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Jul 28th, 2013
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  1. scorri> you realize that there probably won't be a more clear command than "everyone outside with your equipment in 15 minutes" or that if there is it won't be a happy one
  2. <Snowy_One> She'll probably just follow in kind with everyone else. I just really don't want to shove through 2+ pages of multi-paragraph posts dealing with character-interaction ATM.
  3. <scorri> that's... not exactly a good reason to make a post saying that she wasn't following?
  4. <Snowy_One> It's a good reason to miss the post with the order.
  5. <scorri> no, not really. you should be reading
  6. <Snowy_One> Scorri. I am part in currently four RP's, trying to juggle them all as well as what's happening in mibbit and AIM. If I see some sort of massive influx of posts overnight, I'm going to ignore it because I have other things that need my attention than Mira's anti-elf problems. I make it a point to ensure anything I say or do in an RP that affects people is-
  7. <scorri> if you're not going to read, what's the point in posting?
  8. <Snowy_One> easily noticable. I think you would be best to start learning to do the same. Maybe using a ** ** tag if something contains party-important info.
  9. <scorri> no, that's not a solution that we should have to do
  10. <scorri> literally no one else had the problem that you did
  11. <scorri> you're just not putting the effort in
  12. <Snowy_One> So, what are you going to do about it?
  13. <scorri> talk with snike about it before i make any judgement
  14. <scorri> but if that's your attitude towards this RP, i don't see why you're even bothering
  15. <Snowy_One> My attitude was one of cautious hope and wanting to make you happy by spending time having fun with you. If that cannot be accomplished because of spam-posts, then maybe I will leave.
  16. <scorri> they aren't spam posts
  17. <scorri> they're interactions
  18. <scorri> setting characters
  19. <scorri> creating relationships
  20. <Snowy_One> Spam.
  21. <scorri> if that's your attitude towards it, yeah, maybe you should
  22. <scorri> they
  23. <scorri> are
  24. <scorri> not
  25. <scorri> spam
  26. <scorri> they are an important part of an RP
  27. <scorri> they're establishing things.
  28. <scorri> we're starting with a completely blank slate
  29. <scorri> we can't just throw people into things
  30. <scorri> or
  31. <scorri> well
  32. <scorri> we can
  33. <Snowy_One> They hold no relevance to my character, hold no real importance beyond the characters directly involved, are long, popped up literally overnight, and you're expecting me to read them. Spam.
  34. <scorri> no, they aren't spam
  35. <scorri> they are important
  36. <scorri> and if you cared at all about the RP
  37. <scorri> you would, at the very least, skim them
  38. <Snowy_One> I did skim them.
  39. <scorri> clearly not very well if you completely missed Snike's order to move out
  40. <Snowy_One> That's the thing about skimming. You miss things.
  41. <scorri> then maybe you should learn to skim better
  42. <scorri> especially posts being made by the GMs
  43. <Snowy_One> Now, I have my own RP to run and a post to finish.
  44. <Snowy_One> And my attention needs to be there.
  45. <scorri> since, guess what, there's a good chance that there's important info in them
  46. <Snowy_One> Do you want me to stay in your RP?
  47. <scorri> i want you to care about snike's and my RP
  48. <Snowy_One> I care already. We wouldn't be having this discussion if I didn't. I asked if you wanted me to stay.
  49. <scorri> you clearly don't care enough to pay attention to what's happening in the RP
  50. <scorri> which is where my view of you not caring enough comes from
  51. <Snowy_One> I don't care for being made to read multiple pages that popped up overnight of character interaction that doesn't involve my character. There is a reason I always make sure to mention any characters I'm trying to interact with by name when I post.
  52. <scorri> those posts are important. they're part of the RP
  53. <scorri> and *especially* not paying attention to the GMs posts
  54. <scorri> says something
  55. <Snowy_One> I'm not going to challenge that I should have read your posts a bit better. You are right there. It isn't fair to rim me though for not reading the Mira-posts and accidentally overlooking a key order as a result.
  56. <Snowy_One> And if I didn't care, this conversation would have been over half-an-hour ago.
  57. <scorri> you shouldn't just be ignoring other people's posts though
  58. <scorri> that's not fair to them
  59. <scorri> they read your posts
  60. <scorri> what gives you the right to ignore theirs?
  61. <Snowy_One> I don't ask them to or expect them to. They have every right to ignore mine unless I mention one of their characters in my post by name.
  62. <scorri> what's the point then
  63. <scorri> why write this if not for other people to read
  64. <scorri> and enjoy
  65. <scorri> like
  66. <scorri> yeah
  67. <scorri> part of it's because it's fun for us to do
  68. <Snowy_One> Interaction.
  69. <scorri> and by ignoring their posts
  70. <scorri> you limit your chances for interactions
  71. <scorri> because you don't know what they're doing
  72. <Snowy_One> If I didn't, I'd spend all day doing little more than reading.
  73. scorri> i'm done for now
  74. <scorri> i'm going to talk to snike about this and then one of us will talk to you about this more later
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