

May 27th, 2016
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  1. options:
  2. #===================================================================#
  3. # AdminPanelMenuCh© #
  4. # V1.1 #
  5. # By Choco3224 #
  6. # ★--------------★ #
  7. # Dependencia #
  8. # Skript #
  9. # Essentias #
  10. #===================================================================#
  12. #----Opciones----
  13. #-Idioma-
  14. esp: true
  15. ing: false
  16. #No activar los dos a la vez
  17. #Pon 'true' para activar el idioma 'false' para desactivarlo
  19. #-Actualizar-
  20. updater: true
  21. Autoupdate: true
  22. #True por defecto - recomiendo encenderlo porque podría actualizar periódicamente
  23. #Pon 'true' o 'false' para activar o desactivar la auto actualizacion del skript.
  26. #=====================================================================================================
  27. #-----No modificar-----
  29. #Sonidos
  30. Sound0: AMBIENCE_CAVE
  31. Sound1: NOTE_PLING
  33. Sound3: EXPLODE
  34. Sound4: NOTE_BASS
  35. Sound5: ORB_PICKUP
  37. Sound7: NOTE_SNARE_DRUM
  38. Sound8: NOTE_BASS_GUITAR
  39. Sound9: FIRE_IGNITE
  40. Sound10: FIZZ
  41. Sound11: SUCCESSFUL_HIT
  42. Sound13: YOUR_SOUND
  43. Sound14: Choco324
  44. SoundVolume: 200.0
  46. #-Comandos-
  47. comando: emoji
  48. comando2: emoji2
  49. comando3: emoji3
  50. comando4: emoji4
  52. #-Permisos-
  53. perm1: apm.admin
  54. perm2: apm.use
  56. #-Prefix-
  57. apm: &7[&6APM&7]&f
  58. apm2: &7[&6APM&7]
  60. #-Versiones-
  61. version: V1.1
  62. ver: V1.1
  64. #-Update-
  65. Emot: &7[&6APM&7]&f
  66. apmtch: APM
  68. #===============================================================================================================================
  69. command /adminpanelmenuch [<text>]:
  70. permission: {@perm1}
  71. permission message: &4Necesitas permisos para usar esto.
  72. aliases: /apm
  73. usage: /apm menu
  74. trigger:
  75. if arg 1 is "menu":
  76. if {@esp} is true:
  77. open chest with 2 row named "%{emot}%" to player
  78. open chest with 2 row named "%{emot}% Herramientas" to player
  79. format slot 0 of player with diamond named "&6Dia" with lore "||&6Haz de dia en el servidor||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/time set day"]
  80. format slot 1 of player with diamond named "&5Noche" with lore "||&6Haz de noche en el servidor||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/time set night"]
  81. format slot 2 of player with diamond named "&5Lluvia" with lore "||&6Quita o pon la lluvia||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/toggledownfall"]
  82. format slot 3 of player with diamond named "&5Trueno" with lore "||&6Lanza un rayo||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/thor"]
  83. format slot 4 of player with diamond named "&2Creativo" with lore "||&6Ponte en creativo||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/gamemode 1"]
  84. format slot 5 of player with diamond named "&2Survival" with lore "||&6Ponte en survival||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/gamemode 0"]
  85. format slot 6 of player with diamond named "&2Espectador" with lore "||&6Ponte en Espectador||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/gamemode 3"]
  86. format slot 7 of player with diamond named "&2Invisible" with lore "||&6Ponte invisible||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/v"]
  87. format slot 8 of player with diamond named "&2Espiar" with lore "||&6Espia los msg de los users||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/socialspy"]
  88. format slot 9 of player with diamond named "&2Lag" with lore "||&6Lag del Servidor||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/lag"]
  89. format slot 10 of player with diamond named "&2Ping" with lore "||&6Ping del Servidor||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/ping"]
  90. format slot 11 of player with diamond named "&2TPS" with lore "||&6Tps del Servidor||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/tps"]
  91. format slot 12 of player with diamond named "&2StopLag" with lore "||&6StopLag del Servidor||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/stoplag"]
  92. format slot 13 of player with egg named "&5Spawn EnderDragon" with lore "||&6Spawnea un EnderDragon||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/spawnmob enderdragon"]
  93. format slot 14 of player with glass named "&4EnderCristal" with lore "||&6Spawnea un EnderCristal||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/spawnmob endercrystal"]
  94. format slot 15 of player with feather named "&3Actualizar APM" with lore "||&6Actualiza APM||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/apm update"]
  95. format slot 16 of player with emerald named "&4Reload" with lore "||&4Recarga el servidor||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/reload"]
  96. format slot 17 of player with redstone named "&4Stop" with lore "||&4Apaga el servidor||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/stop"]
  97. if {@ing} is true:
  98. open chest with 2 row named "%{emot}% Tools" to player
  99. format slot 1 of player with diamond named "Night" with lore "||%{Emot}%||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/time set night"]
  100. format slot 0 of player with diamond named "Day" with lore "||%{Emot}%||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/time set day"]
  101. format slot 2 of player with diamond named "&5Lluvia" with lore "||&6Quita o pon la lluvia||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/toggledownfall"]
  102. format slot 3 of player with diamond named "&5Trueno" with lore "||&6Lanza un rayo||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/thor"]
  103. format slot 4 of player with diamond named "&2Creative" with lore "||%{Emot}%||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/gamemode 1"]
  104. format slot 5 of player with diamond named "&2Survival" with lore "||%{Emot}%||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/gamemode 0"]
  105. format slot 6 of player with diamond named "&2Espectator" with lore "||%{Emot}%||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/gamemode 3"]
  106. format slot 7 of player with diamond named "&2Inv" with lore "||%{Emot}%||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/v"]
  107. format slot 8 of player with diamond named "&2Spy" with lore "||%{Emot}%||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/socialspy"]
  108. format slot 9 of player with diamond named "&2Lag" with lore "||&6Lag the Servidor||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/lag"]
  109. format slot 10 of player with diamond named "&2Ping" with lore "||&6Ping the Server||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/ping"]
  110. format slot 11 of player with diamond named "&2TPS" with lore "||&6Tps the Server||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/tps"]
  111. format slot 12 of player with diamond named "&2StopLag" with lore "||&6StopLag the Server||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/stoplag"]
  112. format slot 13 of player with egg named "&5Spawn EnderDragon" with lore "||&6Spawn a EnderDragon||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/spawnmob enderdragon"]
  113. format slot 14 of player with glass named "&4EnderCristal" with lore "||&6Spawn a EnderCristal||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/spawnmob endercrystal"]
  114. format slot 15 of player with feather named "&3Update APM" with lore "||&6Update APM||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/apm update"]
  115. format slot 16 of player with emerald named "&4Reload" with lore "||%{Emot}%||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/reload"]
  116. format slot 17 of player with redstone named "&4Stop" with lore "||&4Stop the server||||&7APM||" to close then run [make player execute command "/stop"]
  117. stop
  118. if arg 1 is "reload":
  119. make console execute command "sk reload AdminPanelMenuCh"
  120. wait 2 seconds
  121. message "%{emot}% &7Reload finalizado"
  122. stop
  123. if arg 1 is "update":
  124. if {@updater} is true:
  125. wait 1 second
  126. if text from "" is not "{@version}":
  127. message "{@Emot} Nueva version disponible! &6Descarga de: &b"
  128. if text from "" is "{@version}":
  129. message "{@Emot} No hay actualizacion disponible."
  130. stop
  132. on load:
  133. message "&a-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-" to console
  134. message "&3Iniciando AdminPanelMenuCh!" to console
  135. message "&3Version: 1.1 - AdminPanelMenuCh by choco3224" to console
  136. message "&a-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-" to console
  139. #CARPETA
  140. on load:
  141. df "plugins/AdminPanelMenuCh/No modificar/config.yml"
  143. on load:
  144. if file "plugins/AdminPanelMenuCh/No modificar/config.yml" doesn't exists:
  145. wait 5 ticks
  146. create file "plugins/AdminPanelMenuCh/No modificar/config.yml"
  148. on load:
  149. if file "plugins/AdminPanelMenuCh/No modificar/config.yml" doesn't exists:
  150. wf "##====================================================" to "plugins/AdminPanelMenuCh/No modificar/config.yml"
  151. wf "## Emotich {@ver}" to "plugins/AdminPanelMenuCh/No modificar/config.yml"
  152. wf " " to "plugins/AdminPanelMenuCh/No modificar/config.yml"
  153. wf "## Autor" to "plugins/AdminPanelMenuCh/No modificar/config.yml"
  154. wf "## Creado por Choco3224" to "plugins/AdminPanelMenuCh/No modificar/config.yml"
  155. wf "##====================================================" to "plugins/AdminPanelMenuCh/No modificar/config.yml"
  156. wf "## /emotich help traduccion" to "plugins/AdminPanelMenuCh/No modificar/config.yml"
  157. wf "Menu: &5/emotich menu - &7Menu de emoticonos" to "plugins/AdminPanelMenuCh/No modificar/config.yml"
  158. wf "Cerrar: &4Cerrar menu" to "plugins/AdminPanelMenuCh/No modificar/config.yml"
  159. wf "Prefix: {@apm2}" to "plugins/AdminPanelMenuCh/No modificar/config.yml"
  160. set {emot} to value "Prefix" get of "plugins/AdminPanelMenuCh/No modificar/config.yml"
  161. set {cr} to value "Cerrar" get of "plugins/AdminPanelMenuCh/No modificar/config.yml"
  162. set {apmch} to value "Menu" get of "plugins/AdminPanelMenuCh/No modificar/config.yml"
  163. else:
  164. set {cr} to value "Cerrar" get of "plugins/AdminPanelMenuCh/No modificar/config.yml"
  165. set {apmch} to value "Menu" get of "plugins/AdminPanelMenuCh/No modificar/config.yml"
  167. command /apmenucerrar:
  168. permission: {@perm1}
  169. permission message: &4Necesitas permisos para usar esto.
  170. trigger:
  171. if {@ing} is true:
  172. message "%{emot}%&7Menu closed"
  173. if {@esp} is true:
  174. message "%{emot}%&7Menu cerrado"
  177. #==============================================================================================================================
  179. #---UPDATE---
  181. on join:
  182. if {@updater} is true:
  183. player has permission "{@perm1}":
  184. wait 1 second
  185. if text from "" is not "{@version}":
  186. message "{@Emot} Nueva version disponible! &6Descarga de: &b"
  188. on skript unload:
  189. wait a tick
  190. execute console command "sk reload AdminPanelMenuCh"
  191. send "{@Emot} Cargando actualizacion..." to console
  193. on skript load:
  194. execute console command "sk reload AdminPanelMenuCh"
  195. send "{@Emot} Actualizado correctamente :D &a {@version}" to console
  200. every 300 seconds:
  201. if {@Autoupdate} is true:
  202. if text from "" is not "{@version}":
  203. download from "" to "plugins/Skript/scripts/"
  204. wait 5 ticks
  205. execute console command "skript reload AdminPanelMenuCh"
  206. wait 5 ticks
  207. loop all players:
  208. if loop-player is op:
  209. send "&e&lActualización AdminPanelMenuCh a la versión {@version} " to loop-player
  210. send "&bActualización de la sección de opciones si es necesario!" to loop-player
  211. send "&aPor favor reporta cualquier bug!" to loop-player
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