
Whose the bigger asshole? Sinclair or Robot?

Aug 20th, 2015
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  1. 19:16 Terrax Terrax's digital, non-existent dreams had come true. He had finally tracked down Greg Claskovic's location. "I'm glad you could assist me with this, Sinclair. You're obviously not like the other organisms. This Mongoloid Subhuman excuse of filth works under Jeremy Ortalanus, Or, Salesman. They stay under the radar for now, but, they are very vulnerable."
  2. 19:17 Terrax "Tell me, you have the ability to gain any form of power by randomly given means, what ability do you sustain now?" Terrax turned to look at Sinclair like a tank.
  3. 19:18 Sinclair "When we had last met I could pull blades from myself. Quite a nifty little power, a shame that I no longer have it. What a waste!" Sinclair spoke, almost to himself, as he looked down to his gloved hand, clenching his fist.
  4. 19:19 Sinclair "Since my revival, I have noticed that I don't produce much of anything. No energy, no blades, no guns, no magic. No command over things. It almost seems like I lost this bet and might as well try again."
  5. 19:20 Sinclair "I was so down on my luck, but I knew it had to be something..."
  6. 19:21 Sinclair "Then I got into a little scuffle over a game of poker. Brutish fellow he was. he likely could have out classed and crushed me. But as it stands he's in the hospital because it looks as though a bear had mauled him"
  7. 19:22 Sinclair "A certain instinct came about me... I think I should be able to handle whatever those little worms have in store"
  8. 19:25 Terrax "Indeed. My magnetism can dispatch Greg Claskovic very quickly. We just need to worry about Jeremy Ortalanus. He was the sole reason I could not carry out exterminating that filth. If we do not carry out with dealing with the Salesman, then this fight will be unbearable for us."
  9. 19:27 Sinclair "Then let me handle him. Alchemy and magic, they have their uses, but this man peddles goods for a living."
  10. 19:27 Sinclair "I doubt he'll stand a ghost of a chance when someone who knows his dirty tricks is there."
  11. 19:30 Terrax "Quite. Now all we have to do is wait for the timemark. They should be opening soon. We call them both out for an ambush, then we quickly take care of them." Terrax looked out of the building both him and Sinclair were located in. The shop was close, and was in sight.
  12. 19:31 Sinclair giggled to himself as he looked out, the cane held out at his side and no doubt a grin underneath that mask
  13. GregClaskovic yawned and stretched as he took sloppy, large steps down the staircase to the shop. "Good morning." He murmured to Sales. He leaned down on the desk, throwing around one of his alchemic creations.
  14. 19:47 Salesman "Morning Greg. You sleep well? Or got drunk and went ranting online again?"
  15. 19:50 GregClaskovic "No, see, I do it once, and you remind me over and over. I don't care what anyone says. I can't see why so many people hate Boybands... They're hip, young, and filled with optimism."
  16. 19:53 Salesman "Right Right, guessing they never had boybands back in Russia"
  17. 19:54 Terrax "No, they didn't, and I'm very ashamed of that. One of the /few/ qualities America has."
  18. 19:55 GregClaskovic "No, they didn't, and I'm very ashamed of that. One of the /few/ qualities America has."
  19. 19:56 Terrax said to Sinclair in a silent tone. "They're open. If I shout out, they'll recognize my voice, this is your call, friend."
  20. 19:59 Sinclair "You lay in waiting, my good fellow... Let me handle this." With that Sinclair dashed off out of Terrax's sight
  21. 19:59 Sinclair cackled as he ran "I'll give you a signal when to strike"
  22. 20:03 GregClaskovic "So, any expected customers to come in? This place has been getting attention, which is surprising, seeing how people these days love technology."
  23. 20:06 Salesman "Nothing really. been average. Well, actually I remember Isidora coming in, didn't buy anything, just said if the whole thing we were talking about with her and Wells and the blue kid becomes a rumor, she'll eat the store. I get the feeling her and Wells aren't a thing"
  24. 20:09 Terrax "Seems that that Isidora one can't go a mile without having a problem."
  25. 20:09 GregClaskovic "Seems that that Isidora one can't go a mile without having a problem."
  26. 20:12 Sinclair "Ah yes, demons and the like. Funny creatures, those. So many of them go great lengths to prove themselves to be human, it makes all the demonic humans look bad." Sinclair would say casually coming out from an alleyway, approaching the two and swinging his cane.
  27. 20:14 GregClaskovic looked at Sinclair with a confused look. "Who are you?" He turned to Salesman. "Who is he?"
  28. 20:15 Sinclair "Customer! I wanted to see if you had any wares, obviously. You are open, right?"
  29. 20:16 GregClaskovic "Well, we are, but I didn't expect a customer to come across this place so soon. What are you looking for?"
  30. 20:16 Salesman turns to him. The suit looked like any other but the mask. He knew who it was. or at least the nickname. "Greg. get back. Actually you can take a beating get in front of me"
  31. 20:17 GregClaskovic "What?" He turned to Salesman. "This man seems to scrawny. He's not going to harm a fly. Isn't that right, Sir?"
  32. 20:18 Sinclair chuckled. "I am here just to pick up a few items, browse around. There aren't many places like this, you know. You needn't be on guard so much."
  33. 20:20 GregClaskovic "Well, I'll tell you, you can trust me. Now, you said you were looking for wares?"
  34. 20:25 Salesman was shivering behind Greg. Whispering to him "Greg this is the guy who fought Hatemonger, showed the world how to kill one? Hes bad news"
  35. 20:26 Sinclair "How rude... talking about me when I am standing right here"
  36. 20:27 Terrax was waiting for the signal. He watched Sinclair and the two create what seemed like conversation. The sight of Greg made Terrax create that sudden vibration sound. The small bolts and nuts in the abandoned building began shaking violently.
  37. 20:29 GregClaskovic looked at Sinclair. "So you fought that Red monster thing that immature hockey man had? Good riddance. Thing needed some priority, you know. And that man, has he never heard the term 'hold your tongue' before? By god."
  38. 20:30 Salesman "L-look, we, or at least I know who you are. We don't want any trouble, we're just some shop owners"
  39. 20:31 Sinclair "Don't you worry yourself. I have no reason to kill you."
  40. 20:32 Sinclair then tapped his foot... slipped out of the shoe until it dangled off of the edge of his toe before he lightly kicked his leg out. No mere human could accomplish the feat, but his powers handled that for him, and the shoe went flying at the force of a kick directly into the Salesman's stomach.
  41. 20:33 Sinclair at the same time smacked his cane to the floor to signal Terrax's surprise attack.
  42. 20:34 Salesman fell back in pain. The second he did Golems came rushing in from outside. All running towards Sin
  43. 20:35 Terrax The building across the street near the shop suddenly opened up, the bricks flew out and small chunks of metal and shrapnel burst out in a violent reaction of the building nearly being torn apart. Greg could literally feel magnetism near him, until it became more apparent. He could feel the magnetic radiation wrapping around him, this was not good.
  44. 20:37 Sinclair bolted with speed absolutely inhuman. Grabbing his shoe and putting it back on he rushed into the golems and danced around whatever they had to throw at him, for when they did his cane would crash against joints to break them. The speed and precision and strength, it was impossible...
  45. 20:38 Salesman "*COUGH HACK COUGH* Oh god that hurt. G-greg, get help, please!"
  46. 20:40 GregClaskovic couldn't believe it. Terrax had returned. It had been too long, and obviously Terrax had planned for this. He was frozen for a moment. But he's in a magic shop. He grabbed Salesman, and with his height, He managed to punch a hole in the roof. He managed to get a grip of the hole in the roof and jumped out.
  47. 20:42 Sinclair "Don't try to run, we haven't even started the fun yet!" When Greg got to the roof, Sinclair was there, he was even faster than he had been in that televised battle. And the metal man was met with a blow that could shake even him at the end of the villain's cane.
  48. 20:44 GregClaskovic was knocked back. How could he even move that fast? He put down Salesman, and raised his fists. Doing so, His body suddenly buffed up. The sound of Metal quickly twisting and turning was heard, Greg had gained a foot more in height. "Bring it, scrawny man."
  49. 20:47 Sinclair "Oh you want to do this then? So wasteful with your time~!" As Greg was buffing up, the supernaturally skilled man had bolted forward and kicked right into his chest. If he was lucky, it would knock him back down to Terrax, but even on its own he was putting out force that shouldn't be possible in that tiny frame.
  50. 20:49 GregClaskovic skidded back towards the edge of the roof. He saw Terrax. If Terrax could smile, he would.
  51. 20:49 Terrax elevated where both Sinclair and Greg were located. Seeing as Greg was been taken care of in a manner that made him look pathetic pleased Terrax. "Beat him to a inch of his life, Sinclair. Then let me deal with him." He shot an intense amount of magnetic radiation towards Greg shooting him back to the middleground of the roof.
  52. 20:50 GregClaskovic coughed. His Magnetic Powers made him feel disgustingly weak, like as if they strip him of his metal reserves. He got up, groaning and looking at Sinclair. "Is... Is that all you got?"
  53. 20:51 Sinclair "With pleasure!" Sinclair cackled and smacked the man down as he was blasted back into the roof, beginning to hail down swings of his cane like a madman but hitting as an equal to Greg himself.
  54. 20:53 GregClaskovic was displeased with how he was getting thrown around. He had enough, but he couldn't go into his Third Stage. He doesn't have the reserves for it. He could just block whatever Sinclair threw at him. He could take it, as long as he doesn't throw a hard punch, he should be fine. Greg threw one punch at Sinclair, aimed directly at his stomach.
  55. 20:54 Salesman slowly got up. Seeing The familiar robot and Sin going toe to toe with Greg, he wanted out of there.
  56. 20:55 Salesman ran, ok crawled over to the end of the roof, slowly trying to get down
  57. 20:55 Sinclair Perhaps something that Salesman knew, and Greg didn't, was that Sinclair enjoyed twisting the knife. As Greg tried to punch at him he would grab at his arm and twisted with a sinister cackle, putting an inhuman strength behind putting this limb out of commission, breaking it.
  58. 20:57 Terrax "Where are you going, young Jeremy?" Terrax slowly asked Salesman, inches away from his face. As soon as he could react, Terrax dispersed an intense amount of magnetic radiation, tearing even the nearby structure near both him and Salesman, blowing him straight off the roof.
  59. 20:58 Salesman landed about ten feet away. broken ribs, probably an arm too. He looked up at Terrax, and smiled
  60. 20:59 GregClaskovic His arm simply twisted and molded back into place. "Never had that happen before... But I've dealt with worse. I think." Greg obviously couldn't hit him by traditional means, so he just stretched out his arm at an incredible pace, fist made straight for Sinclair's face.
  61. 21:00 Sinclair turned his body out of the way of the punch, still using his hold to pick Greg up and flip him over his shoulder to crash him through the ceiling of the shop once more. "You know this is a little different from my plan, but I am having fun!"
  62. 21:02 Salesman "H-hey Terrax? What do you call a building that moves?"
  63. 21:03 GregClaskovic roared as he smashed through the ceiling of the shop, bringing down girders and pipes with him. His face, planted straight into one of the shelves, it's surprising that the shop hasn't been torn apart by this. But the girders, pipes, other metal objects around him, he could use this. Greg started absorbing what he could, perhaps he could evolve from this.
  64. 21:04 Terrax "The visions of a delusional man, young Jeremy. You've been faced with death. You're losing your mind. I will gladly take you out of your miserable existence." One of the lamp posts suddenly rooted out of the ground and was held back, the light aimed straight at Salesman.
  65. 21:04 Salesman "Good guess? Its actually Brick House"
  66. 21:05 Salesman Brick House brought his giant fist down onto Terrax
  67. 21:06 Sinclair And... out the front of the shop Greg would go, right back out to the street as he was kicked by Sinclair, still laughing and gloating loudly.
  68. 21:06 Terrax was brought flying back from the impact, but stopped. There wasn't any major damage done, maybe a bunch of dents and scratches, but nothing out of the usual. "I didn't expect that."
  69. 21:09 GregClaskovic was knocked back, Sinclair would find that he wasn't exactly thrown back, maybe a few inches. "Good one." Greg groaned. "Want to see something very exciting?" He started rubbing his stomach, the mold that Sinclair's shoe made slowly regenerated back into it's previous state.
  70. 21:10 Terrax rooted out more lamp posts and even telephone posts, catapulting them towards Brickhouse. "Even your primitive magic will not save you from this, Jeremy. I'm not going to see you and Greg stand from this."
  71. 21:12 Sinclair "Please, do enlighten me. I do think that I have yet to introduce myself... my name is Sinclair, the sinister kingpin of Neon, the pinnacle of crime and style that quite frankly more should start taking after. And hearing that those friends of yours are after your hide, well, I think that I will get quite a lot of fun out of this conflict."
  72. 21:13 Sinclair "Now, go ahead. Show me what hidden potential you have hidden away!"
  73. 21:14 GregClaskovic "Wait, how did you know I have hidden potential?" Greg was surprised by this. He hadn't shown anyone his Third Stage, and this man had just presumed he had 'hidden potential'.
  74. 21:16 Sinclair "Call it my... instinct. I can feel you, Greg. Every little breath, every movement, every tense that you have in your metallic body... The animal workings of your mind are clear as day to me. I don't know what you have in store but I can feel it as if it were music~!" Sinclair flaunted and giggled. Full of himself. What was always his downfall.
  75. 21:19 Salesman The poles impact and bring Brickhouse down, cause, well, metal poles versus bricks. "O-oh no"
  76. 21:19 GregClaskovic "I'm flattered." Greg gripped his fists. His face, was showing tense emotions, as if he was holding his breath. Horns and spikes started emitting from his body, his metal tone darkened to signify the fact that the atoms in his body were tightening together, creating a more dense structure of metal. Streaks and lines slowly made way to patterns on his body.
  77. 21:20 Salesman slowly crawled away
  78. 21:21 Sinclair likely could have done the smart thing and interrupted his transformation. But that was not the kind of man he was. Life had little value in his mind, it was the glory and learning that he took from every battle that excited him. He wanted to wring all he could out of Greg before he could win.
  79. 21:23 Terrax floated over to Salesman. "This, although not as satisfying to me as would Greg Claskovic's death, will be enough for me to continue what you humans call happiness. Goodby-" Terrax found himself frozen suddenly. It was glitch. Caused by what? Terrax did a scan, it was a hull breach... caused by what?
  80. 21:25 GregClaskovic completed his transformation. His body gleamed in reflection to even the most little of light. He started gripping and ungripping his fists, His body was obviously way more heavier than his previous form. "This is the very limit to my Metal Bending powers, just to let you know."
  81. 21:27 Sinclair "...Then perhaps you will show me what you can do. No man has been able to touch me since I have revived into this form, too slow or too weak, nothing could stop me. So, put that to the test for me, will you?" That he was helping Terrax didn't seem to occur to him any longer. His attention had shifted.
  82. 21:27 GregClaskovic "I can use the metal around us as a weapon, I don't have to touch it, or feel it, any form of metal around us, as long as it's around here. I'm letting you know this." Greg's expression was still tense. The Third Stage was a literal pain to maintain.
  83. 21:28 GregClaskovic "I think this will be interesting for both of us, really. I never got to actually put this evolution of mine to the test."
  84. 21:29 Sinclair "...And it is a strain upon you as well, isn't it? I can hear your nerves screaming out. Simply outlasting you would likely put you back down to size by fatigue alone. But what is fun in that?"
  85. 21:33 GregClaskovic "I can cope with the pain, don't you worry. It's the only pain I'm going to feel in this fight, I believe. I have a steady supply of metal to maintain it." This was apparent to Terrax, the part of his Hull missing was intentional, The metal from the hull dripped over to Greg. "Sales, get the golems to finish of Terrax, quickly!" He shouted over at him.
  86. 21:35 GregClaskovic "Your newfound friend won't be much of a problem. It's just you and me." Greg's breathing got heavier from before. The stress of the transformation was doing a lot on his body.
  87. 21:36 Sinclair "Stupid, stupid, stupid robot..." Sinclair regarded to the side at Terrax. "He never stood a ghost of a chance. If that is all that their group has to offer I must say I am disappointed. On its own it thought it would be able to take you, yet look at it now..."
  88. 21:37 Sinclair spun his cane and took on a stance. "Then come now, face me before you go too far and do yourself in!"
  89. 21:37 Salesman "*Cough* S-sorry Greg. BrickHouse is down for the count. and I can't move much...please help."
  90. 21:37 Terrax shouted over in a glitched, distorted manner at Sinclair. "Help me, quickly... *ERROR* This-This-This-This-This-This *ERROR* was not part of the plan, Sinclair *ERROR*"
  91. 21:39 Sinclair "You failed your end of the plan! You are WEAK!" With that Sinclair threw the cane like a spinning club at Terrax to get it out of the way, he wanted to use his hands.
  92. 21:41 GregClaskovic clapped his hands together. A hefty amount of girders flew straight at Sinclair giving Greg time to jump in, in case he could deal with the metal beams flying at him. As soon as Greg could, he threw in a good punch or two, their force could potentially shatter the building walls around them if he wasn't careful enough.
  93. 21:45 Sinclair dodged through the metal girders, and even through the punches. To a lesser man they could have connected and destroyed, but it was as if the masked man was working above human reaction time. Like he had said, he could feel through every movement the moment it was attempted. As a result he was on the defensive, ducking and diving around Greg
  94. 21:49 GregClaskovic found that he couldn't simply beat Sinclair by throwing things at him, he had to overwork him. But this was going to be near impossible. Greg's body created more spikes, which shot out into small pieces of shrapnel, flying and bouncing around the area at extreme speeds. But at this point, Greg was going to run out of metal fast.
  95. 21:53 Sinclair "You are getting closer- Just not close enough!" Dropping to the ground he swung at Greg's legs to trip him up, swerving his way out of range of the shrapnel as he stood back up. Goddamn it, not even his suit had been torn.
  96. 21:55 *** Thomas_Orolanus joined #covenger_rp
  97. 21:55 GregClaskovic tripped, but his body turned into a blob, fixing his position into a stand again. He was breathing even harder than before, as if he was out of breath. "Are you going to throw a punch... *Huff* or what?" Greg lifted a large dumpster off the ground, the metal liquidized and made way into his arms. He made a sigh of relief, but his breathing was still bad.
  98. 21:56 Thomas_Orolanus "Hey jackass!" Thomas shoots a wave of dark magic after slamming his hammer on the ground, aimed right at SinClair
  99. 21:57 Sinclair "Well actually I-" With a flip, Sinclair sidesteps the surprise attack from Thomas, skidding to the side as he giggled. "I was waiting for the fight to get REALLY interesting!"
  100. 21:59 GregClaskovic "You should probably leave this to me, *Huff* and help your brother, Thomas... He might be bleeding out."
  101. 21:59 GregClaskovic "B-but, if you wanna tag in, that'd be *huff* fine..."
  102. 21:59 Thomas_Orolanus "oh so he told you bout me? Was it the hammer that tipped you off or the dark magic?"
  103. 22:00 GregClaskovic "Yes..." Greg lifted his palm out, taking another girder out of the buildings and absorbing it. "Also, if you could find me some metal... *huff* That'd, t-that'd be great..."
  104. 22:01 Thomas_Orolanus "Yes? Man you really messed him up good."
  105. 22:02 Sinclair "And what if I don't want you to get him his metal? Hmmm?"
  106. 22:02 GregClaskovic "He... He hasn't touched me. Yet." Greg was breathing very heavily at this point. "Could, could we get on with this?"
  107. 22:03 Sinclair "I do agree. Come now, I am here to threaten the lives of you all. And if I win I fully intend on taking them. So, give a nice show on your way out the mortal door, will you?"
  108. 22:04 Thomas_Orolanus "Well, uh. Never got your name? Mind telling the poor soul it before killing me oh great master of fighting sir?"
  109. 22:04 Thomas_Orolanus "Well, uh. Never got your name? Mind telling the poor soul it before killing me oh great master of fighting sir?"
  110. 22:05 GregClaskovic "His name is Sinclair. He beat that red ghost controlling man apparently. Nothing short of just business, I presume."
  111. 22:06 Thomas_Orolanus "Well, more like he found HOW to beat him. you even watch the news or go online?"
  112. 22:06 Sinclair "Just business. This was just business to begin with but I'm afraid my partner did not hold up his end of the bargain. Its shameful really."
  113. 22:07 Terrax glitched out a scream in response of Sinclair speaking of him.
  114. 22:07 Sinclair "So, I think that I will get what I want out of this to make up for it."
  115. 22:07 GregClaskovic "... Wow. I feel really bad, now."
  116. 22:08 Thomas_Orolanus "Well Sinclair. I just have one thing to say."
  117. 22:09 Sinclair "Go ahead. It had better be good, better be some kind of surprise attack or one liner. Or even bucking that and just hitting me. I want this to be a fine show!"
  118. 22:11 Thomas_Orolanus lifts the hammer up and slams it into the ground. His body being covered in a dark flame of magic "You're going to pay for hurting my brother"
  119. 22:14 Sinclair "You know I think that if he survives this he's going to say the exact same thing to me."
  120. 22:15 Sinclair "I'll be sure to point it out then. Anyway-" Like a bolt of lightning he sprung forward, kicking twice, one against the side of Greg's head then the other into Thomas' side
  121. 22:18 Thomas_Orolanus was tougher then his brother. "You sure have one hell of a kick"
  122. 22:18 GregClaskovic takes it like a tank. He cracks his neck side to side, still, breathing very loudly, his stance is also becoming slanted. "Like... Like I said... Only pain... I'll be feeling."
  123. 22:18 Thomas_Orolanus "But then again so do I" He shoots out a blast from his hammer flying towards Sin
  124. 22:19 Thomas_Orolanus At the very last second it moved upwards and blasted off to the back of the house
  125. 22:20 Sinclair didn't stop. While the blast went past him he kicked right down into Thomas' knee. Even a normal man doing so would be damaging, but the force of a brawler at the supernatural level was something different entirely
  126. 22:21 Thomas_Orolanus *CRACK*
  127. 22:24 Thomas_Orolanus "GAH! W-well, looks like I'm out for the count now. I must admit you are a great fighter, tell me how you got so great so I may die in peace>"
  128. 22:25 Sinclair "I died~!" A second kick came to knock Thomas to the side of him.
  129. 22:26 GregClaskovic was gone while all that happened. He came back with a bunch of dumpsters, bins, small mailboxes and planted them down. "Okay... okay..." He shoved his arm into the pile, sucking up the metal, his stance became more straight, and his breathing stopped.
  130. 22:27 GregClaskovic "Alright... so. I'm ready now. Really. I'm ready. Let's go." Greg started jumping slightly in place.
  131. 22:27 Thomas_Orolanus brought his hammer up trying to do something of an uppercut
  132. 22:29 Sinclair swiped as the hammer swung at him, giggling and dodging about. "You ready to fight once more, Greg? I want to break you both at once!"
  133. 22:30 GregClaskovic shot out more shrapnel, bouncing and reflecting at the walls. He lassos Thomas with his arm as soon as he can when he does it, stepping back and letting the shrapnel do it's work. "Go ahead, scrawny man, try it!"
  134. 22:35 Thomas_Orolanus tries to shoot a small beam of darkness again, looping around but just hitting the hammer again
  135. 22:35 Sinclair braced himself. Turning and twisting his body he minimized the damage that he could take from it, only ending out with scratches across his body with no deep cuts. More importantly, he had closed the gap between them and began kicking at the two of them, trying to shatter joints and punish them for every misstep
  136. 22:40 GregClaskovic was knocked back, he started slinging his elongated arms around like ropes, slashing the buildings around him in an attempt to his Sinclair. From the arm slinging, Girders and Mailboxs rooted out of their place, Greg was making the place look like a warzone but it practically is by this point. He has to hit him.
  137. 22:40 Thomas_Orolanus tried to block some hits with his hammer
  138. 22:43 Thomas_Orolanus tried blasting at Sin more, but they kept turning at odd angles and vanishing
  139. 22:46 Sinclair "Fools! Fools fools fools! Backing into a corner like this like dogs!" Sinclair shouted and gloated out as he continued to bash down at them, captivated by his own power no matter what they had tried.
  140. 22:47 Thomas_Orolanus tried one last time, but they just fizzle out after making small jagged movements
  141. 22:48 Sinclair "Even your magic means nothing! I have done it! I have found my perfect form!"
  142. 22:49 Thomas_Orolanus "Damn it, I can't, I cant do it, please, end this quickly."
  143. 22:50 GregClaskovic roars in anger. Sinclair might've not noticed the tornado of Girders and Mailboxes, focused too much on smashing both Greg and Thomas in, Greg brought back in his arms, The objects flew in at Sinclair at an alarming speed. "FUCK YOUR PERFECT FORM!"
  144. 22:51 Sinclair "You hear that Greg! The time has finally come~!" At this point he was nearly singing, one of his hands straightening out to jab out on its way to tear apart the both of them. And in that moment he didn't think of anything else around him.
  145. 22:51 Thomas_Orolanus "before you do this, I got one last thing to say"
  146. 22:52 Thomas_Orolanus "Gotcha"
  147. 22:54 Thomas_Orolanus A large ring glows around Sinclair, a triangle inside it with 3 Rune markings on the outside of the triangle, one large one inside. The look didn't matter as the ring blazed a giant pillar of black fire "TOSS THAT METAL IN GREGO"
  148. 22:54 Thomas_Orolanus A large ring glows around Sinclair, a triangle inside it with 3 Rune markings on the outside of the triangle, one large one inside. The look didn't matter as the ring blazed a giant pillar of black fire "TOSS THAT METAL IN GREGO"
  149. 22:57 Sinclair Sinclair had dominated the fight from the very start, by all means he could have killed them right there, but it was the rush and glory of it all that was the fatal mistake. He thought that he no longer needed to try, for they were useless against him anyway. Instead, he was caught in the trap
  150. 22:58 GregClaskovic quickly smashed whatever metal he had straight at Sinclair. The collision would've caused a large boom, cars were shaken, windows were broken, the street erupted in a glory of awakening. The Metal crushed in, bending and twisting getting more dense and dense.
  151. 22:58 Salesman The heat of the fire melted it into on big ball
  152. 23:00 GregClaskovic fell to the ground. He started gagging, the spikes around his body retracting and his tint of metal becoming lighter. Once he had returned into his normal form, he puked. "I am never... going to use that stage again..." The only words he could make up, he was still busy spewing metal liquid everywhere. It had a distinct smell of vodka, as well.
  153. 23:01 *** Breakdown joined #covenger_rp
  154. 23:01 Sinclair By the time that it all had cleared there was not a trace left of Sinclair.
  155. 23:02 Thomas_Orolanus "D-dont faint yet Greg, I think all three of us need some serious medical attention. You guys have a phone?"
  156. 23:03 GregClaskovic started beating his chest with his fist, coughing out whatever puke metal he had. "No..." he stood up, his stance was shaky. It was almost like a hangover.
  157. 23:03 Thomas_Orolanus "also my brother may be dead"
  158. 23:04 GregClaskovic "Wha..." Greg's vision became blurry. "Oh, that's a good drawing, Anna, sh... show daddy." He fell, his face flat into the metal puke. He was used to this.
  159. 23:05 Thomas_Orolanus "Where the hell is that golem"
  160. 23:06 Terrax was no where to be found. He simply disappeared, he could've escaped during the fight, who knows. One thing's for certain. Greg isn't the only human he wishes to exterminate.
  161. 23:07 Thomas_Orolanus As mif one command, Brick house stood up, only his entire body was composed of black magic fire. and four large arms seem to take most of his mass as he is now twice as short. The Shadow Golem picked up Greg, Salesman, slowly walking towards the nearest hospital
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