
Minecraft Turtle Terraform

Apr 13th, 2024
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Lua 3.49 KB | Gaming | 0 0
  1. -- Desc: Attempts to flatten a square area defined by the user
  2. -- By: hornedcommando
  4. print("y set to 0")
  5. y = 0
  7. local function input()
  8.     while true do
  9.         write("How big me dig?\n")
  10.         size = tonumber(read())
  11.             break
  12.         end
  13.     end
  16. --TODO: it's hard coded to use dirt, should update to use a table of blocks
  17. local blocks = {
  18.     {name = "minecraft:dirt"},
  19.     {name = "minecraft:cobblestone"}
  20. }
  22. -- Function to smartly refuel the turtle
  23. local function smartRefuel()
  24.     -- Check if fuel level is below 200
  25.     while turtle.getFuelLevel() < 200 do
  26.         for slot = 1, 16 do
  27.    -- Select the slot
  28.             if turtle.refuel(0) then -- Check if the selected item is a fuel
  29.                 turtle.refuel(1) -- Refuel with the selected item
  30.                 break -- Stop searching for fuel after refueling
  31.             end
  32.         end
  33.     end
  34. end
  36. local function searchInventory(name)
  37.     for slot = 1, 16 do
  39.         local slotDetail = turtle.getItemDetail()
  40.         if slotDetail and then
  41.             return slot -- Return the slot number if item found
  42.         end
  43.     end
  44.     return nil -- Return nil if item not found
  45. end
  47. -- Function to make the turtle go up
  48. function gu()
  49.     print("Going up")
  50.     while not turtle.up() do
  51.         print("Digging up")
  52.         turtle.digUp()
  53.     end
  54.     y = y + 1
  55.     print("y is now " .. y)
  56. end
  58. local function fill(name)
  59.     local found, slot = searchInventory(name)
  60.     if found then
  61.         turtle.placeDown()  -- Place the block
  62.         print("Placed block:", name)
  63.     else
  64.         print("Block not found:", name)
  65.     end
  66. end
  68. -- Function to make the turtle go down
  69. function gd()
  70.     print("Going down")
  71.     while not turtle.down() do
  72.         print("Digging down")
  73.         turtle.digDown()
  74.         if not turtle.inspectDown() and y == 0 then
  75.             fill("minecraft:dirt")
  76.         end
  77.     end
  78.     y = y - 1
  79.     print("y is now " .. y)
  80. end
  82. -- Function to make the turtle go forward
  83. function gf()
  84.     print("Checking if a block is in front of me")
  85.     if not turtle.inspectDown() then
  86.         fill("minecraft:dirt")
  87.     end
  88.     while turtle.inspect() or turtle.inspectUp() do
  89.         gu()
  90.         end
  91.     print("Moving forward")
  92.     turtle.forward()
  93.     while y > 0 do
  94.         gd()
  95.     end
  96.     if not turtle.inspect() then
  97.         fill("minecraft:dirt")
  98.     end
  99.     smartRefuel()
  100. end
  102. -- Function to make the turtle go back along the defined area
  103. function lTurn()
  104.     turtle.turnLeft()    -- Turn left
  105.     gf()     -- Move forward
  106.     turtle.turnLeft()    -- Turn left
  107. end
  109. -- Function to make the turtle go back along the defined area (but to the right)
  110. function rTurn()
  111.     turtle.turnRight()   -- Turn right
  112.     gf()     -- Move forward
  113.     turtle.turnRight()   -- Turn right
  114. end
  116. -- Function to make the turtle travel the length of the defined area
  117. function fEnd(size)
  118.     for i = 1, size do
  119.         gf()  -- Move forward
  120.     end
  121. end
  123. -- Combines movement functions to form a sweeping square pattern
  124. local function sweep(size)
  125.     for i = 1, size do
  126.         fEnd(size - 1)  -- Move to the end of the row
  127.         if i < size then
  128.             if i % 2 == 1 then
  129.                 rTurn()  -- Turn right at the end of the row
  130.             else
  131.                 lTurn()  -- Turn left at the end of the row
  132.             end
  133.         end
  134.     end
  135. end
  138. smartRefuel()
  139. input()
  140. sweep(size)
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