

Feb 17th, 2018
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  1. <Place 1 guidelines>
  2. Here are the guidelines for place 1. Not all of the possible abuses will be listed here. Many things are left to the moderator's judgement.
  4. <01> Do not prevent other players from moving.
  5. <02> Do not spawn kill other players.
  6. <03> Do not attempt to remove people from the game
  7. <04> Do not run inappropriate scripts, or break roblox's terms of service
  8. <05> Do not run scripts that unfilter the chat in any way
  9. <06> Do not make significant changes to the lighting
  10. <07> Do not spam any type of instance
  11. <08> Do not randomize properties of many objects.
  12. <09> Do not randomize properties on a loop of any kind (if its something small, then we will allow it)
  13. <10> Do not create big objects unless it is for a map that is beneficial to the server
  14. <11> Do not loopkill/looprespawn any player
  15. <12> Do not attempt to crash other players or servers
  16. <13> Do not run scripts that can easily kill a lot of players
  17. <14> Do not run offensive scripts (for example: something promoting terrorism, the hitler script, or anything promoting racial tension)
  18. <15> If someone asks you to not kill them, then please do not kill them
  19. <16> Do not have any vulgar wording displayed in any way (all swears, drunk, high, or anything inappropriate).
  20. <17> Do not attempt to bypass these guidelines
  21. <18> Do not lie about previously being a moderator, or having previous require permissions. Do not impersonate a moderator, or administrator.
  22. <19> Do not attempt to remove SB staff (moderators, administrators, owners)
  23. <20> Do not remove other players without the permission of an sb administrator (moderators may not grant this).
  24. <21> Do not crash other players
  25. <22> Do not obtain scripts ran by other players in any way (aka logging)
  26. <23> Do not run anything with invasive user interfaces (for example: tab admins, or pay for rank)
  27. <24> Do not advertise any products, or prompt players to purchase anything
  28. <25> Do not mess with the script builder in any way
  29. <26> Do not hook the chat, or force other players to chat.
  30. <27> Injecting localscripts into other players is okay for client sided execution of your creation. Do not inject any other local scripts. (This does not permit logging).
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