
Fanfiction Preview

Mar 28th, 2018
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  1. A Short Shadow Duel
  2. Setting: Alternative Universe where all yugioh shows are still considered shows, but the hologram/AR/VR technology for games are fully developed. Also, master rule 4 is in effect.
  4. Location: Central United States.
  5. Time: 8:30 pm
  7. ???: Hey! Didn't ya say there was gonna be something interesting here dude? Cuz all I see is nothing but an empty stadium. If this is some sort of prank, pal, I'm calling the cops!
  9. ???: You'd call the cops on me, old friend? Oh *whatever* have I done to you?
  11. ???: Don't you call me "friend" you psychopath...our friendship ended the moment you crossed the line and hurt my true friends!
  13. ???: Uh, uh, uh. That thick-headed attitude of yours won't win you any favors. You don't want me spilling this juicy tidbit to the press, do ya?
  15. ???: Ergh...what the hell do you want? You've already taken so much out of me...what else is there?
  17. ???: Huh. I would think you'd remember EXACTLY what I'm talking about "old friend". I took many things from you, yes...but you took something from *me* in return. Give me what you took from me, and I'll return the favor.
  19. ???: Oh *hell* no...after everything I had to do to get you punished for your crimes...I will NEVER give back what I "took". It was never yours to begin with, let alone yours to abuse however you damn pleased. I don't even know how the hell you got out of your sentence. There was no bail!
  21. ???: Pry into the matter any further and I'll have sent the information by yesterday. Capisce?
  23. ???: You son of a...
  25. ???: Let me stop you right there. This is NOT negotiable. No tricks, no brute force, and no amount of bribery will change my offer. Should you try to resist...I'll be have to resort to violence to get what I want. And you know how I get when I'm violent. (Takes out something from his pocket)
  27. ???: You...yOu...YoU!!! (Shakes with rage and fear) Wait...that's not a don't expect me to be threatened by a DUEL DISK of all things, do ya?!
  29. ???: Perhaps, perhaps not. Although, perhaps a demonstration is in order. (Slaps a Battle Warrior onto the disk; Battle Warrior materializes) Hit him where it hurts.
  31. ???: What the (punch) URGHH!!!! Ho...w...the...what...(hack...cough)...what the living hell?!
  33. ???: I have obtained a power that has only been fantasized fully materialize the light in a hologram into a solid, movable form. With some of the most popular, and dangerous looking, holograms being with Duel Monsters...cyberterror is only the least of my abilities.
  35. ???: Those haven't even been tested yet! Solid holograms aren't supposed to be implemented into society for another decade or so!
  37. ???: I have my resources..."old friend". But if you want me to spare you or anyone you know from my wrath, you'll do as you're told and forget this ever happened.
  39. ???: I'm afraid that you underestimate my ability to change things..."pal"...cuz you're not the only one here with powers on their side (materializes energy field).
  41. ???: What the? Is this some sort of light show (eyes widen) or are you really one of those wretched DDS?!
  43. ???: Bingo, buddy. That "tidbit" that you "found" on me...ain't even real. You think you set me up? It's the other way around.
  45. ???: Hehehe...hehehe...HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Oh...this is too rich...oh...oh...this is just too think you actually had me thinking you were still the same miserable piece of garbage I knew. Now you're a "special" piece of garbage...that I'll be tossing into the bin of life when I'm through with you!
  47. ???: If you're familiar with the DDS...then you know there's only one way out (activates Duel Disk).
  49. ???: Indeed. David, I suppose it's been a while since the last game we've played...old friend. But this time...Darkness will rule the battlefield!
  51. David vs ???
  52. 8000 vs 8000
  53. Both: DUEL!
  55. ???: The first turn is mine. Hm...interesting opening hand...I'll start with something new, the Dark Tuner, "Ghastly Guard"! (Level 10/DARK/Fiend/Dark Tuner/Effect) *2000 ATK* Since I control no monsters, I can summon this card from my hand.
  57. David: (Uh oh, seems his deck is very different from last time. I've heard of Dark Tuners, and the Dark Synchro monsters they can make, but this card isn't in the card databanks. Better keep my wits at the ready for every move he makes.)
  59. ???: Next, I can Normal Summon "Ghastly Swords-Bearer" without tribute since another "Ghastly" monster is on my field (Level 5/DARK/Fiend/Effect) *2150 ATK*
  60. With the preparations in place, I shall now Dark Tune my Swords-Bearer with my Guard!
  61. (The "Ghastly Guard" breaks into shards, unveiling the stars within. They pierce through the hide of "Ghastly Swords-Bearer". Stars cancel out until only 5 remain, and they grow dark before they form an energy vortex)
  63. As the fears of mankind condense and collapse into a darker form, witness the birth of the most frightening warrior! Dark Synchro! Arise from the abyss, "Ghastly Maurader"! (Level -5/DARK/Warrior/Dark Synchro) *ATK 2200*
  65. David: Didn't think you were one for the melodramatic. You never liked anything less than a straight-to-the-point approach. Respect for anyone other than yourself is unlike you.
  67. ???: Oh? Not even for the ones who gave me a new purpose? I've learned much in the time I've had with my superiors, and creatures such as the ones I currently associate with don't tolerate disrespect from the duelist wielding their power. So a proper summoning chant for the "higher-ups" of my Deck is necessary to assure them that their wishes aren't being ignored: of being part of a greater force for destruction.
  69. David: Sounds like they had a very powerful threat to keep you in line.
  71. ???: I'll pretend I didn't hear that, and set a card face-down before ending my turn.
  73. David: Fine then. I'll draw! I summon "Metaphys Ragnarok"! (Level 4/LIGHT/Wyrm/Tuner/Effect) *ATK 1500*
  75. ???: Still using the same strategy? What, did you expect this Duel to end like the last time?
  77. David: Nope, save for me sending your sorry carcass back to prison where it belongs! "Ragnarok" will banish the top 3 cards of my deck; gaining 300 ATK for each "Metaphys" card banished this way. (Metaphys Tyrant Dragon, Metaphys Nephtys, and Solemn Warning are banished) *1500->2100)
  79. ???: Peh...did you honestly think luck would help you prevail against my Maurauder?
  81. David: I hate to repeat myself, but that's, again, nope. "Metaphys Ragnarok" is going to attack that hellspawn with all its got! Oh...and before you think me insane, I'm going to use the "Honest" in my hand to increase my monster's ATK by that of yours! *2100 -> 4300*
  83. ???: (8000->5900) Peh...that won't be enough. My "Ghastly Maurader" can revive the material used for its summon if it's destroyed by you!
  85. David: Ragnarok felt damage to you, so now I can summon another "Metaphys" monster from my Deck!
  87. ???: Then I'll chain my set card, "A Ghastly Fate". This will revive my Marauder after you destroyed it (DEF: 1950).
  89. David: I'm afraid that your attempt to set up another turn will be in vain. Because "Metaphys Daedalus" is the monster I choose to summon to the field (Level 7/LIGHT/ Wyrm/ Effect) *ATK: 2600*
  90. But since you used your effects already, you won't be able to stop your monsters from reviving.
  91. (Guard DEF: 0 Sword-Bearer DEF: 1350)
  92. Daedalus being summoned by a "Metaphys" card effect means all other Special Summoned monsters are taking a one-way trip to a different dimension! (Whirlpool of light sweeps away the Ghastly creatures into oblivion)
  93. Now...attack!
  95. ???: (5900->3300) Tch. Not bad. I'll admit I tried forgetting about that one...I freaking hate Daedalus...
  97. David: Your luck has run out, pal. The duel's only just begun and you're over half done. How about a peaceful surrender? It'll make it easier on both of us.
  99. ???: A Duel of Darkness cannot be escaped from with a forfeit, fool. You either win, or lose. Live, or *die*.
  101. David: I'd disagree, but I suppose I'll let these 2 face downs do the talking for me. Then my turn is done.
  103. ???: I suppose that I can't afford to play with you anymore, old friend. All gloves are off. This ends now! (Draw)
  105. David: Hold it! During the Standby Phase, my "Metaphys" monsters that were banished can now use their effects. "Nepthys" will add a "Metaphys Tyrant Dragon" to my hand, while my banished Dragon summons the one in my hand! (Level 8/LIGHT/Wyrm/Effect) *ATK: 2900* *roars in defiance* Both my banished monsters return to the deck.
  107. ???: now that your little show is out of the way, I'll use the Effect of the "Ghastly Sovereign" in my hand, sending this creature to the Graveyard to add another "Ghastly" monster to my hand. That being "Ghastly Ghoul". Now, you two shall make your acquaintance (Level 3/DARK/Fiend/Effect). On second thought, I dare say "the more the merrier." For this Ghoul can bring one of its compatriots back from the Graveyard! "Ghastly Sovereign", for instance (Level 12/DARK/Fiend/ Dark Tuner/ Effect) *ATK 2550*
  109. David: How about I stop you from going off with "Solemn Strike"! This will cost me 1500 points. but it's worth stopping whatever comeback you had in mind. (8000->6500)
  111. ???: I'm afraid that won't work. By paying half my points, I can use this Counter Trap right away! (3300->1650) "Red Reboot Signal!" Not only is your Trap negated and set, but no more Traps can be activated for the rest of the turn. But you can set a trap from your Deck, in exchange.
  113. David: Fine...I'll set a card.
  115. ???: I wasn't kidding when I said the gloves were off. It's true that I don't have a lot of points. But you're about to lose so much more. I shall now Dark Tune my Ghoul with my Sovereign!
  117. When the fears of humankind condense and collapse on themselves, they shall spread new wings to infest the world! Dark Synchro! Arise "Ghastly Swarm Caller"! (Level: -9/DARK/Insect/Dark Synchro) *3350*
  119. David: That's one big bug...cripes...
  121. ???: The Swarm Caller, as its name implies, shall summon "Ghastly Swarm Tokens" up to the number of materials used for its summon. 2x (Level 4/DARK/Insect) *DEF 1750*
  122. Now, let us wreak havoc upon that accursed "Ragnarok"! (Swarm Caller zips quickly, seizes Ragnarok in its mandibles, and crushes the Wyrm to shards)
  124. David: (6500->5250) Urpgh...what the...? Something's different this time...(looks at legs covered in black ichor) Ugh...Shadow Ooze...just great...
  126. ???: If you lose, you'll drown in there. If I lose, I'm under your power. The Darkness made that clear to me.
  128. David: Well, not to me, dammit!
  130. ???: In any event, I shall set a card face down before ending my turn.
  132. David: Someone's cocky for a guy who's low on points, pal. (Draw)
  134. ???: Then my face-down can be played: Heavy Storm Duster!
  135. This will destroy two of your Set cards...I'll choose the Solemn Strike you tried to use and the card you set during my turn. (Solemn Strike and Metaphys Dimension are scattered into shards)
  137. David: Gee, I think you just ran out of gas...time to finish you off! I use the Trap "Waterfall of Dragon Souls"! This can either add a Wyrm monster to my hand, or I Tribute Wyrms in my hand and field to draw that many cards +1. I'll choose the former, and add another "Metaphys Ragnarok" to my hand, and I'll summon it to banish three more cards from my Deck. (Metaphys Daedalus, Twin Twisters, and Necroface are banished) (1500->1800)
  138. Necroface will banish 5 more cards from the top of our Decks, each!
  140. ???: Beh...your monsters can't match the Swarm Caller in strength, nor do their effects compensate for the situation. What do you think you can do now?
  142. David: Win this Duel right here and now. By banishing the LIGHT attribute "Ragnarok" from my Graveyard, I can summon "Black Dragon-Collaspeserpent" (Level 4/DARK/Dragon/Effect) *ATK: 1800*
  143. Because of this, I can summon a monster that won't squash your big bug, but will incinerate everything else! This one's for you, Paul...
  144. I now Tune the Level 4 Collaspeserpent with the Level 4 Ragnarok!
  146. As the Stars of Light and Dark intertwine, the Chaos shall unleash a destructive, blazing force! Release the inferno within! Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend! (Level 8/DARK/Dragon/Synchro) *ATK 3000*
  148. ???: Curse you! The Dragon that dared burn away my mask! My new masters will make sure you have more than a swollen arm after they're through with you! (Red Dragon roars in contempt of this)
  150. David: Scarlight, let's end this now. (Roars in agreement) You know all too well what this dragon can do, pal. But aside from anything above Scarlight's ATK, all other Special Summoned monsters will be annihilated, and you'll take 500 damage for each. Aside from your "Swarm Caller", that's all other monsters. Take this! Absolute Crimson Force! (Tyrant Dragon, Daedalus, and the Tokens scatter into shards while a firestorm engulfs the shadow duelist until he's covered in soot)
  152. ???: (1650->0) No...I was...not forewarned this would be the day! The day that I face that dragon, would be the day I'd lose my freedom! I was told...I wanted it
  154. David: Oh...would you look at that: backup has arrived just in time. You're going to be behind bars for a LONG time...pal.
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