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Sep 21st, 2017
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  6. 'What does a hero truly need?' A question that has been answered a thousand times. In this contest alone, we have seen more than 100 answers humbly submitted. Before the next phase of our contest begins, I congratulate all of your for your submissions. It takes time, creativity, and a deep understanding of Dota to create a new hero. Whether it is your first time, or your hundredth time designing a hero concept, I encourage you all to continue working on your concepts. This contest may be the first, but it will not be the last!
  8. In fact, just give me a second to say - HOLY SHIT!! - this is the biggest contest that has EVER come to this subreddit. Even the very first contest that opened this place up, nearly 4 years ago, was not this big. And we cannot thank the fine folks at DotaCinema enough for this amazing opportunity to host an event on this level! The Community Hero Project is an amazing opportunity for the fine folks of the Dota community to get their ideas out there like never before. But it amazes me how many amazing ideas were out there!
  10. Welcome to round 1 of the Community Judging Portion of the contest! Submissions are closed. Now, the submitted concepts will battle for the chance to reach the Top Ten and have the honor of entering the roster of DotaCinema's Community Hero Project!
  12. In this round, contestants will vote on which of the other contestant's entries they find the best over the course of a week. This stage will thresh the wheat from the chaff, thinning the over 100 submitted down to the 25 top ranked entries. Only they will make it to round 2, which is a more rapid-fire round where contestants only have 3 days to submit their second round of votes. From there, the Top Ten will be selected and sent to the Celebrity Panel to be judged in a video made by DotaCinema wherein each entry is given a thorough review before the final winners are selected.
  14. Many will enter. Ten will emerge victorious. Only one will make it into the Community Hero Project!
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  19. in order to save space and not exceed reddit's 40,000 character limit, only links to pages will be shown, if possible. links to reddit threads will only be made if the concept is not posted anywhere else. if you wish to see the original thread where certain concepts were posted, please click on the username of its poster, and browse the 'submitted' section of their profile.
  22. |----------|----------|:---------:|
  23. |VENOM IVY||/u/IAmACabbageAMA|
  24. |SHITTY WIZARD||/u/MashuNight|
  25. |SCALDRIS||/u/D2imba|
  26. |SIEGEMASTER||/u/SlothLancer|
  27. |ALLAYA||/u/theDRAG0Nwarrior|
  28. |MAMMON||/u/Poast|
  29. |ASTRONOS||/u/PreRedditAteItWorder|
  30. |RELICTA||/u/italianice1031|
  31. |RAZ||/u/iurixx|
  32. |METAL MAGNOCEROS||/u/FauxAccounts|
  34. |RAPHAEL||/u/LordAnarch|
  35. |FEBRUS||/u/Samthefab|
  36. |DIGGER||/u/Sinepro|
  37. |ROGA||/u/BrotherRoga|
  38. |SAMYR||/u/pujok|
  39. |ZON||/u/Herald_of_Fun|
  40. |SPY||/u/btr1341|
  41. |SABRINE||/u/veryconfusedpangolin|
  42. |EXEMPLAR MAGICIAN||/u/balab1622|
  43. |KIRA||/u/TheEmberSpirit|
  44. |EMPYREAN||/u/slyggy846|
  45. |AMARA||/u/Paramoth|
  46. |SELAH||/u/NervousParrot85|
  47. |SPLINTER||/u/Aammer|
  48. |HAIRY OTTER||/u/samcoffman|
  49. |VOLTH||/u/Pettyrelic|
  50. |NIYA||/u/DrHizzle|
  51. |LIMOS||/u/McFlannelslap|
  52. |TREP||/u/Rasamayu|
  53. |TNOHR||/u/Halfpoisoned|
  54. |MORPHENOS||/u/Lowdrake|
  55. |DEROS||/u/Vidszor|
  56. |XUANZANG||/u/zebrazkz|
  57. |IMPUNDULU||/u/KholdStare88|
  58. |KULRATH||/u/Exoskele|
  59. |CHARLEMAGNE||/u/Zacoftheaxes|
  60. |SEZIM||/u/kontijitsu|
  61. |VIADER||/u/pm_me_your_thing|
  62. |RIX||/u/Labbris|
  63. |HALCYON||/u/Paise_The_Moon|
  64. |GOLA||/u/Prosth|
  65. |OMAKEN||/u/Clane_K|
  66. |AL'CUBIERRUS||/u/Schizof|
  67. |AGHANIM||/u/CutChemist11|
  68. |ACHILLES||/u/4BadCups|
  69. |REVENANT OF THE DEAD||/u/GrieferDenOfficial|
  70. |BOOTA||/u/aibrys|
  71. |POKO||/u/KingKoboldtv|
  72. |TWOFACED SANTA||/u/Bagebunyip|
  73. |AGHANIM||/u/giogsgs12|
  74. |SELIK||/u/Chuck_el_Nutts|
  75. |PRIMORDIAL ACOLYTE||/u/LegionnaireAlpha|
  76. |SPEAR OF JUSTICE||/u/JonMcdonald|
  77. |TRISTAN||/u/Johnmegaman72|
  78. |RAZLAR||/u/RoofTopOctopus|
  79. |CHESTIE||/u/RiotFixPls|
  80. |OGRE SENTINEL||/u/Deadpoetic12|
  81. |GARUDA||/u/Zareezy|
  82. |SARFUR KHAN||/u/LimexemiL|
  83. |JIXITAR||/u/SamtheOnion|
  84. |SERAPHIM||/u/caesar_of_storms|
  85. |DARINI||/u/MagikCactus|
  86. |NECROMANCER||/u/OgreMcGee|
  87. |DELLEZAR||/u/klaw146|
  88. |SKETH||/u/Badgers4pres|
  89. |OPELLA||/u/KumaKajiya|
  90. |KYPRISS||/u/Lesgoo|
  92. |FLORIAN||/u/Twinoodle|
  93. |LO-UHD||/u/Sicamoure|
  94. |VIZEREJ||/u/bordellimies|
  95. |MARKAR||/u/Potrak|
  96. |MAN-AT-ARMS||/u/RidiculousTool|
  97. |ARWEN||/u/alienonolympus|
  98. |MALIK||/u/zerard2|
  99. |LUCIFER||/u/augustosj|
  100. |PHANTASM||/u/Zero-meia|
  101. |SMAUDRAX||/u/dubeyisme|
  102. |JINARA||/u/Xihark|
  103. |VULCANEUS||/u/augustocmo|
  104. |BRAVEFANG||/u/carlvic|
  105. |BOONWEAVER||/u/Borgorb|
  106. |SABREUR||/u/HiCracked|
  107. |UMBREAUX||/u/solyx_|
  108. |MENDEL||/u/SunCatCat|
  109. |RIWICK||/u/Grodem|
  110. |HODO||/u/Jenth_Besh|
  111. |TENDRIL||/u/theorangemanager|
  112. |KRAHL||/u/crazy_pilot_182|
  113. |TEXUS FARTMASTER||/u/H_justice|
  114. |SOMNAS||/u/IHSYIA|
  115. |ARGUS||/u/Aseductivwalrus2|
  116. |TESLA||/u/Abraham_Iosif_Santa|
  117. |TENET||/u/Aonthatguy|
  118. |PHOTON||/u/Cleanyoursocks|
  119. |ANNO||/u/Eviltomatoez|
  120. |OVERWATCH ELITE||/u/btr1341|
  121. |HELLRAISER||/u/eladivine|
  122. |BADRUL||/u/retrok94|
  123. |LYKTAR||/u/5ereniT|
  124. |ASABARK||/u/apr3ntice|
  125. |ROTCLAW||/u/whsitle|
  126. |BLACK KING||/u/FelixDarkTerror|
  127. |SPARK||/u/toreiman|
  128. |DYNAMO||/u/NobodyFruit|
  129. |DEROEN||/u/neoredxii|
  130. |VIKTOR||/u/KoSFresh|
  131. |DRACANAE||/u/ComLemon|
  132. |SICARIUS||/u/namia_|
  133. |MEEKITH||/u/SexyBass|
  134. |KAZRAGORE||/u/Carterb0y|
  135. |PATCHOULI KNOWLEDGE||/u/delta17v2|
  136. |JAQYL||/u/Wulibo|
  137. |PARIAH||/u/Oranos116|
  138. |BALTHAZAR||/u/Valasty|
  139. |SABRA||/u/thaprinceofcats|
  140. |
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  145. If you are on the list of users mentioned, you have submitted a concept. You are eligible to vote.
  147. In order to vote, place a comment on this thread. You must vote for five other characters. Do not vote for your own character.
  149. If you do not vote in Round 1, your character will be disqualified and you will not move on to Round 2. Make sure to vote. If your chracter was culled from the contest in Round 1, but you still submitted a character in the Submission Phase and cast a vote for five characters in Round 1 of the Voting Phase, you may vote for 5 characters out of the Top 25 in Round 2.
  151. Community Voting begins today, September 26th 2017. This round will end on October 3rd 2017. That means you have exactly a week to vote.
  153. Round 2 will pick up exactly where Round 1 left off, and begins October 4th 2017. It ends October 7th 2017.
  155. Just a disclaimer. By submitting an entry in this contest, you accept that, on the condition you win the prize of having your hero submitted into the mod that DotaCinema reserves the right to change your character idea in any way it sees fit for the purpose of balance and development.
  157. May the best concept win!
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