
Launcher Error

Mar 26th, 2012
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  1. Traceback (most recent call last):
  2. File "", line 42, in <module>
  3. File "lib\initialization.pyc", line 191, in StartLauncher
  4. File "lib\controller.pyc", line 93, in __init__
  5. File "wx\lib\pubsub\pubsub1\pub.pyc", line 750, in sendMessage
  6. File "wx\lib\pubsub\pubsub1\pub.pyc", line 423, in sendMessage
  7. File "wx\lib\pubsub\pubsub1\pub.pyc", line 261, in sendMessage
  8. File "lib\controller.pyc", line 325, in OnPlayButton
  9. File "lib\utils.pyc", line 129, in StartEve
  10. File "subprocess.pyc", line 672, in __init__
  11. File "subprocess.pyc", line 882, in _execute_child
  12. WindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified
  13. Locals by frame, innermost last:
  14. Frame <module> in at line 54:
  15. NoInternetError = <class 'lib.exceptions.NoInternetError'>
  16. ServerUnreachableException = <class 'lib.exceptions.ServerUnreachableException'>
  17. Shutdown = <function Shutdown at 0x04C68B30>
  18. StartLauncher = <function StartLauncher at 0x04F86370>
  19. __builtins__ = <module '__builtin__' (built-in)>
  20. __doc__ = '\n This is the entry point into the launcher, it handles setting up the working\n directory, logging and finally importing and starting the laucher within a\n log-proof try/exeception clause so we can catch almost any exception and display\n an error message.\n'
  21. __name__ = '__main__'
  22. __package__ = None
  23. exc_plus = <function exc_plus at 0x04AE6EB0>
  24. lib = <module 'lib' from 'd:\steam\steamapps\common\eve online\launcher\\lib\__init__.pyc'>
  25. localization = <module 'localization' from 'd:\steam\steamapps\common\eve online\launcher\\localization\__init__.pyc'>
  26. os = <module 'os' from 'd:\steam\steamapps\common\eve online\launcher\\os.pyc'>
  27. socket = <module 'socket' from 'd:\steam\steamapps\common\eve online\launcher\\socket.pyc'>
  28. sys = <module 'sys' (built-in)>
  29. threading = <module 'threading' from 'd:\steam\steamapps\common\eve online\launcher\\threading.pyc'>
  30. wx = <module 'wx' from 'd:\steam\steamapps\common\eve online\launcher\\wx\__init__.pyc'>
  31. zipextimporter = <module 'zipextimporter' from 'd:\steam\steamapps\common\eve online\launcher\\zipextimporter.pyc'>
  32. Frame StartLauncher in lib\initialization.pyc at line 191:
  33. app = <wx._core.App; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxPyApp *' at 0xa99ef8> >
  34. channels = ['ch_startup']
  35. folder = u'd:\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\eve online'
  36. host = ''
  37. languageFromLocale = 'en-us'
  38. languageFromSettings = 'en-us'
  39. languageToUse = 'en-us'
  40. logs = ['Log sending is enabled', "Running from u'd:\\\\Steam\\\\steamapps\\\\common\\\\eve online'", "Working directory u'd:\\\\steam\\\\steamapps\\\\common\\\\eve online\\\\launcher'"]
  41. message = 'enabled'
  42. port = 81
  43. settings = <lib.userSettings.UserSettings instance at 0x05208FA8>
  44. threshold = 35
  45. Frame __init__ in lib\controller.pyc at line 93:
  46. app = <wx._core.App; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxPyApp *' at 0xa99ef8> >
  47. folder = u'd:\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\eve online'
  48. forceShow = False
  49. onlyShowOnUpdate = True
  50. publisher = < instance at 0x04CCA828>
  51. self = <lib.controller.Controller instance at 0x08484558>
  52. server = 'TQ'
  53. updateneeded = False
  54. Frame sendMessage in wx\lib\pubsub\pubsub1\pub.pyc at line 750:
  55. aTopic = (0,)
  56. data = None
  57. message = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.datamsg.Message instance at 0x0849A1C0>
  58. onTopicNeverCreated = None
  59. self = < instance at 0x04CCA828>
  60. self._PublisherClass__deliveryCount = 0
  61. self._PublisherClass__messageCount = 1
  62. self._PublisherClass__topicTree = < instance at 0x04CCA2D8>
  63. topic = 0
  64. Frame sendMessage in wx\lib\pubsub\pubsub1\pub.pyc at line 423:
  65. deliveryCount = 0
  66. message = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.datamsg.Message instance at 0x0849A1C0>
  67. node = < instance at 0x08493828>
  68. onTopicNeverCreated = None
  69. self = < instance at 0x04CCA2D8>
  70. self._TopicTreeNode__callables = []
  71. self._TopicTreeNode__onDeadListenerWeakCB = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 80521096>
  72. self._TopicTreeNode__subtopics = {0: < instance at 0x08493828>, 1: < instance at 0x08492F30>, 2: < instance at 0x08492E40>, 3: < instance at 0x08493490>, 8193: < instance at 0x08495DA0>, 5: < instance at 0x08495760>, 6: < instance at 0x08495828>, 7: < instance at 0x084958F0>, 8195: < instance at 0x08496080>, 11: < instance at 0x08495508>, 12: < instance at 0x084955D0>, 13: < instance at 0x08495698>, 14: < instance at 0x084959B8>, 15: < instance at 0x08495A80>, 16: < instance at 0x08495B48>, 17: < instance at 0x08495C10>, 18: < instance at 0x08495CD8>, 8194: < instance at 0x08495E68>, 8192: < instance at 0x08495F58>, 8196: < instance at 0x08496170>}
  73. self._TopicTreeNode__topicPath = ('',)
  74. self._TopicTreeRoot__callbackDict = {<wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 139024144>: [<weakref at 08489B10; to 'instance' at 08493490>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 139027440>: [<weakref at 084940F0; to 'instance' at 08496080>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 139023744>: [<weakref at 08489A50; to 'instance' at 08493828>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 139026480>: [<weakref at 08489F30; to 'instance' at 08495CD8>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 139025144>: [<weakref at 08489CF0; to 'instance' at 08495828>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 139023544>: [<weakref at 084899F0; to 'instance' at 08492F30>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 139023944>: [<weakref at 08489AB0; to 'instance' at 08492E40>, <weakref at 08494090; to 'instance' at 08495E68>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 139025744>: [<weakref at 08489E10; to 'instance' at 08495A80>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 139026184>: [<weakref at 08489ED0; to 'instance' at 08495C10>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 139025544>: [<weakref at 08489DB0; to 'instance' at 084959B8>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 139024944>: [<weakref at 08489C90; to 'instance' at 08495760>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 139024344>: [<weakref at 08489B70; to 'instance' at 08495508>, <weakref at 08494030; to 'instance' at 08495F58>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 139026720>: [<weakref at 08489F90; to 'instance' at 08495DA0>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 139024544>: [<weakref at 08489BD0; to 'instance' at 084955D0>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 139025944>: [<weakref at 08489E70; to 'instance' at 08495B48>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 139024744>: [<weakref at 08489C30; to 'instance' at 08495698>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 139027680>: [<weakref at 08494150; to 'instance' at 08496170>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 139025344>: [<weakref at 08489D50; to 'instance' at 084958F0>]}
  75. self._TopicTreeRoot__callbackDictCleanup = 0
  76. topic = (0,)
  77. topicItem = 0
  78. Frame sendMessage in wx\lib\pubsub\pubsub1\pub.pyc at line 261:
  79. cb = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 139023744>
  80. deliveryCount = 0
  81. listener = <bound method Controller.OnPlayButton of <lib.controller.Controller instance at 0x08484558>>
  82. message = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.datamsg.Message instance at 0x0849A1C0>
  83. self = < instance at 0x08493828>
  84. self._TopicTreeNode__callables = [<wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 139023744>]
  85. self._TopicTreeNode__onDeadListenerWeakCB = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 80521096>
  86. self._TopicTreeNode__subtopics = {}
  87. self._TopicTreeNode__topicPath = (0,)
  88. Frame OnPlayButton in lib\controller.pyc at line 325:
  89. evt = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.datamsg.Message instance at 0x0849A1C0>
  90. self = <lib.controller.Controller instance at 0x08484558>
  91. = <wx._core.App; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxPyApp *' at 0xa99ef8> >
  92. self.folder = u'd:\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\eve online'
  93. self.model = <lib.update.UpdaterModule instance at 0x08496530>
  94. self.settings = <lib.userSettings.UserSettings instance at 0x08496440>
  95. self.view = None
  96. startInSafeMode = False
  97. Frame StartEve in lib\utils.pyc at line 129:
  98. cmd = ['..\\bin\\ExeFile.exe', '/noconsole']
  99. safeMode = False
  100. Frame __init__ in subprocess.pyc at line 672:
  101. args = ['..\\bin\\ExeFile.exe', '/noconsole']
  102. bufsize = 0
  103. c2pread = None
  104. c2pwrite = None
  105. close_fds = True
  106. creationflags = 0
  107. cwd = None
  108. env = None
  109. errread = None
  110. errwrite = None
  111. executable = None
  112. p2cread = None
  113. p2cwrite = None
  114. preexec_fn = None
  115. self = <subprocess.Popen object at 0x084A9F30>
  116. shell = True
  117. startupinfo = None
  118. stderr = None
  119. stdin = None
  120. stdout = None
  121. universal_newlines = False
  122. Frame _execute_child in subprocess.pyc at line 888:
  123. args = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\gs\\gs9.05\\lib /c ..\\bin\\ExeFile.exe /noconsole'
  124. c2pread = None
  125. c2pwrite = None
  126. close_fds = True
  127. comspec = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\gs\\gs9.05\\lib'
  128. creationflags = 0
  129. cwd = None
  130. env = None
  131. errread = None
  132. errwrite = None
  133. executable = None
  134. p2cread = None
  135. p2cwrite = None
  136. preexec_fn = None
  137. self = <subprocess.Popen object at 0x084A9F30>
  138. self._child_created = False
  139. = None
  140. self.returncode = None
  141. self.stderr = None
  142. self.stdin = None
  143. self.stdout = None
  144. self.universal_newlines = False
  145. shell = True
  146. startupinfo = <subprocess.STARTUPINFO instance at 0x0849A508>
  147. universal_newlines = False
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