
Kanto Episode 5

Oct 23rd, 2017
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  1. Kanto Episode 5
  3. The next day...Jalen and Severa are downstairs eating breakfast in the PKMN Center after waking up and washing up. Severa have the map of Kanto on the table as Jalen eat his food calmly.
  5. [Ok, so after Cerulean City, We could go to Saffron City and then to Vermilion City....Nah, We shouldn't take on the Saffron Gym Leader so soon, heard she's very strong....Correct, we take on the Vermilion Gym leader.]
  7. They finish the food and head out after paying for it and getting their Pokemon from the nurses. Looking around the city, Severa searches for the Gym and finds it.
  8. [There's the Cerulean Gym! Let's go!]
  10. She runs towards the gym with Jalen following her, however she stops and scowl hard at the sign on the door...'CLOSED FOR PERSONAL REASONS! WILL BE BACK LATER ON TODAY!'
  13. Severa kicks a trashcan and stomp off towards a bench and sit on it, Jalen sitting down next to her...the 2 sat there for a good min before Jalen sighs and turn to Severa...
  15. [...Yeah, this shouldn't ruin our day, that means we have more time to train up!] Severa stands up with a determined look [And I know where to go! Route 24 and 25!] She points up north towards a bridge that stands over a river where said route leads to a house up their on a hill overlooking the city [Let's travel up there, beat the shit outta trainers, and come back down here to beat the Gym Leader!]
  17. Jalen nods and gets up...Severa leads the way towards the northern routes with authority. However, the world pause as Jalen pulls down a menu and look at [OBJECTIVES] On it, he can see the following...[BEAT TAKUMI] He sees a Red light in the distance, clearly Takumi...[OBTAIN S.S TICKET]...Red Light covers up the house in the distance....Guess they gotta go there then...[BEAT AZURA(Must accomplish the other objectives 1st)] Guess they have no choice but to do this 1st then. He selects [BAG] and go to the [TM/HM] section and select Rock Tomb....Looking at his Pokemon, he apply Rock Tomb on his Rockruff, forgetting Sand-Attack in the process. As he was about to drop the menu, he looks at a new section called [ALLIES].
  19. Puzzled, he select that and see [Severa]....selecting her name pops her team up...looking over her team, Prinplup, Houndour, and Taillow.....None of her mons can learn the move anyway. So he can't have her teach any of them. But this new mechanic is certainly helpful...and beneath Severa's name, he sees more spots for future party members...Nodding and saving this for later. He exit out of all the menus and let Time resume.
  21. The 2 teens walk on, eventually getting on the bridge, but as they do so...Walking towards them with a scowl is Takumi.
  22. "Tch, if it isn't Jalen...struggling back here, huh?....Not saying anything in my presence?!? How dare you!!"
  25. [YOU!] Severa points at Takumi with a glare. [I remember you! You're the douche who defeated me on Route 3!....Wait, YOU KNOW HIM TOO!??!....He's from your hometown as well AND Professor Mikoto's Nephew??...]
  27. Takumi waste no time and send out his Tranquill. Jalen looks up and see 3 Balls floating above Takumi's head. He have one more than his rival, so this is gonna be one in his advantage, he thought...He send out his Rockruff for battle, looking forward to using Rock Tomb. Takumi starts things off with a Detect, which Jalen saw coming and had his Rockruff used Howl, With Rockruff howling to the sky, Tranquill stood there doing nothing...
  29. "Tch, You fucking coward!!!......Damnit, say something!" Severa chuckles at Takumi's frustration at Jalen's silence. [Sorry, pal....But Jalen's not much of a talker.] Jalen ignore both of them as he orders a Rock Tomb now, Rockruff summons 4 rocks around his collar and shoot them towards Tranquill who dodges one of the rocks, but get crushed by the other 3...Getting KO'ED, no doubt thanks to the +1 ATK Rockruff is packing now.
  30. "You had the type advantage for now...But now let's see you deal with..."
  32. Jalen sees that Takumi's next choice will be Dartrix...Debating whether he should let Rockruff stay or not...he declines switching, since both mons have a type advantage over the other + Rockruff rocking the boosted ATK makes it easier for him.
  33. "...My ace, Dartrix!!" Out comes a dandy-looking Pokemon who flips it's hair in a haughty manner towards Rockruff, as if it doesn't deem it worthy. [Jalen!] Clearly Severa have some frustration towards this particular mon... [Crush this damned Owl!!!]
  35. "Silence, loser!!...Dartrix, Razor Leaf!" Dartrix's eyes open and gleam as it wave a wing and shoot out leaves with sharp edges, Rockruff dodge some of them, but not all. Taking major damage as he growl in anger...Luckily, he didn't take a crit lest Rockruff would had been KO'ed...Jalen ask does he wanna keep on fighting with Rockruff barking in a confirmatory, yet respectful manner.(edited)
  36. Jalen nods and order a Rock Throw towards Dartrix, Rockruff whips his tail and throw Rocks towards the Dandy Owl who dodge them..but it was a trap by Jalen as he order a Rock Tomb towards the direction Dartrix was flying towards!!!
  38. [(What a good plan by him...)] Severa muses over as Takumi scowls.. "You fucking lucky bastard!!" [(Seems someone disagree...)] Severa smirks as she call out to Jalen. [GO JALEN! MAKE THIS CUCK CRY LIKE A BITCH!!!] Jalen have to use every energy he have to not laugh at Severa's choice of words regarding what he did to Hinoka days ago with Takumi turning deep red and turn towards Severa. "FUCK YOU, YOU DAMNED SKANK!!!" [Not even in your dreams, pal.] Severa's smug response makes Takumi's rage grow even more... meanwhile Dartrix is on the ground growling in anger at Rockruff(Who is carrying a bloodthristy grin now.). "Don't just stand there! Use Razor Leaf!" As Dartrix get ready to do that, Jalen smirks as he knows that the SPE of that Dandy Owl have lowered...making Rockruff's attempts to dodge the attack all the more better now, which he does so with ease despite himself being in the Yellow as opposed to Dartrix's Red...(edited)
  40. "What the hell!?! Dartrix was much faster than your Rockruff!!!! What's going on here??.....Of COURSE you speak up and tell me that....You taking advantage of the speed drop means nothing! Dartrix, use Raz-"
  42. Rockruff beats him to the punch with a Rock Throw at Dartrix's hair...not only did it hurt, but it gotten the 'hair' of Dartrix dirty...which makes it panic itself to a fainting state as it falls down holding it's hair in a shocked manner.
  43. "SON OF A- I'll make you pay, trash! Prepare to me-"
  45. 'RIVAL Takumi is about to use Onix' This makes Jalen raise his eyebrows...wasn't seeing this coming from the asshole, nevertheless, Rockruff went up 2 levels and is now 18...Shroomish's 17 and need to catch up to the rest with Frogaider and Staravia at 20 each. He return his Rockruff and send out Shroomish at the same time Takumi returned Dartrix and send out Onix.
  47. [You think this failed representation of your dick and more of your bloated ego will beat Jalen?!?! Get fucking real, bitch!] Takumi steam in anger towards the taunting Severa. "This Onix was able to beat YOU if I recall correctly!" [Yeah, cause Prinplup was fainted prior to fighting you and all I had was 2 mons that couldn't do shit to Onix....good fight, well played.] Jalen notice with his time with her that Severa can be quite the bitch if needed to be....With Takumi's snarling look and his own laughter being the evidences here... "SHUT UP!....AND YOU STOP LAUGHING!!! ONIX, ROCK TOMB!!! SHOW THEM ALL WHAT A REAL ROCK TOMB LOOK LIKE!!!"
  49. But just as Onix was gearing up his attack, Jalen ordered a Stun Spore to stop it right in it's tracks....Shroomish let out a cloud of yellowish spores that connects on Onix, and after that, Shroomish practically OHKO Onix with Mega Drain....the Rock Snake fall on the ground with a loud crash as Takumi looks aghasted as Severa looks quite proud.
  50. [Ah, now THAT'S a good rep of your dick; Limp...Lifeless, Powerless, and most of all....Unappealing.]
  52. "Go fuck yourself, and go fuck yourself too, Jalen! You won't beat me again, damnit!!!"
  53. Takumi returns his mons and run towards the center past them...
  55. [AHAHAHAH! What a fucking cuck! Good shit, Jalen!....Yeah, he beat me..but my team was looking like shit, he challenged me and beat me when I wasn't at my peak....Heh, you think I could crush him too? Tell ya what, let me handle him next time...I'll show you my Pokemon's true power!......Yeah, Yeah...Let's go and train up on this bridge and route.]
  56. The 2 walk on towards the bridge, before seeing 5 trainers on it......
  58. These 5 trainers are standing across from each other with some distance between them....all of them looking at the 2 teens with challenging looks as one of them(Classified as a YOUNGSTER, Jalen notices)
  60. ^Welcome to the Nugget Bridge! Beat us 5 trainers and win a fabulous prize! Think you have what it takes?^
  61. Jalen was about to step up and challenge them when Severa place an arm on his chest and give him a scowl
  63. [Hold it! You already fought that cuck back there, Let ME handle these guys.] Jalen pause time and overlook both his and her team's levels....she only have 3 mons and the highest is Lvl 18 Prinplup...lowest is 15 Taillow. She needs it more than him, it seems. Unpausing time, he nods and she smirks as she step up and grab Taillow's Pokeball. [Glad you saw things my way, Jalen..] Jalen roll his eyes as Severa release her Taillow against the Youngster's Venipede...
  65. Thus, Severa began to sweep the Nugget Bridge to the side, her Pokemon gaining plenty of levels along the way and money as well...Jalen for his part just hang back and let Severa do her thing. In his opinions, the Lasses here were lucky HE wasn't battling them lest he would rape them all.. Eventually, Severa is done with them as she count the money in her hand with a greedy grin as Jalen check her Pokemon's levels...they seem to have gained 2-3 levels from the process. He nods, glad that she gotten stronger..although he knows that they will battle here and there.
  67. [Ahahahaah!!! So much money! Look Jalen!!!] She waves the crispy dollar bills in front of him [I'm gonna buy soooo much clothing to mail to my home in Saffron!!....Huh?....Yeah, I live there with my mom......Cause it's close to Celadon City! AKA the Capital of all shopping!!!] Severa does a dancing jig as she envisions all the clothing she gonna buy...Jalen sighs and facepalms before he hears clapping to the north of them. |Job well done, Trainer.|
  69. Jalen and Severa sees a brown-haired girl their age with big breasts walking towards them. She have a bang covering her right eye and is wearing a jacket and pants(Jalen sees this as standard Ace Trainer clothing....He subtly put his guard up and rest a hand on Frogaider's pokeball) she have a small smile as she claps for them.
  71. |Fine execution, truly. You deserve this lovely prize for completing the Nugget Bridge.| She toss Severa a golden ball and $$$ appears in Severa's eyes. [Th-Th-This is a fucking Nugget!!! Holy shit!!!] The woman chuckles at Severa's joy. |Ah, excuse me, I have yet to introduce myself...I am Kagero.| Jalen barely hear her name as he is checking her figure.. [I'm Severa! The silent guy behind me is Jalen! Thanks for the Nugget!]
  73. |No problem, but I DO have a request for you 2....|
  75. Kagero cough into her hands as Severa pocket the Nugget in her bag to sell later while Jalen still check her body out and is guarded....something about how awfully nice she is is unsettling..
  76. [Well, what is it?]
  78. |I would like for you 2 to join Team Rocket, you start now and will be grunts..but with enough wo-Hey, where are you going??| Jalen heard enough and have decided to walk off....Not interested in Kagero's offer. Severa on the other hand scowls at her. [Wait, wait, waaaaait a min...this whole bridge thing was just a fucking recruitment for TR!?! What about those people back there!??!] Kagero shakes her head and frown |They are just people I tricked into thinking this was all a harmless thing to do...Now, are you 2 gonna join?|
  80. Jalen sighs and scowls as he walk back next to Severa, both of them agitated as fuck from this woman and her persistent at asking them...a choice box appear next to Kagero's head for Jalen to see with 'YES and 'NO'...Like he gonna actually join them.
  82. |If you join Team Rocket, I can assure you both that you will recei-|
  83. Jalen selects 'NO' and voice his disinterest...Kagero looks annoyed.
  85. |I must insist that you reconsider your ans-|
  86. Jalen smacks 'NO' and glare at her....By now Kagero is glaring back as well.
  88. |How can you not see that I am attempting to share the glory that is Te-|
  89. By now, Jalen is just punching the fuck outta the 'NO' Option...until he stops and raise an eyebrow at the new command...
  91. ^FACEFUCK KAGERO AFTER SEVERA BEATS HER IN BATTLE!!!^....Huh, That's a new option that he won't turn down after much thinking about it...He looks over as Time have stopped and see that Severa share his feelings if her pissed-off look can tell...he overlook Kagero's team and see she just have 2 Pokemon...Ha, Severa should crush her. He press that option as time resumes.
  93. [Listen, bitch! You can ask us as many times as there are known Pokemon and we will still tell your dumbass no!]
  94. Kagero growls and grab a Pokeball as does Severa.
  96. |Fine! I'll make you 2 come to TR by force then! We'll take this matter to the forest over there!| She points to the trees where
  97. Severa nods [Fine with me! You're doing yourself a favor so no one will see your mons get fucking rekt by mines!] |On the contrary, it shall be mines doing THAT to yours!!!| The 2 ladies argue as they head to the trees....Jalen meanwhile, silently go off to the woods and hide himself in them. Getting to a spot where he can watch the battle from behind Kagero as the 2 girls arrive in the spot.....
  99. The battle begins heavily in Severa's favor as her Taillow is quickly taking down Kagero's Nincada with it's burstful speed and agile movement....Next up, Kagero's Buizel comes out and force Severa to return her Taillow(Shame that she can't switch out like Jalen can) and have her Prinplup take the Buizel down with ease...Seems Kagero was not expecting a fight or she isn't part of Rocket's Fighting squad cause she went down rather easily..
  101. |Damn it all!!! With your skill, you would be an admin any moment!....Where's your friend?|
  102. [Huh...No clue....]
  104. Now was his chance...he pop out of the bushes and as Kagero turn around to him, he smack her across the face and begin to pull his pants down. Kagero only have a second to gather herself before she get a mouthful of sweaty, black dick in her mouth and choke her.
  105. |MMPH!?!?|
  107. Kagero's eyes widen in fear as she is forced to suck on this dick lest she choked to fainting...She turns towards Severa with a look of help as she is being raped in front of her fellow female...Severa looks quite shocked and walk to Jalen with a scowl..
  110. Kagero close her eyes, thankful that she won't be defiled like this....until she open them up to see the sound of Severa opening her bag up and pulling a camera out and begin to film her raping with a smirk.
  112. [At least TELL me you gonna do stuff like this so I can film it!...Now...] The sounds of the camera beginning the recording comes on as Kagero still have half of Jalen's dick(9 inches) in her mouth...her eyes watering up from it all. [We got ourselves a TR member who MAY or MAY NOT know what plans her team have...Soooo...Jalen? Be a pal and facefuck her for about 20!]
  114. Kagero's mouth begin to get pounded mercilessly for the next 5 mins with 5 seconds rest between them...All the while, Severa taping this and video taping this all and ask her questions regarding TR...
  117. |I-I-I DON'T KNOW!!!|
  119. |WAIT, MER-MPPPH!!!|
  121. Elsewhere, south of Cerulean City...Rhiannon looks north and feels a pang of...jealousy for Kagero?....Must had brought a lot of chocolate...she shrugs and walk towards their next assignment with Lucina, Cynthia, and Siegbert...
  122. Meanwhile, Kagero's face is quite the sticky mess...cum, saliva from Severa, and tears down her eyes paints quite a chaotic mess on her face as Jalen pull his dick out of her mouth to let her gasp for air..
  126. Severa was about to smack Kagero until she gives up and put her hands up.
  127. |I-I give!!! I give....I have reports of TR going to Vermilion City....why, I don't know...Pl-please....please show me mercy!....|
  129. Severa and Jalen share a look...before nodding. Severa turn towards Kagero and push her to her stomach and hike her ass up and pull her pants down....Kagero struggles as best as she can, but nothing she can do to stop Jalen from violating her asshole with his dick for the next 10 mins while Severa tape it all...
  131. Soon, the ordeal is over for Kagero as Jalen finish up in her ass and pull out....Severa clean him off with a water bottle and towel as he pull his pants up and the 2 teens leave a messy Kagero in the woods...No doubt they will see her again in their journey...for now, they wanna head to the house on the hill.
  133. [Man, that was awesome..I didn't know you was gonna interrogate her like that....Wait, you wasn't???....You just wanted to fuck her?....You horny bastard!....Well still, let me know beforehand! I wanna tape these incidents for...reasons.....NO I AM NOT GONNA MASTURBATE TO THEM!....Oh hey, look, we're here!]
  135. Severa points at the house before them...Jalen look back and notice there wasn't no trainers on here..sighing at the lack of trainers here means that there won't be no EXP....He hopes the 2nd Gym leader won't be all too tough for them. The door opens up as Jalen knock on it to reveal a white haired woman with a nice body and..what seems to be a Pokefurry judging by her Persian ears accessory.
  136. ^Welcome! I'm Robin, the inventor of the PC system as well as a proud Pokecosplayer!^
  138. [Yo, We just came to say hi to the person who gave us Trainers a wonderful device....Uhhhh...Were you..busy...?]
  139. Severa and Jalen can see behind her a bunch of people in Pokemon costumes humping each other...the 2 teens don't judge, but they are quite scared of what's happening behind them.(The sheer hypocrisy of these 2 with what they did to Kagero doesn't fly over their heads)
  141. ^Ah! It's just a small get-together! Pay it no mind...Uhhhh....^ Robin look around and smile as she grabs 2 tickets and give them to the 2 teens. ^Here! Tickets to the S.S Anne! I wasn't bothering to go, so you 2 can in my place! Now...excuse me...a Mightyena is calling my name~^
  143. She close the door on them as sounds of her meowing like a Persian is heard in the house..both teens stay there for a moment as they digest what just happened....
  145. [That...Ummm....Ok then.]
  146. Jalen perks up and tell her about the Gym Leader in Cerulean City..
  149. she grabs Jalen's hand and pull him towards the city.....
  151. And so, the teens make their way towards the center with a clear goal in mind...
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