
Jian - Bound to the Spirits

Feb 9th, 2014
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  1. [16:04] <~Deedles> Mingxia was in the room she'd gotten while staying at the Storm Dragon estate, currently she was sat on the edge of the large bed which was located in one of the corners. Her eyes were closed and her hands rested on her lap as she looked thoughtful.
  2. [16:05] <Earthflame> A tentative knock comes on the door, rapidly followed by "...Mingxia? Could I come in?"
  3. [16:06] <~Deedles> She looked up, her eyes opening "Of course, come in." She called in response
  4. [16:07] <Earthflame> Jian opens the door and steps in. "...I'm sorry. I hadn't realised how thoughtless I was being until Shen snapped me out of it."
  5. [16:09] <~Deedles> Mingxia blinked as she peered across at him before she shook her head and smiled, but just faintly. "You weren't being thoughtless, just... logical."
  6. [16:09] <Earthflame> He shakes his head. "I was being thoughtless... My name and nature being so simple is something that gives me comfort. I hadn't considered that it would be a burden to you, oppressive rather than supporting..."
  7. [16:37] <~Deedles> She looked down at her lap as she nodded "But that is your name and nature, Empress is not my name and nature. Empress is a title, it is nothing personal to me and it says nothing about me." she shifted her chi gaze onto him as she asked, with a soft smile "Or are you saying that you had some idea of what I'd be like simply by knowing that you were looking for the Imperial Heir?
  8. [16:37] <~Deedles> Were you really expecting an ailing, blind girl who is pacifistic to be it, or was the image in your mind quite different?"
  9. [16:43] <Earthflame> Jian returns the smile. "Not at all... You misunderstand me, Blossom." He slowly walks over, sitting on the bed next to her. "What is the meaning of 'Sword'? It can mean many things. The Gentleman of Weapons. The icon of war. The only tool whose only use is to spill human blood... But I have that choice. By name and nature, I am 'Sword'... And that means I can choose what I wish the word to
  10. [16:43] <Earthflame> mean. A blade of justice and righteousness, protecting the weak and striking down evil..."
  11. [16:43] <Earthflame> He moves a hand, resting it on her shoulder. "It is the same between you and 'Empress'. It can mean many things, and has done so without history... But by your actions and choices, it will come to mean what you define it as. 'Empress' may come to mean the ailing, blind pacifist who nevertheless healed this land of two centuries of sickness."
  12. [16:51] <~Deedles> "Maybe, but that title also closes a lot of choices. You are a sword you get to choose its nature, I am the Empress, and as such I need to remain here, I have to study, I have to fulfil the path that is set in front of me. A path that I have to walk not because I chose it, but because it chose me. It is a path that means that I, with the help of all of you, one day can help free this land and heal it, but it is a path that
  13. [16:51] <~Deedles> also means that I cannot be by your side, or the side of any of my friends, when you need it." Blossom smiled, somewhat sadly "It is a gilded cage." she said before she studied his chi for a moment, her smile turning more genuine "But, I recently realized that there was one choice I could still make for myself, which I did. That brings me some peace."
  14. [16:55] <Earthflame> Jian pauses at that. "...I cannot remember choosing this path. But it always lay before me, and I followed it because it felt right. But you will not be caged forever, Blossom. When the corruption is broken, you will be free to walk the path of your choosing. Empress or no, I will fight for you to be free to do what you wish." He pauses, and speaks more softly. "...Part of me wishes you
  15. [16:55] <Earthflame> could come with us. It would give me some hope of being saved, if I lose myself again. But it cannot be."
  16. [16:59] <~Deedles> Blossom nodded as she reached out to give him a gentle hug "I know... But, I have faith in you, and I know Taishin has too. The first time went as it did because it was the first time, you were overwhelmed and did not know what to expect, but with training and with the experience granted you by the first time the corruption showed itself, I know you can control it. It is a part of you, you control it, not the other way around."
  17. [17:00] <Earthflame> "...I still hurt Rei." He returns the hug. "I have much more to do."
  18. [17:03] <~Deedles> "And? We all know that you will do what you must, and knowing Rei I bet she's already forgiven you." She shook her head as she smiled gently at him "I wouldn't be surprised if she is more worried about you than herself." she stated as she laid a hand ontop of Jian's heart "Because while her arm was wounded you simuntaneously gained a wound in here, and those are much harder to heal."
  19. [17:05] <Earthflame> He sighs. "...I have not forgiven myself. I am trying to find an answer to the question... Is it within a swords nature not to cut?"
  20. [17:08] <~Deedles> "It is within a swords nature to draw blood." Blossom replied softly "But, with time and training such things can be controlled, that is was makes a truly skilled swordsman, but you have to work for that. I'm certain that in the time that you train in the mountains with Shen and Yoshi you'll find it."
  21. [17:09] <Earthflame> "Thank you, Blossom." He smiles at her, and stands, still leaving a hand resting on her shoulder. "...It is within the nature of an Empress to be there for her people. Now, we are restrained... But one day, you will walk amongst them. You will speak with them, you will heal their ills and warm their hearts. The gilded cage will be broken, and you will walk among this country as one of it's
  22. [17:09] <Earthflame> people. At least, some times. If nothing else, I hope to make that come true."
  23. [17:13] <~Deedles> She looked up at him as she returned his smile with her own. "I know the day will come, but those will hopefully be days of peace where I won't feel like I need to be there to protect my friends from harm." her hands rested on her lap as she entwined her fingers. "I would be lying if I said that it doesn't hurt that I can't, but at the same time I know that this is for the best. If I went out there, with you,
  24. [17:13] <~Deedles> I would just bring more danger and risk than help, and it would be selfish of me when so much hangs on me being alive."
  25. [17:14] <Earthflame> Jian nods with a sad smile. "Such is the fate of those bound to the Spirits... Me to the spirits of the blade, you to the spirit of Ao Jing."
  26. [17:22] <~Deedles> "That's true." Blossom's smile faded as she nodded "Can I... make one selfish request though?" she asked him softly
  27. [17:22] <Earthflame> "Of course." He smiles at her.
  28. [17:24] <~Deedles> "Watch Shen's back for me." She said, her voice soft still as she emitted a faint laugh "He's like me, he always puts others in front of himself, especially those he loves, like you and Yoshi. That is his nature, a protector. Just... make sure he doesn't push himself too far."
  29. [17:25] <Earthflame> "Shen is my brother, Blossom... I would rather die than see him fall."
  30. [17:25] <~Deedles> "None of you are going to die." Blossom stated, rather firmly. "I would never forgive you if you did."
  31. [17:26] <Earthflame> "..." Jian is silent for a moment, then speaks quietly. "...Better me than Shen or Yoshi."
  32. [17:28] <~Deedles> "No." She rose to her feet as she looked at him seriously, the short girl suddenly seeming a lot taller than usual "I can't join you out there to protect you, in the very least you three can make it back alive in return for that." she told him "This isn't a request, this is an order." she stated
  33. [17:29] <Earthflame> He bows his head to her. "I will to everything in my power, Empress..."
  34. [17:29] <~Deedles> Blossom's stance faultered faintly at that, before she nodded, moving up to him to hug him tightly.
  35. [17:31] <Earthflame> He returns the hug. "I am not going to sacrifice myself needlessly, Blossom. That would be nothing more than weakness. I will return, with Shen and Yoshi."
  36. [17:31] <~Deedles> "Good..." she murmurred, giving him a gentle squeeze. "I couldn't live with myself if one of you died..."
  37. [17:33] <Earthflame> Jian pauses, and his voice is almost a whisper. "...There are fates worse than death. I will do everything in my power... But if I fail, I have asked Shen to grant me release. I would not want to live with what I could become."
  38. [17:35] <~Deedles> "You will not fall, Jian." Blossom stated, her voice quiet, but her tone determined. "You are stronger than that, everyone knows that. Me, Shen, Yoshi, Reisuki, Taishin, your Mentor, Meilin, too." she pulled away so she could look up at him, her faded, petal shaped, eyes meeting his. "The only one who doesn't seem to know so yet is you. We all believe in you."
  39. [17:37] <Earthflame> He meets her gaze... And smiles. "I hope you are right. All of you."
  40. [17:38] <~Deedles> "I know we are. If you were truly meant to be lost then I would not of been able to calm you in Yumu." She replied, before her lips curled into a gentle smile.
  41. [17:42] <Earthflame> "...If I had not met you and Taishin, I fear I already would be..." Tears begin to run down his cheeks. "...So many people have faith in me, but when put to the test I fail... I hurt my friends and need others to save me. Why do you have so much faith in me? I still do not understand..."
  42. [17:44] <~Deedles> "You didn't fail, Jian." Blossom gripped his hands firmly as she looked up at him, a faint frown on her face "No one can do everything on their own. Those who try are doomed to fail." she gave his hands a squeeze "Don't make that mistake, Jian. Don't presume that you have to carry everything on your shoulders to be strong. Shen, too, could not recover from losing his sight if he did not ask for help. Does that mean he has failed?"
  43. [17:44] <Earthflame> "No..." He speaks slowly, as he processes the thoughts.
  44. [17:46] <~Deedles> "Then neither have you for needing help." Her expression softened "I've needed help plenty of times. If it wasn't for Taishin and Hayato I'd probably be dead already. Right now I need the help of the whole village to keep me safe. Does that mean I have failed? Does that... mean I'm weak?" as she paused her expression changed, saddened.
  45. [17:48] <Earthflame> "No..." He speaks again. "...Thank you, Blossom. You truly are a skilled doctor... Very few know how to bandage a wound of the heart."
  46. [17:49] <~Deedles> She smiled, softly as she looked happier "You're welcome, Jian. I'm really glad I've been able to help." she said, slowly retracting her hands from his.
  47. [17:50] <Earthflame> He gives another bow as he steps back. "I am honoured."
  48. [17:51] <~Deedles> "You don't need to bow..." Blossom raised a hand to rub the back of her head. "Not you, not my friends."
  49. [17:51] <Earthflame> ...He chuckles a bit. "Sorry. The Storm Dragon estate makes me feel the need to be formal."
  50. [17:52] <~Deedles> "I'm sure Shen would scold you if you told him that." She said with a soft laugh
  51. [17:52] <Earthflame> "Doubtlessly." He smiles. "I may have had enough of that for one day."
  52. [17:53] <~Deedles> "Mhm, lets take it one scolding at the time, shall we?" Blossom said with a light-hearted smile.
  53. [17:54] <Earthflame> Jian laughs a bit at that. "Thank you once more. I'll see you before we leave, I'm sure."
  54. [17:54] <~Deedles> "That would be one of us." She returned as her smile turned playful.
  55. [17:55] <Earthflame> He coughs at that, backing off awkwardly. "...Until then."
  56. [17:56] <~Deedles> "Take care." She waved as she couldn't help but giggle faintly at his awkwardness.
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