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Dec 18th, 2014
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  1. [17:59:12] Gobbins > hello
  2. [17:59:15] W Rush > hello pl
  3. [17:59:22] Gobbins > dont fly claws they are boring you will make all the boonies bored dont do it
  4. [17:59:35] W Rush > no
  5. [18:00:27] W Rush > raptor ftw
  6. [18:00:34] Gobbins > dont fly those
  7. [18:00:38] W Rush > lol
  8. [18:00:42] Gobbins > im srs
  9. [18:00:47] Gobbins > im doing u a favor young friend
  10. [18:00:58] Gobbins > anna told me of these demented plans I am here to save the day
  11. [18:01:31] W Rush > take your pos's out of hed
  12. [18:01:48] W Rush > and give us back out jb so we can get newbro's out
  13. [18:01:51] W Rush > in and out
  14. [18:02:19] W Rush > and i wont fly them, and being i am the tackle fc.. no one else will fly them
  15. [18:02:31] W Rush > we cant even get in enough modules to keep the market up
  16. [18:02:36] W Rush > we need the JB back
  17. [18:03:00] Gobbins > what happened to the jb
  18. [18:03:03] Gobbins > ??
  19. [18:03:10] Gobbins > cant u just rep it u lazy fucks
  20. [18:03:11] W Rush > PL owns all the fucking moons in Hed
  21. [18:03:15] Gobbins > ahahah
  22. [18:03:23] Gobbins > then kill the poses wtf
  23. [18:03:23] W Rush > so we cant have a jump bridge
  24. [18:03:28] Gobbins > *then
  25. [18:03:40] Gobbins > take 400 retards in larmidons and reinforce
  26. [18:03:44] W Rush > so i have made it my goal to make PL's day a bad one
  27. [18:03:58] Gobbins > pls
  28. [18:04:26] W Rush > na,, take down your poses and let us have out jump bridge back and i wont give a shit about making your day hell
  29. [18:04:47] W Rush > I have already killed your pete doctrine.. now the railgu doctrin is going to die
  30. [18:05:35] W Rush > you have any idea how many inties i can get on a major strat op?
  31. [18:05:38] W Rush > 60+
  32. [18:05:45] W Rush > i can get over 80 fucking merlins
  33. [18:05:55] Gobbins > dont plz a lot of ppl are very attached to the rail doctrines
  34. [18:05:59] Gobbins > and its almost xmass
  35. [18:06:12] Gobbins > are you some kind of arsehole?
  36. [18:06:31] W Rush > this? Coming from PL?
  37. [18:07:16] W Rush > no... I want our jump bridge back so we can get people and assets into GE- without having to go throught a ЅHITTY FUCKING CAMPED PIPE
  38. [18:07:45] W Rush > do you hаvе аny idea hоw shitty it is to get into GE if you dont have a travel inty?
  39. [18:08:05] Gobbins > look we all have our bad days but you are overracting
  40. [18:08:21] Gobbins > all I am asking is that you do not fly boring stuff like ecm bursting tackle
  41. [18:08:27] W Rush > lol..... overreacting happens for 1 day
  42. [18:08:34] W Rush > this is a fucking rampage
  43. [18:08:43] Gobbins > im saying it for you‚ your fleet members will be bored and hate you
  44. [18:08:55] W Rush > and love the jump bridge
  45. [18:09:02] Gobbins > look
  46. [18:09:06] Gobbins > about the jump bridge
  47. [18:09:06] W Rush > you want fun fights?
  48. [18:09:17] Gobbins > its a sensitive issue here in PL
  49. [18:09:34] Gobbins > can you find another solution? maybe have a titan bridge people 24 7 instead
  50. [18:10:00] Gobbins > you can do it from the sv5 gate, if shit hits the fun just jump out and warp ez
  51. [18:10:02] W Rush > well.... pick..... W Rush on a rampage destroying EVERY doctrine PL has with an endless stream of newbro's
  52. [18:10:24] W Rush > or give us back out Jump bridge
  53. [18:10:28] W Rush > our
  54. [18:10:45] W Rush > you want fun fights right?
  55. [18:10:47] Gobbins > ok man I didnt wanna get nasty but the truth is
  56. [18:11:00] Gobbins > w rush is already a hated name among the high echelons of PL
  57. [18:11:07] Gobbins > this is a dangerous reputation you are building
  58. [18:11:16] Gobbins > and you just said a lot of things you might regret
  59. [18:11:30] Gobbins > coming here with your outrageous jump bridge requests
  60. [18:11:36] W Rush > lol
  61. [18:11:41] W Rush > you want fun fights?
  62. [18:12:03] Gobbins > I am trying to be your friend here and bringing an olive branch
  63. [18:12:18] Gobbins > to warn you of the THIN ICE you are walking on with your dangerous ideas
  64. [18:12:25] W Rush > how are you going to get fun fights when we run out of moa's and eagles to ship into because we cant get the shit into GE
  65. [18:13:02] Gobbins > arent most fights in hed anyways
  66. [18:13:06] W Rush > lol, I have open invites with other power blocks
  67. [18:13:23] W Rush > We ship in GE bro
  68. [18:13:33] W Rush > I wish we would move to hed
  69. [18:13:57] W Rush > then i would not give a shit
  70. [18:14:17] W Rush > let me see what tank i can put on a merlin with an ecm burst
  71. [18:14:41] W Rush > fuck a MWD
  72. [18:14:49] W Rush > afterburn that shit
  73. [18:15:15] Gobbins > make sure the merlins have enough paste in case they overheat
  74. [18:16:16] W Rush > <url=fitting:603:31716;1:31752;1:11563;2:31788;1:8 433;2:6003;1:5365;1:2046;1:7487;3:216;2400::>Anti-railgu Merlin</url>
  75. [18:16:32] W Rush > holy shit.... cap stable
  76. [18:16:40] Gobbins > ok look
  77. [18:16:54] Gobbins > just dont post it on reddit or everyone will copy it and then well be done for
  78. [18:16:57] W Rush > is it the breacher that is duel rep?
  79. [18:17:10] W Rush > i posted it over an hour ago
  80. [18:17:14] W Rush >
  81. [18:17:17] Gobbins > just get a new frig from station
  82. [18:17:31] Gobbins > then you have undone yourself
  83. [18:17:52] W Rush > how is that
  84. [18:17:54] W Rush > ?
  85. [18:18:06] Gobbins > over the years PL developed powerful friendships
  86. [18:18:06] W Rush > your claw fit has an ecm burst?
  87. [18:18:10] W Rush > and i am the bad guy?
  88. [18:18:15] Gobbins > you will not be able to join any corporation ever again
  89. [18:18:16] Gobbins > im sorry
  90. [18:18:27] W Rush > Then i will be a corp of 1
  91. [18:18:30] Gobbins > you messed with the snake
  92. [18:18:34] Gobbins > now u get the bytes
  93. [18:18:45] Gobbins > I messed the quote, it was supposed to be "you messed with the cobra"
  94. [18:18:51] W Rush > duel rep ecm breacher
  95. [18:19:05] Gobbins > why would you borther with reps
  96. [18:19:08] W Rush > what about an ecm burst
  97. [18:19:30] Gobbins > a burst frig with a ecm burst fitted you mean?
  98. [18:19:40] W Rush > yea
  99. [18:19:51] Gobbins > you have to be a black rapper to do that
  100. [18:19:52] W Rush > guess it would taget break everyone else
  101. [18:20:06] W Rush > hmm
  102. [18:20:12] W Rush > duel rep hawk
  103. [18:20:16] W Rush > with ecm burst
  104. [18:20:29] Gobbins > WHY THE REPЅ dont you reаlizе your frigs either get 1 volleyed or p much survive?
  105. [18:20:44] Gobbins > fit buffer you spаz
  106. [18:20:44] Gоbbins > wtf
  107. [18:20:45] W Rush > do you have any idea how much tank the raptor has
  108. [18:20:55] Gobbins > yeah‚ none
  109. [18:21:06] W Rush > lawl.. i named them hell tanked for a reason
  110. [18:21:25] W Rush > 8k effective health with a self rep
  111. [18:21:35] W Rush > sig of 60 with mwd on
  112. [18:21:45] Gobbins > thats like people who give badass name to their tiny dogs
  113. [18:21:48] W Rush > already tested vs tengu's
  114. [18:22:10] W Rush > why do you think it has become standard fit on our inties
  115. [18:22:27] Gobbins > you dont have 8k you have 4k
  116. [18:22:40] Gobbins > in the screenshot you posted
  117. [18:22:59] W Rush > <url=fitting:11178:2048;1:31105;1:32772;1:448;1:31 722;1:1236;1:5973;1:3162;3:4254;1:8517;1:12612;1:2 8668;20:33332;28::>7th Ring of Hell ЅP</url>
  118. [18:23:17] W Rush > 7400 eff
  119. [18:23:20] W Rush > with а sеlf repper
  120. [18:23:30] W Rush > puts is close to 11k
  121. [18:23:47] W Rush > I know frigs
  122. [18:23:58] Gobbins > 7th circle of hell is violence
  123. [18:24:19] Gobbins > you аre fitting a tank and barely any damage
  124. [18:24:20] W Rush > yea it can tank it
  125. [18:25:00] W Rush > with the numbers we have... we dоnt need dps
  126. [18:25:01] Gobbins > you should call it the third circle‚ gluttony
  127. [18:25:09] W Rush > their job is to hold point
  128. [18:25:21] Gobbins > because they love to eat cock heyoooo
  129. [18:25:22] W Rush > i will let the 170 eagles do the pew pew
  130. [18:25:50] Gobbins > anyways I see you removed the burst
  131. [18:25:51] W Rush > Nice talking with you.. Do your worst.
  132. [18:25:57] Gobbins > so im just happy we could solve this amicably
  133. [18:26:03] W Rush > same
  134. [18:26:04] W Rush > &lt;3
  135. [18:26:24] Gobbins > I will tell the PL secret hand to stop its work
  136. [18:26:32] Gobbins > so you are allowed to join other corporations or blocks
  137. [18:26:40] Gobbins > but be warned: we *will* be watching
  138. [18:26:52] W Rush > lol... i have open invites to other power blocks
  139. [18:27:00] W Rush > and i am happy here
  140. [18:28:22] Gobbins > yep and we can make this invites disappear
  141. [18:28:28] Gobbins > *poof* just like that
  142. [18:28:49] Gobbins > so watch what you say but most importantly watch what you do
  143. [18:32:58] W Rush > you do realize i sent you a normal tackle fit
  144. [18:33:10] Gobbins > ?
  145. [18:33:11] W Rush > i am still going with the RushCat fit
  146. [18:33:23] Gobbins > no you just agreed NOT to do that
  147. [18:33:26] W Rush > the 7th ring of hell is jut our normal tackle fit
  148. [18:33:39] W Rush > you were talking about tank of the raptor
  149. [18:34:00] W Rush > i posted our tackle fit of 7400 + self rep
  150. [18:34:12] W Rush > why the hell would i not do the ecm burst fit?
  151. [18:34:44] W Rush > did you just agree to give us back our jump bridge so we can get to ge without a 24/7 gate camp?
  152. [18:35:17] Gobbins > I asked the top brass they said you cannot unfortunately have a jump bridge
  153. [18:35:38] Gobbins > But you can have a free set of shuttles to ferry across to ge-
  154. [18:35:42] W Rush > well.... I will continue to Destroy every doctrine you have
  155. [18:35:47] W Rush > 2 down 2 more to go
  156. [18:36:02] Gobbins > we can provide with - they say - up to 340 (three hundred and fourty) shuttles
  157. [18:36:27] Gobbins > hows that sound?
  158. [18:36:51] W Rush > What is the next doctrine i must kill? Proteus?
  159. [18:37:17] Gobbins > pls dont thats my favorite doctrine
  160. [18:37:38] W Rush > how does nuets sound
  161. [18:37:47] Gobbins > you know those precious invites to blocks you claim to have?
  162. [18:37:50] W Rush > my fleet forms up over 100
  163. [18:37:58] Gobbins > you realize our agents can make them disappear?
  164. [18:38:14] Gobbins > them you will be alone with your mad schemes, zero in fleet
  165. [18:38:22] W Rush > i can gwet what>? 4-7 nuets per person
  166. [18:38:29] W Rush > so that is 400 neuts
  167. [18:38:34] W Rush > low ball
  168. [18:38:47] W Rush > split between 125?
  169. [18:38:57] W Rush > make it 100 for easy math
  170. [18:39:21] W Rush > 4 neuts on each ship? sound fun?
  171. [18:39:37] W Rush > I love this
  172. [18:40:07] W Rush > Hell.... I bet black legion would pick me up in a heart beat if i made your shit list
  173. [18:40:21] Gobbins > how are you gonna assign 100 targets
  174. [18:40:28] W Rush > they love shitting on pl's day
  175. [18:40:48] Gobbins > I have a serious question for a moment, are you related to Mr Rives?
  176. [18:41:07] W Rush > dont have to..... noob odds that spreading neuts from 100 people will hit 75%
  177. [18:41:18] W Rush > so.. i could care less
  178. [18:41:46] Gobbins > ANЅWER ME
  179. [18:42:25] W Rush > who?
  180. [18:42:34] W Rush > ohh thаt dudе thаt was in yоur mac fleet
  181. [18:42:44] W Rush > was in a crow i think
  182. [18:42:45] W Rush > no
  183. [18:42:50] W Rush > I dont know him
  184. [18:43:09] Gobbins > <loc>MrRive</loc> you know‚ the handicapped child who smartbombed your shit
  185. [18:43:40] Gobbins > <loc><url=showinfo:1377//813967613>Mr Rive</url>
  186. [18:44:00] W Rush > my shit?
  187. [18:44:08] Gobbins > yeah boy dont front
  188. [18:44:19] W Rush > wtf are you talking about?
  189. [18:44:40] Gobbins > please calm down
  190. [18:44:55] Gobbins > I am refering to the BNI eagles you warped at 0 to a bunch of smartbombing rokhs
  191. [18:45:13] Gobbins > its ok if you dont wanna talk about that, I understand, let's move on
  192. [18:45:42] Gobbins > you said you are going to be invited to black legion
  193. [18:45:47] W Rush > i was not in that fleet
  194. [18:45:50] Gobbins > I just spoke to elo and he laughed
  195. [18:45:57] Gobbins > bursted out laughing, that was his answer
  196. [18:46:17] W Rush > i was in a tackle fleet fucking your petes into their pos as they packed their bags for home
  197. [18:46:44] W Rush > you might not understand..... i dont care
  198. [18:46:51] Gobbins > so here you are fronting about a BL invite to try and intimidate us into giving you a jump bridge pos
  199. [18:47:04] W Rush > you came at me bro
  200. [18:47:15] W Rush > i gave you a solution
  201. [18:47:37] W Rush > give us back the jump bridge and i will stop destroying your farming doctrines
  202. [18:47:52] W Rush > I have fun both ways
  203. [18:48:10] Gobbins > ok sit down because I am about to give you a crazy offer
  204. [18:48:13] Gobbins > are you ready?
  205. [18:48:17] W Rush > Ѕure
  206. [18:48:31] Gobbins > you аrе а supercap pilоt correct?
  207. [18:48:36] W Rush > was
  208. [18:48:44] W Rush > PL did not like it
  209. [18:48:55] W Rush > so.... they dropped it as i got a socket close
  210. [18:48:57] W Rush > lol
  211. [18:49:13] W Rush > i have plenty of thannies.. i will just use them
  212. [18:49:22] Gobbins > is that a prison rape euphemism?
  213. [18:49:41] Gobbins > anyways I just spoke to grath telkin
  214. [18:49:46] Gobbins > you know who he is?
  215. [18:49:48] W Rush > Dude‚, i am not a diplo
  216. [18:49:57] Gobbins > We know
  217. [18:50:11] W Rush > what about grath
  218. [18:50:21] Gobbins > he is willing to get you a spot in PL on trial if you leave boonies behind
  219. [18:50:25] Gobbins > there are some conditions ofc
  220. [18:50:40] Gobbins > one you have to delete your post about ecm bursting ceptors
  221. [18:52:08] W Rush > two?
  222. [18:53:27] Gobbins > two in order to cover against the possibility of you awoxing, there is a small deposit that will be witheld; you can either contract a carrier or the equivalent isk
  223. [18:53:51] W Rush > well that is to be expected
  224. [18:54:04] W Rush > how much? 20b?
  225. [18:54:28] Gobbins > three during the trial period you will not be allowed to fc the more "expensive" doctrines
  226. [18:54:48] Gobbins > I don't know how much, sort it with grath - doubt its that much
  227. [18:55:23] W Rush > tell him to convo me when he is on, I would rather not go through one of his little drones
  228. [18:55:37] Gobbins > you can start by deleting the post to show good will
  229. [18:55:45] Gobbins > you can always repost it
  230. [18:5б:05] W Rush > if it is thаt important to him i am surе he will convo me soon
  231. [18:57:32] W Rush > if i аm nоt on... i am sure you can get in touch with lychton and blue ice
  232. [18:57:34] Gobbins > im asking jeff, grath is at work
  233. [18:57:38] W Rush > they both have my skype
  234. [18:57:51] W Rush > nn
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