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Jun 20th, 2019
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  1. command /kit [<text>]:
  2. aliases: /zestawy, /ekit.
  3. trigger:
  4. if player has permission "KOX":
  5. set {_KOX} to 1
  6. if player has permission "SKOX":
  7. set {_SKOX} to 1
  8. open chest with 3 rows named "&6&lZESTAWY" to player
  9. wait 2 ticks
  10. if inventory name of current inventory of player is "&6&lZESTAWY":
  11. set slot 11 of player's current inventory to leather chestplate named "&8» &fZESTAW: &8&lGRACZ" with lore "|| &8» &7Dostepny co: &c15 godzin || &8» &7Status: &2Dostepny || &8» &7Dostepny za: &9Wczytywanie... || &8» &a&lKliknij LPM, aby wziac zestaw. || &8» &a&lKliknij PPM, aby zobaczyc zestaw."
  12. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to golden chestplate named "&8» &fZESTAW: &e&lKOX" with lore "|| &8» &7Dostepny co: &c1 dzien || &8» &7Status: &9Wczytywanie... || &8» &7Dostepny za: &9Wczytywanie... || &8» &a&lKliknij LPM, aby wziac zestaw. || &8» &a&lKliknij PPM, aby zobaczyc zestaw."
  13. set slot 13 of player's current inventory to diamond chestplate named "&8» &fZESTAW: &6&lSKOX" with lore "|| &8» &7Dostepny co: &c1 dzien || &8» &7Status: &9Wczytywanie... || &8» &7Dostepny za: &9Wczytywanie... || &8» &a&lKliknij LPM, aby wziac zestaw. || &8» &a&lKliknij PPM, aby zobaczyc zestaw."
  14. set slot 14 of player's current inventory to tnt named "&8» &fZESTAW: &4&lTNT" with lore "|| &8» &7Dostepny co: &c4 dni|| &8» &7Status: &9Wczytywanie... || &8» &7Dostepny za: &9Wczytywanie... || &8» &a&lKliknij LPM, aby wziac zestaw. || &8» &a&lKliknij PPM, aby zobaczyc zestaw."
  15. set slot 15 of player's current inventory to ender chest named "&8» &fZESTAW: &5&lENDERCHEST" with lore "|| &8» &7Dostepny co: &c14 dni || &8» &7Status: &2Dostepny || &8» &7Dostepny za: &9Wczytywanie... || &8» &a&lKliknij LPM, aby wziac zestaw. || &8» &a&lKliknij PPM, aby zobaczyc zestaw."
  16. set {_SLOT} to 0
  17. loop 27 times:
  18. if slot {_SLOT} of player's current inventory is air:
  19. set slot {_SLOT} of player's current inventory to black glass named " " with lore "||&8» &7Tu nic nie ma.||&8» &7Wybierz inna pozycje."
  20. add 1 to {_SLOT}
  21. if player doesn't have permission "*":
  22. if {ZESTAWY::%player%::GRACZ} is less than now:
  23. set line 4 of lore of slot 11 of player's current inventory to " &8» &7Dostepny za: &2Mozesz odebrac ten zestaw."
  24. else:
  25. set {_CZAS} to "%difference between {ZESTAWY::%player%::GRACZ} and now%"
  26. replace "hours" with "godzin" in {_CZAS}
  27. replace "and" with "i" in {_CZAS}
  28. replace "minutes" with "minut" in {_CZAS}
  29. set line 4 of lore of slot 11 of player's current inventory to " &8» &7Dostepny za: &e%{_CZAS}%"
  30. if {ZESTAWY::%player%::KOX} is less than now:
  31. set line 4 of lore of slot 12 of player's current inventory to " &8» &7Dostepny za: &2Mozesz odebrac ten zestaw."
  32. else:
  33. set {_CZAS} to "%difference between {ZESTAWY::%player%::KOX} and now%"
  34. replace "hours" with "godzin" in {_CZAS}
  35. replace "and" with "i" in {_CZAS}
  36. replace "minutes" with "minut" in {_CZAS}
  37. set line 4 of lore of slot 12 of player's current inventory to " &8» &7Dostepny za: &e%{_CZAS}%"
  38. if {ZESTAWY::%player%::SKOX} is less than now:
  39. set line 4 of lore of slot 13 of player's current inventory to " &8» &7Dostepny za: &2Mozesz odebrac ten zestaw."
  40. else:
  41. set {_CZAS} to "%difference between {ZESTAWY::%player%::SKOX} and now%"
  42. replace "hours" with "godzin" in {_CZAS}
  43. replace "and" with "i" in {_CZAS}
  44. replace "minutes" with "minut" in {_CZAS}
  45. set line 4 of lore of slot 13 of player's current inventory to " &8» &7Dostepny za: &e%{_CZAS}%"
  46. if {ZESTAWY::%player%::TNT} is less than now:
  47. set line 4 of lore of slot 14 of player's current inventory to " &8» &7Dostepny za: &2Mozesz odebrac ten zestaw."
  48. else:
  49. set {_CZAS} to "%difference between {ZESTAWY::%player%::TNT} and now%"
  50. replace "days" with "dni" in {_CZAS}
  51. replace "hours" with "godzin" in {_CZAS}
  52. replace "and" with "i" in {_CZAS}
  53. replace "minutes" with "minut" in {_CZAS}
  54. set line 4 of lore of slot 14 of player's current inventory to " &8» &7Dostepny za: &e%{_CZAS}%"
  55. if {ZESTAWY::%player%::ENDERCHEST} is less than now:
  56. set line 4 of lore of slot 15 of player's current inventory to " &8» &7Dostepny za: &2Mozesz odebrac ten zestaw."
  57. else:
  58. set {_CZAS} to "%difference between {ZESTAWY::%player%::ENDERCHEST} and now%"
  59. replace "hours" with "godzin" in {_CZAS}
  60. replace "days" with "dni" in {_CZAS}
  61. replace "day" with "dzien" in {_CZAS}
  62. replace "and" with "i" in {_CZAS}
  63. replace "minutes" with "minut" in {_CZAS}
  64. set line 4 of lore of slot 15 of player's current inventory to " &8» &7Dostepny za: &e%{_CZAS}%"
  65. else:
  66. set line 4 of lore of slot 11 of player's current inventory to " &8» &7Dostepny za: &2Mozesz odebrac ten zestaw."
  67. set line 4 of lore of slot 12 of player's current inventory to " &8» &7Dostepny za: &2Mozesz odebrac ten zestaw."
  68. set line 4 of lore of slot 13 of player's current inventory to " &8» &7Dostepny za: &2Mozesz odebrac ten zestaw."
  69. set line 4 of lore of slot 14 of player's current inventory to " &8» &7Dostepny za: &2Mozesz odebrac ten zestaw."
  70. set line 4 of lore of slot 15 of player's current inventory to " &8» &7Dostepny za: &2Mozesz odebrac ten zestaw."
  71. if {_KOX} is set:
  72. set line 3 of lore of slot 12 of player's current inventory to " &8» &7Status: &2Dostepny"
  73. else:
  74. set line 3 of lore of slot 12 of player's current inventory to " &8» &7Status: &4Niedostepny"
  75. if {_SKOX} is set:
  76. set line 3 of lore of slot 13 of player's current inventory to " &8» &7Status: &2Dostepny"
  77. set line 3 of lore of slot 14 of player's current inventory to " &8» &7Status: &2Dostepny"
  78. else:
  79. set line 3 of lore of slot 13 of player's current inventory to " &8» &7Status: &4Niedostepny"
  80. set line 3 of lore of slot 14 of player's current inventory to " &8» &7Status: &4Niedostepny"
  82. on join:
  83. if {ZESTAWY::%player%::GRACZ} is not set:
  84. set {ZESTAWY::%player%::GRACZ} to now
  85. if {ZESTAWY::%player%::KOX} is not set:
  86. set {ZESTAWY::%player%::KOX} to now
  87. if {ZESTAWY::%player%::SKOX} is not set:
  88. set {ZESTAWY::%player%::SKOX} to now
  89. if {ZESTAWY::%player%::TNT} is not set:
  90. set {ZESTAWY::%player%::TNT} to now
  91. if {ZESTAWY::%player%::ENDERCHEST} is not set:
  92. set {ZESTAWY::%player%::ENDERCHEST} to now
  94. on inventory click:
  95. if inventory name of current inventory of player is "&1&lPRZEGLAD ZESTAWU":
  96. cancel event
  97. if clicked slot is 17:
  98. close the player's inventory
  99. execute player command "kit"
  100. stop
  101. if inventory name of current inventory of player is "&6&lZESTAWY":
  102. cancel event
  103. if "%event-click action%" contain "with shift":
  104. close the player's inventory
  105. send "&6&lZESTAWY&r &8» &cTen typ kliknięcia nie jest dozwolony. Klikaj w przedmioty bez użycia klawisza 'shift'."
  106. stop
  107. if event-click action is double click using mouse:
  108. stop
  109. if clicked slot is 12 or 13 or 14:
  110. if event-click action is left mouse button:
  111. if clicked slot is 12:
  112. if player doesn't have permission "KOX":
  113. send "&6&lZESTAWY&r &8» &cNie masz uprawnien do uzycia tego zestawu."
  114. stop
  115. if clicked slot is 13 or 14:
  116. if player doesn't have permission "SKOX":
  117. send "&6&lZESTAWY&r &8» &cNie masz uprawnien do uzycia tego zestawu."
  118. stop
  119. if clicked slot is 11:
  120. if event-click action is left mouse button:
  121. if player doesn't have permission "*":
  122. if {ZESTAWY::%player%::GRACZ} is less than now:
  123. set {ZESTAWY::%player%::GRACZ} to now
  124. add 15 hours to {ZESTAWY::%player%::GRACZ}
  125. else:
  126. set {_CZAS} to "%difference between {ZESTAWY::%player%::GRACZ} and now%"
  127. replace "hours" with "godzin" in {_CZAS}
  128. replace "and" with "i" in {_CZAS}
  129. replace "minutes" with "minut" in {_CZAS}
  130. send "&6&lZESTAWY&r &8» &cZestaw dostepny za &e%{_CZAS}%"
  131. stop
  132. close the player's inventory
  133. wait tick
  134. open chest with 2 rows named "&1&lODBIERZ ZESTAW" to player
  135. wait 2 ticks
  136. if inventory name of current inventory of player is "&1&lODBIERZ ZESTAW":
  137. send "&6&lZESTAWY&r &8» &7Przyznano zestaw: &bGracz&7."
  138. else:
  139. stop
  140. if event-click action is right mouse button:
  141. close the player's inventory
  142. wait tick
  143. open chest with 2 rows named "&1&lPRZEGLAD ZESTAWU" to player
  144. wait 2 ticks
  145. if inventory name of current inventory of player is "&1&lPRZEGLAD ZESTAWU":
  146. send "&6&lZESTAWY&r &8» &7Przegladasz zestaw: &bGracz&7."
  147. else:
  148. stop
  149. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to stone pickaxe of efficiency 2, unbreaking 2 named "&6» &eEkwipunek Gracz &6«"
  150. set slot 1 of player's current inventory to stone axe of efficiency 2, unbreaking 2 named "&6» &eEkwipunek Gracz &6«"
  151. set slot 2 of player's current inventory to 3 boat named "&6» &eLódka &6«"
  152. set slot 2 of player's current inventory to 32 oak_wooden_plank named "&6» &eDrewno &6«"
  153. set slot 3 of player's current inventory to 64 of cooked porkchop named "&6» &eJedzonko &6«"
  154. if clicked slot is 12:
  155. if event-click action is left mouse button:
  156. if player doesn't have permission "*":
  157. if {ZESTAWY::%player%::KOX} is less than now:
  158. set {ZESTAWY::%player%::KOX} to now
  159. add 1 day to {ZESTAWY::%player%::KOX}
  160. else:
  161. set {_CZAS} to "%difference between {ZESTAWY::%player%::KOX} and now%"
  162. replace "hours" with "godzin" in {_CZAS}
  163. replace "and" with "i" in {_CZAS}
  164. replace "minutes" with "minut" in {_CZAS}
  165. send "&6&lZESTAWY &r&8» &cZestaw dostepny za &e%{_CZAS}%"
  166. stop
  167. close the player's inventory
  168. wait tick
  169. open chest with 2 rows named "&1&lODBIERZ ZESTAW" to player
  170. wait 2 ticks
  171. if inventory name of current inventory of player is "&1&lODBIERZ ZESTAW":
  172. send "&6&lZESTAWY&r &8» &7Przyznano zestaw: &bKOX&7."
  173. else:
  174. stop
  175. if event-click action is right mouse button:
  176. close the player's inventory
  177. wait tick
  178. open chest with 2 rows named "&1&lPRZEGLAD ZESTAWU" to player
  179. wait 2 ticks
  180. if inventory name of current inventory of player is "&1&lPRZEGLAD ZESTAWU":
  181. send "&6&lZESTAWY&r &8» &7Przegladasz zestaw: &bKOX&7."
  182. else:
  183. stop
  184. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to diamond sword of sharpness 2 and fire aspect 2 named "&e» &fZESTAW: &6KOX &e«"
  185. set slot 1 of player's current inventory to iron sword of knockback 1 named "&e» &fZESTAW: &6KOX &e«"
  186. set slot 2 of player's current inventory to diamond pickaxe of efficiency 3 and fortune 3 named "&e» &fZESTAW: &6KOX &e«"
  187. set slot 3 of player's current inventory to 10 of golden apple:1 named "&6» &eGolden Apple &6«"
  188. set slot 4 of player's current inventory to 15 of golden apple named "&6» &eGolden Apple &6«"
  189. set slot 5 of player's current inventory to diamond helmet of protection 3 and unbreaking 2 named "&e» &fZESTAW: &6KOX &e«"
  190. set slot 6 of player's current inventory to diamond chestplate of protection 3 and unbreaking 2 named "&e» &fZESTAW: &6KOX &e«"
  191. set slot 7 of player's current inventory to diamond leggings of protection 3 and unbreaking 2 named "&e» &fZESTAW: &6KOX &e«"
  192. set slot 8 of player's current inventory to diamond boots of protection 3 and unbreaking 2 named "&e» &fZESTAW: &6KOX &e«"
  193. set slot 9 of player's current inventory to 8 of ender pearl named "&6» &eEnderPerla &6«"
  194. set slot 10 of player's current inventory to 3 of ender chest named "&6» &eEnderchest &6«"
  195. if clicked slot is 13:
  196. if event-click action is left mouse button:
  197. if player doesn't have permission "*":
  198. if {ZESTAWY::%player%::SKOX} is less than now:
  199. set {ZESTAWY::%player%::SKOX} to now
  200. add 1 day to {ZESTAWY::%player%::SKOX}
  201. else:
  202. set {_CZAS} to "%difference between {ZESTAWY::%player%::SKOX} and now%"
  203. replace "hours" with "godzin" in {_CZAS}
  204. replace "and" with "i" in {_CZAS}
  205. replace "minutes" with "minut" in {_CZAS}
  206. send "&6&lZESTAWY&r &8» &cZestaw dostepny za &e%{_CZAS}%"
  207. stop
  208. close the player's inventory
  209. wait tick
  210. open chest with 2 rows named "&1&lODBIERZ ZESTAW" to player
  211. wait 2 ticks
  212. if inventory name of current inventory of player is "&1&lODBIERZ ZESTAW":
  213. send "&6&lZESTAWY&r &8» &7Przyznano zestaw: &bSKOX&7."
  214. else:
  215. stop
  216. if event-click action is right mouse button:
  217. close the player's inventory
  218. wait tick
  219. open chest with 2 rows named "&1&lPRZEGLAD ZESTAWU" to player
  220. wait 2 ticks
  221. if inventory name of current inventory of player is "&1&lPRZEGLAD ZESTAWU":
  222. send "&6&lZESTAWY&r &8» &7Przegladasz zestaw: &bSKOX&7."
  223. else:
  224. stop
  225. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to diamond sword of sharpness 3 and unbreaking 3 and fire aspect 2 named "&e» &fZESTAW: &6SKOX &e«"
  226. set slot 1 of player's current inventory to iron sword of knockback 2 named "&e» &fZESTAW: &6SKOX &e«"
  227. set slot 2 of player's current inventory to diamond pickaxe of efficiency 4 and unbreaking 3 and fortune 3 named "&e» &fZESTAW: &6SKOX &e«"
  228. set slot 3 of player's current inventory to 10 of golden apple:1 named "&6» &eGolden Apple &6«"
  229. set slot 4 of player's current inventory to 15 of golden apple named "&6» &eGolden Apple &6«"
  230. set slot 5 of player's current inventory to diamond helmet of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&e» &fZESTAW: &6SKOX &e«"
  231. set slot 6 of player's current inventory to diamond chestplate of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&e» &fZESTAW: &6SKOX &e«"
  232. set slot 7 of player's current inventory to diamond leggings of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&e» &fZESTAW: &6SKOX &e«"
  233. set slot 8 of player's current inventory to diamond boots of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&e» &fZESTAW: &6SKOX &e«"
  234. set slot 9 of player's current inventory to 8 of ender pearl named "&6» &eEnderPerla &6«"
  235. set slot 10 of player's current inventory to spawner_egg:50 named "&e» &fSpawn: &aCreeper &e«"
  236. set slot 11 of player's current inventory to 5 of ender chest named "&6» &eEnderchest &6«"
  237. if clicked slot is 14:
  238. if event-click action is left mouse button:
  239. if player doesn't have permission "*":
  240. if {ZESTAWY::%player%::TNT} is less than now:
  241. set {ZESTAWY::%player%::TNT} to now
  242. add 4 day to {ZESTAWY::%player%::TNT}
  243. else:
  244. set {_CZAS} to "%difference between {ZESTAWY::%player%::TNT} and now%"
  245. replace "days" with "dni" in {_CZAS}
  246. replace "day" with "dzien" in {_CZAS}
  247. replace "hours" with "godzin" in {_CZAS}
  248. replace "and" with "i" in {_CZAS}
  249. replace "minutes" with "minut" in {_CZAS}
  250. send "&6&lZESTAWY&r &8» &cZestaw dostepny za &e%{_CZAS}%"
  251. stop
  252. close the player's inventory
  253. wait tick
  254. open chest with 2 rows named "&1&lODBIERZ ZESTAW" to player
  255. wait 2 ticks
  256. if inventory name of current inventory of player is "&1&lODBIERZ ZESTAW":
  257. send "&6&lZESTAWY&r &8» &7Przyznano zestaw: &bTNT&7."
  258. else:
  259. stop
  260. if event-click action is right mouse button:
  261. close the player's inventory
  262. wait tick
  263. open chest with 2 rows named "&1&lPRZEGLAD ZESTAWU" to player
  264. wait 2 ticks
  265. if inventory name of current inventory of player is "&1&lPRZEGLAD ZESTAWU":
  266. send "&6&lZESTAWY&r &8» &7Przegladasz zestaw: &bTNT&7."
  267. else:
  268. stop
  269. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to 64 of tnt named "&e» &4&lTNT &e«"
  270. set slot 1 of player's current inventory to 64 of tnt named "&e» &4&lTNT &e«"
  271. if clicked slot is 15:
  272. if event-click action is left mouse button:
  273. if player doesn't have permission "*":
  274. if {ZESTAWY::%player%::ENDERCHEST} is less than now:
  275. set {ZESTAWY::%player%::ENDERCHEST} to now
  276. add 14 days to {ZESTAWY::%player%::ENDERCHEST}
  277. else:
  278. set {_CZAS} to "%difference between {ZESTAWY::%player%::ENDERCHEST} and now%"
  279. replace "days" with "dni" in {_CZAS}
  280. replace "day" with "dzien" in {_CZAS}
  281. replace "hours" with "godzin" in {_CZAS}
  282. replace "and" with "i" in {_CZAS}
  283. replace "minutes" with "minut" in {_CZAS}
  284. send "&6&lZESTAWY&r &8» &cZestaw dostepny za &e%{_CZAS}%"
  285. stop
  286. close the player's inventory
  287. wait tick
  288. open chest with 2 rows named "&1&lODBIERZ ZESTAW" to player
  289. wait 2 ticks
  290. if inventory name of current inventory of player is "&1&lODBIERZ ZESTAW":
  291. send "&6&lZESTAWY&r &8» &7Przyznano zestaw: &bENDERCHEST&7."
  292. else:
  293. stop
  294. if event-click action is right mouse button:
  295. close the player's inventory
  296. wait tick
  297. open chest with 2 rows named "&1&lPRZEGLAD ZESTAWU" to player
  298. wait 2 ticks
  299. if inventory name of current inventory of player is "&1&lPRZEGLAD ZESTAWU":
  300. send "&6&lZESTAWY&r &8» &7Przegladasz zestaw: &bENDERCHEST&7."
  301. else:
  302. stop
  303. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to 8 of ender chest named "&6» &eEnderchest &6«"
  304. if clicked slot is 11 or 12 or 13 or 14 or 15:
  305. if inventory name of current inventory of player is "&1&lPRZEGLAD ZESTAWU":
  306. set slot 17 of player's current inventory to 1 of red wool named "&c&lPowrot" with lore "||&8» &7Kliknij tutaj aby powrocic||&8» &7do menu wyboru zestawow."
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