
Dante's Inferno RP Sheet

Jul 8th, 2014
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  1. Dante's Inferno RP Sheet (Louis)
  3. Name: Johnathan
  4. Age: 20
  5. Personality: A very selfish and self-centered person who will put himself before anything or anyone else. If he deeply desires anything that can be eaten or drunken, he will stop at nothing to satisfy his stomach. This often leads to his many addictions to not just alcohol, but any kind of food he likes. Even if people around him suffer from starvation or dehydration, he will continue to eat as if they aren't even there.
  6. Circle: Three
  8. Sin Background: "My life had never been through a time I had not been satisfied. From the time I knew how to crawl and walk, whatever I needed or wanted in my stomach was mine. Upon entering 5th grade, I had started doing less eating and more drinking, but I always had more food than two kids would need. By my freshman year in high school, I had only started drinking alcohol. I'd bring a bottle to school every day, and they were the expensive brands too. One day, I was walking home from school after my intoxication had gotten me suspended. I came across a family of a mother and her two sons, one five and the other nine. All they had was a single blanket and at the time, a half-eaten sub with flies swarming around it. Even through my glazed eyes, I could see the maggots wriggling through the sub. I teased them by paying for a pizza from the pizzeria they would live behind day and night, particularly the one I found out the kids loved- pepperoni with mushrooms and avocados. They reached for it, but I sat there and ate it in their faces. While the little ones cried their hearts out, the mother was too weak to even try fighting for the pizza. I laughed of their misery and my luxury. I picked up the sub, their only hope of at least another day of life. I ate it just for the hell of it, just for the pain they would feel, just for the satisfaction of knowing I was better than them. I didn't care. Not about them or anybody else. For the rest of my life, I would drink and all my pain would go away. My drunkenness made me happy. I dropped out of high school and started having parties every night at a bar. We'd have hangovers, not caring about what happened to anybody else. And that is the way it has been since. I drink and eat not just because I need to, because nobody NEEDS to drink alcohol. I drink alcohol excessively because I want to, regardless of whether it's a bad addiction. Selfish, cold-hearted...I couldn't care less for what people say. Just one bottle of vodka and I don't have any worries."
  10. Weapon: Scythe of Reality (A scythe made from the distortions of reality that are created in the mind of humans when they fail to connect to actual reality.)
  11. Damnation Item: A vodka bottle.
  12. Holy Item:
  13. Signature: Ciacco's Curse (Causes the target to become distracted by a major boost in their wanting of an extremely deep and dark desire.
  14. Perk: Intoxicating himself to boost his attack levels.
  15. Support: The Death of Soberness (Grants Johnathan a boost in Attack and Speed, but at the cost of his soberness and the effects of being drunk)
  16. Ability 1: Reality Uncheck- When this ability is activated, becoming injured by the scythe will cause the target to see a copy of Johnathan and when they hit the copy with an attack, the copy disappears, giving him the potential time to escape or attack from a different angle.
  17. Ability 2: Intoxication- Fires a wave of super-alcoholic energy that immediately intoxicates two foes (if there are more than 2, two will be picked randomly) while dealing some damage. The user must have over half of their overall energy to use it, but this attack knocks it down to 40% percent.
  18. Ability 3: Hallucination- Blasts a wave of Intoxicating energy that causes all it hits to have extreme hallucinations. The power of their attacks and abilities to defend are lowered.
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