

Mar 21st, 2016
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  1. As of March 2016, SliderumBot 2.0 is broken. I am not sure why. It is being replaced by a complete rewrite, SlidedrumbotV3.0. Updated Documentation can be found here:
  3. This information was last updated on 2/23/16
  5. Introduction:
  7. SlidedrumBot is a custom bot that I made to help me make the channel more interesting for you guys. He does a lot of really cool things! Like as you watch my stream you will collect coins that you can use to buy various things like custom commands to make SlidedrumBot say whatever you want or to buy tickets to giveaways when I do them. I am constantly updating him and if you would like to see the most recent features added check the bottom of this page.
  10. List of Commands:
  12. * !dungeon
  13. * !music
  14. * !coin
  15. * !raffle
  16. * !drop
  17. * !pickup
  18. * !slap
  19. * !karma
  20. * !giveKarma
  21. * !takeKarma
  22. * !command
  23. * !makeItRain
  24. * !highfive
  25. * !title
  26. * !challenge (only for Planetside 2)
  27. * !map (only for World at War)
  28. * !omegle (nonfunctional)
  29. * !fish (nonfunctional)
  30. * !top10
  31. * !achievements
  32. * !hours
  33. * !uptime
  34. * !vote
  35. * !Sim
  37. You can add 'info' to the end of most of the commands to find out how they work. (that information is also listed below)
  40. !Dungeon command:
  42. This command will take you on a short text adventure! Type 'dungeon' or '!d' to start it. Only one person can be in a dungeon at once, and there is a 2 minute cooldown. It costs 30 coins to enter the dungeon. If you are lucky you might come out with more coins than you started with! You will get 2 options. To chose option 1 type '!dungeon 1' or '!d 1' To chose option 2 type '!dungeon 2' or '!d 2' if twitch won't let you say one, use the other. Type "!DungeonInfo' in chat for this information: "This command will take you through a short text based adventure, fight monsters get coins! type '!dungeon' to get started and '!dungeon [1/2]' to choose your path!"
  45. !Music command:
  47. Please go to to play music on my stream. Once you are there, click on playlists at the bottom left and it will tell you how to play your own songs! Type this command to see this information in chat.
  50. !coin command:
  52. This command will let you know how many coins you have. In my stream you can earn coins. You get one coin every minute you are in the stream. You will be able to spend your coins in lots of ways! Right now you can use the "!Raffle" command and buy your own custom commands for 60 coins! "!commandinfo" for more info on that. And some other things too! Later you might be able to spend them on things like giveaways, special names or other fun stuff. Type "!coin" to see how many coins you have.
  54. List of things you can currently buy:
  55. * A title that will come before or after your name every time the bot mentions you. 60 coins + 2 coins for every letter in the title. (see !title)
  56. * A custom command that only you can use (see !command) 60 coins
  57. * You can start a raffle for other people to join (see !raffle) currently the only reward for winning raffles is more coins
  58. * You can bring in someone from omegle into the chat and everyone can talk to them! 30 coins(might be changing price) (see !omegle)
  61. !raffle command:
  63. To start a raffle type, "!raffle [amount] [time]" [amount] being the number of tickets you want to buy and [time] being how long you want to give other people to join the raffle in seconds. One ticket costs one coin. Once a raffle has started you can type "!raffle" to see who is in the raffle, their tickets and how much time is left to join the raffle. Or you can type "!raffle [amount]" to join the raffle. you can also add 'give' as an argument at the end of the command to start the raffle without actually buying any tickets for yourself. Use this if you don't want to be able to win the raffle yourself. (things I still have yet to do for this command: allow you to leave a raffle, allow you to buy more tickets to the raffle) (see !coin for more information on coins)
  65. !drop command
  67. The drop command allows you to drop coins on the ground for other people to pick up (see !pickup) Once coins have been dropped anyone can pick them up, whoever types !pickup first will get them all. You can also add pot an argument to put the coins in the pot of a raffle without actually buying any tickets for the raffle if one is going on. (see !raffle.) When you type "!drop [amount] [pot/ground]" you will drop coins either on the ground or in the pot. (see !coin for more information on coins)
  70. !pickup
  72. When you type "!pickup" you will get any coins that are on the ground. Coins can get on the ground from several things. Like if someone drops them (see !drop) or if someone gets slapped (see !slap) (see !coin for more information on coins)
  75. !slap command
  77. Don't like what someone is doing in chat? You can now slap them! This will not only make SlidedrumBot say that you slapped them for all to see, but if you have enough karma (see !karma) it will also make them drop some of their coins on the ground for anyone to pick up! (see !pickup) They will drop up to twice the amount of karma that you have. So if you have 10 karma, they have a chance of dropping up to 20 coins! But every time you slap someone you lose karma so if you do it too often they will stop dropping their coins. To slap someone type "!slap [name]" When you slap someone you lose 15% of your karma, with a minimum of losing 5. If you have positive karma when you slap someone they have a chance of dropping some of their coins! If that happens the first person to type "!pickup" gets them. To learn more about the karma system type "!karmaInfo" (see !coin for more information on coins)
  80. !karma command
  82. Type this command to see how much karma you have. In my stream you have a karma rating to tell how "good" you have been. Don't worry if someone has a higher karma rating than you, it does not really mean anything. I still love you <3 It does effect a couple things though. The more karma you have the more coins people will drop when you slap them (see !slap) and in the future it may change how the bot greets you among other things. You will slowly gain karma overtime, but if you want to get it a little faster see the !giveKarma and !takeKarma commands, or by getting achievements (see !achivements). Other people can increase that rating by typing "!giveKarma [name]" or decrease it by typing "!takeKarma". However you can only take or give karma to three people per stream. Right now you can use your karma to make people drop there coins by typing "!slap" For more info on slapping you can type "!slapInfo". Karma also has an effect on your luck inside of dungeons, see the '!dungeon' command In the future it may affect more things such as how the bot greets you. But that comes later. (see !coin for more information on coins)
  85. !giveKarma command
  87. The giveKarma command is just like the takeKarma command, but you give them more karma instead of less. Type !giveKarma [name] to give someone 5 karma. This is the only way to quickly gain karma. You can only give/take karma from someone 3 times per stream. Once you have used it 3 times, you will have to wait until the next stream to do it again. Your karma is unaffected when you give someone else karma. See the !karma command for more information.
  90. !takeKarma command
  92. The takeKarma command is just like the giveKarma command, but you give them less karma instead of more. Type !takeKarma [name] to give someone -5 karma. You can only give/take karma from someone 3 times per stream. Once you have used it 3 times, you will have to wait until the next stream to do it again. Your karma is unaffected when you give someone else karma. See the !karma command for more information.
  95. !command command
  97. This command allows you to buy your own custom commands that will make SlidedrumBot say whatever you want! To do this type '!command [the name of your command] [what you want the bot to say when you run it]' This costs 60 coins, and you can only have one command at a time. You can change your custom command at any time by using the !command command again. Do not put anything inappropriate as your command, if I feel I need to change or remove your custom command I will. and I will not refund you your coins. Type "!command [commandName]|[commandOutput]" to buy a command for 60 coins than only you can use. To use the command type !![commandName] You can only have one command at a time, but you can change it anytime as long as you have the coins. (see !coin for more information on coins)
  100. !makeItRain command
  102. This command will randomly give out coins to everyone in the stream. To do this type '!makeItRain [amount]' and everyone in the stream has a chance of getting some of them! Obviously these coins don't come from thin air, you will be giving out your own coins when you do this. How nice of you. (see !coin for more information on coins)
  105. !highFive command
  107. This command lets you give someone else in chat a high five! Type !highFive and you will put your had up, the next person to type !highFive will give you an awesome high five!
  110. !title command
  112. This command allows you to buy a title that will come before and or after your name every time SlidedrumBot mentions you! so if your name is Slidedrum, and your title is smexy. every time the SlidedrumBot would say Slidedrum, he will say Smexy Slidedrum instead. To do this type '!title [pre/post] [your title]' If you put 'pre' your title will be before your name, if you put 'post' your title will go after your name. This costs you 60 coins, plus 2 coins for every letter in your title. (see !coin for more information on coins)
  115. !omegle command (nonfunctional)
  117. *This command is currently disabled, as it is broken.* This command is not finished yet! The basic functionality works but there is still a lot of things missing! This command allows you to bring a random person from into the chat! There are several sub commands that make this work. type '!omegle say [message]' message being what you want to say to the person on omegle. anyone can use the say command no matter who started the conversation. type '!omegle disconnect' to leave the conversation. Type '!omegle connect' to find someone to bring into the chatroom. Type '!omegle connect' to find someone to bring into the chatroom. to find someone with interest type '!omegle connect [interests separated by commas]. so if you wanted to find someone that likes Planetside 2 and video games you would type "!omegle connect Planetside 2, Video Games"
  120. !challenge command (nonfunctional)
  122. his command is currently disabled, as it is broken.*This command is not finished yet! The basic functionality works but there is still some things missing! You can now give me challenges for me to complete in game! There are 2 types of challenges 'exp' challenges and 'weapon' challenges. exp challenges require me to get a specific type of exp a specific number of times, and weapon challenges require me to get a specific number of kills with a specific weapon. The way you do this is you type '!challenge [type] [id] [time] [amount]' 'Type' being either "exp" or "weapon". 'id' being the weapon id or experience ID of the thing you want me to do. (exp ids can be found here: and weapon ids can be found here 'time' being the amount of time (in minutes) I have to complete it, and 'amount' being how many times you want me to get it. Try and be creative!
  124. !map command
  126. This command is very simple, it tells you what map I am currently playing. If it's wrong, or there is no response, it's because I have not updated it yet. SlidedrumBot does not magically know what map I'm playing, I have to tell it.
  129. !top10 command
  131. This command will tell you who is in the top 10 of several different categories. The current categories are: Coins, Karma, BadKarma and Hours. type '!Top10 [Coins/Karma/BadKarma/Hours]' to use.
  134. !achievements command
  136. This command will tell you what achievements you have currently unlocked. if you type '!achievements [username]' you can see what achievements other viewers have. Or you can type 'achievements list' to get a list of all achievements listed to you (probably, been having trouble with whispers). When you get an achievement you are awarded a small amount of karma (see !karma) depending on which achievement it is. Keep in mind achievements are hopefully going to be consistently added over time. The full list of achievements as of now are:
  137. - 0. Name: test achievement. Description: You can't get this
  138. - 1. Name: Getting started. Description: Get your first 10 coins. Type !coininfo for more information
  139. - 2. Name: 30 Minutes. Description: watch your first 30 minutes
  140. - 3. Name: Hoarder. Description: Get over 1000 coins
  141. - 4. Name: Look at this, I'm RICH. Description: Get 100 coins
  142. - 5. Name: Nice guy. Description: (or girl) Get 10 karma
  143. - 6. Name: Mean guy. Description: (or girl) Get -10 karma
  144. - 7. Name: Mr. President. Description: (or Mrs.) Get 100 karma
  145. - 8. Name: That wasn't too bad. Description: Get out of a dungeon alive
  146. - 9. Name: R.I.P. Description: Die in a dungeon
  147. - 10. Name: Thanks for the follow! Description: Follow the stream
  148. - 11. Name: Best of the best. Description: Get in a top 10 list
  149. - 12. Name: Early bird. Description: Join a stream in the first 10 minutes
  150. - 13. Name: Evil. Description: get -100 karma
  151. - 14. Name: Bottom now I'm here. Description: get -100 karma and then get back to +100 karma
  152. - 15. Name: Marathon. Description: Watch the stream for 3 hours strait
  153. - 16. Name: Aww yeah. Description: Get a high five from SlidedrumBot
  154. - 17. Name: Nice one. Description: Get a high five from anyone
  155. - 18. Name: look at me! I'm a weenier! Description: Win a raffle
  156. - 19. Name: The end. Description: Stay to the end of a stream
  157. - 20. Name: No whammy. Description: Win a raffle with the lowest chance to win.
  158. - 21. Name: Who changed the channel. Description: Watch a stream that I host
  159. - 22. Name: Hwaxor. Description: Break my bot.
  160. - 23. Name: All of nothing! Description: Put all of your coins in a raffle with 3+ people when you have more than 100 coins.
  161. - 24. Name: Reading is fun. Description: Read the description under the stream.
  164. !hours command
  166. This command will tell you how many hours you have been watching the stream for. (may not 100% accurate) Type '!hours [username]' to see how many hours another viewer has been watching for.
  169. !uptime command
  171. This command tells you how long the stream has been live. It's that simple.
  173. !vote command
  174. This command allows you to vote on something. Usually the next map I play, or something like that. To vote type '!vote [number]' or '!vote [option]' You can only cast one vote, but you can change your vote at any time. The voting is not timed, it ends when I tell it to. When the voting is over SlidedrumBot will announce the winner and take care of any ties.
  177. !fish command
  179. *This command is currently disabled, as it is broken.* The fish command (need a new name for it) is supposed to be a way to farm coins that encourages you to be active in chat. To use it type !fish [amount] and the bot will whisper to you the name of a fish, and a rough time when you will catch it (between 10 to 15 minutes). After the time is up, it will announce you caught a fish to everyone, and the first person to type the name of the fish, will get up to 150% of the coins you put into it. Anyone can take the fish from you, but only you know what fish you will catch and when you will catch it. So as long as you are paying attention you have a big advantage.
  181. !simulate command
  183. This command tries to simulate what my chat says, and comes up with a new random message, based on what real people say in my chat. To use it type !simulate, or !sim. It costs 10 coins, and has a 2 minute cooldown. But unlike other commands with a cooldown this cooldown is per person. So even if you use the command, someone else can use it again right away. You just have to wait 2 minutes in between uses. You can also add a word or words as arguments and it will try to relate what it says to your words. (Key word being *try*) There is also a !SimulateBob (or !simbob for short) variant, that does the same thing and works the same way, except it uses the entire chat from the original bob ross stream. They share a cooldown.
  186. Other things to note:
  188. If you have any questions or suggestions about SlidedrumBot or my stream in general please ask in chat! I am constantly working on him and my stream to make it more enjoyable for everyone.
  189. when you are typing out someones name in one of the commands you don't have to fully type out there name, or you can press @ to have there name pop up.
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