
mas room

Apr 29th, 2016
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  1. RakashaEllyNyxDevil has joined the chat
  2. MsQueenRae has joined the chat
  3. AshesJaded has joined the chat
  4. TazzJinDevil69 has joined the chat
  5. TazzJinDevil69: nah
  6. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: hey demon child
  7. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: mhmm
  8. AshesJaded: haha that makes me feel better
  9. TazzJinDevil69: o.0
  10. RavenWolfCreed: hey ma
  11. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: what does bbg
  12. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: so tiff why the apology now after all this time
  13. AshesJaded: i feel better knowing daddy is the biggest brat
  14. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: not that he will ever admit it
  15. MsQueenRae: I have been thinking alot and I decided to say fuck it and say sorry for how i acted and treated y'all
  16. TazzJinDevil69: i will never
  17. TazzJinDevil69: i'll take it to my grave
  18. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: just said that u dohnut
  19. TazzJinDevil69: ah blah
  20. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: and u think saying sorry can fix what u did
  21. MsQueenRae: Oh no
  22. MsQueenRae: It's just a start.
  23. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: good. cos it cant i did nothing to you
  24. MsQueenRae: I understand that.
  25. AshesJaded: you and jazz fighting
  26. MsQueenRae: Nope.
  27. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: no . u dont cos if u had understood how i really felt you wouldnt of done what you did
  28. MsQueenRae: I undertand what I did was wrong.
  29. AshesJaded: what do you think you did wrong tiff
  30. MsQueenRae: Everything.
  31. AshesJaded: make a list
  32. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: u tore this family apart with your lies
  33. MsQueenRae: DO you not think I know that?
  34. AshesJaded: so how do you have the guts or lady balls to even show up here
  35. RavenWolfCreed > AshesJaded: .lol nice one sissy
  36. MsQueenRae: Becuase I'm the bigger person to show up and say my sorries instead of hiding in the dark. I will be leaving now because this is all a joke once again and this is why I left
  37. MsQueenRae has left the chat
  38. TazzJinDevil69: well then
  39. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: so as usual she cant take it
  40. TazzJinDevil69: mhmm
  41. AshesJaded: what a cunt, she cant handle the little bit i was getting on her, she will never be able to handle if i really let go
  42. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: mhmm
  43. RavenWolfCreed: pfft that aint nothing compared to me blowing up lol
  44. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: did she really think we was just gonna except her sorry
  45. AshesJaded: and shes not fighting with jazz but they dont have eachh other on their pro cards anymore... ok then why did she pick now to say sorry
  46. RavenWolfCreed: coz shes hoping we'll take her back
  47. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: over my dead body
  48. RavenWolfCreed: an mine
  49. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: or tazz's
  50. AshesJaded: did she ask to get back?
  51. TazzJinDevil69: maybe when hell freeze's over
  52. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: not yet but think thats what shes trying for
  53. RavenWolfCreed: not with me or alden but this is wot she does when she leaves she comes crawling back after
  54. AshesJaded: she dont want to crawl around to much, i will kick her in the face
  55. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: rofl
  56. TazzJinDevil69: i pay to see that
  57. RavenWolfCreed: u might get shit on ur foot if u kick her lol
  58. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: i'll bring the popcorn an beer
  59. RavenWolfCreed: damn i'll bring pizza
  60. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: woohoo party
  61. TazzJinDevil69: i got front row from my thorne
  62. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: i like that she says hell is her home on her card lol
  63. AshesJaded: think i will wear my steel toe boots lol
  64. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: nice
  65. AshesJaded: but nothing about jazz anymore
  66. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: nope and jaz says hell is her kingdom
  67. TazzJinDevil69: who says hell's her home....jaz? o.0
  68. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: tiff
  69. TazzJinDevil69: fuck that
  70. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: soooo when did u move them in tazz
  71. TazzJinDevil69: ever did
  72. AshesJaded: they must be in the basement
  73. RavenWolfCreed: jaz says shes a valkeriy and valhala is hell on hers
  74. AshesJaded: some where under the house
  75. TazzJinDevil69: and feeding them fish heads
  76. TazzJinDevil69: brb
  77. AshesJaded: hb
  78. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: htfb
  79. AshesJaded: is blue getting marred tomoroow
  80. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: yep
  81. AshesJaded: what time
  82. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: 5 ur time
  83. AshesJaded: mm im not sure if i will be on, i will try
  84. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: 6 tazz's and 11 mine
  85. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: k nps
  86. AshesJaded: i was at her last one and it didnt help
  87. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: iam only staying for the sevice then iam poofing
  88. AshesJaded: actualy tiff was there too
  89. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: was where
  90. AshesJaded: blues last wedding
  91. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: mhmm
  92. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: ive been to all 3 of blues weddings
  93. AshesJaded: tazz had 6 weddings
  94. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: 5
  95. TazzJinDevil69: o.0
  96. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: wbs
  97. TazzJinDevil69: i lost count with weddings
  98. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: u married skitts 3 times deme an now kitty:PP
  99. AshesJaded: lol my screen scrollled up and i saw where you wrote 6 tazz;s and 11 mine after you said you went to 3 of blues, so thats why i said that
  100. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: llol
  101. AshesJaded: i had three
  102. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: ive had none
  103. AshesJaded: not ever actual weddings just he marrage certificats
  104. TazzJinDevil69: and it was twice i married skitts
  105. AshesJaded: once was not enough?
  106. TazzJinDevil69: 2nd time was renew our vows if that counts
  107. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: yeah after u left me
  108. TazzJinDevil69: 2nd time was when i was with her b4 our 1st break up
  109. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: then u divorced her and went bk to her and remarried her so it was 3 times
  110. TazzJinDevil69: and when i finally find who ever it was who broke me and skitts up for the last time, i feel sorry for em
  111. AshesJaded: why do you say someone broke you up
  112. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: someone told her that he was still with me
  113. AshesJaded: was he?
  114. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: nope
  115. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: but he was always with me in my rooms like he is now
  116. RavenWolfCreed > RakashaEllyNyxDevil: ohh but we do know who it was lol
  117. RakashaEllyNyxDevil whispers: but iam never telling him
  118. TazzJinDevil69: been like this for how long now
  119. RakashaEllyNyxDevil: 2yrs
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