
Magic Mishap 2

Nov 21st, 2016
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  1. ‘Knock knock!’
  3. Cheerilee stood out the front of Twilight’s castle, the entire school class stood behind her.
  5. “Excuse me Princess Twilight? We’re here for that tour of your castle like you promised?”
  7. Cheerilee went to knock on the door once more, but on contact, the door slowly creaked open, stopping once opened up wide enough for the class to enter. Cheerilee took the lead, taking her class into the main foyer before calling out again.
  9. “Princess Twilight?”
  11. “I’ll be there in a few minutes, feel free to have a look around the foyer til then!”
  13. Cheerilee turned to her students with a smile. “Ok students. Princess Twilight has offered up her own time to give you all a tour of her castle so I want you all taking notes on the architecture of the castle. She may be a Princess but we’re still here to learn.”
  15. Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were all crowded together near the back, giggling to themselves.
  17. “Is there something funny girls?”
  19. “Well, it’s just that our sisters are all friends with the Princess, so we tend to come here all the time, especially cuz Twilight teaches us sometimes.”
  21. “Well you’re not in Twilight’s class right now, you’re in mine so everyone else is here to learn and I expect you to put in some effort or at least not distract the others.”
  23. “But we do put in the effort when learning. Look at what Twilight taught me last time.”
  25. “Wait Sweetie Belle, remember you’re not meant to use magic…”
  27. By that point, it was too late as Sweetie Belle’s horn, glowed a light green before letting off a large flash that blinded every pony.
  30. Cheerilee was the first to wake up, finding the class scatted across the floor, all passed out. Her own head hurt quite a bit as she stood up but she pushed through, walking over to the class and poking them as they woke up, one by one. She eventually reached the trio of girls at the back, waking them all up one by one.
  32. “Next time Sweetie Belle. Learn something more useful than a flash bang spell.”
  34. The ground began to rumble, only then did Cheerilee perk up and take note of what had really happened. Her and her class were all now a tiny fraction of their original size and off down the corridor that seems to stretch on for kilometres, Twilight and Starlight made their way towards them.
  36. “Princess! Down here!”
  38. Cheerilee leapt in front of the other students, trying to get their attention before they did anything regrettable. In no time, both ponies stood over the tiny group, their attention already on Cheerilee and her students.
  40. Cheerilee was relieved, there would be no accidents under the giant Princess and Unicorns hooves and they will reverse Sweetie Belle’s spell. However, the smirks across their faces made Cheerilee nervous again.
  42. “I think I know of a way of dealing with this.”
  44. “As do I.”
  46. Twilight’s hoof came down towards a single student that was furthest from the group. Cheerilee rushed for the filly but was blocked as Twilight’s hoof landed, causing the pony to disappear underneath. Twilight’s hoof lifted, only revealing a blood stain where the pony once stood.
  48. “Seems they’re too small to grab”
  50. Starlight placed her hoof on Twilight’s side, pushing her over onto her back. That was when Cheerilee heard screams as Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were each lifted in Starlight magic towards Twilight.
  53. The three fillies screamed as they were brought to Twilight’s lips. The giantess’ lips curled into a smile before them before parting, revealing the giant drop into darkness at the back of her throat. They struggled, knowing that it would do nothing to help but they only struggled more as Twilight’s tongue extended towards them. Starlight released them, dropping them onto the extended tongue, watching as they adhered to the saliva coating.
  55. Sweetie Belle tried to get back up, but her back and hooves were stuck to the giant muscle whilst Apple Bloom was stuck face first. Scootaloo had fallen further back than herself or Apple Bloom which only allowed her to watch first as Twilight swallowed, sending them all sliding further down the tongue.
  57. “Sweetie Belle! Do something!”
  59. Sweetie Belle tried to focus on a spell to get them all out of there but the humidity and the fear of the situation prevented Sweetie Belle from concentrating. There was another swallow and she could hear Scootaloo scream. She turned towards her, but she was no longer on the tongue with them. Only her screams which quickly disappeared into the abyss.
  61. Another swallow, Sweetie Belle could only watch as Apple Bloom was next to take the trip into Twilight. Her screams, like Scootaloo’s, quickly died down as she slipped deep inside the Princess. Sweetie Belle gave up, unable to even curl into a ball due to the saliva, she laid there, feeling herself free fall as Twilight gave one last swallow. Everything went dark. Then she felt herself hit a warm, bubbly pool.
  64. Cheerilee could only watch lump after lump descend Twilight’s neck. She felt a tug on her hind legs as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon curled around her legs. She suddenly wish they hadn’t as she herself was lifted into the air by Twilight magic, taking the two with her.
  66. The magic only ended when she hovered above the Princess’ exposed belly. Cheerilee plummeted onto the soft stomach, only for her ears to be filled with the screams of the fillies on her legs and the very faint screams beneath her.
  68. Her vision was then filled with Starlight’s face as she leaned over them. Then her maw opened wide as her tongue stuck itself out and began to roll along Twilight’s belly.
  70. “Run!” Cheerilee push the two fillies ahead and ran with them, but her longer legs put her ahead in seconds. She only noticed when a scream from Silver Spoon turn Cheerilee’s attention towards the giant tongue, returning to its home with a silver speck on the tip. Starlight’s lips sealed as she swallowed before poking her tongue out again.
  72. Cheerilee turn to run again but she could only watch as it scooped up Diamond Tiara and repeat what it did to Silver Spoon. Starlight was now focused on Cheerilee. She turned to run once more, seeing the forest of Twilight’s chest fur ahead. She hoped that maybe she might be able to hide or tangle herself in it and avoid the same fate.
  74. She was only a few seconds away, almost to uncertain safety when a pink wall came down in front of her. Starlight’s tongue tip penetrated the gap between herself and Twilight’s chest. Then it curled backwards, picking her up along with it as it returned to its home one last time.
  76. Unlike when she watched Twilight, swallowing whilst her mouth was open to allow her prey to witness their demise, Starlight was more merciful as she sealed her lips, swallowing Cheerilee whole. She didn’t see anything; only feel the saliva, the pressure of the muscles in her throat, then being completely submerged in her stomach acid.
  79. “Now we begin the real teaching.”
  81. Starlight stepped towards the cluster of students, crushing a couple under hoof as she lifted nearly half of them in her magic. She returned to Twilight, placing her hooves on Twilight’s inner thighs and spreading her legs. She left a trail of blood along them as she pulled them apart, but it only turned Twilight on more, even before Starlight dropped the student on Twilight’s vagina.
  83. Most were instantly caught in the folds or just stuck due to the steadily growing wetness as Twilight got more excited. A couple missed completely, falling to their deaths from the drop. Starlight leaned in slowly, her tongue extending out, ready to get to work.
  85. “Hold it right there.” Twilight placed her hoof on Starlight’s horn; prevent her from moving in closer. “I don’t want you taking them for your stomach.”
  87. Starlight smirked before retreated, instead lowering her blood stained hoof between Twilight’s legs. Some were instantly obliterated, squished between vaginal folds and a giant pink hoof, others were pushed inside.
  89. Twilight felt not only the giant filling of the hoof as it entered inside her, but also the squirms of the tiny students, struggling inside her. Above their struggles, Starlight hoof was pressing up against her engorged clit, rubbing it as her hoof pushed in and out. Twilight could barely contain herself as she orgasmed, filling her marehood with her fluids as they squeezed and blasted out between the tiny gaps around Starlight’s hoof.
  91. She couldn’t feel anymore struggles but Starlight felt their bodies as she licked her hoof clean.
  94. Twilight got back up, lifting the remaining ponies as she placed her hooves on Starlight’s butt cheeks and spread her open. Starlight’s anus clenched and released in a steady rhythm, anticipating its snacks.
  96. Twilight lowered one of the screaming fillies towards the giant sphincter. It opened a little but as Twilight tried to insert the pony, it clench at the touch, crushing the pony in its wrinkles.
  98. “This doesn’t look like it’ll work Twilight…”
  100. Twilight’s magic took over the anus, stretching it open wide so that it couldn’t close. Starlight omitted a moan as she was stretched open. One by one in single line, the students were fed to the gaping anus.
  102. “Now now, no pushing, single line, everyone gets a turn.”
  104. Twilight’s joke only created more screams from the students as she lead the last one in, releasing them all at once with her hold on the exit. Starlight’s ears perks up as she felt their bodies come into contact with her rectum, soon followed by their tiny hooves, pushing and banging against her tightened anus.
  106. “Aww, how cute. They’re trying to get out.”
  108. Twilight let go of Starlight’s butt, allowing it to come back together. She then placed her hooves on Starlight’s hips, shaking her rump in her face.
  110. “Oh! They feel so good, tumbling around in there.”
  112. Twilight enveloped Starlight in her magic, lifting her off her hooves. Slowly, Twilight turned Starlight upside down. Starlight on the other hoof could feel as the tinnies inside her slowly slid along her rectum before tumbling deeper inside herself.
  114. “Deep enough?”
  116. “Plenty…”
  119. Twilight and Starlight both sat on the ground, their backs pressed against each other as they rubbed their stomachs, still squirming with their meals.
  121. “That was a fun lesson.”
  123. Twilight let off a burp as she lowered her hoof down to clean some blood off between her legs.
  125. “We should teach together more often.”
  127. Starlight replied, scraping the dried blood from her hooves, twitching her rear as she felt the tingle of tiny hooves scaling her inner intestines.
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