

May 27th, 2014
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  1. [X] 1 A black crescent moon, open side down, on your forehead.: (Selias)
  2. [X] 1 A black rose spouting from your back with thorn designs going up and down your arms and legs. As you examine in more detail you find marks shaped like a second flower around your vagina. As it moistens the marks seem to open like a flower and the vines patterns shift and grow. Once you calm down they all seem to recede as the arousal lessens.: (Joebobjoe)
  3. [X] 6 A devil's spade of your own curling slyly against your hip, and around your navel is inked a six-pointed star.: (iamnuff, CrawlingChaos74, a2znut, dreadis, Guile, Plotvitalnpc)
  4. [X] 1 A rose plant blooming from the base of your spine and rising up to cover your back.  Oh and the green vines are spreading up and out to form a bra just like that western villain Poison Ivy: (fitzgerald)
  5. [X] 1 Bunny ears and a bunny tail: (Agilitree)
  6. [X] 1 Fluffy tail: (LordChaos)
  7. [X] 1 Two fluffy fox tails: (Jaertin)
  8. [X] 1 a Fluffy Tail and Red markings along your collarbone: (Silversun17)
  9. [X] 11 a fluffy tail: (Xicree, theweepingman, Nyrath, Nekraa, EternitynChaos, Heaven Canceler, Moving Target, Hextroyer413, Deathwings, Hugin, Ct613hulu)
  10. [X] 7 a pair of bat wings on your head: (Carrnage, Barret, serra2, Smuthunter, Malcolmo, Earth-Destroyer, darklord)
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