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Feb 22nd, 2017
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  1. Y DeleteOldLogsTask - /log_delete - Delete logs older than X Days. X is define in the config.json
  2. Y MoveMouse - /move_mouse - Moves the computers mouse to x and y location. (Default 0,0)
  3. Y RebootNode - /reboot - Restart the host node
  4. Y VideoRecorder - /video - Starts and stops video recording
  5. Y KillAllIE - /kill_ie - Executes os level kill command on all instance of Internet Explorer
  6. Y KillAllFirefox - /kill_firefox - Executes os level kill command on all instance of Firefox
  7. Y KillAllChrome - /kill_chrome - Executes os level kill command on all instance of Google Chrome
  8. Y KillAllSafari - /kill_safari - Executes os level kill command on all instance of Safari
  9. Y SetAutoLogonUser - /user_auto_logon - Sets a user to automatically logon into system post reboot
  10. Y GetProcesses - /ps - Gets a list of currently running processes
  11. Y KillPid - /kill_pid - Kills a given process id
  12. Y Netstat - /netstat - Returns a system call for all ports. Use /port_info to get parsed details
  13. Y Screenshot - /screenshot - Take a full OS screen Screen Shot of the node
  14. Y ExposeDirectory - /dir - Gives accesses to a shared directory, user has access to put files into it and get files from it. Directory deleted on restart.
  15. Y StartGrid - /start_grid - Starts an instance of Selenium Grid Hub or NodeConfig
  16. Y GetInfoForPort - /port_info - Returns parsed information on a PID occupying a given port
  17. Y GridStatus - /grid_status - Returns status of the Selenium Grid hub/node. If currently running and what is the PID
  18. Y KillAllByName - /kill_all_by_name - Executes os level kill command on a given PID name
  19. Y StopGrid - /stop_grid - Stops grid or node process
  20. Y GetConfig - /config - Returns JSON view of the full configuration of the Selenium Grid Extras
  21. Y StopGridExtras - /stop_extras - Shuts down Grid Extras service
  22. Y IEProtectedMode - /ie_protected_mode - Changes protected mode for Internet Explorer on/off. No param for current status
  23. Y IEMixedContent - /ie_mixed_content - Changes mixed content for Internet Explorer on/off. No param for current status
  24. Y Resolution - /resolution - Changes the screen resolution. No param for current resolution
  25. Y SystemInfo - /system - Returns system details about the current node
  26. Y GetNodeConfig - /get_node_config - Provides the grid node config from central location
  27. Y UpdateNodeConfig - /update_node_config - Send the current config to the central location to be stored
  28. Y AutoUpgradeDrivers - /auto_upgrade_webdriver - Automatically checks the latest versions of all drivers and upgrades the current config to use them
  29. Downloading WebDriver Jar 3.0.1
  30. Y DownloadWebdriver - /download_webdriver - Downloads a version of WebDriver jar to local machine
  31. Download IE Driver Executable 3.0.0
  32. Expanding: /tmp/webdriver/iedriver/ into /tmp/webdriver/iedriver
  33. Y DownloadIEDriver - /download_iedriver - Downloads a version of IEDriver.exe to local machine
  34. Downloading Chrome Driver 2.27
  35. Expanding: /tmp/webdriver/chromedriver/ into /tmp/webdriver/chromedriver
  36. Y DownloadChromeDriver - /download_chromedriver - Downloads a version of ChromeDriver to local machine
  37. Downloading Gecko Driver 0.14.0
  38. Expanding /tmp/webdriver/geckodriver/geckodriver_0.14.0.tar.gz to /tmp/webdriver/geckodriver/geckodriver_0.14.0.tar
  39. Expanding: /tmp/webdriver/geckodriver/geckodriver_0.14.0.tar into /tmp/webdriver/geckodriver
  40. Y DownloadGeckoDriver - /download_geckodriver - Downloads a version of GeckoDriver to local machine
  41. Y SessionHistory - /session_history - Displays the threads of test session on all nodes or per node basis
  42. Y UpgradeGridExtrasTask - /upgrade_grid_extras - Download specified version of Selenium Grid Extras
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