miki Can you? Please, do!
  147. Marine You do this...
  148. Marine Miki-chan, what a weird face!
  149. Miki G-geez!
  150. Miki MarineΒ΄-chan, you're also making a weird face!
  151. Miki Thank you, Marine-chan.
  152. Miki I suddenly feel so much better.
  153. Marine I'm so glad.
  154. Miki I need to go now.
  155. Miki Listen to me once I go on stage!
  156. Miki Well, then. Later!
  157. Marine So Miki-chan... became the center...
  158. Man Ladies and gentleman!
  159. Man We have today with us Yokohama's number one starts! BKT10000!
  160. Man Today they are pressenting us their new song, and their new center!
  161. Man Come on! Miki Hojou!
  162. Miki Good evening, everyone!
  163. Miki Today I'm gonna give my all into singing!
  164. Marine I'm sorry, Miki-chan!
  165. Marine I'm suchg a bad girl...
  166. Sheryl We're sorry! We're sorry!
  167. Nero We won't run away anymjore!
  168. Marine Milkies, what happened?
  169. Sheryl Ah! Marine-chan!
  170. Sheryl We were winning! Seriously!
  171. Elly But at some point we started to lose...
  172. Nero We thought to loan some money to keep going a little further, but...
  173. Sign: High Interest Loans
  174. Safe and secure
  175. Smiley Credit
  176. Cordelia But we lost again, and now we have a huge debt!
  177. Marine Wait, weren't you looking around for the person that had an Element?
  178. Sheryl We're sorry! We're sorry!
  179. Marine Geez!
  180. Guard A We're taking you to a place where you'll be able to pay your debt.
  181. Guard B That's right. It's a forced labour institution called "Hope".
  182. Marine Eh? Forced labour?
  183. Guard C Well, now. Let's go.
  184. Nero No! I don't want to end as compost!
  185. Sheryl Anne-chan! You at least should save yourself and run!
  186. Marine W-Wait a moment, please!
  187. Marine These people would be completely useless in a working facility!
  188. Noir Stop right there.
  189. Guard X Black Dealer-sama!
  190. Noir Those will be my oponents.
  191. Guard X But...
  192. Noir These are Scarlet-sama's orders.
  193. Guard X Sure.
  194. Noir My name is Noir, although I'm also known...
  195. Noir as the "Black Dealer"!
  196. Noir I'm this casino's number 2.
  197. Noir I want to challenge you.
  198. Nero Could it be that if we manage to beat you, you'll cancel our debt?
  199. Noir No, not at all.
  200. Noir If you manage to beat me...
  201. Sheryl It's an Element!
  202. Marine Decrescendo!
  203. Decrescendo Hi Marine... long time no see...
  204. Noir I'll give her back to you.
  205. Noir But if I manage to win...
  206. Noir I'll be taking all of your Elements!
  207. Marine All right.
  208. Marine I'll take you... on this bet!
  209. Noir Ok, first, we'll be playing orthodox draw poker.
  210. Noir Do you know how to play poker?
  211. Book Learn the Casino Style
  212. Introduction to Poker
  213. Nero Perfectly!
  214. Cordelia More or less.
  215. Sheyrl I'll manage!
  216. Elly Vaguely...
  217. Noir In real poker, we'd be using chips to enjoy this betting game, but...
  218. Noir You're all beginners, so let's make the winner that who holds the stronger hand in the first round.
  219. Marine Ok, that's fine with me.
  220. Noir Then, I'll be dealing the cards.
  221. Noir You may swap as many cards as you want for new ones once... what will you do?
  222. Marine I'll take... three!
  223. Nero Me two!
  224. Elly T-three...
  225. Sheryl I'll take three!
  226. Marine I'll... take four, please.
  227. Noir Then... I'll take two.
  228. Noir I've got four cards.
  229. Noir Only a straight flush could win to this hand.
  230. Noir There's no way any of them has something that rare.
  231. Noir Then, let's show our cards in order.
  232. Sheryl I have one pair!
  233. Nero Shit! I was going for a straight, but I ended up with no pair!
  234. Elly I have three cards.
  235. Nero Way to go, Elly!
  236. Nero Cordelia?
  237. Cordelia I...
  238. Cordelia somehow ended with quite a cute and charming hand.
  239. Sheryl Whoah, how cute!
  240. Nero Great! A flush!
  241. Noir There's only Amagi Marine left.
  242. Noir She asked for four cards, so the chance she has anything...
  243. Marine This... does it have any value?
  244. Noir What!?
  245. (Wait... where are the song's lyrics? Dman, the Chinese have failed me this time!)
  246. Marine It doesn't?
  247. Nero It sure does!
  248. Nero That has a huge value!
  249. Elly Marine-san wins...
  250. Cordelia Amazing! How did you do it?
  251. Marine I decided to keep the ace of spades,
  252. Marine and somehow, this happened when I took the new four cards.
  253. Noir H-how can someone have this luck!? But!
  254. Noir Then, the four of you are disqualified.
  255. Noir The next game will be between Marine and me alone.
  256. Marine S-sure!
  257. Noir Next time you won't be able to win just by luck.
  258. Nero The girls are moving!
  259. Sheryl Are you sure this is all right?
  260. Noir It's fine!
  261. Noir So, Amagi Marine!
  262. Noir Listen closely to what those girls have to say.
  263. Girl A I'm seventeen!
  264. Girl B I'm seventeen!
  265. Girl C I'm seventeen!
  266. Girl D I'm seventeen!
  267. Girl E I'm seventeen! (This is Miki's VA, right?)
  268. Marine They are all seventeen.
  269. Noir Among them, thre's one that actually doesn't have seventeen.
  270. Noir Find her.
  271. Marine Eh?
  272. Noir Now, Amagi Marine! Answer!
  273. Marine I'll go with my guts!
  274. Girl D Come on, now! You found me!
  275. Girl D I'm actually only sixteen.
  276. Marine This was the right one?
  277. Marine Thank god I sneezed.
  278. Sheryl Marine-chan! You're doing great!
  279. Cordelia This is two wins!
  280. Noir D-damn you...
  281. Noir How much luck are you supposed to have!?
  282. Noir Then, I'll go all out too.
  283. Noir Decrescendo!
  284. Decrescendo Ok!
  285. Decrescendo Marine, come!
  286. Marine T-this is...
  287. Noir You'll have to reach me by crossing those panels.
  288. Noir But...
  289. Noir As you advance one panel at at time, you may find falling panels.
  290. Marine Decrescendo!?
  291. Decrescendo Just kidding.
  292. Noir If you fall, you lose.
  293. Noir And as promised, I'll be taking all your Elements.
  294. Noir You can go back.
  295. Noir If you do, you won't lose anything.
  296. Noir Although you won't be able to take anything back.
  297. Marine If I wint this... you'll give Decrescendo back, won't you?
  298. Noir Yes.
  299. Marine I'll do it.
  300. Sheryl Marine-chan!
  301. Elly Do your best...
  302. Nero Don't you think she should go left next?
  303. Cordelia I think right is the right choice.
  304. Marine Milkies, please, let me chose.
  305. Marine That's right... I've been always deciding.
  306. Marine The me that I'm right now... is the result of al the decisions I've taken along the way.
  307. Marine Taking my eyes away from Miki-chan's success won't change anything.
  308. Marine But even so, I...
  309. Noir The falling panels are arranged randomly...
  310. Noir or so you think, Amagi Marine.
  311. Noir But...
  312. Noir actually they are all placed in this line!
  313. Noir If you keep advancing normally, you'll fall without a doubt.
  314. Noir Amagi Marine, this will be your loss!
  315. Marine I need to go see... Miki-chan's debut actuation.
  316. Marine If I hurry up, I may manage!
  317. Noir What!?
  318. Sheryl Marine-chan, you did it!
  319. Cordelia Well done, Marine-san!
  320. Nero That's my Marine!
  321. Elly (Cute noises)
  322. Noir To think... you could defeat me, the Black Dealer, three times straight...
  323. Marine Hurry up and give me Decrescendo back!
  324. Decrescendo Marine, I'm sorry.
  325. Marine Not at all. Welcome back, Decrescendo.
  326. Marine I want to see Miki on the stage!
  327. Marine Let's go!
  328. Sheryl Yeah!
  329. Noir I've failed. I'm really sorry...
  330. Scarlet No, you've done well.
  331. Scarlet You manage to prove her luck out of the ordinary.
  332. Scarlet You've served your purpose.
  333. Scarlet I don't have any use for you anymore. Go back home.
  334. Noir W-wait!
  335. Noir My home is here!
  336. Noir I want to saty by your side!
  337. Noir Mother! Moooother!
  338. Marine So the actuation... has ended...
  339. Nero Now, now. Don't let it get to you.
  340. Cordelia You'll be able to see her again soon.
  341. Elly Yes, I'm sure.
  342. Marine You're right. Miki-chan finally managed to become a center.
  343. Anne Sheryl!
  344. Sheryl Anne-chan!?
  345. Sheryl What's with all that money?
  346. Anne I hit the jackpot on the slots.
  347. Sharyl What's this for?
  348. Anne Pay back your debt with this.
  349. Nero Thank you!
  350. Cordelia I owe you my life!
  351. Elly I'm so moved!
  352. Sheryl Anne-chan! We're really grateful for this!
  353. Options Yes
  354. Not at all
  355. It was nothing
  356. Me too
  357. It was the given thing to do
  358. No problem
  359. You're welcome
  360. Anne Looking for the right answer...
  361. Anne You're welcome!
  362. Scarlet Ladies and gentlemen!
  363. Scarlet I've prepared an outstanding show for you all.
  364. Sheryl A show?
  365. Nero There's someone singing again?
  366. Scarlet But for this show, I'll need someone's help...
  367. Scarlet Amagi Marine-san! Will you lend me a hand?
  368. Marine So... What should... I do?
  369. Scarlet You'll know right away.
  370. Miki Milkies, what's going on?
  371. Miki Why is Marine-chan there?
  372. Sheryl Well, you see...
  373. Scarlet Now, everyone! It's starting!
  374. Anne Elimination target confirmed.
  375. Marine Wh-what's this?
  376. Marine What are...?
  377. Miki Marine!
  378. Miki Marineeeeeeee!
  381. Preview
  382. Elly Sky island, the sixth ancient civilization, wormhole...
  383. Elly Somehow there's a lot of hard words coming one after another.
  384. Elly Eh... What's SF supposed to mean?
  385. Elly Next time
  386. Elly Bond+1
  387. Elly Milky Holmes is kinda... squishy.
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