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Jul 24th, 2017
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  1. #NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
  2. #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
  3. SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
  4. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
  8. Home:
  9. Gui, Home:Add, Text, x10 y10 w315 h60, Welcome to Sponge installer, This is made by Skrill_Craft to make it possible to download Sponge Forge and Sponge Vanilla whitout going to the site,
  10. Gui, Home:Add, Text, x20 y85 w300 h25, Please select either you want Sponge Vanilla or Sponge Forge
  11. Gui, Home:Add, DropDownList, x20 y115 w120 h100 vSponge gGuiHomeSubmit Choose1, Sponge Vanilla|Sponge Forge
  12. Gui, Home:Add, Button, x245 y245 w43 h23 gGuiHomeSubmit, Next
  13. Gui, Home:Add, Button, x290 y245 w43 h23 gHomeGuiClose, Close
  14. Gui, Home:Show, w336 h271, Sponge Installer
  15. return
  17. HomeGuiClose:
  18. ExitApp
  20. GuiHomeSubmit:
  21. Gui, Home:Submit, NoHide
  22. if Sponge = Sponge Vanilla
  23. {
  24. Gui, Home:Add, DropDownList, x20 y165 w285 h100 vSpongeVanilla Choose1, 1.10.2-5.2.0-BETA-391 [Stable] [Latest]|1.10.2-5.2.0-BETA-390 [Stable]|
  25. Gui, Home:Add, Text, x20 y145 w170 h15, Please Select a version:
  26. }
  27. else
  29. {  
  30. Gui, Home:Add, DropDownList, x20 y165 w285 h100 vSpongeForge Choose1, 1.11.2-2393-6.1.0-BETA-2471 [Stable][Forge Version: 2393][Latest]
  31. Gui, Home:Add, Text, x20 y145 w170 h15, Please Select a version:
  32. }
  33. return
  36. SpongeVanilla:
  37. Gui, SpongeVanilla:Add, Text, x15 y15 w295 h20, Please select the version of Sponge Vanilla you want to install
  38. Gui, Home:Add, DropDownList, x15 y40 w235 h100 vSpongeVanilla Choose1, 1.10.2-5.2.0-BETA-391 [Stable] [Latest]|1.10.2-5.2.0-BETA-390 [Stable]|
  39. Gui, SpongeVanilla:Add, Edit, x15 y175 w245 h25,
  40. Gui, SpongeVanilla:Add, Text, x15 y150 w255 h25, Please select the location you want it to be installed
  41. Gui, SpongeVanilla:Add, Button, x260 y175 w30 h25, ....
  42. Gui, SpongeVanilla:Add, Button, x290 y245 w43 h23 gSpongeVanillaGuiClose , Close
  43. Gui, SpongeVanilla:Add, Button, x245 y245 w43 h23, Next
  44. Gui, SpongeVanilla:Show, w336 h271, Sponge Vanilla Installer
  45. return
  47. SpongeVanillaGuiClose:
  48. ExitApp
  53. SpongeForge:
  54. Gui, SpongeForge:Add, Text, x15 y15 w295 h20, Please select the version of Sponge Forge you want to install
  55. Gui, SpongeForge:Add, DropDownList, x15 y40 w300 h21 vSpongeForge Choose1, 1.11.2-2393-6.1.0-BETA-2471 [Stable][Forge Version: 2393][Latest]
  56. Gui, SpongeForge:Add, Edit, x15 y175 w245 h25,
  57. Gui, SpongeForge:Add, Text, x15 y150 w255 h25, Please select the location you want it to be installed
  58. Gui, SpongeForge:Add, Button, x260 y175 w30 h25, ....
  59. Gui, SpongeForge:Add, Button, x290 y245 w43 h23 gSpongeForgeGuiClose, Close
  60. Gui, SpongeForge:Add, Button, x245 y245 w43 h23, Next
  61. Gui, SpongeForge:Show, w336 h271, Sponge Forge Installer
  62. return
  64. SpongeForgeGuiClose:
  65. ExitApp
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