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Sep 15th, 2014
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  1. /*
  2. *
  3. * (c) 2004-2013 Denora Team
  4. * Contact us at
  5. *
  6. * Denora configuration file (Example)
  7. * *************************
  8. *
  9. * After making the appropriate changes to this file, place it in the
  10. * Denora data directory (as specified in the "Config" script, default
  11. * /usr/local/lib/denora) under the name "denora.conf".
  12. *
  13. * The configuration format consists of blocks, each containing name-value
  14. * pairs, tags, or string data. It is designed to be easily readable by
  15. * both human beings and Denora.
  16. *
  17. * A block consists of a block name, an opening '{' brace, statements, a
  18. * closing '}' brace, and a ';' semicolon. A statement consists of a
  19. * name, possibly followed by a value, and ending with a semicolon.
  20. * Strings that contain special characters or whitespace can be surrounded
  21. * by '"' double quotes. All elements of the configuration are separated
  22. * by whitespace, and can be packed on one line, or broken up over several
  23. * lines.
  24. */
  26. # Comments are supported in three forms:
  27. /* C style
  28. multi-line */
  29. # shell style single-line
  30. // C++ style single-line
  32. /*
  33. * A sample block:
  34. *
  35. * block {
  36. * name value; # A statement with a name value
  37. * name 123; # A statement with a number value
  38. * name "hello world"; # A statement with a string value
  39. * tag; # A simple tag
  40. * "will code for food"; # A simple string
  41. * };
  42. *
  43. * You can also use an include directive outside of a block context, if
  44. * you want to split up your configuration in several files:
  45. *
  46. * include path/to/file.conf;
  47. *
  48. * In the documentation for each directive, one of the following will be
  49. * included to indicate whether an option is required:
  50. *
  51. * [REQUIRED]
  52. * Indicates a block which must be given
  53. * Without it, Denora will not start.
  54. *
  56. * Indicates a block which may be omitted, but omitting it may cause
  57. * undesirable side effects.
  58. *
  59. * [OPTIONAL]
  60. * Indicates a block which is optional. If not given, the feature
  61. * will typically be disabled. If this is not the case, more
  62. * information will be given in the documentation.
  63. *
  64. * NOTE: unless other specified, there may be only one block with the
  65. * same name.
  66. */
  69. ###########################################################################
  70. # Connect [REQUIRED]
  71. # Information needed for Denora to connect to the uplink server.
  72. #
  73. # Required tokens:
  74. # hostname - Remote server hostname
  75. # This must either be a standard Internet hostname
  76. # or dotted-quad numeric address
  77. # This may be overridden at runtime with the "-remote"
  78. # command-line option.
  79. # port - Remote server port
  80. # This must be an integer between 1 and 65535
  81. # passwd - Password to send to the uplink server
  82. # The password is a string which should be enclosed in
  83. # double quotes if it contains any spaces
  84. # This may be overridden at runtime with the "-remote"
  85. # command-line option.
  86. # protocol - IRCd protocol to use.
  87. # Choose one of the following, depending on your ircd:
  88. # Bahamut 1.4 and 1.8 : bahamut
  89. # Charybdis 1.0 : charybdis
  90. # inspircd 1.1 : inspircd11
  91. # inspircd 1.2-2.0 : inspircd12
  92. # ircd-rizon 3.0 : ircdrizon
  93. # ircu 2.10.11+ : ircu
  94. # Nefarious IRCu 1.3 : nefarious13
  95. # Ratbox 2.0 : ratbox
  96. # ScaryNet 2.10.11.x : scarynet
  97. # Unreal 3.2 : unreal32
  98. #
  99. # Optional tokens:
  100. # bindhost - IP to connect from
  101. # This pecifies the local address to bind to before
  102. # connecting to the remote server. This may be useful
  103. # on multihomed hosts. If this is not specified, Stats
  104. # will let the operating system choose the local address.
  105. # bindport - Port number to connect from
  106. # If only a bindhost is specified, Stats will bind to that
  107. # address but let the operating system choose the local
  108. # port number.
  109. # quitprefix - IRCd quit prefix (case sensitive!)
  110. # This is used by Denora to parse Quit messages in order to
  111. # detect Local kills from IRCds which don't send a specific
  112. # KILL event, like Unreal32.
  113. # Common prefixes:
  114. # Bahamut 1.8.x : "Quit:"
  115. # InspIRCd 1.1.x : "Quit:"
  116. # ircu 2.10.11+ : "Quit"
  117. # Nefarious IRCu : "Quit"
  118. # UnrealIRCd 3.2.x : "Quit:"
  120. connect {
  121. // required tokens
  122. hostname;
  123. port 8765;
  124. passwd "testpassword";
  125. protocol inspircd12;
  127. // optional tokens
  128. #bindhost;
  129. #bindport 9292;
  130. quitprefix "Quit:";
  131. };
  133. ###########################################################################
  134. # Identity [REQUIRED]
  135. # Stats identity information.
  136. #
  137. # Required tokens:
  138. # name - Stats server name
  139. # This specifies the IRC server name which Denora should
  140. # use. May be overridden by the -name command-line option.
  141. # desc - Stats server description
  142. # This specifies the text which should appear as the
  143. # server's information in /whois and similar queries.
  144. # May be overridden by the -desc command-line option.
  145. # user - Stats pseudo username
  146. # This specifies the user@host mask which should be used by
  147. # the Stats pseudoclients. May be overridden by the -user
  148. # and -host command-line options.
  149. # language - Default language
  150. # Currently supported languages:
  151. # English : 1
  152. # Spanish : 2
  153. # German : 3
  154. # French : 4
  155. # Dutch : 5
  156. # Italian : 6
  157. # Russian : 7
  158. # Portuguese : 8
  159. # If you want to know how to translate Denora in your
  160. # language, read the chapter about it in the README.
  162. identity {
  163. // required tokens
  164. name "";
  165. desc "Statistics for IRC Networks";
  166. user "";
  167. language 1;
  168. };
  170. ###########################################################################
  171. # StatServ [REQUIRED]
  172. # Specify the nickname and "real" name for the Stats pseudoclient.
  173. #
  174. # Required tokens:
  175. # nick - Bot nickname
  176. # The nickname the pseudo client (bot) will have
  177. # real - Bot realname
  178. # The realname the pseudo client (bot) will have
  179. #
  180. # Optional tokens:
  181. # aliasnick - Optional alias nickname
  182. # When a user will /msg "aliasnick" something, it will be
  183. # forwarded to "nick", and "nick" will answer. This can be
  184. # used to ease the migration from another network, for
  185. # example if your stats are called StatsManager and the
  186. # other network calls them StatServ.
  187. # aliasreal - Optional alias realname
  188. # Same as "real", but for "aliasnick"
  189. # autoop - Makes the bot get mode +o on channels
  190. # automode - autoop mode
  191. # If autoop is enabled, this allows you to specify the
  192. # mode(s) the bot will get, default is "+o"
  193. # partonempty - Makes the bot part empty channels
  195. statserv {
  196. // required tokens
  197. nick "StatServ";
  198. real "Stats Server";
  200. // optional tokens
  201. #aliasnick "StatServ2";
  202. #aliasreal "Stats Server Forwarder";
  203. #autoop;
  204. #automode "+ov";
  205. #partonempty;
  206. };
  208. ###########################################################################
  209. # Filenames [REQUIRED]
  210. # NOTE: All filenames are relative to the Stats data directory.
  211. #
  212. # Required tokens:
  213. # pid - File containing Stats' process ID
  214. # motd - Name of the Message of the Day file
  215. # channeldb - Flat DB file for channel data.
  216. # ctcpdb - Flat DB file for ctcp data.
  217. # serverdb - Flat DB file for server data.
  218. # chanstatsdb - Flat DB file for channel stats data.
  219. # tlddb - Flat DB file for tld data.
  220. # excludedb - Flat DB file for exclude data.
  221. # statsdb - Flat DB file for network data.
  222. # admindb - Flat DB file for admin data.
  223. #
  224. # Optional tokens:
  225. # htmlfile - Path to the HTML file
  226. # If set, this will enable Denora to write stats to html
  227. # Please specify a complete path contained in doublequotes
  229. filenames {
  230. // required tokens
  231. pid;
  232. motd stats.motd;
  233. channeldb chan.db;
  234. ctcpdb ctcp.db;
  235. serverdb server.db;
  236. chanstatsdb ChannelStats.db;
  237. tlddb tld.db;
  238. excludedb exclude.db;
  239. statsdb stats.db;
  240. admindb admin.db;
  242. // optional tokens
  243. #htmlfile "/home/denora/denora.html";
  244. };
  246. ###########################################################################
  247. # Backup [RECOMMENDED]
  248. # Specify information on when Denora will do backups of the .db files
  249. #
  250. # Required tokens:
  251. # keepbackups - Enable backups
  252. # freq - Time between making a backup
  253. # keepfor - Time to keep the backups
  255. backup {
  256. // required tokens
  257. keepbackups;
  258. freq 1d;
  259. keepfor 7d;
  260. };
  262. ###########################################################################
  263. # Netinfo [REQUIRED]
  264. # Specify various network-related information and settings
  265. #
  266. # Required tokens:
  267. # name - Network's name where Denora is running on
  268. #
  269. # Optional tokens:
  270. # numeric - Numeric ID
  271. # Sets the numeric Denora should have. If your IRCd
  272. # has a numeric, Denora will need one too. Consult
  273. # your ircd's documentation before using this.
  274. # nickchar - Sets the nickchar encoding for UnrealIRCd 3.2
  275. # Only needed if you use that ircd. See the Unreal
  276. # documentation for more information about this.
  277. # hiddenprefix - Prefix for hidden hosts on P10-based ircds
  278. # hiddensuffix - Suffix for hidden hosts on P10-based ircds
  279. # ctcpusers - Get the CTCP version from users
  280. # The users connecting to your network will receive
  281. # a ctcp version request from the Denora bot.
  282. # ctcpeob - Disable CTCP during burst
  283. # Avoid sending out ctcp requests to users during burst.
  284. # This is only useful if you restart Denora often and
  285. # don't want to annoy your users.
  286. # "ctcpusers" still needs to be enabled.
  287. # largenet - Disable extended features
  288. # This will do everything what "nonicktracking" does,
  289. # and additionally disable: chanstats, host lookup, tld,
  290. # ctcpusers, statserv alias, motd, server bans, channel
  291. # bans, server uptime and server version.
  292. # We don't recommend using this. It's only done for
  293. # people who use a remote SQL database and really need
  294. # to reduce the query load.
  295. # ustatsregistered - Only track registered users
  296. # Enable this to only track registered (+r or account)
  297. # users in chanstats. This will reduce the risk of nick
  298. # confusion and require users to register to services
  299. # in order to be tracked by chanstats.
  300. # ustatsnobots - This will exclude all users with mode +B from chanstats
  301. # sphtml - Hide +s/+p channels from HTML stats
  302. # This only applies for HTML output, not for SQL. To
  303. # hide those channels from SQL, just use an appropriate
  304. # database query.
  305. # excludeserv - Exclude any user from this server
  306. # This only applies for HTML output, not for SQL. To
  307. # hide those servers from SQL, just use an appropriate
  308. # database query.
  309. # statspage - URL for Web Stats
  310. # This will be advertised in the Denora reply to the
  311. # STATS command. Put a link to your HTML output file,
  312. # or to phpDenora, for example.
  314. netinfo {
  315. // required tokens
  316. name "LocalNet";
  318. // optional tokens
  319. numeric "122";
  320. #nickchar "latin1";
  321. #hiddenprefix "";
  322. #hiddensuffix ".users.mynet.tld";
  323. ctcpusers;
  324. #ctcpeob;
  325. #nonicktracking;
  326. #largenet;
  327. #ustatsregistered;
  328. ustatsnobots;
  329. #sphtml;
  330. #excludeserv "";
  331. #statspage "";
  332. };
  334. ###########################################################################
  335. # Timeout [REQUIRED]
  336. # Specify various timeout options for performing certain operations
  337. #
  338. # Note: the timeout values are not an absolute limit on the period between
  339. # checks of the timeout list: the period may be as great as the read token
  340. # during periods of inactivity.
  341. #
  342. # Required tokens:
  343. # read - Period for reading from network.
  344. # warning - Interval for sending messages for program errors.
  345. # This token sets the interval between sending warning
  346. # messages for program errors via WALLOPS/GLOBOPS.
  347. # update - Time between saving long term data to disk
  348. # htmlupdate - Time between exporting the html files
  349. # pingfreq - Time between pinging servers to check for lag
  350. # uptimefreq - Time between uptime servers to check
  351. # sqlfreq - Time between checking if the sql server is there
  352. # clearinactive - Clear inactive users from chanstats
  353. # clearchaninactive - Clear inactive channels from chanstats
  354. # usercache - The amount of time which we must keep users in the user
  355. # table. Since users connect/disconnect very often, it is
  356. # reasonable to keep this at a low value such as 2 days to
  357. # avoid filling the table with too much data.
  358. # If using applications that rely on user information, such
  359. # as a Denora module or phpDenora, it is recommended to set
  360. # this to a higher value such as 30 days, if possible.
  361. # userfreq - How often (in seconds) to check for obsoleted users?
  362. # This shouldn't be set any higher than 10 seconds, and 1
  363. # second is best if your system is powerful enough (or your
  364. # network small enough) to handle it. 0 will cause the
  365. # timeout list to be checked every time through the main
  366. # loop, which will probably slow down Stats too much to be
  367. # useful on most networks.
  368. # servercache - The amount of time which we must keep servers in the
  369. # server table. Since servers split are uncommon, we keep
  370. # them for a week.
  371. # If using applications that rely on server information,
  372. # such as a Denora module or phpDenora, it is recommended to
  373. # set this to a higher value such as 30 days, if possible.
  374. # serverfreq - How often (in seconds) to check for obsoleted servers?
  375. # This shouldn't be set any higher than 10 seconds, and 1
  376. # second is best if your system is powerful enough (or your
  377. # network small enough) to handle it. 0 will cause the
  378. # timeout list to be checked every time through the main
  379. # loop, which will probably slow down Stats too much to be
  380. # useful on most networks.
  382. timeout {
  383. // required tokens
  384. read 5s;
  385. warning 4h;
  386. update 2m;
  387. htmlupdate 2m;
  388. pingfreq 2m;
  389. uptimefreq 1h;
  390. sqlfreq 5m;
  391. clearinactive 30d;
  392. clearchaninactive 30d;
  393. usercache 60d;
  394. userfreq 10s;
  395. servercache 60d;
  396. serverfreq 5s;
  397. };
  399. ###########################################################################
  400. # Options [OPTIONAL]
  401. # Configures various options for Denora itself.
  402. #
  403. # Optional tokens:
  404. # keeplogs - Number of days log files are kept
  405. # This sets the number of days log files are kept. If you
  406. # don't give it, or if you set it to 0, logs will be kept
  407. # indefinitely. NOTE: Denora must run 24 hours a day for
  408. # this feature to work.
  409. # logchan - Channel used for Denora for output logs.
  410. # When defined, Denora will output log messages to this
  411. # channel. IMPORTANT: This can be a security risk so make
  412. # certain this channel is sufficiently protected from normal
  413. # access.
  414. # dumpcore - Dump core on segmentation faults.
  415. # This will make Denora dump core when a segmentation fault
  416. # occurs. This is generally not needed, but if Denora is
  417. # crashing on your network and you want to make a bug
  418. # report, having a core file may be of great help.
  419. # hidestatso - Only show stats o to IRC Operators.
  420. # tokens - Allows IRC Networks to use TOKEN commands.
  421. # This allows IRC networks to use TOKEN commands instead of
  422. # the standard commands. This saves bandwidth.
  423. # ts6 - Use TS6 code on IRCD that use it
  424. # chanstatsdef - Default flag for ChanStats Fantasy commands
  425. # off = default
  426. # on = enabled but will message the results
  427. # notice = enabled and will notice the results
  428. # smiley - Default smileys used by chanstats
  429. # hideuline - hide ulines from hmtl/xml output
  430. # nologs - only use if you want NO log files
  431. # trigger - character to use for triggering chanstats
  432. # jupemaster - name of the server who issues JUPE so leafs can be ignored
  434. options {
  435. // optional tokens
  436. keeplogs 60;
  437. logchan "#debug";
  438. dumpcore;
  439. hidestatso;
  440. tokens;
  441. ts6;
  442. chanstatsdef "on";
  443. smiley " :) ;) :-) ;-) ^_^ :-D :D :-P :P =) ;D :p ";
  444. #hideuline;
  445. #nologs;
  446. #trigger "!";
  447. #jupemaster "";
  448. };
  450. ###########################################################################
  451. # Admin [RECOMMENDED]
  452. # Define the users that will be able to login to the Denora pseudoclient
  453. #
  454. # There may be multiple Admin block.
  455. #
  456. # NOTE: a user must be opered to the ircd to be able to login to Denora
  457. #
  458. # Required tokens:
  459. # name - Admin username
  460. # passwd - Admin password
  461. # hostname - Admin hostmask
  462. #
  463. # Optional tokens:
  464. # language - Admin language
  465. # Currently supported languages:
  466. # English : 1
  467. # Spanish : 2
  468. # German : 3
  469. # French : 4
  470. # Dutch : 5
  471. # Italian : 6
  472. # Russian : 7
  473. # If not set, the default language will be used.
  475. admin {
  476. // required tokens
  477. name "Borja";
  478. passwd "mypass";
  479. hostname "*@*";
  481. // optional tokens
  482. #language 1;
  483. };
  486. ###########################################################################
  487. # SQL [OPTIONAL]
  488. # Your SQL configuration for use with Denora.
  489. #
  490. # To make use of SQL use these tokens and change their setting to the
  491. # appropriate values.
  492. #
  493. # Please read docs/MYSQL file for more info and details.
  494. #
  495. # Required tokens:
  496. # type - SQL server type.
  497. # Available options:
  498. # mysql
  499. # NOTE: Denora supports MySQL. Future versions may support
  500. # other SQL technologies.
  501. # host - SQL server hostname.
  502. # user - SQL user to log in with.
  503. # passwd - SQL pass required for the specified user to log in.
  504. # name - SQL database name Denora uses
  505. #
  506. # Optional tokens:
  507. # sock - MySQL UNIX socket
  508. # port - MySQL TCP port
  509. # retryonlost - Attempt to reconnect sql even if we lost the server
  510. # retries - Number of retry attempts
  511. # retrygap - Time gap between each retry attempt
  512. # The product of these values must be between 1 and 60.
  513. # disableopt - Use with caution, only enable this if you are having
  514. # problems with mysql and zlib functions
  515. # keepusers - Do not truncate the users table on startup
  516. # Use this only in combination with the "usercache" setting!
  517. # Only enable this if you really need it.
  518. # keepservers - Do not truncate the server table on startup
  519. # Use this only in combination with the "servercache"
  520. # setting! Only enable this if you really need it.
  522. sql {
  523. // required tokens
  524. type mysql;
  525. host localhost;
  526. user "root";
  527. passwd "EjurdhSw2342213!es45";
  528. name denora;
  530. // optional tokens
  531. #sock /tmp/mysql.sock;
  532. #port 3306;
  533. #retryonlost 0;
  534. #retries 6;
  535. #retrygap 10;
  536. #disableopt;
  537. keepusers;
  538. keepservers;
  539. };
  541. ###########################################################################
  542. # Tables [REQUIRED]
  543. # Sets the various SQL table names.
  544. #
  545. # Don't change the default values unless really needed!
  547. tables {
  548. // required tokens
  549. users user; # Name of the Users table
  550. chanbans chanbans; # Name of the Channel Bans table
  551. chanexcept chanexcept; # Name of the Channel Exceptions table
  552. ison ison; # Name of the ISON table
  553. server server; # Name of the Servers table
  554. gline glines; # Name of the Glines table
  555. chan chan; # Name of the Channel table
  556. maxvalue maxvalues; # Name of the Maxvalues table
  557. chaninvite chaninvites; # Name of the Channel Invites table
  558. tld tld; # Name of the TLD table
  559. ctcp ctcp; # Name of the CTCP table
  560. sqline sqline; # Name of the SQLine table
  561. sgline sgline; # Name of the SGLine table
  562. csaliases aliases; # Name of the Chan Stats Aliases table
  563. cscstats cstats; # Name of the Chan Stats Channel table
  564. csustats ustats; # Name of the Chan Stats User table
  565. stats stats; # Name of the Hourly stats table
  566. spamfilter spamfilters; # Name of the Spam Filter Table
  567. current current; # Name of the table which holds the current info
  568. chanstats channelstats; # Name of the Channel Stats by Hour
  569. servstats serverstats; # Name of the Server Stats by Hour
  570. chanquiet chanquiet; # Name of the Channel Quiet table
  571. admins admin; # Name of the Admins table
  572. };
  574. ###########################################################################
  575. # Modules [OPTIONAL]
  576. # Allows Denora's functionality to be extended by loading modules.
  577. #
  578. # Please read docs/MODULES file for more info and details.
  579. #
  580. # Optional tokens:
  581. # autoload - Name of the module to load on startup.
  582. # There can be up to 128 autoload tokens.
  583. # delayed - Name of the module to load once Denora is already
  584. # connected to the IRCd.
  585. # There can be up to 128 delayed tokens.
  588. modules {
  589. // optional tokens
  590. delayed lastspoke;
  591. delayed seen;
  594. #autoload next_module;
  595. #delayed irc_delay_example;
  596. #delayed mysql_backup;
  598. # Both Modules mysql_optimize and mysql_optimize_event will call
  599. # OPTIMIZE TABLE each midnight.
  600. # mysql_optimize will do a normal query and waits until its done
  601. # this could take a few moments on larger tables
  602. # mysql_optimize_event installs a MySQL EVENT that will automatically
  603. # triggered each midnight on your SQL server,
  604. # even if denora is not running.
  605. # For this module you need the EVENT privilegue
  607. #delayed mysql_optimize;
  608. #delayed mysql_optimize_event;
  609. };
  611. ###########################################################################
  613. # XML RPC is a lightweight Server/Parser allowing user to send XMLRPC
  614. # data to Denora and have the data returned in the XMLRPC standard.
  615. #
  616. # Please read docs/XMLRPC file for more info and details.
  617. #
  618. # Required tokens:
  619. # xmlrpc_enable - You must set this for XMLRPC to start
  620. #
  621. # Optional tokens:
  622. # xmlrpc_host - IP address to have the XMLRPC server on
  623. # xmlrpc_port - Port on which to listen to
  624. # xmlrpc_accept - Accept only data from these hosts.
  625. # There can be up to 128 client host addresses.
  627. xmlrpc {
  628. #xmlrpc_enable;
  629. #xmlrpc_host;
  630. #xmlrpc_port 8080;
  631. #xmlrpc_accept;
  632. #xmlrpc_accept;
  633. };
  635. ###########################################################################
  637. # If you compiled denora using threads, then you also need to enable them
  638. # here. Threads will be used to execute non essential db queries at a
  639. # later state to prevent denora from timing out on the network.
  640. #
  641. # WARNING
  642. # This feature is experimental and as of current, it does not work 100%
  643. #
  644. # Required tokens:
  645. # usethread - You must set this for threading to work
  646. #
  648. threading {
  649. #usethread;
  650. };
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