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##feminism transracials transspecies

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Jul 14th, 2018
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  1. [2018-07-13T18:51:01+0100] <CGML> This is mostly a repeat of earlier points about settler/imperialist consumption, but: The fact that Rachel Dolezal's ~'"race transition"'~ worked at all was an act of white privilege. Identifying as white won't get me better jobs and housing.
  2. [2018-07-13T18:51:12+0100] caustic_grip (~user@unaffiliated/caustic-grip/x-8389907) joined the channel
  3. [2018-07-13T18:51:41+0100] <Avenon> probly not
  4. [2018-07-13T18:54:34+0100] <krup> there's a eddie murphy bit about this somewhere...
  5. [2018-07-13T18:55:09+0100] <CGML> Oh, right. There's also a comedy skit about a Black teenager who identifies as a 35-year-old white male by being really racist. I don't like to share it because the middle section on surgery/transition is a bit iffy, though.
  6. [2018-07-13T18:56:16+0100] <Avenon> I see
  7. [2018-07-13T18:56:20+0100] <kitties> so i watch a lot of standup on netflix
  8. [2018-07-13T18:56:28+0100] <kitties> and sometimes there are transphobic jokes :'(
  9. [2018-07-13T18:56:40+0100] <CGML> Mhm. :|
  10. [2018-07-13T18:56:49+0100] <kitties> like dave chapelle is particularly bad about it
  11. [2018-07-13T18:56:58+0100] <krup> ugh yeah that was terrible
  12. [2018-07-13T18:57:35+0100] <mspro> what's the name of the set?
  13. [2018-07-13T18:57:54+0100] <CGML> dpaige> I also found this article on the topic useful:
  14. [2018-07-13T18:58:19+0100] <CGML> Though "transracial" is a real thing, it just means something else in the context of transracial adoption.
  15. [2018-07-13T19:00:23+0100] <yar> my fav is when they use trans people as a butt of all their jokes but then continue to pose as a social justice champion
  16. [2018-07-13T19:00:25+0100] <mspro> it seems we need a term for transphobia relating to non-gender dysphoria
  17. [2018-07-13T19:00:47+0100] <yar> mspro: huh? explain?
  18. [2018-07-13T19:01:07+0100] <mspro> that article reads to me as a marginalisation of transracial people
  19. [2018-07-13T19:01:37+0100] <CGML> By "transracial people" do you mean people adopted by parents of different ethnicity?
  20. [2018-07-13T19:02:12+0100] <CGML> Or Rachel Dolezal? I guess I don't disagree in either case.
  21. [2018-07-13T19:02:31+0100] <mspro> I mean people who perceive themselves as a difference race to that of their superficial manifestation
  22. [2018-07-13T19:02:57+0100] <mspro> but that's just one example
  23. [2018-07-13T19:03:29+0100] <mspro> consider people who've been raised by wild animals
  24. [2018-07-13T19:03:36+0100] <mspro> of which there are numerous documented cases
  25. [2018-07-13T19:03:57+0100] <yar> race is not a "superficial manifestation"
  26. [2018-07-13T19:04:08+0100] <mspro> I suspect the author of that article has done absolutely no research whatsoever on the history of racial dysphoria anyway
  27. [2018-07-13T19:04:15+0100] <yar> wild animals? wtf does that have to do with anything
  28. [2018-07-13T19:04:18+0100] <mspro> sure it is
  29. [2018-07-13T19:04:36+0100] <mspro>
  30. [2018-07-13T19:04:45+0100] <yar> race is devaluing people based on who their ancestors are
  31. [2018-07-13T19:05:31+0100] <yar> so tell me who are the wolves in this analogy mspro
  32. [2018-07-13T19:05:51+0100] <mspro> there is actually a famous American that is a member of a wolf pack
  33. [2018-07-13T19:06:01+0100] • krup: sniffs
  34. [2018-07-13T19:06:07+0100] <yar> i don't care, what does that have to do with race
  35. [2018-07-13T19:06:08+0100] <mspro> there's a book called the Wisdom of Wolves where he documents his experiences
  36. [2018-07-13T19:06:22+0100] <krup> smells like troll in here all of a sudden
  37. [2018-07-13T19:06:27+0100] <mspro> they're two different things
  38. [2018-07-13T19:06:37+0100] <yar> smells like racism
  39. [2018-07-13T19:07:27+0100] <kitties> what the fuck
  40. [2018-07-13T19:07:33+0100] <kitties> racial dysphoria is not a fucking thing
  41. [2018-07-13T19:07:57+0100] <Avenon> hmm
  42. [2018-07-13T19:08:02+0100] <mspro>
  43. [2018-07-13T19:08:14+0100] <Avenon> ?
  44. [2018-07-13T19:08:15+0100] • mspro: sighs
  45. [2018-07-13T19:08:25+0100] <mspro> baby steps, I guess
  46. [2018-07-13T19:08:41+0100] <kitties> =.=
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