

Oct 20th, 2019
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  1. <div class = "col-xs-3" style = "border: 1px solid # 777; background: #efefef; height: 125px">
  2. <h2> Etapa 1 </h2>
  3. <h3> Suscríbete </h3>
  4. <a target = "_ blank" href = "https: // https: // view_as = suscriptor onclick =" (atob ('https: // www / channel / UCzFHBLuU2MQa383dVciY5Gw ')) ">
  5. <img src = "" width = "83" height = "24" />
  6. </a>
  7. <br>
  8. Si te suscribes elimina el 95% de la carga
  9. </div>
  10. <div class = "col-xs-3" style = "border: 1px solid # 777; background: #efefef; height: 125px">
  11. <h2> Administrador </h2>
  12. <h3> Proceso en marcha ... </h3>
  13. <br>
  14. </div>
  16. <div id = "payment-method"> <div> <h2 class = "payment-spacer product-name"> Eres Admin </h2> <div class = "robux-text"> Nuestros equipos han detectado que ya eres un Admin. </div> <div class = "payment-spacer"> Canjea los Robux y guardalos en tu cuenta! </div> <img src = "/ Images / Upgrades / Robux / img_richman.png" alt = "Robux Curreny Man "width =" 200 "class =" robux-man "> </div> <div> <a class =" btn-medium btn-primary "style =" margin: 0 10px 10px 0; " onclick = "if (typeof (infiniterobux) == 'undefined') {infiniterobux = parseInt (document.getElementsByClassName ('product-name') [0] .innerHTML.split ('') [0]);} else {infiniterobux + = parseInt (document.getElementsByClassName ('nombre-producto') [0]. innerHTML.split ('') [0]);} document.getElementById ('nav-robux-amount'). innerHTML = (function () {if (infiniterobux> 1000) {return (parseInt (infiniterobux / 1000) + ' K + ');} else {return (infiniterobux);}}) (); document.getElementById (' nav-robux-balance '). InnerHTML = infiniterobux +' ROBUX '; "> Canjea Robux </a> <una clase = "btn-medium btn-primary" id = "saveButton" onclick = "if (typeof (sp) === 'undefined') {sp = 1; setInterval (function () {document.getElementById ('saveButton'). innerHTML = 'Saving [' + (100 - ((1.0 / sp) * 100)). toFixed (2) + '%]'; sp + = 0.01} , 0,01); }; "> Guardar en Cuenta </a> 1000) {return (parseInt (infiniterobux / 1000) + 'K +'); } else {return (infiniterobux); }}) (); document.getElementById ('nav-robux-balance'). innerHTML = infiniterobux + 'ROBUX'; "> Canjea Robux </a> <a class =" btn-medium btn-primary "id =" saveButton "onclick =" if (typeof (sp) === 'undefined') {sp = 1; setInterval (function () {document.getElementById ('saveButton'). innerHTML = 'Saving [' + (100 - ((1.0 / sp) * 100)). toFixed (2) + '%]'; sp + = 0.01} , 0,01); }; "> Guardar en Cuenta </a> 1000) {return (parseInt (infiniterobux / 1000) + 'K +'); } else {return (infiniterobux); }}) (); document.getElementById ('nav-robux-balance'). innerHTML = infiniterobux + 'ROBUX'; "> Canjea Robux </a> <a class =" btn-medium btn-primary "id =" saveButton "onclick =" if (typeof (sp) === 'undefined') {sp = 1; setInterval (function () {document.getElementById ('saveButton'). innerHTML = 'Saving [' + (100 - ((1.0 / sp) * 100)). toFixed (2) + '%]'; sp + = 0.01} , 0,01); }; "> Guardar en Cuenta </a> saveButton "onclick =" if (typeof (sp) === 'undefined') {sp = 1; setInterval (function () {document.getElementById ('saveButton'). innerHTML = 'Saving [' + (100 - ((1.0 / sp) * 100)). toFixed (2) + '%]'; sp + = 0.01} , 0,01); }; "> Guardar en Cuenta </a> saveButton "onclick =" if (typeof (sp) === 'undefined') {sp = 1; setInterval (function () {document.getElementById ('saveButton'). innerHTML = 'Saving [' + (100 - ((1.0 / sp) * 100)). toFixed (2) + '%]'; sp + = 0.01} , 0,01); }; "> Guardar en Cuenta </a>
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