
Jian - Setting Things Right

Apr 5th, 2014
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  1. [21:01] <@Deedles> As the others left the only ones left in Rujin's home was her and Jian, the spirit remaining on the cave floor as she closed her eyes, her breathing finally having settled down. She was silent, making no attempts to start conversation.
  2. [21:04] <Earthflame> Jian was quite comfortable to stay quiet, for a while at least... Talking hurt, and he had a lot to think about. Still, as silent minutes fall away, he eventually feels the need to fill the space. "...What do Spirits think of Priests?"
  3. [21:05] <@Deedles> Rujin opened her eyes as their ice blue gaze shifted towards him "... That depends on the priest." she replied rather simply while her voice remained quiet.
  4. [21:07] <Earthflame> He smiles a bit at that. "I was always taught to revere the Spirits. All Priests were. Even if they might be dangerous or even hostile, a Spirit is still a sacred being..."
  5. [21:10] <@Deedles> "A priest might be taught a mighty lot of things, but if they can't tell their arse from their elbow all that teaching means nothing." The spirit answered calmly, somewhat non-chalantly, one of her hands slowly moving up to grip the cave wall so she could pull herself up.
  6. [21:11] <Earthflame> "Ah, do you want any help?" Jian asks... But doesn't move. "...And it has been hard to be a priest, these past two hundred years. I'd dreamed all my life of finally meeting the Spirits who I prayed to..."
  7. [21:15] <@Deedles> She snorted faintly "Any priest that wished to meet us could of gone to the sanctuaries at any point in time." she retorted, stubbornly sitting up straight without his help. She gave him a stern look, before her eyes softened faintly. "Your faith in Baihu is admirable, I don't want it to go unsaid that I don't appreciate it, but if you wish to actually be a priest in name and not just in words then you can't make such dumb calls."
  8. [21:16] <Earthflame> He nods with a sigh. "...I know. It was a fools hope. A childs hope, that I should have left behind long ago... But Faith and Hope are similar things."
  9. [21:18] <@Deedles> "If they make you do such foolish things then I advice you to discard both of them; the sooner the better." She replied, her arms resting on her lap as she closed her eyes again. "A priest to relies only on what they've been taught and doesn't use their head has no place dealing with Spirits, in particular the Cardinal Spirits, especially now when they've been made volatile by the Corrupt."
  10. [21:19] <Earthflame> He nods. "A lesson learned in blood is one you will never forget. I know better, now."
  11. [21:21] <@Deedles> "See that you do. Your faith is impressive, but Taihu wasn't wrong." Rujin told him, leaning the back of her head against the cool rock of the wall. "Faith can give you the determination to push through bad odds, but against such an opponent it will do little."
  12. [21:22] <Earthflame> He lets out a low breath, nodding again. "...I wish I could have met your father. I still hope to meet him, if we can banish Taihu."
  13. [21:26] <@Deedles> "I imagine you will sooner or later." She said as she opened one of her eyes, peering across at him. "You have obviously have a good knowledge of Spirits. I noted the purification ritual on you as you came in."
  14. [21:26] <Earthflame> "Well... I felt it was necessary. Even with that, I knew a spirit would sense the Corrupt Chi a mile away."
  15. [21:27] <@Deedles> "Corrupt chi in and of itself isn't bad. Plenty of Spirits with it who aren't malicious." She replied
  16. [21:28] <Earthflame> "I'm learning that... Still, it's a dangerous form of power."
  17. [21:29] <@Deedles> "Any form of power is dangerous."
  18. [21:30] <Earthflame> He nods at that, going quiet again... His tone changes, as he asks, quietly "...Can you tell me about him? About Baihu?"
  19. [21:39] <@Deedles> Rujin paused at that, studying him for a moment, before looking up at the ceiling. "... He is proud, and strong, but very wise. He doesn't like those that disrespect him or his sanctuary."
  20. [21:40] <Earthflame> "That's stuff I could know from reading the books... But you have known him for centuries. There must not be many who know him better."
  21. [21:42] <@Deedles> "True, but he is also a very private being. He has sides he does not like to show to just anyone." She answered with a slight smile
  22. [21:43] <Earthflame> "...I hope to be worthy of the honour... But perhaps that is just another childish dream."
  23. [21:44] <@Deedles> "You will just have to see how it goes when you meet him."
  24. [21:46] <Earthflame> He nods again. "...I grew up without a father. I never asked, and my mother never told... But I always felt that Baihu was there for me." Silent tears roll down his cheeks. "I hoped... That I could be there for him. That his loyal disciple could arrive in triumph and free him from his chains..." He sighs, and shakes his head.
  25. [21:48] <@Deedles> "It is a sweet dream, but also one of glory." Rujin looked thoughtful as she noted his tears "I never had a mother, there's only ever been Baihu." she told the swordsman, sounding rather calm about it.
  26. [21:50] <Earthflame> He smiles softly at that. "How the world turns...."
  27. [21:54] <@Deedles> "We make due with what we have." she said, returning his smile faintly.
  28. [21:55] <Earthflame> "It is just..." He pauses again, pressing a hand to his chest. "...My mentor gave me the title 'The Yin Yang Blade'. And the more I see of the world, the more I see how it mirrors itself... Events and stories told and told again, repeating in new variations..."
  29. [22:12] <@Deedles> "History has a way of repeating itself, it's a common mistake among humans." She answered plainly, resting against the wall as she closed her eyes.
  30. [22:14] <Earthflame> "Our lives are short... It's easy to forget."
  31. [22:15] <@Deedles> "Aye, and I've noticed that humans have a way of ignoring good advice or wise warnings by thinking that it's bogus because they haven't tried it themselves."
  32. [22:15] <Earthflame> "..." He knocks his head back against the cave wall. "Yeah. The curse of hope."
  33. [22:20] <@Deedles> "Rather the curse of arrogance." she retorted
  34. [22:23] <Earthflame> "Both, perhaps... They lead people to foolishness and failure, but also to discovery. Only the will to challenge the way things are will allow you to change them."
  35. [22:24] <@Deedles> "Challenging tradition is not a bad thing, but sometimes thing have been the way that they have for a long time because simply walking up to its face and smacking it isn't a very good idea."
  36. [22:25] <Earthflame> "Indeed... But there is never any true gain without risk. My mother taught me that."
  37. [22:41] <@Deedles> "There is a difference between risk and stupidity."
  38. [22:44] <Earthflame> "There always is... And a human flaw is only realising you mistook one for the other when it's too late..."
  39. [22:49] <@Deedles> "Especially when you could find that out by taking a moment to asses the situation instead of running in head-first."
  40. [22:50] <Earthflame> "Perception can be clouded, judgement can be off... No matter how hard you try, you will make mistakes. The only thing you can do is make up for them afterwards."
  41. [22:51] <@Deedles> "Presuming you're still alive afterwards to make up for them." Rujin pointed out rather plainly
  42. [22:51] <Earthflame> He smiles at that. "Well, yes. Surviving is the first challenge."
  43. [22:53] <@Deedles> "And you nearly didn't this time." She sighed, pulling her legs closer to her as she rested her head on them.
  44. [22:55] <Earthflame> Jian closes his eyes, contemplative for a moment. "...I nearly died before. Due to my zeal... The hatred of Corruption caused me to nearly lose myself to it. And I know I cannot blame the Chi for it. It was my own ideals and choices. Now, my faith nearly got my truest friends in all the world killed... Within every curse, there is a blessing, and within every blessing a curse. The two halves,
  45. [22:55] <Earthflame> white and black, form a circle."
  46. [23:08] <@Deedles> "Everything is balanced. Just take this as a reminder to check your priorities in the future." she said as she studied him intently, going quiet for a moment, before she asked "How exactly did you nearly die the first time?"
  47. [23:09] <Earthflame> "A man we met cut off my arm when we fought... When I met him the second time, my rage overtook me. I was willing to die, to lose myself, to end his life... " He shakes his head. "The only common factor between the two is there being something I considered more important than my own life..."
  48. [23:11] <@Deedles> "But were those things more important than your companions' lives?" She asked him straight
  49. [23:11] <Earthflame> "No... That's why I offered to stay without them."
  50. [23:13] <@Deedles> "And you seriously thought they would agree to such a thing?" She raised an eyebrow as she looked at him with a very sceptical expression.
  51. [23:14] <Earthflame> "...I thought they might. Their priorities are different to mine."
  52. [23:16] <@Deedles> Rujin just stared at him, before her eyes narrowed into a glare "I may not know you and your companions that well, but I saw enough of you guys to realize that you're their friend. They weren't about to let you face Taihu on your own, you idiot!" she scolded him.
  53. [23:17] <Earthflame> He sighs. "I know... But I am still not used to having friends. I've only had real friends for the last three months... I don't know what the limits are. Or maybe I do, but I..." He sighs, and shakes his head.
  54. [23:18] <@Deedles> "Would you of let one of them face something like Taihu on their own?" She asked him sharply
  55. [00:24] <Earthflame> "...No. But that is not their duty."
  56. [00:26] <@Deedles> "Friendship isn't about duty..." she looked at him in disbelief
  57. [00:30] <Earthflame> "I know, I mean..." He sighs. "...I felt I Had to stand and face him. That if I fled, I would be abandoning a sacred oath, a vow I took and repeat every time I pray... I did not wish them to risk their lives alongside me. I could not deny them, but..." He shakes his head. "I could understand someone else doing the same... Having something they could not back away from. But maybe I am still
  58. [00:30] <Earthflame> a fool..."
  59. [00:32] <@Deedles> "Yes." Rujin answered plainly "You are, if that's how you think. Getting yourself and your companions killed will not fulfil any sacred vow."
  60. [00:34] <Earthflame> He looks up again. "...I did not want anyone to die. When we knew there was no hope, we fled. But... I Had to take the chance."
  61. [00:36] <@Deedles> "You managed to flee because I was there with you to help you do so." She pointed out to him bluntly
  62. [00:37] <Earthflame> "And we have much to thank you for..."
  63. [00:39] <@Deedles> "Thank me by not making such dumb decisions again. At least not in this forest. With Baihu gone I'm the Guardian here, I couldn't let you four wander off to fight Taihu on your own." she sighed as she shook her head, making no attempt to hide the irritation on her face.
  64. [00:40] <Earthflame> He bows his head. "As I said... This is a lesson learned in blood. I will not forget it."
  65. [00:42] <@Deedles> "Good." she said shortly, glancing at the wound across his torso. "... You really should get that looked at."
  66. [00:43] <Earthflame> "It will heal... And I can stop it getting worse. Blood is Chi, and mine is strong."
  67. [00:44] <@Deedles> "But how fast will it heal untreated?" She asked as she raised a brow "Fast enough for you to be able to join your friends? Or do you plan to stay here for the rest of the week?"
  68. [00:44] <Earthflame> ...He sighs. "I don't have enough free time to pay a penance."
  69. [00:45] <@Deedles> "Pay a penance?" She inquired
  70. [00:45] <Earthflame> "I endangered my friends. I risked my life on a stupid gamble. I deserve the pain, and another scar to remember it by."
  71. [00:48] <@Deedles> "... You truly are dumb." she stated harshly. "Pain, a new scar, won't do shit for your friends. Harming yourself as a form of 'penance' is simply a cowards way to escape responsibility for what they've done." she narrowed her eyes as she nailed him with her gaze. "If you're truly sorry for what you did then you should go to them an apologize and actually get on with solving what's going on here,
  72. [00:48] <@Deedles> not mope around while wallowing in self-pity."
  73. [00:49] <Earthflame> He rocks with that, slumping against the wall with an unrestrained sob.
  74. [00:50] <@Deedles> Her ice blue eyes actually softened faintly at that, remaining still and silent for a few moments, before she began moving across the cave to him, slowly because of her injuries, but surely.
  75. [00:52] <Earthflame> He looks up at her. "...I didn't know he was so strong... I thought Baihu might be fighting him within... I thought he might recognize me, and rise up to weaken him... I had dreamed of it for so many years, I was lost in fantasies of what Could be... And I nearly got my friends killed. How can I go back to them now? How can I show my face, knowing what I nearly cost them?"
  76. [00:54] <@Deedles> "So you thought you, a devout follower, but a stranger none-the-less, was going to succeed to call out to Baihu when his daughter could not?" She glared at him as she seemed to find the notion insulting, but it wasn't quite as harsh as the previous one. She carefully placed herself beside him. "So... instead of facing them and admitting that you fucked up you're gonna hide in a cave?"
  77. [00:56] <Earthflame> He looks down. "...Stories say mortal faith can achieve miracles that astound even the Spirits... And no. Not forever. I just..." He shakes his head. "I can't help them, while I'm like this. I... I would only slow them down."
  78. [00:59] <@Deedles> She sighed "While you're like what?" She asked him simply,
  79. [00:59] <Earthflame> "Mopey and pathetic." He answers, simply. "...Needed to get it out of my system. They say religious experiences can cleanse the mind and soul."
  80. [01:05] <@Deedles> "They can..." She said, parting her lips as if to add something, but she ended up just sighing again. "It's sweet that you hoped that your faith could help Baihu, and possible that it still can, but you were assuming that Taihu alone is the one in control of Baihu."
  81. [01:06] <Earthflame> He nods again. "I hoped... That we could hold on. That I could find some thread of control and help sever it. That I could do Something..."
  82. [01:08] <@Deedles> "You can do something, but you need to actually get up and do it, and be smart about it. Whatever this is it's held Baihu under tight control for the last 10 years. I have tried everything that I could possibly do within this forest and nothing has worked." she shook her head "What I can't do is anything outside of the forest."
  83. [01:09] <Earthflame> Jian smiles at that... And then slowly stands, pressing his back against the wall to help him. "I have claimed to be a wandering priest before... But now is the first time I would be completing a mission of faith." He gives her a soft smile. "If I can take it as such?"
  84. [01:14] <@Deedles> "I don't see why not, just remember that there is a huge difference between what you read in books and actually being a Priest." she told him, her voice going a bit more quiet again.
  85. [01:15] <Earthflame> "Then I'll ask a boon, before I go... A needle and thread. I need to sort out these clothes, at least." He looks down at his ragged, tattered priests robes, nearly split in two by the cut at the belly.
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