
Prince of Autumn - What a Day (unfinished)

Aug 14th, 2014
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  1. >Today was gonna be great!
  2. >No..
  3. >Today was going to be AWESOME! It was finally buddy day! The one day where a few seniors from Canterlot High would pick a fifth grader to be with them! For a whole day, no less.
  4. >Throwing yourself out of bed, you giggled to inwardly, thinking of all the awesome things you would get to do with your buddy.
  5. >Maybe you'll get a smart person and go to the library. Or a guy that will let you play some of his videogames. You might even have a sleepover with your buddy!
  6. >After putting on some clothes, you run downstairs and get your shoes, a large grin glued to your face.
  7. >"I see someone's exited for today." Your mother says as she descends the stairs, rubbing sleep from her eyes.
  8. >You nod your head a bunch.
  9. "I sure am, mom! I'm gonna get picked and then I'm gonna have fun and play videogames and stay up late and...." >You ramble on.
  10. >Chuckling, your mom rubs the top of your head.
  11. >"Well then. That sounds like a lot to do. You're going to need a good breakfast"
  12. >The sudden rumble in your stomach confirms this.
  14. >Taking her hand off your head, your mom walks over the fridge
  15. >"What sounds good, Nonny? I'm thinking bacon and eggs."
  16. "Yeah mom! That's the best!" >you say, looking expectantly at the frying pan
  17. >"Well then. I'll get started"
  18. >Soon, the heavenly smells of your soon-to-be breakfast filled the kitchen, driving you mad with hunger.
  19. >As you watched the fat drip off the bacon and listened to the eggs sizzle you thought about what happen today
  20. >The teachers had been over this many times; 6 seniors from Canterlot High, chosen by their principal, would come to your school and choose one fifth grader.
  21. >It wouldn't be random selection. They were going to be shown report cards and the teachers would tell them who was the best.
  22. >Ever since you heard that, you made sure to do your best at everything; turning in your homework, being a good friend to the staff, not acting up in class.
  23. >This was important to you that you get this
  24. >lost in thought, you almost jump out of your skin when you mom shakes you
  25. >"Come on, Nonny. Eat up, get your backpack, and then we can get to school so you can have an awesome day with your high school buddies."
  26. >Smiling you walk to the table and eat your breakfast as fast as you could, despite warnings that you'd choke.
  27. >After dumping your plate into the sink, you rush to your backpack, swinging it over one shoulder.
  28. >You run back to your mom, sporting a huge grin
  29. "Let's go!"
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