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a guest
Sep 16th, 2019
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  1. Game 1
  2. In-Game
  3. háh: i got 2 plates lol
  4. háh: no i couldnt
  5. háh: cos plates ran out idiot XD
  6. háh: ??????
  7. háh: ????
  8. háh: low elo dog
  9. háh: dont talk u know nothing
  10. háh: plat 4 negative win rate
  11. háh: doesnt even know how plates works
  12. háh: 15 min aram with gp nice
  13. háh: nice tp bro
  14. háh: why
  15. háh: who are you
  16. háh: im not even a lee main LMAO
  17. háh: sry i was tabbed out
  18. háh: looking who this janna was
  19. háh: ooooh u got fucked last night when i played kayn top
  20. háh: you didnt add me so i can see the ticket ;(
  21. háh: nice ult
  22. háh: cringe yi
  23. háh: better jgl top wins
  24. Game 2
  25. In-Game
  26. háh: azir wanna swap?
  27. háh: mate you are shit
  28. háh: yh
  29. háh: you literally have 0 clue what youre doing
  30. háh: cos ur playing
  31. háh: busted top laner
  32. háh: XD
  33. háh: and got 2 ganks while you have ignite
  34. háh: theyre ltierally on t3 bot
  35. háh: how can u blame anyone XD
  36. háh: did i
  37. háh: shouldve dodged when i saw 34 games 47% win rate
  38. háh: cya
  39. háh: silver 1
  40. háh: low elo baby players
  41. háh: get the wave mate
  42. háh: NP
  43. háh: not the man stood on his own
  44. háh: when we see his team near baron
  45. háh: literally stood still
  46. háh: XD
  47. háh: report panth bought acc
  48. háh: silver 1
  49. háh: ape
  50. háh: XD
  51. háh: disgusting human
  52. háh: no you arent
  53. háh: silver 1
  54. háh: XD
  55. háh: report panth bought account
  56. Post-Game
  57. háh: smashed brainless panth before his babysitter came
  58. háh: cho
  59. háh: mate
  60. háh: Platinum 3
  61. 53LP/ 14W 22L
  62. Win Rate 39%
  63. háh: how do you think you can flame
  64. háh: anyone
  65. háh: Platinum 3
  66. 53LP/ 14W 22L
  67. Win Rate 39%
  68. háh: Platinum 3
  69. 53LP/ 14W 22L
  70. Win Rate 39%
  71. háh: Platinum 3
  72. 53LP/ 14W 22L
  73. Win Rate 39%
  74. háh: in flex
  75. háh: as well
  76. háh: LMAO
  77. háh: how u got a negative win rate in flex
  78. háh: XD
  79. háh: low plat elo hardstucks
  80. Game 3
  81. In-Game
  82. háh: lmao
  83. háh: XD
  84. háh: the shen flash taunt
  85. háh: lol
  86. háh: says you
  87. háh: sitting at rift waiting to roam on me
  88. háh: that is not true
  89. háh: maybe press that while i run down river
  90. háh: what
  91. háh: are you
  92. háh: doing
  93. háh: that was the freeest fight
  94. háh: ive ever seen
  95. háh: dont worry
  96. háh: we need 3 mid
  97. háh: when infernal is up
  98. háh: and
  99. háh: ur at wolves
  100. háh: XD
  101. háh: ????
  102. háh: no
  103. háh: why arent you there
  104. háh: why are you mid
  105. háh: have you pressed r once
  106. háh: PYKE
  107. háh: WHAT
  108. háh: THE FUCK
  109. háh: THE ACTUAL FUCK
  110. háh: ARE YOU DOING
  111. háh: XDDDDDDDDDDD
  112. háh: troll as fuck
  113. háh: bot lane
  114. háh: literally trolling
  115. háh: hes just soft inting
  116. háh: dunno why cos itrs normals lmao
  117. háh: i mean hes literally trolling
  118. háh: he was stood at gromp just walking back and forth
  119. háh: the whole time i engaged at t2 bot
  120. háh: ?
  121. háh: i kiulled soil
  122. háh: sol
  123. háh: lmao
  124. háh: are you dumb
  125. háh: do baron
  126. háh: 3 bot
  127. háh: ?
  128. háh: why
  129. háh: are 3 bot
  130. háh: garbage players
  131. háh: for real
  132. háh: why are you pushing mid when baron is free
  133. háh: ?? i do true damage
  134. háh: gg
  135. háh: report bot
  136. háh: pls
  137. Post-Game
  138. háh:
  139. háh: and jhin
  140. háh: ??
  141. háh: no bot
  142. háh: on our team
  143. háh: lmfao
  144. háh:
  145. háh:
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