
[WIP] Even Nightmares End - Part Two

Sep 26th, 2013
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  1. >For a long time you simply lie there, gazing into Nightmare Moon's eyes. The more you do so the more you see they're so like Luna's. Your hand strokes through her ethereal mane sending little prickling sensations across your skin and drawing soft sighs from her.
  2. >Seeing her like this, now, it's hard to imagine she ever stood against the beacon of righteousness that is Celestia. How could such a gentle creature be moved to that kind of hatred?
  3. >In time, though, your thoughts grow quiet and your eyes fall heavy. She pulls you closer as you allow sleep to claim you in that warm embrace.
  5. >It is still dark when you wake, Nightmare Moon is gazing at you with her little smile, eyes wavering.
  6. >"You stayed with me." Her breath is soft and warm against your face; your hand moves to her shoulder.
  7. >"You were lonely." Yes. She was.
  8. >There's a little nod, eyes blinking back tears. The room lightens slightly and she shimmers. "We must part for now but remember my words, I will not fail..."
  9. >Her voice trails off as she seems to melt into the shadows on your bed.Your arm slowly falls and then rests against the warm sheets. It was no illusion.
  10. >You sleep for some time after, well into the afternoon hours. You'd long kept up this seemingly odd circadian rhythm but it allowed you to work hours others preferred not to. You did. You always did prefer the gentle light of the moon to that of the sun.
  12. >Eventually you wake and rise, cleaning and dressing yourself; eating a good meal before heading off to Ponyville's library, eager to see what further work Twilight has for you.
  14. >You enter the library, fully expecting to see Twilight but there's only Spike, busy re-shelving various books. He turns to greet you, a claw raised but stops short, giving you an odd look.
  15. >"Hey Anon, you... okay? You look kinda different." He walks over, still giving you that look.
  16. >You give yourself a once over but see nothing out of the ordinary. "I don't feel different. You sure?"
  17. >The little dragon squints at you before shaking his head. "Maybe I just need to get some more sleep. You got the right idea, you know." You hold back a little laugh at the idea of Spike getting even -more- sleep.
  18. >Asking about Twilight has him directing you down into the basement. Of course, she'd be down there going over last night's results and probably running tests of her own. You head on, knowing well you'll be expected.
  19. >There's hooves clopping about below as you descend the stairs. "No... No, no, no this is all wrong!"
  21. >The clopping stops momentarily only to begin once again, stopping once more as you catch Twilight's gaze. She smiles up to you, waving you down with a hoof.
  22. >"Anon! Great, I'm glad you're here I need your help in... Are you okay?" She tilts her head to one side, looking you up and down. "There's a... strange magical aura around you. I'm guessing from the results of last night something big happened."
  23. >Something big did happen but you can't go talking about it. Not just yet. If Nightmare was going to be given a chance she'd never get it from the one who caused her dissolution.
  24. >"Uh... yeah, some big... swirl or something of magical energy. I feel okay, though. Maybe it's, um, just a residual field?"
  25. >She looks over innocently but nods eventually. "That's possible. We'll figure it out later, it doesn't feel like it's harming you, right now I need your help.
  27. >Immediately Twilight begins peppering you with all sorts of questions about what you observed at the Castle, last night. Everything from changes in lighting to if there was an ozone like smell. You do your best to describe it as close as possible to what happened, leaving out any details that might link a certain interloper to the event.
  28. >She seems a little concerned at hearing how you felt like you were being watched, even outside of the Everfree Forest but ou quickly reassure her the feeling passed after you got home. It was probably just your nerves; she buys it, thankfully, going back to her machinery.
  29. >Twilight also takes some time to go through the workings of certain machinery with you. It's a little frustrating, some of the concepts of the magic behind it being completely alien but you do your best to keep up, taking your time to ask plenty of your own questions.
  30. >Apparently she wanted to measure changes in the natural magical flux of the castle's energies under that of the moon. Okay, you had the gist of that before. But she had suspected the effects of their using the magic of the Elements when they defeated Nightmare Moon might have interacted in unique ways and wanted to further knowledge on the exact way that magic functions.
  31. >You space out a little at that, Twilight giving you an apologetic grin and asks if you'd like to get something to eat with her. It's welcome, the hour being late into the evening now but you definitely feel you've got a better grasp on how to take readings from her machinery.
  32. >Which is good, she calls back as she leads up you the stairs, as you're going back to the Castle again tonight to see if those effects can be recreated.
  34. >It's nice eating with her in the homeliness of the library. Spike sets about getting a meal ready for the three of you while Twilight reviews some materials in one of her books, looking up now and again to go back over some of your earlier discussion.
  35. >She does halt briefly before the meal, looking at you intently. "Are you sure you feel okay? I've been picking up that field around you since you arrived."
  36. >You consider your words for a moment; how to put this without drawing suspicion. "I suppose I feel a little tired, maybe whatever that was hit me a little harder than I thought." It's not exactly a lie, you hadn't expected to be bound to another being like this.
  37. >Twilight nods slowly. "That... seems plausible. But I don't want to send you back in there if you're not feeling up to it."
  38. >You shake your head, holding up a hand. "It's fine, really. In fact I'm kinda curious myself now, after having all that explained to me."
  39. >Her face lights up suddenly, as she claps her book shut. "Really? I was hoping you'd develop a taste for magical studies! I mean, I know our own magic doesn't work on you as well as ponies but that doesn't mean you don't have an aptitude for studying it." Those big hopeful eyes... There's no way you could ever deny them.
  40. >"I wouldn't have stuck with this if I didn't at least find it interesting." You shrug, getting up with her as Spike calls the two of you to the table. "And if I can make something more of it at least it'll give me more to do."
  41. >She nods happily, sitting down next you then suddenly scooching back a little. "And you prefer to work at night, right? You know there's an entire field of magical studies devoted just to that which a lot of ponies tend to overlook."
  44. >As Twilight descends into a rambling lecture about the moon's influence on spells cast at night you wonder how you never thought of this yourself. Like she says, you may not be able to utilise magic but there really is no reason you couldn't make it a field of study. Especially if...
  45. >"Hey, you okay Anon?" Spike's claw waving in front of you brings you back to reality. "You kinda zoned out there for a minute."
  46. >"Hmm? Oh yeah, fine. Sorry I was just... thinking about tonight."
  47. >Twilight squees next to you. "I know! It's so exciting isn't it? If this research yields good enough results I could even present my findings to Princess Celestia personally! A-And you could too!" She gasps, gripping your arm. "You could receive a royal commission to begin your own research, just like me!" She giggles excitedly clopping her hooves together. "We could even be study buddies!"
  48. >You give your own, wavering, smile. "Don't get ahead of yourself, Twi. I'm just an ordinary guy and I haven't even started any real research yet."
  49. >She scoffs. "But Princess Celestia would only have your best interests at heart, you know. And if you present a good enough case you could probably attract Princess Luna's interests too! You know, I bet she'd be pretty pleased if somep0ny took up a study of her magicks with your natural talent..." Oh that's a low blow. You'd suspected Twilight knew of your little infatuation but to play on it like this...
  50. >"Alright, alright." You relent, throwing up your hands amidst a triumphant smile from your interlocutor. "-If- this all pays off I'll go with you and help you present the case."
  51. >"Then it's settled!" She holds out a hoof and you dutifully shake it, wondering just what the hell you've gotten yourself into.
  53. >You go over a few more things with Twilight after the meal, night setting in as you do so. Once more you're set off carrying a load of equipment though this time armed with your own knowledge of how to better utilise and understand them. And it's difficult not to allow her own excited energy to infect you.
  54. >You still feel that way while walking through the Everfree Forest and it strikes you as odd. Every time previous you've been in it you'd experienced that same sense of unease anyone you entered with did. And then the last night there was that paranoia where now you feel... fine. In fact, you almost feel a little more comfortable under the darkness of the canopy.
  55. >A part of your mind settles on the idea that a certain black alicorn might have something to do with that.
  57. >Despite its age you once more take a moment to admire the architecture of the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters. It's such a shame that a building like this has been left to decay so greatly.
  58. >You set up he machinery at the same point as last night, taking extra time to look it over and note down the base readings as well as more properly calibrate it. You like this. It's genuinely interesting to think that not only can you get engaged in this if you apply yourself but you might even have a calling for which your preference for the night would be so useful.
  59. >The machinery starts beeping wildly as you feel a familiar sensation in the air. You jot down notes as fast as you can, keeping track of the erratic readings. This time it's different, they're not quite as high as they were and the machinery's beeping is not of the warning kind.
  61. >Suspecting, already, what's about you step into the chamber from last night, witnessing a most curious sight. Your shadow peels off from you, swirling into form as it did before but now the moonlight shining down begins to coalesce and darken alongside it. The darkness spreads out, falling into a familiar shape as the moonlight trails off from it, changing to blue and glinting.
  62. >Two great, black feathery wings spread out from the being as a slender horn grows from its brow. You feel a thrum of nervousness run through you as the armour materialises upon her and she looks oh-so imperious, cyan eyes regarding you.
  63. >And then a smile curls back her lips as her eyes widen, no longer looking hostile. You take a step forward. And then another, and another as she does the same.
  64. >Nightmare Moon bows her head to one side and you return the gesture, unsure of what she has in mind.
  65. >"We are back in this place?" She looks about her, eyes wide and curious. "I had... hoped not to have to return."
  66. >"How did you..."
  67. >A warm, throaty chuckle comes from her lips and it makes you shiver. "I have been by your side all this time, resting, my dearest human."
  68. >Despite the presence you feel a tiny mote of irritation. "I have a name, you know."
  69. >"Oh I do. Anon, isn't it? I've heard others calling you that." She steps over lightly, sitting on her haunches by your side. "I rather like it, quite fitting."
  70. >Something comes to you, something you hadn't considered before. "Is your name really Nightmare Moon?"
  71. >She shakes her head, still smiling. "My name wouldn't have any meaning here. But I do prefer that one, I like how you say it."
  72. >"It's a bit of a mouthful, though."
  73. >"Perhaps. Then call me Nightmare!"
  75. >You cock an eyebrow at how she grins at that. "You don't seem like much of a nightmare."
  76. >She leans up against you, that satiny soft black coat making your skin tingle. "Ah but I am a Mare of the Night am I not?"
  77. >That she is, with no doubt. One of two, you recall but... this one is pressed right against you. This one still understands your loneliness - that is why you stand beside her so easily. Why you have kept her secret.
  78. >"Nightmare then."
  79. >"Nightmare." She whispers seductively. "Never forget what the realm of night holds in this land; what ponies do under... my night." You're not going to contradict her now. Not while she's speaking like this. "How they come together." Her lips are but an inch from you, you can feel her breath over your ear. "Never forget that this Mare of the Night is intimately familiar with her creation."
  80. >"I, uh, have research to attend to!" This is hardly the place, the time or... the occasion for those kinds of thoughts. Yes, she does remind you altogether too much of Luna.
  81. >"Yes, you do! Research into my night, yes? I heard that little unicorn talking about how you might like to make it your work. I would not disagree with her." She trots off ahead of you, towards your machinery. You follow after, a part of you eager to see what kind of insight she may offer.
  83. >Nightmare is already glancing over your equipment curiously, looking up as you approach. You tell her it's to monitor the magical fields in the area, especially given the time of day. She becomes quite pleased hearing this, questioning every knob, dial and monitor on the devices. In fact, you're quite pleased yourself at how easily you can recall what Twilight told you.
  84. >She sits by your side, listening intently as you explain the workings of it, going over the various readings you've taken and what you suspect they might mean. She makes an enquiry about the erratic ones - the ones that appeared in line with her.
  85. >"I'm not sure... Do you draw energies from the area to re-materialise?" It's easy to keep your mind off how she looks if you keep it -on- what you're doing here.
  86. >She cocks her head slightly, looking about. "Only when I first appeared to you. Now that... you are binding me to this plane I don't need to draw upon ambient magicks quite so much."
  87. >"But you do still need it? Is that whhy you can only come out at night? You need the specific aura the moon generates?" You hold a pen and one of your pads at the ready, hoping to jot down some personal note. This is the kind of thing you can't share with anyone. Not yet but at least it could offer some insight into the nature of these magicks.
  89. >She smirks, looking from your notes to you. You follow her gaze. "What?"
  90. >"You seem to have quite the talent for a non-magic user."
  91. >"I've spent a lot of time around Twilight, I suppose it's started to rub off."
  92. >"Nonsense!" She tands, trotting behind the equipment to look over it at you. "I heard that unicorn explaining the finer points of this study to you; you picked it up so easily."
  93. >Is she still trying to appeal to your vanity? You've already started to trust her, you don't need this. "I guess I've just found my calling."
  94. >"And your calling is my night and my its magic." Her smile softens, no longer quite so excited. "Something I would delight in assisting you with."
  95. >You can't deny it'd be good to get help, especially at this early stage. And it'd allow you someone to spend time with at these hours.
  96. >"Nightmare." She looks up to you from the machine. "Thank you."
  97. >Her head is cocked again. "For what?"
  98. >"For making your promise. For... I suppose, for coming to me. It's nice to have someone I can be with at this time of day."
  99. >She trots around, sitting down once more and extending a soft, feathery wing over you. "I should be thanking you, for having trusted me. Though I suppose it would make sense for a fellow interloper to do so."
  100. >There she goes again, implying she's in the same situation as you.
  101. >"Nightmare, what do you mean when you say 'like me'? When we first met you said you're not of this world, is that true?"
  102. >The wing falters slightly before tucking in closer against you. "Yes. It is, very much." She stops there, looking down.
  103. >"Would you... prefer to talk about it some other time?" You find your hand rests easily against her shoulder. She smiles slightly, looking back up.
  104. >"Thank you."
  106. >For some time after Nightmare continues to ask questions about the readouts and panels, offering her own suggestions on the results and positing theories. It's surprisingly refreshing to be doing this; with Twilight there'd been a certain distance but Nightmare is really passionate about the subject. She sees you smiling and asks what it is.
  107. >You tell her that she's really starting to grow on you. The wing twitches before tugging tighter. She responds saying that she'd hoped to desperately that you'd give her this chance. That she'd watched in envy from the shadows how easily you got along with others, despite being active predominantly at night.
  108. >And isn't that why you took the chance? Because you saw someone who was lonely, who understood how even that despite one's best efforts, the nights could be terribly lonely.
  109. >But then, she counters, leaning herself against you, wasn't it also because you still needed companionship?
  110. >"Yes, you're right." Your hand strays through her ethereal mane as her head comes to rest on your shoulder.
  111. >"And that is something I too have long desired." Her tone turns a little bitter as she keeps herself against you. "The ponies of this world fear and hate me, how could I ever find what I desire among them."
  112. >Only the tenderness of this moment stays your tongue about what she's said. "Was it always that way?"
  113. >"I'm not sure." Her voice is wistful, distant. "I was angry and bitter, alone and frightened. Looking back at that time..." She trails off, her head lifting from your shoulder. When you look at her, she's staring off at the moon.
  114. >"C'mon, I've brought a light meal, why don't you join me." Better to keep away from those topics, at least for now.
  116. >There's a light little laugh. "I'd forgotten what it is to have the needs of a corporeal form." Nightmare peels off from you. "It would be nice to share my first meal in some time with you."
  117. >Retrieving the package from your bag, Nightmare leads you back into the large chamber where you first met. She walks on through it, onto the dais at the back and out onto a balcony. From here there's a perfect view of the moon and she sits for a moment, gazing up at it with a smile.
  118. >"Beautiful, isn't it?" She looks back down to you.
  119. >"It's comforting." You look up at the white disc. You always did love the gentle light of the moon.
  120. >She chuckles, re-seating herself next to you. "You're quite perceptive, you know." Seen under this light, her mane shimmers, tiny motes of light glimmering within it. It's almost like Luna's and yet... Nightmare's just looks more alluring. Where Luna's rides at her side, so composed, Nightmare's undulates on unseen winds, gathering then dissipating, joining and splitting.
  121. >"Perhaps you've found something more beautiful." You shake your head, recalling yourself. Nightmare's still sitting next to you but she's grinning widely. Ah, she'd caught you staring.
  122. >"I was just thinking your mane is more attractive than Luna's."
  123. >"Hmph." She straightens herself slightly. "And why wouldn't it be. That girl simply doesn't know how to keep hers. Most likely serves as the reason she's without a companion herself..."
  124. >"Nightmare!" Her head whips back to you. "I thought you'd be a little more sympathetic to her plight, you know."
  125. >Her gaze turns distant once more. "If you knew our history you wouldn't speak so." She continues staring off into the distance but returns as you gently bump against her.
  127. >"One of those things for later?" You slip an arm over her.
  128. >A nod and a little smile. "I know I've already asked much of you."
  129. >"This is what it's like, Nightmare. Sometimes you just have to make a decision to trust someone."
  130. >"Then you are better than I." She leans herself against you again. The two of you sit in silence for a time, merely enjoying each other's presence in the soft moonlight before you remember the meal.
  131. >It's nothing fancy, just the usual fare you'd bring to sustain you but Nightmare seems pleased enough. Most likely as she's gone without for some time. Still, she takes genuine pleasure in the tea you've brought, levitating it in front of herself and slowly inhaling its scent.
  132. >During the meal you ask Nightmare if Twilight would be capable of detecting her. Yes, it's possible but she can take further steps to hide her presence. You're not ashamed of her, you're quick to add, it's just that it may be some time yet before she can be seen again.
  133. >No, she doesn't mind, as long as she's got you it's alright. You fall into silence once more after that.
  135. >As you're packing up the plates from the meal you hear an odd sound, it's soft and light, melodious and sweet. You turn to see Nightmare standing, gazing at the moon once more. She's singing. Ever so softly her voice rings out through the night air, rising and falling slowly, a slightly sombre tune. It trails off as she sees you looking at her.
  136. >"What was that?" You step towards her. "It was... beautiful!"
  137. >Nightmare turns aside, wings ruffling out before resettling. "It was... a prayer. One from my home, that the moon might watch over us, guide us, provide for us."
  139. >Going back to your machinery you note down some of the readouts from your little break. Nightmare walks about the interior, stopping to examine a statue or architectural feature now and then. You idly wonder what it must have been like for her, stuck without a body and most likely spending a lot of time here. Maybe the next time you're out you could take her somewhere that won't hold as many bad memories.
  140. >And then you think upon how easily you've taken -to- her. Maybe you just didn't have the kind of cultural investment ponies do in the mythos surrounding her. Or maybe you were just desperate and latched on to the first thing that shared something in common with you. Like Luna.
  141. >No. No, you hadn't been obsessed. You'd liked her, yes, even fantasised about her but it never overtook you. She was beautiful, withdrawn, inviolable. And now here you had a far more seductive, more sensual alicorn who desired you. Since you'd laid eyes upon her you understood Nightmare's beautiful but surely she's not just some simulacrum of Luna for you.
  143. >No, as she'd said she too was a stranger to this world. You both shared that, too, a far keener link than simple loneliness. Yes, nights had been lonely for more than just missing out on friends.
  144. >But you weren't going to rush into this. Nightmare seems quite comfortable with the idea but even she has to realise that what you have now could be so much more, if you only allow it to be.
  145. >The machine beeps and you look down, realising you've missed some readings in your ruminations. Nightmare too, is looking at you curiously. You tell her it's fine, you were just going over some things.
  147. >You pass the rest of your time talking with Nightmare a little more about your readings. She takes up a quill and some paper, adding to your notes as well as flipping through earlier ones and making corrections.
  148. >When you do finally pack up and leave she stays with you through the Everfree Forest, only melting into your shadow as you exit. This time there isn't the unsettling feeling of being watched but more the knowledge that she's there with you.
  149. >Arriving back at the library you return the equipment, Twilight happily noting she can't detect that odd magical field around you any more. So Nightmare's plan did work... You thank Twilight and head home, eager to get some rest after the long trek back.
  150. >You're only in the door when Nightmare coalesces into being next to you. She looks haggard, though, bent over with her eyes falling shut.
  151. >Asking what's wrong reveals that the energies she expended in keeping herself concealed took more out of her than she expected. You were considering spending a little time sitting with her again but instead advise going straight to bed. She makes no objections to that, leading the way.
  153. >In a flash her raiment is gone, as before but she moves more slowly, slipping under the covers beside you. Slowly, she moves herself over, extending a foreleg around you. She kisses you once and you shiver at the velvety softness of her lips. This is the side of her you prefer.
  154. >It's one you don't have much more time to enjoy as you drift off to sleep...
  156. >You're floating in blackness. A voice calls out from near you.
  157. >"I'm so glad this worked." Your concentration feels... hard to focus. The voice is familiar but you can't place it. "Hmm? Oh, I should have remembered you're not familiar with this."
  158. >There's an odd feeling, one almost like deja vu as awareness creeps over your mind. Yes, that was Nightmare's voice. But why are you floating in blackness like this! What the hell is going on!"
  159. >"Calm yourself, you're quite safe, I assure you." Her voice certainly is reassuring but this is beyond insanity.
  160. >"What's going on? Where am I!" you look down and see your body in its normal clothing but otherwise you're just suspended in a void.
  161. >"We're in your dreams, Anon. Or rather, in the beginning of one." You turn slowly towards the voice and see... Oh.There's a black outline against a swirling blue mass, her cyan eyes looking particularly predatory. Upon her chest glows the insignia from her torc. "Do you like this form?"
  162. >You nod, forgetting she might not be able to see the gesture. "As much as your... real world one, I suppose." You look about pointlessly. "So... why're you here?"
  163. >She gives a throaty laugh. "I merely wanted to join you in your slumber, don't you think this quite intimate?" The swirling blue mass moves towards you as do the eyes. A pair of forehooves slip over your shoulders. "Here, there is little we cannot do."
  164. >You consider that for a moment. "I can control the dream now?"
  165. >"Yes, though I do hold some measure of power myself." She must see your frown as you feel her pull back from you. "A consequence of the magics I used."
  166. >"Speaking of which, weren't you exhausted from earlier?"
  168. >"Quite but this requires little, it's difficult to explain in terms you can relate to."
  169. >"So much for making progress in my studies..." You try to put on a hurt tone.
  170. >"You've seen how I shift my form, haven't you? It's akin to that though more involved."
  171. >You look about again, hoping she sees this time. "So what should we do?"
  172. >One of the forelegs slide around and you feel Nightmare's warmth press against your side. "Anything you want, Anon."
  173. >In truth you really aren't sure but perhaps starting off with something simple is in order. Put some ground below you and sky above...
  174. >In the blink of an eye you're standing in an open field with gently rolling hills all about. It's night, the full moon hangs high in the sky.
  175. >"Ah, I might have known you'd pick something so suitable." You turn and see Nightmare seating herself on the grass, the insignia gone from her chest. Under the light of the moon like this you've got a perfect view of her out of her armour. She looks more shapely.
  176. >"Well then, I'm open to suggestions for the rest." You step over and stand near her as she smiles to you.
  177. >"Of course, I have quite a few ideas in mind." And you're more than happy to see what they are.
  178. >This whole experience while still odd is exciting in its own way. A lucid dream with another, conscious being. Yes, this was going to be fun...
  180. >Walking through the open plains is calming in its own way. That might have something to do with the feeling of doing it alongside a mare who's had to keep herself hidden in situations like this.
  181. >The landscape shifts slightly and you find yourself standing on a hill, overlooking a town. Nightmare is sitting at your side once more.
  182. >"Do you notice anything about it?" She lifts a hoof, pointing at the town. You squint, making out ponies moving about in it. Despite your distance you're almost sure you can hear laughter.
  183. >"What's going on?" You slowly lower yourself onto the grass as Nightmare moves into a prone position.
  184. >"Isn't it obvious? They're enjoying our night." Our night? Of course, it's your dream.
  185. >"Do you want to go down to them?" The mare tenses up, wings moving out from her sides slightly.
  186. >"No. Perhaps at another time." Mentally kicking yourself for upsetting her so, you turn back to the town, realising what you'd said. You feel her nuzzle against your neck gently. "Did I not say this is -our- night? We've no need of them."
  187. >You try to move outside her reach but she stretches, nipping lightly at your skin. You gasp, falling back against her. A wing unfolds and wraps about you. "Maybe we should... save this for the real world."
  188. >"Deny me a little comfort here?" Her breath is soft against your ear as she whispers. "And I thought you were growing to like me."
  189. >"I am." You move a hand over her neck. "But why rush?"
  190. >"Because I've had a thousand years to fantasise." Her lips ever so lightly brush against you once more. "I have no desire to be denied any longer."
  191. >You turn to face her. "You're sure?" You're not entirely.
  193. >"Would I have given you my word if I wasn't?" Those predatory eyes fall to half lids.
  194. >But her eyes aren't the only part of her that bespeak desire, as she pushes off with wings and hind legs, knocking you onto your back as she pins you to the ground. "We can offer each other much, you know. -I- can offer you much." Her breath is low, husky. "And all I would ask in return is that you consider reciprocating."
  195. >Hooves pin your shoulders down as a pair of black lips meet your own. Your hands shoot up to grab her forelegs as she twists her head to one side. Your eyes fall shut, Nightmare's taste and scent overpowering you.
  196. >A weight settles upon your body as her forelegs move out. Now free, your hands trail up and over her back, stopping only once they reach the delicate joints of her wings to her back. The alicorn gasps loudly, pulling off from you as your fingers trail along the delicate wing structure.
  197. >"And here I thought I might teach you." Her hindquarters shift slightly, unease growing inside you. "I'm sure there are things I might yet."
  198. >"Nightmare." She halts suddenly. "I don't think..."
  199. >Her eyebrows draw down into a deep frown. "You don't think I'm worthy of you, do you?" She slowly lifts herself. "I can feel... something. Anxiety. You're afraid of me." Far from the anger you expected, she sounds almost saddened.
  200. >"No." Time to nip this in the bud. "I just think you're moving too fast."
  201. >"But I thought males liked an aggressive companion." She cocks an eyebrow. "Or are humans different?"
  202. >"Believe me, we're not." You right yourself, sitting next her. "But we don't have to rush into this so soon."
  204. >You look down to the town, only to find its gone. In its position is simply more open ground, as if it never existed.
  205. >"So..." Nightmare's tone is careful, measured. "You do not wish to... couple with me?" You nod. "And yet you are willing to remain with me?"
  206. >"What are you talking about." You sidle a little closer to her, enjoying her warmth all the same.
  207. >"Do you recall how you would gaze at... at Luna?" The name is spat out, as she's done before. "Were your thoughts not of how you might mate with her?"
  208. >Your cheeks redden slightly at those words. You had entertained a few idle fantasies, of course but being asked about them in such a blunt fashion is more than a little disconcerting.
  209. >"Sometimes, yes-"
  210. >"Do you still think of her in that way?" Her words are as sharp as the look you're given.
  211. >"Since we met? No." Better to be as straightforward and see what she says.
  212. >"I'd thought so." Strange how she can go from angered to sultry so quickly. "After all, what need have you of her when you have somep0ny so much greater?" She pauses. "Nevertheless, I shall respect your wishes."
  213. >A hoof rests upon your thigh. "Though I doubt you'll deny me a few indulgences."
  214. >Talk dies down between you at that. Lying here in the open, even if it's only a dream, is too pleasant to spoil with that. You hadn't realised before how nervous you were, creeping about, hoping no one would catch on to the presence that surrounded you now.
  215. >Here, though... Here you could do anything with her and not worry of the consequences. An idea immediately comes to mind at that. You close your eyes, concentrating and feel the ground shift under you.
  216. >Nightmare gasps and when you look now, you see the gates of Canterlot not far from you.
  218. >"What... what is this!" She turns to you quickly. "Why did you conjure up this place!" Her tone flicks between anger and fear as her eyes dart about.
  219. >"What's wrong? I thought you'd like-" You reach over to her.
  220. >"No! No, I can't be seen near here. I..." She seems to calm down suddenly, her breathing slowing. "I forgot we're in your dream." She chuckles bitterly.
  221. >"Nightmare." She turns to you again. "I thought it'd be nice for us to take a little trip through here. You know? Without having to worry about anything."
  222. >She nods, looking over the gates. "Canterlot was still being built before..." She pauses briefly, looking down. "I've never actually seen its interior."
  223. >And with a tap at her shoulder you begin leading her in, the mare trotting very lightly, still looking about. The guards at the gate ignore your passage but inside more than a few ponies stop and wave, greeting the two of you.
  224. >Nightmare becomes increasingly uncomfortable looking at each greeting, eyes narrowing as she glances back and forth. Ah, of course, you'd want ponies to be so friendly in your dream. You hold your concentration for a moment, thinking about what a city's really like and it shifts.
  225. >The ponies halt and then continue on, the vast majority now ignoring both of you. Your companion looks much more at ease now, walking taller at your side, her air of regality returning despite her lack of raiment.
  226. >Every so often though, a pony or building will shimmer slightly. Nightmare explains it's just the nature of the dream world, with something like a city it's too detailed for the mind to perfectly recreate.
  228. >She makes a few comments about the architectural styles, how they differ from what she saw so long ago. A few ponies sitting outside a café, laughing together catch her attention. She asks what they're doing - you explain they're just enjoying each others company.
  229. >Nightmare confesses she'd never seen ponies doing things like this at night. You have to admit to yourself, it does look rather fitting under the soft light of the moon and the balmy night you've dreamed up.
  230. >Further down a street, music pumps out of a nightclub. Even at this your companion expresses some confusion. The idea, however, that ponies have such clubs that only open at night pleases her greatly. She's tempted to go in at first but puts it off until another time when you can choose more appropriate music.
  231. >Eventually you come to the outer wall of Canterlot's castle. Again, the guards stolidly ignore your passage as they do the other ponies. Nightmare stops and sits, looking over the grand building and its high towers.
  232. >"I could well become used to this kind of respect." She murmurs, eyeing a guard as she passes. You don't doubt her sincerity.
  233. >One look into the halls of the castle and she shakes her head. "Let the earth ponies use their hooves to navigate, we have far more efficient means at our disposal." With a flap of her wings she's into the air, looking down at you. "Don't you care to join me?"
  234. >You motion to your back, and lack of wings. Nightmare scoffs. "This is your dream! Simply will something to be and it is."
  235. >Of course. Sprouting wings is a little too much, even here so you start with something simpler. Thinking upon it, you slowly begin to float off the ground. You almost lose your concentration at the shock, at which point Nightmare tuts and flits down.
  237. >"Honestly, if you wanted to join me you only had to ask." You can't make any protestations as her forelegs duck in under your shoulders and with a heavy beat of her wings you're lifted off, in her grasp.
  238. >Your arms reflexively snap around her neck before you recall you're in your own dream, it's not like you can actually be hurt if you fall. Nightmare doesn't seem put out by your actions, however, smirking as she flies upwards.
  239. >"Perhaps I should do this in our waking world." The hooves move a little more around you. "I rather like the feeling of flying with you like this."
  240. >You look about as the land below recedes and the cool wind picks up. It's nicely contrasted by the warmth of this mare's body. "So do I." The hooves tug tight again.
  241. >"This tower at the west looks interesting, let's see what secrets it hides." With a quick turn, she's flying off in the direction of a very familiar looking tower.
  242. >As you get closer you realise why: it's the very one that houses Luna's quarters. Yes, you'd looked up at the balcony of her room more than a few of the nights you'd spent in Canterlot. But now you've someone else with you. Someone more real.
  243. >Nightmare sets you down on the balcony before landing herself. Despite the winds her mane still floats slowly upon the cosmic winds. "You shouldn't stare, you know." She says before trotting off into the room.
  244. >"It's only because-" You stop short of walking into her. "Nightmare?"
  245. >"What is -she- doing here?" Her tone is icy cold, far worse than you'd heard before.
  246. >You peer around her and see a blue alicorn reclining on her bed.
  247. >"Anon, it is good to see thee." Luna coos. "And thou hast brought a companion! She looks familiar, though."
  249. >"And well I might you insolent little whelp!" In a flash Nightmare's armour is upon her. "Not content with breaking me, you must now invade the dreams of my..." She turns to you.
  250. >"Friend?" You offer.
  251. >"Friend, yes! Am I to have nothing of my own?" She keeps a distance while glaring at the alicorn.
  252. >Luna merely looks between the two of you casually. "Thy friend is a most curious sort, Anon. Is she to join us tonight?" She rises from her bed and slowly walks towards you. "We would find no objections in that." The mare smirks, sitting at your side and looking over to Nightmare. "She is quite agreeable, in form."
  253. >Nightmare scoffs loudly. "Don't sicken me with your platitudes, Luna. Explain yourself!" Seeing the look of confusion fall over Luna's face she takes a step forward. "You're just a dream construct, aren't you?"
  254. >"We certainly are the stuff of dreams, if that is thy meaning." Luna suddenly fades before saying anything more. Nightmare strides over.
  255. >"Unbelievable!" She snorts. "Even here you cannot forget her. Perhaps you'd prefer I turned my energies to getting you into her bed?"
  256. >"What're you-" You take a step back from her as she continues to advance.
  257. >"Don't be so obtuse, this is her quarters is it not? And judging by her reaction you've dreamed this before!" She stamps a hoof, the blue tiles of the floor cracking. "So answer me, am I just a... a replacement for that which you can't have?"
  258. >Despite her tone, you're sure you can see a slight wavering to her eyes. "Nightmare, you're not a replacement." You take a breath and motion her towards the bed. She follows, slowly.
  260. >You sit down ahead of her, as she stands over you glaring down. "I think it's obvious I've admired Luna. You've said so yourself."
  261. >"You've barely kept your eyes in their sockets in the past." She mutters, sitting on her haunches.
  262. >"Right. She's beautiful, I can't deny that." Nightmare makes to protest but you silence her. "But she's not you. She's not someone who understands." The black mare cocks her head to one side, eyebrow raised. "She's made friends, Nightmare, I'd even started hearing a rumour or two she's found someone special."
  263. >"So..." She shuffles. "Circumstance forced you towards me."
  264. >"Well you didn't give me much of a choice, remember?" She winces in response.
  265. >"If you chafe under my presence I can-"
  266. >"No." You reach out and put a hand to her torc. It's cold. "Sit with me. Please."
  267. >In another flash her armour is gone again and she slowly moves over onto the bed. "Don't try to patronise me, I may well tell you now I-" You cut her off with a quick kiss.
  268. >"Now. If I didn't want to be with you, I wouldn't have done that, right?" A tiny smile pulls back Nightmare's lips. "Would I've even let you stay with me? Enter my dream?"
  269. >"You had assured me I was not just some... simulacrum."
  270. >"And you're not." You take the initiative this time and put a hand over her shoulders. "Luna's fine but she doesn't have your..."
  271. >"Uncompromising beauty? Razor wit? Limitless ambition? Spine?" With each word she moves a little closer to you.
  272. >"I was going to say personality but those're good enough."
  273. >"You know." Her voice falls to that sultry tone she's so fond of. "This may be her bed but there is only the two of us here, now."
  275. >Thankfully, Nightmare's suggestion turned out to be more conventional than you'd thought. Simply lying on the massive, impossibly soft bed was enough for her. Well, that and allowing her hooves to roam wherever they wished. Not that you objected.
  276. >You discovered her wings are just as sensitive as pegasi joke about. Seeing her gasp and shiver like that's enjoyable but your exploration of each other's bodies slowly gives way to sleep as you both move together and embrace. Her scent is softer in the dream but the knowledge of her closeness is all you need to sustain you.
  278. >You're woken to an empty bed, back in your home, by the sounds of someone battering your door. Groggily putting on a pair of jeans and calling out for whoever it is to damn well wait you make your way downstairs and open the door to a concerned looking Twilight.
  279. >"Anon! You're awake, good, this-"
  280. >"Yeah, look you just woke me up so... how about we do this later and I can get back to-"
  281. >"No!" She stamps a hoof. "This is important, it's about those readings from last night."
  282. >Readings? You don't recall anything unusual about them. Nothing that should have her out here threatening to knock your door in.
  283. >"And it's about you." Now -that- is concerning. "And the strange energy I picked up from you. It's something big, Anon, very big."
  284. >Shit. Could she have figured this out? "Okay... what d'you think it is?"
  285. >"I don't know." She paces. "And I don't know of any unicorns who would. So I sent for the only pony who might." She stops, looking at you. "Princess Luna."
  287. >Chills run through your body at that name. For so long you'd wanted to meet her and now you were being given the opportunity.
  288. >"Twi are you-" You step back, motioning her forward. "C'mon, we need to talk."
  289. >The unicorn steps in lightly, levitating a couple of books from her saddlebags onto your kitchen table as you set about making some coffee for the two of you.
  290. >It's an effort to stop your hands from shaking as you carry the two cups over. A quick scan over what she's brought and that effort is for naught. Judging by the notations they're calculations for the magical fields you'd recorded.
  291. >Her writing's a little scratchy here and there but it's still clear enough that you can decipher the important calculations. There's no doubting that these are related to last night. There's that momentary swell of pride as you realise how much easier its become to understand all this.
  292. >Sitting down you continue looking it over. From the readouts in the second notebook you can see there's a slow increase in magical energies before a spike and then it dips down again. Based on the corresponding calculations its concentrated around one area.
  293. >You whip your head up at the sound of a light titter. "What?"
  294. >Twilight's staring over her coffee at you, smiling. "You looked so intent, reading all that. I don't think I've ever seen you so interested."
  295. >Maintain your composure, that's all you have to do. "Uh... You could say I've just had a... great teacher?"
  296. >"Sure!" She chirps in response. "And -I've- had a great student." Her smile slips off. "But this is important. Do you remember anything from last night that might indicate what's going on here?" She points at -that- calculation with a hoof.
  298. >You make a show of looking over the calculation, desperately thinking of something to say.
  299. >"Uh, just a small... d-discrepancy." Great going, idiot.
  300. >"Discrepancy?" Twilight immediately leans across the table. "What's do you mean? Did you feel anything? See anything? Anything at all."
  301. >Okay, Anon, time to shine. "Hey, are you sure the equipment was properly calibrated?" Oh wait, you'd made sure to-
  302. >"Of course! I always keep it within a point four five variance, you know that." The mare slips off her chair and slowly walks around to you. "Are you sure you're okay, Anon? That kind of magical energy could have-"
  303. >"I'm fine." You say, a little more firmly than you'd been going for. "Sorry, just still a little tired, you know?" You take another sip of your coffee for effect.
  304. >She looks you over carefully. "I know I said before that field wasn't harming you but it might be causing some fatigue, maybe you should get a little more rest before the Princess gets here."
  305. >"Yeah, about that." You stand up from your chair, glancing back down at the notebooks. "Did she say when she'd get here?"
  306. >"I haven't heard back from her yet but I wouldn't be surprised if she arrived tonight."
  307. >Shit. Double shit.
  308. >"And you're sure you have to involve her?"
  309. >"Yes! Anon, what's going on, is something wrong?" She sits down on her haunches, looking up at you with wide, concerned eyes.
  310. >"It's Princess Luna, Twi! I'm sure she's got more important things to do." Right, maybe you can keep things along this tack.
  311. >"Oh." She smirks. "I think I know what this is about."
  313. >You stick a hand out and catch the edge of your chair. "I can explain!" You blurt, hoping to at least buy yourself some time.
  314. >"It's okay, Anon, I understand what it's like to be intimidated by one of the Princesses." She trots over to you and sits at your side. "But you don't have to worry, I've told Luna about your research and I'm sure she'll be happy to meet you." She wiggles her eyebrows and nudges your side with a foreleg.
  315. >You're almost sure you feel something else, a slight pressure against your back.
  316. >"Shame it can't be under better circumstances." You snap your mouth shut, hoping the young mare doesn't catch on.
  317. >"Don't worry, if anyp0ny knows how to make sense of this it's got to be Princess Luna." She beams, nodding. "I'll try and look into it more but if you want you can help." That tone is almost hopeful.
  318. >"I... think I'll just rest. Unless you need me to go out and take more readings or anything." Anything to get a chance alone with your companion.
  319. >"Nope, just relax, we'll sort this out." She turns to the table, levitating some sheets of paper from her saddlebags onto it. "I've made some copies of the notes in case you want to look over them."
  320. >You're left there, shortly after. Your eyes pass over the calculations over and over, searching for something you can use but your own, coupled with Twilight's, are exact.
  321. >You rub at your eyes, still feeling fatigued.
  322. >"Nightmare?" You call out softly. There's a sensation like a gentle tug at your back but it quickly lets up. Right, you'll have to wait until later. Maybe you can find some way to fix that.
  323. >For now, though, you make your slow way back to your bed. If you can meet her in the dream world you might be able to formulate a plan, at least.
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