
Addressing Societies Afflictions

Apr 13th, 2018
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  1. Addressing Societies Afflictions
  3. Be Loud. Proud. Uppity. Obstinate. Vocal. Indignant. Unappologetic. Be Squeaky
  5. With great power comes great responsibility. The only thing more common than this trope is how often it's ignored. Our societies are awash in manufactured divisions fueling culture wars across all of Western Civilization. We are witnessing a classic civizational collapse and we are certainly dwelling in interesting times. 2016 exposed the true lines of division of political power.
  7. Corporatists / Globalists / Marxists / Islamists VS. Individualists / Nation-Statists / Capitalists / Kaffirs
  9. Empowered individuals who weild their agency - their power, with wisdom, responsibility & forethought are the essence of a free and lasting society. The ruggedness of self sufficiency grinds away the complacency the counter balances prosperity.
  11. Power must be decentralized. The closer the governers are to the governed, the closer they are the mechanism that holds them to account, the people. There is a direct correlation to the quality of government vs proximity of the governers to the governed. Returning power to the individual requires self regulation. Responsibilty means you are responsible for holding your society together. When social cohesion deteriorates, its local. You see it. You feel it. It can't be hidden or written off. It has to be answered for and it's the responsibility of the public to hold those in charge accountable. Decentralization best incentivises the public to action by penalizing failure to act with further social deterioration.
  13. The inate right of the individual to their own agency and the inate responsibility to wisely weild that agency is what we must rally behind. It is this principle that we must make the intellectual backbone of our counter-cultural zeitgeist.
  15. The model form of collectivism is decentralized, grassroots, ground-up, voluntary collectives and network of localized collectives. This is in the fashion of the Alcoholics Anonymous model of paramid power structure. Wherein the higher you go on the paramid, the lower ones scope of authority.
  17. We often hear of the parallels and simularities between the direction of civilization and such famous works like Brave New World & 1984. I envision a future that an amalgamation of Children of Men, Southland Tales and Idiocracy. Serioursly, pop in any one of these of these timeless classics and tell me how far removed you feel from these dystopian nightmares.
  19. We must position ourselves as the problem solvers of our age, against perilous threats and hopeful vultures. These problems may seem far too immense for us simple Kekis. But seeing as how everyone else attempting to solve them are completely batshit insane, or otherwise themselves exasterbating the problems, we owe it to our species, our posterity, and ourselves to carry this torch.
  21. 1. Depleting Cheap Accessable Oil / The Waning Petro-Dollar / Saudi Manipulaton of Foreign Policy to Advance the Spread of Wahhabism / Alternative EnergyGeneration
  23. 2. Dessertification of Lands and Oceans / Seasteading / Over-Fishing / Degradation of Farmland & Soil Carbon Depletion / Species Die-Offs
  25. 3. Coming AI Singularity / Deep Mind / Technocracy / Genetic Manipulation / War on Cash and Driving / Censorship / Next-Gen Techno-Ethics / Digital Privacy
  27. 4. Oceanic Plastic Pollution / Emerging Potable Water Crisis & Preventing Aqua Wars / Solving Fukashima & Preventing Future Plant Meltdowns
  29. 5. Depletion of Rare Earth Minerals & Space Mining
  31. 6. Recycling / Human & Animal Waste Disposal / Water Reclaimation
  33. 7. Fragility of the Centralized Industrial Food Supply / Permaculture & Aquaculture
  35. 8. Unshakeling ourselves from the International Corporatist Collectivist New World Order
  37. Tags: Corporatists, Islamists , Globalists , Marxists
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