Guest User


a guest
Aug 18th, 2017
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text 1.18 KB | None | 0 0
  1. [Alias]
  2. HD0=.\
  3. CD0=.\
  4. OVERRIDE=.\override
  5. TEMP=.\temp
  6. MODULES=.\modules
  7. LOGS=.\logs
  8. LOCALVAULT=.\localvault
  9. DMVAULT=.\dmvault
  10. SERVERVAULT=.\servervault
  11. TEMPCLIENT=.\tempclient
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  18. MOVIES=.\movies
  19. MUSIC=.\music
  20. [Sound Options]
  21. Music Volume=0.00
  22. Voice Volume=0.75
  23. SoundFX Volume=0.30
  24. DisableSound=0
  25. 3D Provider=Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio
  26. Environment Effects=0
  27. Speaker Type=-1
  28. 2D3D Bias=1.60
  29. [Display Options]
  30. Width=1920
  31. Height=1080
  32. BitsPerPixels=32
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  40. [Config]
  41. FirstRun=0
  42. Connection=0
  43. [Video Options]
  44. VideoQualitySetting=3
  45. Enable HardwareMouse=1
  46. NumDynamicLights=8
  47. AntiAliasing Mode=4
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  49. ShinyWater=0
  50. NumShadowCastingLights=3
  51. EnableVisualEffectsHigh=1
  52. Enable Truform=0
  53. Enable AnisotropicFiltering=0
  54. CreatureWindSetting=2
  55. EnableGrass=1
  56. EnableFastGrass=0
  57. Grass Far Render Distance=900.0
  58. EnableSkyboxes=1
  59. EnableEnvironmentShadows=1
  60. Enable CreatureEnvironmentMapping=0
  61. CreatureShadowDetail=2
  62. Enable TextureAnimations=1
  63. Gamma=1.000000
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