
in tongy 25/4

May 9th, 2018
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  1. [06:14]
  2. {LOAD GAME}
  4. [06:15] Rai Sat there, staring into the void across from where Haruhi had been sleeping before, an illusion of the kitsune woman blinking in and out of reality, surrounded by Rai's black mass of illusionary sundering. His face was one of.. disbelief, pain and shock. Consumed by the moment
  6. The illusionary Haruhi was trapped in a repeating cycle rolling her eyes before it spoke, slowly the voice echoed softly, not enough to wake Lotlhuitl, but enough to be heard
  8. "I'll keep that in mind, Rai, but I'd say perhaps you should think more about what ya do have, as opposed to what y'll never get."
  10. No context was given to what came before, or what came after, though from the looks of him, he was trapped in that very moment that followed. No attention paid to the chilly retainer that rested behind hi no attention paid to the sirenian that lie on the western pillows. Only his hand upon the tail of Lotlhuitl had any semblance of existence in it. Twitching from time to time, as though trying to pull him from the trance
  13. (Rai Yasahiro)
  14. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. [06:32] They'd gone down for a nap, but Lotlhuitl of the Cruxati had sunk into a deep sleep. Clearly, she'd been exhausted. The dark-skinned Nagual had from time to time whimpered softly in her sleep, ears flicking and lightly twitching.
  18. The end of her tail twitched against Rai. Fluffy and soft and long, and, really, unlikely that she would have intended for her friend to continue holding it.
  20. After all, the action *did* remind her of Xoconan.
  22. Her blue-black hair spilled over her shoulders. Spilled over the rich pillows she had curled up over. Her limbs were askew -- she'd been tossing and turning.
  24. The nightmares were getting worse.
  26. Who knows how much longer she would have stayed asleep, trapped in some awful hellscape conjured up by her own mind, but a sudden drop of temperature within Haruhi's establishment was what ended up waking her.
  28. Lotlhuitl shivered, jerking awake. Her eyes opened with a flutter of her long dark eyelashes. For a second, she distinctly wasn't sure where she was.
  30. And then she caught sight of Haruhi. Of Rai. Her tail twitched, and she realised that her green-haired friend was still holding her tail.
  32. "Nngh. Why's it so cold.."
  33. (Lotlhuitl)
  34. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  36. [06:41] A cold spell was one thing, but -
  38. the sudden draft of freezing wind flowing through the halls of the Mountain Peak Inn catches even the proprietor who's lived here her whole gosh-darn life by surprise. She doesn't quite shiver the way that Lotlhuitl does, but goosebumps rise up on her arms and she bunches up for a little bit of warmth.
  40. Brrr.
  42. Her eyes fall first, however, upon the illusion in the place she'd been before. Her verbal judgment of it after the first iteration she witnesses is, in so few words,
  44. "Well that's friggin' creepy, ain't it?"
  46. After which her gaze flits to someone she figures might deserve her attention a little more. As her eyes fall upon Lotlhuitl her entire expression lights up; a sweet smile grows as she takes in the details of the Nagual's form.
  48. "Good mornin', princess. Need a heat-runed blanket? I'm sure we got a few 'round 'ere somewhere."
  49. (Haruhi Noriega)
  50. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  52. [06:47] Rai himself seemed to fracture as the illusion of Haruhi faded into smoke, the pieces of himself sliding apart from one another before sliding back into place and the fracture mending as he blinked, lifting his hands, empty, to rub his eyes and shake his head abruptly, dispelling the thoughts in his mind.
  54. "My bad, I think I fell asleep on my feet.. well.. knees."
  56. The man simply stood up and stretched, moving from the cushion to the chair while he reoriented himself.
  57. (Rai Yasahiro)
  58. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  60. [06:52] Lotlhuitl slowly pulled her tail free of Rai's grip as he moved. Her soft fur brushed over his hands in the process, end of her tail twitching.
  62. She plainly not really seen the illusions Rai had been projecting, by how she was blearily blinking and rubbing her eyes.
  64. "Is it always so cold out here?"
  66. Lotlhuitl's voice was silken.
  68. Did she want a blanket? She bit her lip as she thought about it.
  70. "No, I've slept enough I think. I just need my cloak, I suppose."
  71. (Lotlhuitl)
  72. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  74. [06:57] Haruhi shakes her head side to side at Lotlhuitl's question. Her admiring smile fades as she takes on a far more sober expression and tone.
  76. "Not quite this cold. I 'spose the god of winter decided ta welcome ya kindly...
  78. and the offer of a blanket's still there, silly. You can wrap yourself up in it as ya go about your business, ya know. If that ain't enough for ya, though, I could show you some of the heated clothes and see if ya cain't replicate 'em... a'course, I haven't the slightest idea how th'heck they work."
  80. A renewed smile says, But I bet you do, don't you? Admiration is fierce in her eyes once more, but she allows it to fade as she turns to speak to Rai.
  82. "You should really find a room to move into, you know. Store your clothes somewhere nice and safe. Sleep in your ownbed. Things like that."
  83. (Haruhi Noriega)
  84. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  86. [07:05] Rai shrugs a bit as he glances over at Haruhi, his head tilted her way.
  88. "You know, you own this place. It's fully within your powers to have me removed."
  90. He turned his head and leaned it back against the chair once more, exhaling a bit of a heated breath. The man went silent, there was one thing he was good at in the least, and he put on a smile.
  93. (Rai Yasahiro)
  94. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  96. [07:06] Haruhi Noriega asks, "What th'hell does me sayin' you can have a free room have ta do with me kickin' you out, ya donkey?"
  97. [07:07] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  98. [07:07] Lotlhuitl says, "Well, okay.. yes. A blanket, Haruhi.. fine."
  99. [07:08] Lotlhuitl either ignored the weirdness between Rai and Haruhi, or didn't notice..
  100. (Lotlhuitl)
  101. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  103. [07:08] Haruhi Noriega says, "Dum da dummmm! You just leveled up in humility, sweetheart."
  104. [07:10] Without another word, Haruhi hurries off and grabs a nice, warm blanket out of some storage closet or another somewhere in the hallway. Once she enters the room, she balls it up and takes it in one hand, before hopping up and throwing it across the room in an arc.
  106. She looks like an absolute professional blanket thrower, even if it halfway comes apart before Lotlhuitl even has a chance of catching it.
  108. Thank the servants for picking up the teacups once everyone had fallen asleep.
  109. (Haruhi Noriega)
  110. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  112. [07:17] The blanket arched gracefully through the air... landing across the small table in front of Lotlhuitl.
  114. For a moment, the Nagual had just looked down at it.. tail twitching. She bit back a smirk as she reached out, picking the fluffy blanket up.
  116. And then she wrapped it around her shoulders.
  118. It helped, slightly.
  120. "In all honesty, my cloak already has runes for heat.. wards against cold." Lotlhuitl mused. "But thank you, Haruhi."
  122. A small glance was given to Rai. An arch of a brow. What was up with him? Maybe it was the cold.
  124. "Brr."
  127. (Lotlhuitl)
  128. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  130. [07:23] Maybe it was the cold. Rai shifted in the chair a bit as his index fingers began to trail along it's surface in a labyrinthine pattern, looking simply to be drawing something. Small traces of mana filled the lines as he rested his hands against the faint warmpth of the runes to keep them from being too cold himself.
  132. "Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?"
  133. Much akin to his retainer, he went straight to food.
  134. (Rai Yasahiro)
  135. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  137. [07:23] Haruhi Noriega says, "I think it's about time for lunch."
  138. [07:23] Lotlhuitl walked over to Haruhi.
  139. (Lotlhuitl)
  140. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  142. [07:23] Haruhi Noriega says, "Servants should be cooking something up right about now..."
  143. [07:24] Haruhi stood in place next to Lotlhuitl. She raises her right hand, before wiggling it in a playful wave.
  144. (Haruhi Noriega)
  145. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  147. [07:24] Lotlhuitl says, "Mn.."
  148. [07:24] Lotlhuitl reached out to grab Haruhi's hand..
  149. (Lotlhuitl)
  150. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  152. [07:25] Haruhi keeps trying to wiggle her fingers despite the grip. It's a futile motion, but she seems to take a significant amount of joy in defiance of fate.
  153. (Haruhi Noriega)
  154. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  156. [07:25] Lotlhuitl says, "I *am* feeling hungry.."
  157. [07:25] Haruhi Noriega says, "I can't tell if you're being playful or honest, but either way..."
  158. [07:25] Haruhi Noriega says, "To the lobby!... and then other places, perhaps."
  159. [07:26] Haruhi looks over Rai's way, before sashaying to the left, opening the door with style, and making her way out.
  160. (Haruhi Noriega)
  161. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  163. [07:27] {Item} You drop Green Shawl.
  164. [07:27] {Item} You picked up Green Shawl.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  165. [07:28] {Item} You drop Sandals.
  166. [07:28] {Item} You picked up Sandals.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  167. [07:28] The lobby is full of plates of exquisite foods, though most of it seems to have been magically preserved one way or another. The quality seems mostly in preparation rather than ingredients - indeed, most of it is about what you might expect down from the mountaintop, but all of it is prepared with the utmost love and care.
  169. Haruhi giggles with delight as she passes by, before scooping up two ready-to-eat plates of meat and vegetables. She continues on her way upstairs with food in hand.
  170. (Haruhi Noriega)
  171. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  173. [07:29] {Item} You drop Green Shawl.
  174. [07:29] {Item} You drop Sandals.
  175. [07:29] {Item} You picked up Green Shawl.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  176. [07:29] {Item} You picked up Sandals.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  177. [07:29] {Item} You drop Sandals.
  178. [07:30] {Item} You picked up Sandals.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  179. [07:34] Haruhi carries the plates of food to one of the tables upstairs - a meeting room or a sitting room, but it's for honored guests either way. She hum-a-hum-a-hums as she sets out one plate for herself and one for Lotlhuitl, before retrieving cutlery from one of the cabinets and setting it to the side of either plate.
  181. She flashes her canines at Lotlhuitl as if to ask, Impressed?
  183. Before flopping into a chair next to her, crossing her hands in her lap, and patiently waiting for the Nagual to take the first bite. She watches with a smug kind of pride.
  185. "I bet you'll loooove it..."
  186. (Haruhi Noriega)
  187. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  189. [07:40] Lotlhuitl was hungry, but not for food.
  191. She ate to be polite.
  193. Heck, the Gehennan even used cutlery.
  195. The entire time she did, however, her gaze was entirely focused on Haruhi. "Mmm," she exhaled, flashing her red-headed friend a rare smile. Her tail curled out, briefly brushing against her kitsune friend.
  197. "I've.. it came to me, in my dream. What I can do."
  199. That same expression. Desperation. Hunger.
  201. "I've got this friend, an old friend. Once, my best friend. Xitlalli. I haven't seen her in years, not since she and Noa defected to Gaiar. I... perhaps she might help me. She tried to warn me about Xoconan."
  202. (Lotlhuitl)
  203. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  205. [07:46] While the reaction isn't quite the one she hoped for, Haruhi takes it as a sign that she's fine to dig in regardless. She eats with what looks like etiquette - by the various deities, the girl was taught how to eat properly?
  207. In between polite noms and subtle glomphs, she displays interest in Lotlhuitl's words, and after patting her lips with a napkin, she says,
  209. "So you think that your friend might be able to do something about him, then? Or perhaps, ah... perhaps help your children?
  211. I suppose that's one thing you might try, dear. It sounds like as good an avenue as any. I certainly find myself lacking in ideas."
  213. Though, if she were honest - she hadn't thought much about how to help. Unfortunately, she was -
  215. hmm. Maybe...
  217. Her eyes take on a more serious look as she asks,
  219. "Do you know a boy named Usiel?"
  220. (Haruhi Noriega)
  221. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  223. [07:54] Lotlhuitl's modest peasant upbringing certainly came through at times like these. The Nagual leant her elbows against the table, licked her knife, to mention a few of the table manner atrocities she committed.
  225. But she didn't use her fingers.
  227. "Mn," Lotlhuitl murmured sharply. "I don't think she can face Xoconan. Not alone. But.. perhaps she can reclaim my children, bring them here for me."
  229. Lotlhuitl paused, swallowing her food thoughtfully. "Usiel? Perhaps. I know a lot of people, Haruhi."
  231. The Nagual's tail twitched before draping itself more fully over Haruhi's shoulders. She looked to the Kitsune with large green eyes.
  233. "She is.. a lust sin, Haruhi. But for all her flaws, for.. the hurt she did me.. she is still my friend."
  235. A wince. "She was only ever trying to help me, all along, it seemed. I let Xoconan keep me from her."
  236. (Lotlhuitl)
  237. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  239. [08:00] Having finished the lion's share of her food -
  241. some particularly large seasoned chunks of potato seeming her favorite part of the lunch plate -
  243. Haruhi takes a break from stuffing her face to recline into her seat and lean her face down to rest her cheek against her dear, dear friend's tail. She reaches out to run her hand along its length, from a point between the two of them up to the beginning of her shoulder.
  245. Her eyes remain locked with Lotlhuitl's all the while, though, as she listens intently.
  247. A Lust, hmm? Not known for their good intentions...
  249. A thoughtful expression, before the time comes to reply.
  251. "The reason I asked about Usiel is because I recently invited him to stay at the Inn. I'm aware he's welcome in Aetherius and dislikes the Coalition - so I figured he might perhaps be of some help.
  253. He seeks to redeem himself for past sins. This could be one such redemption...
  255. though I'm sure you'd rather have your most trusted friends involved, no?"
  256. (Haruhi Noriega)
  257. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  259. [08:18] Lotlhuitl had visibly stiffened as she felt Haruhi's hands running up and down her tail. A breath caught in her throat, a shiver running up her spine as she stared at the Kitsune.
  261. By the spirits. Haruhi really was so pretty.
  263. The Nagual's ears had pinned back lightly as she broke her stare. Yes, Lolthuitl found herself looking away from her friend, the end of her tail twitching against Haruhi's cheek as she spoke.
  265. "Mn," Lotlhuitl exhaled in response. It was a good idea, but the Nagual hadn't really had a chance to gather her wits. Her attention was drastically drawn to the feeling of her friend's gentle stroking touch.
  267. It killed her, but the Nagual straightened. Pulled herself away from Haruhi. Gently ran her own hands over her tail, as if trying to banish the sensation of being held. Touched. What delight she found in Haruhi's company (there was a lot of it, to be fair) felt like it was in danger of being poisoned.
  269. She shouldn't need other people.
  271. But she did.
  273. "I'll accept help where I can find it, Haruhi." Lotlhuitl finally remarked.
  274. (Lotlhuitl)
  275. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  277. [08:25] The reaction to her touch was strange, and not quite anything Haruhi was familiar with. Or at the very least, she fails to draw the lines between the dots, but ah...
  279. There's food to be eaten, still, and so with a bemused expression - confused somewhat by Lotlhuitl's reaction, but amused by it nonetheless - she leans forward to eat again, but not before a short comment.
  281. "I'll do everything in my power to see if we can get your children back, dear. You're important to me, and that would be reason enough."
  283. There's not all too much room left in her stomach, but she makes sure to clean up the plate regardless. Her gaze sliiiides over to the one she'd grabbed for Lotlhuitl.
  285. "Still hungry, or no? You'll need energy in the coming days, you know..."
  286. (Haruhi Noriega)
  287. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  289. [08:35] Lotlhuitl had done better than she had in previous days, having cleared at least half of her plate. But it was obvious that she was eating out of duty, rather than appetite. That she was forcing herself to nourish her body, even when everything might as well have tasted like ash.
  291. "Thank you, Haruhi." Lotlhuitl breathed, speaking between mouthfuls. "I'm in your debt."
  293. She glanced down to her plate.
  295. "I'll.. finish it."
  297. Om nom nom.
  299. It took Lotlhuitl a while. A long while, but she picked at the food Haruhi had provided her until she had consumed all of it.
  301. In truth, it did make her feel better.
  303. "Maybe.. Maybe Sibri would.. help me. He tried to help me once before.."
  304. (Lotlhuitl)
  305. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  307. [08:44] Once all is said and done, Haruhi wears a light-hearted smile on her face. She seems the avatar of a bright future as she happily observes Lotlhuitl. An activity on its own, as she makes notice of every little motion the woman makes...
  309. Her eyes travel as they damn well want to, watching the Nagual's technique even as Haruhi silently settles into the seat next to her. She places a hand on her shoulder in a kind of support - whether for her circumstances or for mere solidarity or a combination of the two.
  311. She seems as if in a trance, absorbed in admiration of the tiniest things.
  313. The mention of Sibri, though, makes her jump up in a small surprise. Apparently that was enough to rouse her from that half-conscious state.
  315. It takes her a second to process the words, but once she does -
  317. "Sibri, the self-proclaimed enemy of all of Ardent Cliff, doesn't sound like he'll be the one to help someone hiding out in Tongyishan.
  319. Sadly."
  321. A light squeeze of Lotlhuitl's shoulder, before Haruhi takes a nice, deep breath and truly sinks into her seat. She's a good deal shorter than Lotlhuitl thanks to height and positioning, and so she has to look up to look over to her.
  323. "Boy, that whole situation was a mess..."
  324. (Haruhi Noriega)
  325. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  327. [08:56] "He once told Xoconan that the only thing wrong with me is my love for him." Lotlhuitl mused, leaning forward. Jewellery jingled, metal jostled against metal. Her hair fell over her blanket-wrapped shoulders as she looked off into the middle distance.
  329. "It's funny. You know, I would never have joined Caesar if I hadn't been trying to help Xoconan. I.. I can't take that choice back now. I'm not going to."
  331. She glanced to the Kitsune. "And I suppose it's not completely a terrible choice. I couldn't have stood to be opposing you, Haruhi."
  333. Looking away again, her gaze hardened.
  335. "But.. I do want to be completely honest with you. I only acted to betray Cruxati because I thought that was what Xoconan would have wanted me to do. He's told me countless times about how he is going to deal with Kayeliun."
  337. Lotlhuitl suppressed a shudder, before standing up suddenly. No warning, she just shot to her feet.
  339. "I'm sick of sitting around indoors, Haruhi. I'm sick of lounging about feeling sorry for myself. I'm sick of mourning the loss of a love which never deserved me."
  341. She looked towards the exit for a second, before moving. Unless otherwise prevented, she would dip into Haruhi's bedroom and grab her cloak. Donning it with a flourish.
  343. "Maybe the self-proclaimed enemy of all of Ardent Cliff wouldn't assist someone hiding out in Tongyishan. But Xoconan's enemy might help someone wronged by him."
  344. (Lotlhuitl)
  345. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  347. [09:02] {Item} You drop Mythril Cuisse.
  348. [09:02] {Item} You picked up Mythril Cuisse.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  349. [09:02] {Item} You drop Mythril Cuisse.
  350. [09:02] {Item} You picked up Mythril Cuisse.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  351. [09:04] {Item} You drop Shirt.
  352. [09:04] {Item} You drop Sandals.
  353. [09:05] {Item} You picked up Shirt.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  354. [09:05] {Item} You picked up Sandals.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  355. [09:05] {Item} You drop Sandals.
  356. [09:06] {Item} You picked up Sandals.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  357. [09:06] Lotlhuitl's voiced thoughts and confession are new information for the Kitsune, but she doesn't seem overly bothered by any of them. She simply listens, merely takes in information as it's given -
  359. only chiming in when she quickly rises to her feet, offering a statement that's just as much acceptance as it might be a kind of forgiveness, and perhaps a kind of dismissal.
  361. All said with a sweet smile.
  363. "I'll be blunt -
  365. whatever motives brought you into my home, whatever motives brought you to my side; they're irrelevant to me, Lotlhuitl. I didn't wonder, and I didn't ask - and that's because I'm not worried about how we got here, but about how we'll proceed from here on in."
  367. As the Nagual retrieves her cloak, Haruhi stacks their plates with a clack-clack, before leaving them on the table for the servants toclean up. She saunters over to Lotlhuitl and stands in front of her as eager as ever. Hopeful crimson eyes look up to meet green, reflective mirrors.
  369. Her smile only grows.
  371. Any intruders aren't noticed just yet!
  372. (Haruhi Noriega)
  373. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  375. [09:12] The tanned fox-woman and envious illusionist wander upstairs, slowly walking towards the sound of voices in the lounge. One of the Kitsune's fuzzy ears flick at the soft noises, listening to the words spoken through the wall as her movements are slowed a bit, not wishing to disturb them as she walks closer.
  377. Finally, as Lotlhuitl strides towards the exit, two slowly walk into the lounge. The one taking the lead is a familiar white-cloaked fox-woman, a tangible glow emanating from her body, even without a conscious magical aura manifested. Those familiar with Shengese culture would be aware that this is the mark of a Priestess of Jiuweihu.
  379. Additionally, she exudes waves of pleasant heat. Calming, soothing warmth that billows out from her in tender ripples. The heat is mixed with something else, though, that belies a sense of serenity, calm, and peace. A unspoken promise that-
  381. All can be right in the world.
  383. Order.
  385. - But it's faint and ephemeral.
  387. Her gaze turns to both the Nagual and fellow Chosen, smiling softly at both. She walks behind the younger redhead, gently reaching a hand out to place upon her shoulder. Likely spooking the heckies out of her. But her hand brings those heated, calm-infused notes...
  389. With her gaze upon the tall Ixchel-blessed woman, she speaks gently.
  391. "Hello, miss. I'm sorry for upsetting you before. I just learned you don't wish to be touched. I should have asked permission first, before trying to heal you. It's a reflex of mine."
  393. Pausing for a moment, that thickly sleeved hand is removed, the cloaked fox-lady continuing. She motions to the illusionist behind her.
  395. "I've just heard from the mister over there that... Something worried about 'Xoconan' and children being sacrificed. Your friend was extremely worried, and I'd like to ask if you'd be comfortable telling me what's going on. Maybe I can help."
  397. Her words are gentle and earnest, and she seems utterly, entirely calm.
  398. (Suha Nylla)
  399. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  401. [09:20] Frederick decides he has nothing better to do than eavesdrop on the conversation. Particularly because he hears Lotl speaking, all the way up here, for some reason. He's not very discreet about it, however, since his footsteps are way too damn loud.
  402. (Frederick)
  403. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  405. [09:22] The blessed of Ixchel grew visibly tense.
  407. What was that she could sense?
  409. ...order.
  411. Lotlhuitl turned to look down at the Chosen of Jiuweihu. Being six feet tall, she couldn't help it in some regards.. but in others? Lotlhuitl perhaps unfortunately gave the impression that she was appraising Suha, and that currently that appraisal was coming up short.
  413. "Forgiven." Lotlhuitl was terse, sparing few words for the brunette fox-lady. Her gaze rather languidly tracked from Suha to Rai, almost to ask what the fuck is this, wordlessly.
  415. But.. fine. She had said that she'd accept help wherever it was offered.
  417. "My husband, Xoconan, the Warchief of the Coalition, was displeased with my decision that we both should defect. He decided that he would kill me. Haruhi and I objected. Violently. He almost killed us both, but we escaped. As we did so he told me I'll never see my children again if I did not return within a month to accept my fate."
  419. The entire painful story was told with a straight face. Deadpan. Little emotion. Her tail flicked, a frown at her lips. "I believe he intends on killing them."
  421. Her green eyes looked once more to Suha, an eyebrow raised. She couldn't help keep the slight sneer out of her voice as she looked down at the order magi. "So you tell me, friend. How can you help me?"
  422. (Lotlhuitl)
  423. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  425. [09:23] Lotlhuitl says, "... how many people did you bring, Rai.."
  426. [09:24] Rai Yasahiro says, "One."
  427. [09:24] Haruhi Noriega says, "Lotlhuitl, this is Suha, and she's an absolute sweetheart."
  428. [09:24] Haruhi Noriega says, "You can trust her."
  429. [09:25] Haruhi Noriega says, "Best interests at heart, and all of that jazz."
  430. [09:25] Rai Yasahiro says, "Now I'll leave you three, so that Haruhi can continue to keep you to herself."
  431. [09:25] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  432. [09:26] Lotlhuitl says, "There's someone listening in the hall.."
  433. [09:26] Lotlhuitl says, "Haven't heard them leave."
  434. [09:26] Haruhi Noriega says, "There're no strangers in the Mountain Peak Inn! Which is to say, feel free to come show your face, whoever you are."
  435. [09:26] Frederick says, "I'm too lazy to move."
  436. [09:27] Walks off without many more words.
  437. (Rai Yasahiro)
  438. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  440. [09:27] Rick does a flee to see how high his numbers get.
  441. (Frederick)
  442. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  444. [09:29] The fox-lady turns about, calling out to the man as he tries to storm away jealously!
  446. "You don't have to leave, mister. You care about your friend too. You can help them!"
  448. Ever so subtly, she sends out a little ripple of telekinetic energy to brush against him, to give him pause.
  449. (Suha Nylla)
  450. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  452. [09:33] The tanned fox-lady parses the words given to her, freezing up slightly. Her inquisitive jade gaze is fixed on the Nagual as she explains her circumstances. A grave, grim expression is upon the fox-lady as she hears of the fight of husband and wife.
  454. The Order magi is mostly disappointed at such a grim turn of events, but she forces thoughtfulness, eyes distant as they look about the room.
  456. "I... I may have a friend close to Tragedy. Perhaps she would allow your children to go free... I can't promise anything on that front, though... Do you know where they are being kept?"
  457. (Suha Nylla)
  458. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  460. [09:34] Suha Nylla says, "Come back, mister. You don't need to sit around and worry about your friend all the way in Ardent. This way you could help."
  461. [09:39] "...Rai."
  463. Lotlhuitl called out to her green-haired friend. She wasn't exactly one for emotional displays or, well, affection. In fact, she was kinda bewildered in regards to what she should say to him.
  465. And so she said nothing further, letting Suha speak for her. Letting her saying his name just awkwardly hang in the air between them.
  467. Lotlhuitl had shifted, peering through the panelling. It was Fredrick. Rick, who had told her that she could hate him as much as she wanted. That he'd just consider her a friend anyway, to spite her.
  469. For a second, she had looked at him. Her green gaze serious.
  471. And then her attention returned to Suha, even as she reached for Haruhi's hand. Squeezed, if it was offered.
  473. "Your friend would risk themselves for you?" She tilted her head. "For me?"
  475. She blinked slowly. "I mean, I looked all over Cruxati and couldn't find them. This leads me to worry that Xoconan has been keeping them in Gaiar Aetherius. Close to him. He's.. been spending a lot of time there."
  476. (Lotlhuitl)
  477. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  479. [09:43] Still looking freezing cold from the conditions outdoors and her distinct lack of shoes, the teen strode up to Frederick with a distinct frown on her face. For once, she wasn't as outwardly as rude as she usually was.
  481. "..can I talk with yah?"
  482. (Amoxtli)
  483. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  485. [09:43] Rai would look over his shoulder for the briefest of moment before simply looking back towards the western exit.
  487. "I'm just going to ardent to do my job. I'll be around when I'm needed. But if Haruhi keeps up her aggressive displays of possession because I feel a kinship to you.. I won't be around as often. Now, am I able to go?"
  488. (Rai Yasahiro)
  489. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  491. [09:43] It is indeed offered, of course. A hand is taken and savored and squeezed and all of the worries of this rather serious situation melt away as she takes it.
  493. Despite, or perhaps even in spite of Rai's comment and attempt to leave. She offers little more than a passing worry as part of her contribution to the conversation at hand.
  495. "... as much as I'd like to think consulting with Tragedy-
  497. Ghkk!!"
  499. She nearly chokes on her spit when she hears 'aggressive displays of possession.' Vigorous blushing ensues.
  500. (Haruhi Noriega)
  501. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  503. [09:45] Rick turned his gaze over to Amoxtli, expecting her to try and take another jab or two at him for whatever reason. However, she seemed ill-suited to be here to begin with, what with the 'clothes' she was wearing. In fact, she looked pretty upset, in a non-threatening way, this time.
  505. "...yeah, sure. Speak up, kid."
  506. (Frederick)
  507. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  509. [09:45] Amoxtli whispers something.
  510. [09:46] Frederick whispers something.
  511. [09:46] Frederick whispers something.
  512. [09:46] Frederick whispers something.
  513. [09:46] Amoxtli whispers something.
  514. [09:47] Frederick whispers something.
  515. [09:47] Amoxtli whispers something.
  516. [09:50] The tanned fox-woman looks from Rai to Lotl to Haruhi with a raised eyebrow. She doesn't know what's going on with the three of them. She can somewhat infer by now what's going on, however. She still billows that calm, and nods gently at Rai.
  518. "Okay, mister Rai. I'd like to talk with you later, if you wouldn't mind... May Jiuweihu's radiance ever guide your path, and Kraus bless you."
  520. With his departure, she looks to the pair before her thoughtfully. Fredrick is pretty much entirely ignored. Jade gaze fixes itself on the Nagual.
  522. "I have, and I always will risk myself for every single person on Eternia, miss, but I'd like to see if I can resolve this without the shedding of blood. You said you've not much time, however, no?"
  523. (Suha Nylla)
  524. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  526. [09:51] Amoxtli whispers something.
  527. [09:51] Frederick whispers something.
  528. [09:52] Amoxtli whispers something.
  529. [09:52] Amoxtli whispers something.
  530. [09:52] Frederick is glaring at Rai, in particular. Maybe he'd know why, too.
  531. (Frederick)
  532. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  534. [09:52] Frederick whispers something.
  535. [09:52] Amoxtli whispers something.
  536. [09:52] Frederick turns around to Amoxtli.
  537. (Frederick)
  538. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  540. [09:52] Amoxtli whispers something.
  541. [09:53] Frederick moves into his person, checking around for this and that, before pulling out a few pouches of...jingling things.
  542. (Frederick)
  543. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  545. [09:54] Frederick shoves it to Amoxtli's face, making her catch it.
  546. (Frederick)
  547. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  549. [09:54] Amoxtli says, "Wh--"
  550. [09:54] Frederick whispers something.
  551. [09:54] Amoxtli asks, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA??"
  552. [09:54] Frederick whispers something.
  553. [09:54] Frederick whispers something.
  554. [09:54] Amoxtli whispers something.
  555. [09:54] Amoxtli whispers something.
  556. [09:54] Frederick whispers something.
  557. [09:54] Amoxtli whispers something.
  558. [09:54] Amoxtli whispers something.
  559. [09:55] Frederick whispers something.
  560. [09:55] Frederick whispers something.
  561. [09:55] Amoxtli whispers something.
  562. [09:55] Amoxtli whispers something.
  563. [09:55] Frederick whispers something.
  564. [09:55] Frederick whispers something.
  565. [09:56] Amoxtli whispers something.
  566. [09:56] Frederick whispers something.
  567. [09:56] Amoxtli whispers something.
  568. [09:56] Amoxtli whispers something.
  569. [09:56] Frederick whispers something.
  570. [09:56] Frederick whispers something.
  571. [09:56] Amoxtli whispers something.
  572. [09:58] Frederick whispers something.
  573. [09:59] Amoxtli whispers something.
  574. [09:59] Amoxtli whispers something.
  575. [10:00] Lotlhuitl let out a "hm," as she regarded Rai. She almost imagined she could feel her green-haired friend's jealousy. But rather than call him out on it, she instead seemed to incline her head.
  577. "I wish you wouldn't leave, but.. very well. I understand."
  579. Lotlhuitl liked having him around. His pining was amusing, if nothing else.
  581. The Nagual looked at Haruhi out of the corner of her eye, the faintest smirk pulling at her lips. She squeezed her redheaded friend's hand once more.
  583. And then the smirk was gone. Not much time.
  585. "Not much time, no." Lotlhuitl breathed. The woman was anxious, but she hid it beneath a layer of bravado. Of anger.
  587. "If your friend can reclaim my children for me, then I will be in your debt, Suha."
  589. Lotlhuitl's intense gaze shifted, the Nagual staring out into the middle distance. She shuddered. "This is all my fault. I shouldn't have taken any chances. But I didn't know he would put on Zahhual's cursed bracers. People warned me that his sanity was slipping, before. He'd been bad before, but not like this. I thought I could still talk to him."
  590. (Lotlhuitl)
  591. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  593. [10:00] Frederick whispers something.
  594. [10:00] Amoxtli whispers something.
  595. [10:00] Amoxtli whispers something.
  596. [10:00] Frederick whispers something.
  597. [10:01] Amoxtli whispers something.
  598. [10:02] Rick, after being given some pleading whispers by Amoxtli, has been staring down Rai this whole time. His hands lift up, and his hand wraps around the opposite fist. The bone creates a sickening crack.
  600. "You. String bean." He makes a threatening gesture toward Rai.
  602. "You're not goin' anywhere NEAR Ardent before we have a little 'talk'."
  603. (Frederick)
  604. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  606. [10:05] Rai stared at Frederick, listening to Lotl's words his body slowly began to change, a thick black substance seeming to ooze from the air around him as Frederick spoke to him.
  608. "Amoxtli, if you're going to have someone else challenge me in your stead, you'll never grow stronger. Keep getting stronger and challenge me again and again until you're free of our wager."
  610. He didn't even bother talking to Frederick, the guy looked like a right Rick, with a D.
  611. (Rai Yasahiro)
  612. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  614. [10:06] Frederick says, "Oh, she's free of your wager."
  615. [10:06] Frederick says, "She's free of your wager, or you're free of your fucking eyes."
  616. [10:06] Rai Yasahiro says, "It's called incentive bondage freak."
  617. [10:06] Frederick says, "It's called I'm going to rip your head off and shit down your neck."
  618. [10:06] Amoxtli says, "--I didn't ask 'im ta' help. I just asked a question 'nd asked him not ta' do anythin'."
  619. [10:06] Amoxtli says, "...and I can't stop 'im."
  620. [10:06] Frederick asks, "You sick motherfucker. You think you can beat up young girls and fuck them?"
  621. [10:06] Amoxtli exclaims, "I never said that!"
  622. [10:06] Frederick asks, "You think you can enslave underage women to become your breeding bitches?"
  623. [10:07] Frederick says, "I'll rip off your fucking balls and make you eat them."
  624. [10:07] Rai stares at Frederick. A pair of deadpan eyes staring at the man.
  625. (Rai Yasahiro)
  626. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  628. [10:08] Frederick says, "You better start fucking running, because if I catch you, you're going to WISH I killed you."
  629. [10:08] Haruhi Noriega asks, "Holy shit, what the hell is happening in my Inn?"
  630. [10:08] Rai Yasahiro says, "This man's assuming to know everything from a bet made."
  631. [10:08] Amoxtli says, "..please stop."
  632. [10:08] Frederick asks, "Does it look like I give a single solitary shit about your bet?"
  633. [10:09] Frederick says, "Fuck your wager, you perverted moron."
  634. [10:11] Frederick says, "You don't control people through debt."
  635. [10:11] Frederick says, "Especially CHILDREN."
  636. [10:12] Lotlhuitl says, "... "
  637. [10:12] Lotlhuitl says, "We've seen him pay her."
  638. [10:12] Lotlhuitl asks, "I don't.. what's going on out there?"
  639. [10:12] The tanned fox-woman listens intently to the Nagual before her, her vulpine tail absentmindedly flicking behind her. She nods earnestly, seriously, regarding her words, before the mention of Zahhual's cursed bracers. Jade eyes widen, and a few blinks are given to the taller woman.
  641. "I'll have to meet with my friend... She went to talk to Tragedy and ask for peace... A hopeful, kind-hearted girl. I hope she's alright... But... Zahhual's cursed bracers? A friend of mine, Kaschei, told me of a curse that's affecting Gehenna, mentioning an individual named 'Zahhual' as having caused or being significantly related to it. I'd... Very much like to know more, as I'm currently investigating this. But your children come first. I can destroy these bracers, however."
  643. The tanned fox-woman holds up a hand, glowing lines tracing across it. Lines of golden light, zig-zagging, and crisscrossing across both her skin, and the fabric of her violet-sleeved kimono.
  645. At the sounds of the argument behind her, the tanned fox-lady looks to the pair, the glowing lights fading. She sighs, and an apologetic look is given to Lotl.
  647. "Okay... I think we also need to sort this out..."
  649. Her jade gaze goes to Amoxtli, Rai, and Frederick.
  651. "What is going on here."
  652. (Suha Nylla)
  653. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  655. [10:12] Frederick says, "You ain't seen the rune on her damn skin that's keepin' her from eating properly."
  656. [10:13] Rai Yasahiro says, "He's assuming that a wager that Amoxtli agreed to which specifically instated that there was going to be no sexual acts, includes sexual acts."
  657. [10:13] Frederick asks, "Oh, yeah? Then why the fuck did she say it did, you walking talking pile of shit?"
  658. [10:13] Frederick asks, "You think she'd lie to me about it?"
  659. [10:13] Rai Yasahiro says, "Amoxtli, repeat the exact wager."
  660. [10:14] Frederick says, "No, you're talking to me, motherfucker."
  661. [10:14] At the mention of the rune affecting the young lady, the tanned fox-woman wanders over to her side.
  663. "May I see the rune, miss?"
  664. (Suha Nylla)
  665. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  667. [10:14] Amoxtli says, "--Yah? I dunno if it'd show up, yah."
  668. [10:14] Haruhi Noriega whispers: Never a dull moment, huh?
  669. [10:15] * You have been awarded 1 Roleplay Points! *
  670. [10:15] Frederick says, "I already said I don't give a damn about whatever wager it is."
  671. [10:15] Lotlhuitl says, "What's this about a wager.."
  672. [10:15] Frederick says, "It's called off."
  673. [10:16] Frederick says, "Or else your fucking -legs- are called off, string bean."
  674. [10:16] Amoxtli says, "Yah bet was 'One, You let me give you baths when you are hurt. Two, you let me see you naked, no sex nessisary. Three, you work for me for the rest of your life.'"
  675. [10:17] Haruhi Noriega says, "Holy fuck."
  676. [10:17] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  677. [10:17] Rai holds up one finger "One, She would be given baths every time she gets beat up. Two, she would be seen naked with no sex nessiary. Three, She would remain my retainer for life. All of this is challengable. The nudity part works in parse with the baths, as last bath she had she wore the dirtiest of cloths into the tub when attempting to get her clean."
  678. (Rai Yasahiro)
  679. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  681. [10:17] Frederick says, "Forgetting the part where she was threatened with rape unless she got him 'what he wanted'."
  682. [10:18] Lotlhuitl says, "Rai..."
  683. [10:18] Rai Yasahiro says, "I have yet to do any of the above, save for keeping her in my employ, as they are incintive to keep her training to best me."
  684. [10:18] Lotlhuitl says, "Mn.. I mean, the girl *was* very dirty.."
  685. [10:18] Frederick says, "Fuck. Your. Incentive."
  686. [10:19] Lotlhuitl says, "That's.. is this some sort of Jianghuan thing.. forced bathing.."
  687. [10:19] Haruhi Noriega says, "Most definitely not."
  688. [10:19] Haruhi Noriega says, "In any case, regardless of whatever the heck is goin' on, nobody's getting hurt in my house."
  689. [10:19] Frederick says, "I'm lookin' at your skinny ass, and you're exactly the type to take advantage of young girls 'cuz you can't seduce a woman to save your damn nuts, you freak."
  690. [10:19] Haruhi Noriega says, "Stranger, please."
  691. [10:19] Rai Yasahiro says, ". . ."
  692. [10:20] Haruhi Noriega says, "Be more civil about your insults."
  693. [10:20] Amoxtli asks, "Are yah the owner of this place, red-haired stranga?"
  694. [10:20] Frederick says, "Ain't nothin' civil about this turd."
  695. [10:21] Haruhi Noriega says, "As much as I understand your frustrations, if you escalate the situation, you won't be welcome here anymore. So, please. For my benefit, at the very least."
  696. [10:21] Lotlhuitl whispers: What are the laws in Jianghu? Has.. Rai actually done something wrong?
  697. [10:21] Lotlhuitl whispers: It's strange, but..
  698. [10:21] Haruhi Noriega says, "And to answer the lady's question -"
  699. [10:21] Frederick says, "Like I care."
  700. [10:21] Haruhi Noriega says, "Yes, hello. Haruhi Noriega, Lady of Tongyishan."
  701. [10:22] Amoxtli says, "Oh. I brought'a injured Siren here yesterday. I'm tryin'a get resources for 'im for a new eye."
  702. [10:22] Haruhi Noriega whispers: I'm fairly certain there's absolutely zero precedent for this whatsoever.
  703. [10:24] Amoxtli says, "I can take 'im away but I might freeze myself again."
  704. [10:24] Lotlhuitl asks, "I mean.. in Gehennan territories, slave owners have responsibility.. Did.. did this happen when the Coalition was controlling Ardent?"
  705. [10:24] Looking at the group with the spark of conflict she had sparked- whoops- Amoxtli seemed divided. She'd simply turn and raise her dress to reveal her belly. She was wearing pants like an educated person. It was slightly glowing at the moment, though she didn't seem to comment on it.
  707. "I dunno if yah can see it. I can only see it sometimes."
  708. (Amoxtli)
  709. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  711. [10:24] Haruhi Noriega says, "I don't believe it's technically slavery."
  712. [10:24] Frederick says, "Listen."
  713. [10:24] Haruhi Noriega says, "... technically."
  714. [10:24] Frederick says, "Fuck laws."
  715. [10:24] Amoxtli says, "It's gotta contract."
  716. [10:24] Frederick says, "I don't care if it's illegal or not."
  717. [10:24] Frederick says, "It's wrong."
  718. [10:24] Frederick says, "So I'm making sure it's fuckin' done and over with right now."
  719. [10:25] Rai shrugs, he was done with fast talking edge boy. "Amoxtli, You're fired."
  720. (Rai Yasahiro)
  721. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  723. [10:25] Amoxtli says, "Wha--?? Oh. Umh. Okay."
  724. [10:25] Lotlhuitl asks, "... are you going to look after her, Fred?"
  725. [10:26] Lotlhuitl says, "Look at her. Aw, heck. She doesn't even have shoes.."
  726. [10:26] Rai Yasahiro says, "This man here's upset with the way I treat you because he doesn't understand it."
  727. [10:27] Lotlhuitl says, "He was only trying to help her, Frederick.. Like how Xitlalli tried to help me."
  728. [10:27] Lotlhuitl says, "Though, a little less lust sin.."
  729. [10:27] Rai Yasahiro says, "You are the cause of such, and I'm taking point to remove causes of annoyance and pain from my life. You are to remove your things from my home."
  730. [10:27] Haruhi Noriega says, "I, on a scale of zero to ten, want absolutely nothing to do with this entire situation."
  731. [10:28] Frederick asks, "If it keeps this piece of shit away from her?"
  732. [10:28] Haruhi Noriega says, "Whether that's a ten or a zero, I have no FRICKIN' idea."
  733. [10:28] Frederick says, "I'll take care of her."
  734. [10:28] Frederick says, "Because whatever the hell this asshole is doing, he's a fuckhead who has no idea how to treat kids."
  735. [10:28] Frederick says, "Or PEOPLE, in general."
  736. [10:29] Lotlhuitl asks, "... did you even ask her what she wanted, Frederick?"
  737. [10:29] Rai Yasahiro says, "He clearly doesn't care."
  738. [10:29] Frederick says, "Yeah, she didn't want me to confront this piece of shit."
  739. [10:29] Frederick says, "So I'm doing it because I want to."
  740. [10:29] Frederick says, "Whatever you did to get into her head, motherfucker, it don't matter anymore."
  741. [10:29] Frederick says, "Because she's not gonna be your love slave. Fuck your 'incentive' excuses."
  742. [10:30] Rai Yasahiro says, "I did nothing but beat her up when she tried to beat me up."
  743. [10:30] Frederick says, "'cuz that's what they fucking are."
  744. [10:30] Rai Yasahiro asks, "Excuse me?"
  745. [10:30] Frederick says, "Yeah, excuse -you-, you fucking dirtbag."
  746. [10:30] Frederick says, "She tried to beat ME up too. You know what I didn't do? Try to fucking enslave her and lie about it being 'incentive'."
  747. [10:31] Rai Yasahiro says, "Enslave. I offered her employment"
  748. [10:31] Frederick says, "I fed her for a day, is what I did."
  749. [10:31] Frederick says, "Yeah, and then you made fucking WAGERS, knowing you would win."
  750. [10:31] Frederick says, "Picking away her freedoms and threatening her little by little."
  751. [10:31] Lotlhuitl says, "... by the spirits, Rai."
  752. [10:31] Frederick says, "You make me fucking sick."
  753. [10:32] Frederick says, "That's not 'incentives'. That's control."
  754. [10:32] Lotlhuitl says, "That's.. that's.."
  755. [10:32] Lotlhuitl whispers: That's exactly what Xoconan did to me.
  756. [10:33] Lotlhuitl STARED at Rai, her brown skin taking on a distinctly ashen hue.
  757. (Lotlhuitl)
  758. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  760. [10:33] Haruhi merely b r e a t h e s as she leans up against the divider next to her. If her expression is any indication, she sure as hell didn't sign up for this and sure as hell doesn't know what to do about it.
  761. (Haruhi Noriega)
  762. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  764. [10:34] Lotlhuitl says, "... I.. I did see him pay her.."
  765. [10:34] Frederick says, "Whatever beating and dismemberment I can give you won't be NEARLY enough as what you actually deserve, you dick-nosed cock socket."
  766. [10:35] Rai rubs his brows. "You know what? Fine, if it will shut you the fuck up, I'll lie and go along with every little thing you think because clearly you know exactly who I am, who I actually have feelings for and who I actually desire opposed to what my intentions, clearly stated and fully voice to Amoxtli were, are and always will be. You clearly have some divine level perception, worthy of praise. You clearly have the right of things now allow lady Suha <big>time and silence</big> to do her work, then take her down to ardent, have her gather her things from my home and then take them to your home, ruin whatever good reputation I might have, if I even have any, and be gone."
  767. (Rai Yasahiro)
  768. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  770. [10:35] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  771. [10:36] The tanned fox-woman gently kneels down to look upon the rune. Her gaze is studious, thoughtful, and curious as she looks to the glowing marks.
  773. This particular Kitsune glows, light billowing out from her even without a conscious aura of magic manifested. Additionally, standing close to her feels as though one is near a hearth or campfire, comforting heat pouring from her in waves, heat that's tainted with a sense of calm, peace, and serenity. A silent promise that-
  775. All can be right in the world.
  777. - But it's a faint whisper.
  779. Appraising it with those jade eyes, the tanned fox-woman hums softly in contemplation, before closing her eyes, her head slightly tipped upwards.
  781. Golden lines begin to surge across Suha's body, lines that run over her cloak, her kimono, and her very skin in delicate criss-crosses and zigzags. From her feet, they travel along the floor, running over floorboards and tracing the wood around her. Her sleeved hands reach towards the child before her, jade eyes opening.
  783. They pause in the air about half a foot from her brand, the slightly distant eyes of the priestess looking to the markings upon her.
  785. She's looking past the markings. At the tracings along the skin that have a magical meaning to them. A mark on her very soul. To Suha, souls are stones in a golden current, the lifeblood of Eternia pouring around them, and the ripples that trail after that current can be assessed. She works to feel the distortion upon the young holy magi, feeling that sense of the Occult, and that faint trace of Sin.
  787. Those jade eyes look up towards the youngster.
  789. "Would you like me to remove this mark, miss? I'd need to ask you how it makes you feel, however, if it has any symptoms, or pain. If it whispers, or gives you visions, for example."
  791. The Priestess seems to be ignoring the argument that surrounds her, currently, focussing entirely on Amoxtli.
  792. (Suha Nylla)
  793. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  795. [10:37] Frederick says, "You've got more to worry about than your fucking reputation, you slimy bastard."
  796. [10:37] Frederick says, "If I walk in a room, you better hide your face."
  797. [10:37] Frederick says, "If I walk by, you better duck."
  798. [10:37] Frederick says, "If I catch you alone, I'll be the last thing you see."
  799. [10:38] Frederick says, "And you better not show me where you live."
  800. [10:38] Frederick says, "Because if I find out, you can kiss that place goodbye."
  801. [10:40] Frederick says, "How'"
  802. [10:41] Frederick asks, "How's THAT for "INCENTIVE"?"
  803. [10:49] Lotlhuitl had stopped defending Rai, her tail flicking back and forth as she stared at both Frederick and Rai. She leant into Haruhi's personal space. Either seeking comfort, or to protect the woman, well, it wasn't entirely clear.
  805. "Enough."
  807. She felt sick.
  809. "Wagers." Lotlhuitl muttered, a distinct shiver running down her spine. She jingled lightly as she shuddered. Haruhi would've had to feel her tension, feel the way that she was shivering. "Xoconan.. he did the same thing. Set an impossible wager. Demanded more and more from me."
  811. The woman's tail, with all its bangles and jewellery and all, slowly retracted back to wrap around her bare waist. "He liked to touch my tail, too, Rai."
  813. I trusted you.
  815. Fredrick's yelling had made her head hurt. She'd raised a delicate hand to her temple. She could feel her heart racing. Her breath caught in her throat, panic rising within her as she felt the holy and soothing energies roll through the room.
  817. Her head felt like it was going to burst.
  819. "Leave her alone!"
  821. Lotlhuitl was visibly panicking. Freaking out. Lightning crackled over her form as she abandoned Haruhi, attempted to push past Frederick and grab Amoxtli.
  822. (Lotlhuitl)
  823. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  825. [10:52] Lotlhuitl, freaking out, SUDDENLY and SURRISINGLY attempted to push past Frederick (likely elbowing him in the process, ouch) and grab Amoxtli. Her fingers curled around the girl's wrist, dragging her away from Suha, away from Frederick. Away from anyone who might try and meddle with the Gehennan teenager further.
  827. Perhaps this attempt would've been doomed from the beginning, except for the fact that Lotlhuitl is a Nagual.. her skin turned pitch black before with a resounding -ZAP- she would attempt to surge forward, dragging Suha with her, running for the exit.
  828. (Lotlhuitl)
  829. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  831. [10:54] Haha holy shit do you think Haruhi is going to stay and deal with all of this bullshit while Lotlhuitl leaves? Fuck no. Fuck that shit. She is goin' wherever the hell Lotlhuitl is goin', and this whole situation can go fuck itself.
  832. (Haruhi Noriega)
  833. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  835. [10:55] Rai looks over at Lotlhuitl, looks like his separation would be easier from this.
  837. "I only liked your tail because you gave it to me and I saw it as some sort of affection. But no worries. I'm one hundred percent putting an impossible wager, I'm one hundred percent the same as Xoconan. Hate me. It's easer that way."
  839. He would then go to leave himself as well.
  840. (Rai Yasahiro)
  841. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  843. [10:55] Amoxtli had been about to respond to Suha,before suddenly a movement far too fast for her to process was made. She was easily grabbed, being taken by the stranger with wide, panicked eyes. Frankly to say, the teen had no idea what was going on at this point.
  844. (Amoxtli)
  845. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  847. [10:56] Simply walked away, slowly vanishing from sight. It's not like anyone gave a god damn.
  848. (Rai Yasahiro)
  849. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  851. [10:56] The tanned fox-woman blinks a few times as the Nagual surges forward, allowing her aura to fade away, the lines dimming across her before fading entirely. The woman follows after the Nagual, Kitsune, and human! She calls out to Rai!
  853. "Noone hates you, mister Rai, just come talk with me and us later..."
  854. (Suha Nylla)
  855. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  857. [10:58] Rick is going to make sure Amoxtli is safe instead of punishing Rai immediately. He could do that later if he was so inclined.
  858. (Frederick)
  859. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  861. [11:06] Lotlhuitl had grabbed Amoxtli. Dragged her by the wrist, at first, before picking her up and slinging her over a shoulder. The teenager was heavier than she looked, and so it was that everyone was able to catch up to her.
  863. Regardless, the Nagual plainly had one thing on her mind. Getting the fuck out of the inn and away from Suha. But as she kicked open the front doors to Haruhi's fancy fine establishment, the ARCTIC blast of air that suddenly filled the lobby, as well as the BLIZZARD raging outside, certainly put an end to that plan.
  865. Swearing some particularly colourful Gehennan curse words, Lotlhuitl had dragged the doors shut, before standing with her back turned to the doors.
  867. Haruhi had followed her. As had Frederick.
  869. "WHAT." Lotlhuitl snarled, turning her body slightly either to protect Amoxtli.. or well, to stop her from being taken from her.
  871. "What.. whatthat Kitsune was about to do. It hurts."
  872. (Lotlhuitl)
  873. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  876. (Haruhi Noriega)
  877. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  879. [11:10] The tanned fox-woman manages to catch up, though she stands a bit at a distance, observing Haruhi's posture, before holding out her own empty hands.
  881. The brown-haired, glowing fox bears no weapon at all, and she appears calm and quiet.
  883. "It's okay, miss. I've never had it hurt anyone before, though some Occultists feel some discomfort... I promise."
  885. She seems entirely calm, and continues,
  887. "I wasn't going to force it upon her, either, I was just looking... It's the lifeblood of Eternia, tied to Exorcism, but not that of the holy arts entirely."
  888. (Suha Nylla)
  889. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  891. [11:10] Lotlhuitl says, "... you're.. doing the same thing Hatsune did.."
  892. [11:11] Frederick is more calm now that Rai isn't in the same room, but he thinks Lotl needs a few moments too, so he doesn't start yelling anymore.
  893. (Frederick)
  894. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  896. [11:11] Lotlhuitl exclaims, "It was agonising when she stripped Xitlalli's runes from my neck..!"
  897. [11:11] Lotlhuitl says, "Y-you can't just.."
  898. [11:11] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm a runescribe. I can fix her."
  899. [11:12] Amoxtli says, "--I'm a holy magi. A very weak one, but.. a holy magi."
  900. [11:12] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  901. [11:13] Lotlhuitl set Amoxtli down. The floor was likely very cold.
  902. (Lotlhuitl)
  903. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  905. [11:13] Lotlhuitl asks, "Do you want Suha to remove it..?"
  906. [11:13] Suha Nylla asks, "I've heard she had a similar power, but I've never seen her use it- Oh? I don't know much about Xitlalli... I heard she's a Lust Sin, though. Maybe Sin magic has a reaction to my ability...?"
  907. [11:13] Amoxtli stands the heck up, before simply nodding. The teen seemed increasingly stressed.
  908. (Amoxtli)
  909. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  911. [11:14] Amoxtli says, "..yah. I can't keep food down 'nd food's important."
  912. [11:14] Haruhi is in neck-deep water as far as her attention span and comprehension is concerned. She goes to stand next to Lotlhuitl. On whichever side is her best side, hopefully.
  913. (Haruhi Noriega)
  914. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  916. [11:14] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  917. [11:15] Lotlhuitl says, "Show me the rune."
  918. [11:15] Amoxtli huffs, revealing the rune to Lotl as well by raising her shirt to reveal her stomach.
  919. (Amoxtli)
  920. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  922. [11:16] The tanned fox-lady looks a bit distant, in quiet contemplation. At the mention of symptoms, the fox-woman slowly and gently steps closer to the Nagual, reaching out a hand towards Amoxtli.
  924. "Why don't we examine it a little more slowly at my shrine? If miss Lotl is correct, I'll be extremely careful, so that I don't hurt you."
  926. For now, however, she withdraws her hand, though it's close to Amoxtli, if she wishes for it, letting Lotlhuitl take her turn!
  927. (Suha Nylla)
  928. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  930. [11:16] Frederick says, "..."
  931. [11:16] Frederick looks away when Amoxtli lifts her shirt up.
  932. (Frederick)
  933. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  935. [11:16] Lotlhuitl says, "... I.. I want to come."
  936. [11:16] Haruhi Noriega says, "You guys, we uh."
  937. [11:16] Frederick says, "...guess I should go, since I made such a huge fuckin' scene..."
  938. [11:16] Haruhi Noriega says, "We're in a."
  939. [11:16] Suha Nylla says, "Of course, miss. They're not far from here."
  940. [11:16] Haruhi Noriega asks, "Palace. Sized. Inn?"
  941. [11:17] Haruhi Noriega asks, "Do you really think I don't have a SINGLE unused room?"
  942. [11:17] Lotlhuitl says, "Also there's a blizzard outside.."
  943. [11:17] Frederick says, "...this place never gets traffic, anyway."
  944. [11:17] Lotlhuitl nuzzled Haruhi's neck..
  945. (Lotlhuitl)
  946. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  948. [11:17] Amoxtli says, "..I don't like 'he outside of here, but I can follow yah, yeah. I dunno if miss Lotlhuitl can 'elp, though, given.. yah."
  949. [11:17] Lotlhuitl says, "... "
  950. [11:17] Haruhi completely loses her composure holy shit you can't just do that to her
  951. (Haruhi Noriega)
  952. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  954. [11:18] Haruhi Noriega says, "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
  955. [11:18] Haruhi Noriega says, "nnnnnnnnnnnn"
  956. [11:18] Frederick says, "..."
  957. [11:18] Frederick says, "Is now really the fuckin' time."
  958. [11:18] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  959. [11:18] Frederick says, "Weirdos..."
  960. [11:18] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. I just wanted to whisper something.."
  961. [11:18] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm n-not---"
  962. [11:18] Lotlhuitl says, "You're the weirdo."
  963. [11:18] Lotlhuitl GLARED.
  964. (Lotlhuitl)
  965. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  967. [11:19] Frederick rolls his eyes.
  968. (Frederick)
  969. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  971. [11:19] Lotlhuitl rolled up her sleeves..
  972. (Lotlhuitl)
  973. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  975. [11:19] Frederick says, "Can we jus' get this poor kid fixed up before we get weird."
  976. [11:19] Suha Nylla exclaims, "I can keep the cold away, if you'd like. It doesn't bother me much, as I walk these peaks a lot... You should see what a snowstorm is like in the Spirit Realm's reflection of Tongyishan!"
  977. [11:19] Haruhi clenches her teeth in a mixture of embarrassment and WILLPOWER as her cheeks turn a bright cherry red.
  978. (Haruhi Noriega)
  979. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  981. [11:19] Lotlhuitl asks, "The spirit realm?"
  982. [11:20] Lotlhuitl asks, "You travel or see the Spirit Realm?"
  983. [11:20] Lotlhuitl says, "Oh.. yes. No.. the child.."
  984. [11:20] Haruhi Noriega says, "To the tearoom..."
  985. [11:20] Suha Nylla says, "Yes, miss. I have. I wish to return soon, as well."
  986. [11:20] Haruhi Noriega says, "Just, ah..."
  987. [11:21] Haruhi Noriega says, "Cushions, you can - have as many as you like."
  988. [11:21] Lotlhuitl says, "Perhaps it would be better to wait the snow storm out. I.. I will see that Rai is nowhere near her."
  989. [11:21] Lotlhuitl is obviously stalling....
  990. (Lotlhuitl)
  991. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  993. [11:21] Haruhi takes the important chair. Not at all because it makes her feel taller than Lotlhuitl. She'd be lying if she said it wasn't because of that, though.
  994. (Haruhi Noriega)
  995. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  997. [11:22] Frederick says, "*sits next to Amox on the other side, his arms crossed, and a grumpy scowl lining his face.* "
  998. [11:22] Frederick sits next to Amox on the other side, his arms crossed, and a grumpy scowl lining his face.
  999. (Frederick)
  1000. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1002. [11:23] Lotlhuitl says, "<*sits next to Amox, reaching to prod the rune.. sinking her magic into it..*> "
  1003. [11:24] Lotlhuitl sits next to Amox, reaching to prod the rune.. sinking her magic into it..
  1004. (Lotlhuitl)
  1005. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1007. [11:25] Lotlhuitl did so through Amoxtli's clothes, of course..
  1008. (Lotlhuitl)
  1009. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1011. [11:27] The tanned fox-woman goes about making tea for the group! She brings the water to a boil via her fire magic, and drops a nearby tea-bag into the pot!
  1013. She moves slowly and non-threateningly, so as to not spook the Nagual! The fox-woman pours all five of them a cup, once it's steeped.
  1015. She leans back and observes thoughtfully, her eyes watching the treatment with keen, but quiet curiosity!
  1016. (Suha Nylla)
  1017. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1019. [11:28] Lotlhuitl continues to prod the rune, a visible zap of static electricity passing from her finger to the girl.
  1020. (Lotlhuitl)
  1021. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1023. [11:28] Silly Suha. There's already freshly-made tea on the table, because the servants in this place are dank as hell and have everything made ready for you because they're waiting on you hand and foot.
  1025. Nagi did a damn good job with the Inn, you know.
  1026. (Haruhi Noriega)
  1027. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1029. [11:30] The rune glows in response to Lotlhuitl's attempts, while Amoxtli looked nauseous as a reaction.
  1031. "..please don't do that, yah."
  1032. (Amoxtli)
  1033. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1035. [11:31] Suha likes making her own tea, yaknow. It's not that she doesn't trust people, but like, ever since Xai told her of his 'herbal remedy' and tried to give her it without asking, she kind of lost the ability to let other people make tea for her.
  1036. (Suha Nylla)
  1037. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1039. [11:31] Frederick isn't drinking shoddy tea. He's just sitting there not talking, because he did way too much of it earlier. Bad dragon.
  1040. (Frederick)
  1041. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1043. [11:31] Xai is a cuck, while old lady Mariel, the cutest 60-something-year-old in the fucking world, who wears a cute little maid outfit, is not.
  1045. Please. Respect Mariel and drink her tea.
  1046. (Haruhi Noriega)
  1047. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1049. [11:41] Lotlhuitl withdrew her hand in order to sip some tea daintily. Mariel's tea first, and then Suha'. Two cups of tea! Wow, the Gehennan sure had acclimatised to Jianghuan culture..
  1051. All the while, Lotlhuitl SILENTLY regarded the girl. No, not the girl. The RUNE. Her tail twitched. Once. Twice. And then without warning, Lotlhuitl lunged forward to try and look at the rune again, attempting to yank the skirt of Amoxtli's dress upwards. Not enough to ruin her modesty, but certainly the movement would be alarming!
  1053. "I don't get it! How can he do this?!" Lotlhuitl snarled, fingers attempting to press against the rune directly. Her green gaze tracking the shape as the Nagual's green eyes took on a distinctly mirror-like quality. An oddly reflective state, pupils dilating. It was like all the light in the tearoom was reflecting off her eyes.
  1055. The table was knocked in the process, and more than one teacup threatened to fall to the floor and shatter, spilling the contents.
  1057. And then something clicked.
  1059. Ahahahaha! Rai wasn't as good as her!
  1060. Ahahahaahaha! His rune didn't work!
  1061. Ahahahaahahahahaha! Not until she touched it, anyway!
  1063. Lotlhuitl panted, retracting from Amoxtli, gaze tracking across the room. It seemed that as suddenly, alarmingly as Lotlhuitl had lept at Amoxtli, she was settling down. Retracting her hands. Her ears remained pinned back.
  1065. "Ng.. sorry. I.."
  1066. (Lotlhuitl)
  1067. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1069. [11:46] Rick recoiled immediately when Lotl yanked up poor Amox's shirt again. He leaned away, his scowl becoming tighter. That woman was like him, sometimes--just doing things without thinking about the other people present. An audible grunt exhaled out of him, brow twitching beneath his headband. He could ignore the fact that Lotl was rather madly regarding that rune tattooed on Amoxtli's skin, just because he already knew the lady was nuts. But, he wasn't going to be around while a teenager in nothing more than a dress as having her clothes yanked around.
  1071. "Are...are you people gonna get her some clothes, shoes, 'n some place to stay, or what? 'cuz, if you're not, then tell me, so I can get 'er squared away...'n make sure that piece of shit don't bother her no more."
  1072. (Frederick)
  1073. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1075. [11:48] Bewilderment is a good word. Lotlhuitl is, more than anything else, possibly one of the most intriguing people Haruhi has ever met. And why?
  1077. It's because she's nuttier than squirrel poo and about as predictable as its contents. Which is to say, sometimes quite so, and other times 'How the hell did that squirrel eat uranium?'
  1079. After Lotlhuitl has her miniature breakdown, Haruhi leaaaaans in and tentatively places her hand upon the woman's shoulder.
  1081. What follows is a soft, gentle whisper.
  1083. Also, the sound of servants reacting to the increase in volume. For whatever reason, they all seemed to pay a little more attention when Lotlhuitl was around. Probably wise.
  1085. Depending on just how much of a mess is made, they clean things up. It's safe to assume that any ruined teacups are swiftly replaced, any spilled tea quickly refilled, etc. Haruhi should pay these people more.
  1087. After ALL of which, Haruhi looks to Frederick and says,
  1089. "If she'd like a spot at the Inn, she's free to stay. I'm certainly not about to turn her away, and I'm sure we have the necessary things to clothe her."
  1090. (Haruhi Noriega)
  1091. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1093. [11:50] The tanned fox-lady similarly sips two cups of tea, before that lunge causes the Kitsune to jerk upright, and reflexively hold a palm out towards the menacing Lotl! Readying her telekinetic abilities and interfacing with her Order to send the cat flying-
  1095. Jade eyes glance sideways to Haruhi, before looking to the rune being examined.
  1097. If Haruhi trusts her, then I shall to.
  1099. Instead, her hand goes to the side, the falling teacups halting in midair. They hang there, before being guided back upon the table. Suha goes back to sipping her tea, though she tosses a little chiding remark at the Nagual.
  1101. "Didn't you say that you where worried about hurting her, and that you didn't like being touched? It's okay, miss. I'm sure she would have let you look at it if you asked..."
  1102. (Suha Nylla)
  1103. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1105. [11:50] Lotlhuitl says, "Hng.. I.. "
  1106. [11:50] Haruhi Noriega whispers: Everything's okay. Everything will be okay...
  1107. [11:51] Lotlhuitl shuddered, looking to Haruhi, before glancing at Suha.. and Amoxtli.
  1108. (Lotlhuitl)
  1109. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1111. [11:56] Amoxtli's shirt was lifted, prompting the teen to freeze up in place as an initial reaction, hands forming into fists as she prepared to dizzily fight back should Lotl decided to move farther. She had almost thrown up from the increased pressure on the rune, but it seems there was restraint among her.
  1113. Either way, she backed up into Frederick afterwards, fixing the dress-shirt she adorned. Unlike Frederick's observation, she did actually have pants underneath. She wasn't that stupid, given she flew around.
  1115. "..seriously, please don't do that, yah." She looked VERY dizzy, at this point, as if her sense of balance was entirely shattered for now.
  1116. (Amoxtli)
  1117. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1119. [11:57] Lotlhuitl says, "... mn.. it's not good.."
  1120. [11:57] Lotlhuitl backed away from the teenager, moving to lean her head against Haruhi's lap.. ears twitching..
  1121. (Lotlhuitl)
  1122. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1124. [12:01] Jade eyes consider the trio before her, before wandering a little closer to the teen, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. She kneels upon the cushion next to her.
  1126. Golden lines streak from her hand into the woman's shoulder. A sense of soothing calm and warmth present as they travel along her skin and clothing. Everything will be alright. They work against that dizziness and nausea she's feeling, working to calm both her mind and body.
  1128. Suha just continues to comfort the young holy magi.
  1130. "Once the storm subsides, I'll help you remove it, miss. My shrines are just a little further up the mountain."
  1131. (Suha Nylla)
  1132. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1134. [12:02] Haruhi's reaction to Lotlhuitl leaning her head into her lap is something between celebration and 'holy fuck what do I do about this.'
  1136. She manages to turn her involuntary vocalization into a subvocalization, probably saving herself some embarrassment in the process.
  1138. After the initial bout of freakin' the heck out, though, she squirms her way into a comfortable position and places a hand squarely atop Lotlhuitl's head.
  1140. She can feel her pulse increasing in intensity and tempo, and there is not a gosh darn thing she can do about it.
  1141. (Haruhi Noriega)
  1142. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1144. [12:03] Haruhi Noriega whispers: Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh
  1145. [12:03] Haruhi Noriega whispers: Hnannngnn
  1146. [12:03] Amoxtli asks, "--Okay. I suppose we're gonna stay here until then..?"
  1147. [12:07] Lotlhuitl gently reached up and removed Haruhi's hand from atop her head. Instead, Lotlhuitl would hold her hand..
  1148. (Lotlhuitl)
  1149. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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