
Handyman in Equestria CH 1

Jul 22nd, 2013
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  1. >You are Anon
  2. >And this table has turned out pretty damn well if you do say so yourself, fucking huge as it was
  3. “Right, just gotta sand this baby down and we should be good to go. Dash, grab that roll of sandpaper, will ya?”
  4. >”Sure...”
  5. >The cyan pegasus puts her book face down on the side table next to your recliner and fetches the roll
  6. >“So how long until you're done? The tavern isn't going to be open all night, ya know”
  7. “Booze always tastes better after a job is done. This shouldn't take that long anyway”
  8. >You tear off a section and wrap it around a wooden block
  9. >You begin to rub down the top of the admittedly large table
  10. >”So what's the table for?”
  11. “Fuck if I know. All I know is the order came from the castle, so I want to make sure it's done before tomorrow”
  12. >”The castle? Wow, Anon... When did you hit the big time?”
  13. “...smartass”
  14. >Dash chuckles a bit before tearing a piece of the roll of sand paper and joining you
  15. “What are you doing?”
  16. >”I'm thirsty, and you work too slow”
  17. “Fair enough. Thanks for the hand.. er hoof or whatever”
  18. >”No problem Anon. Just buy the first few rounds”
  19. >You pause a second and give her a dead pan look
  20. >”What? You're the one billing royalty!”
  21. “I do so love these visits, Dash...”
  22. >She grins again. “Anytime Anon”
  24. >With the table fully sanded, you step back to admire your work
  25. >The tabletop was level and smooth to the touch
  26. >Height was to specifications, perfect for a p0ny to eat at
  27. “One more thing before we head out”
  28. >”What?!”
  29. >Dash stops mid air at the front door to your workshop
  30. “Don't worry. It's just a quick coat of light varnish. I don't want this thing warping on me before tomorrow. It'll take two second”
  31. >Dash floats in front of the door with an annoyed expression, crossing her hooves
  32. >You pull out a bucket, popping off the top and dunking a rag into the contents
  33. >”Sweet Celestia. Is that where that smell comes from? It smells like Opal's litter box”
  34. >You begin to rub down the table one last time
  35. “You learn to love it. Who's Opal?”
  36. >”Never mind, just hurry up with that... whatever it is so we can go”
  37. >You finish up the coat and turn on the fan
  38. “Right all done. Thanks for waiting. Crack that window and let's get rolling”
  39. >”Finally!”
  40. >Dash flings a window open and flutters out of it, looking back to you expectingly
  41. >You wipe the excess liquid from your hand with another clean rag and grab your affects
  42. >Smokes, bits, and your Equestian passport... Good to go
  43. >You open the door and meet your companion
  44. >You've definitely worked up a thirst, so your pace was a brisk one
  45. >After some time Dash chirps up, her cheery demeanor growing brighter the closer you get to the tavern
  46. >”So an order from the castle, eh? So how much is this job worth?”
  47. “Enough...”
  48. >You start to smile as well
  49. >”C'mon Anon. Tell me”
  50. “400”
  51. >All of the sudden, Dash isn't next to you anymore
  52. >She's behind you, floating in the air with her mouth on the floor
  53. >Fucking p0nies were adorable sometimes
  54. “What...?”
  55. >”What do you mean 'what'?!? 400 bits?”
  56. “No... turnips”
  57. >You turn back and proceed to the bar
  58. >”You're buying tonight...”
  59. “Sure thing Dash...”
  61. >You arrive at the tavern and make your way in, Dash following in toe... Hoof... Whatever...
  62. >”Evening Anon! Who's your friend?”
  63. >The bartend greets you with a smile as always. This fucking guy... You love this guy... Way easier to talk to than his brother fem the dough nut shop across town.
  64. >Fucking spittin' image though. Took a while before you could make the distinction.
  65. “Evening Barley. This is Dash. She popped in from Ponyville.”
  66. >You take a seat at the bar and plop 20 bits on the counter while Dash takes a seat next to you
  67. >”Well Anon. She's quite the looked. Well done, kid”
  68. >”What?” Dash says with a look somewhere between shock and laughter”
  69. “She's a friend Barley, you wise ass. Where's Hops?”
  70. >”She's off for the night. The usual?”
  71. “Twice. Thanks.”
  72. >”Comin' up”
  73. >You pull out a cigarette and light it on a nearby lamp, turning your attention to your companion who has apparently done a fine job holding back laughter
  74. “Something wrong?”
  75. >”Oh... Nothing, darling...”
  76. >Open the flood gates. Laughter incoming...
  77. >You chuckle along with her
  78. “Speaking of which, how are things with you and what's his face”
  79. >She begins to compose herself once the drinks come
  80. “... You mean Soarin?” She catches the rest of her breathe “It's cool. It was weird at first, since he was kind of... like... my idol and everything for a while”
  81. >Her tone gets a little more serious, but her smile stays wide, her attention now set to her mug
  82. >”But he's really nice and a lot of fun to hang out with. We even practice together”
  83. “Wow. Look at you getting all demure”
  84. >”Hehe... Shutup, dude.” She punches you lightly in the shoulder
  85. “So you two do the horizontal mambo yet or no?”
  86. >She lets out a torrent of cider mist all over your face
  87. >Well this cigarette is useless...
  88. “I'll take that as a yes”
  89. >You wipe your face off with a rag provided by Barley... Fucking stallion among colts, him
  90. >You then fish out another cigarette
  91. >Dash seems to be embarrassed at being found out, as well as the golden shower she gave you
  92. >...
  93. >There's a joke in there somewhere, but you decided to let it slide for now
  94. >”Sorry Anon”
  95. ”No worries. I'm happy for you though. I introduced you two after I did that work for the stadium renovations. Nice to see it paid off”
  96. >She blushes a bit
  97. >”Yeah. I owe you big time”
  98. “So why am I paying the tab?”
  99. >Blushing intensifies
  100. “I'm kidding, drink up”
  101. >You slam the rest of your drink and flag Barley for another
  102. >”Well anyway... What about you?”
  103. “Excuse me?”
  104. >”You know! You seeing anypony these days?”
  105. >The question catches you off guard for a second
  106. “Nah. Married to my work”
  107. >”Dash finishes her drink and gives you a look of disappointment
  108. >”Anon... How long have you been here now?”
  109. “Bout 4 years and some change... Why?”
  110. >”And in all that time, you haven't been on one date yet?”
  111. “Work keeps me busy, Dash. I couldn't if I wanted to”
  112. >She begins to rub her face with a hoof
  113. >”Anon, for Celestia's sake... Is it the species thing?”
  114. “Not really. I'm just not the dating type is all. I have my work. That's plenty”
  115. >The next round comes sliding down the counter. You catch both deftly and hand one to dash
  116. >Truth be told, the interspecies relationship thing really wasn't an issue
  117. >You've come to accept you weren't getting any human tang any time soon
  118. >”You're hopeless”
  119. “Yup. Cheers”
  121. >You continue the night with light banter
  122. >Dash quickly looks worse for ware. Fucking ponies never could step to this when push came to shove
  123. “Alright Dash. Time for bed”
  124. >”Awwwwww..... But ish only noooooon......”
  125. “It's midnight Dash... Time for bed”
  126. >”Fffffffffffiiiiine”
  127. >You pick up rainbow dash, and toss her over your shoulder and give a nod to Barley
  128. >Before you leave the tavern, inspiration strikes
  129. “Barley. Let me get something for the road”
  130. >”You got it, pal”
  131. >Barley produces a bottle of whine. A personal favorite of yours
  132. >You toss another 15 bits on the counter
  133. >”It's only 8 bits, Anon”
  134. “Tell Hops I said hello.”
  135. >Barley smiles heartily as you exit the tavern and make your way back to the workshop
  136. >Thankfully, the smell of varnish seems to have disappeared
  137. >You open the door and make your way to the bedroom, tucking dash in
  138. >She sighs softly, eventually erupting into wild snoring
  139. >You remember to set out some aspirin for her. She's gonna need it
  140. >You then make your way back to the door
  141. >Since work was all said and done, you decide for a late night trip to the Canterlot gardens
  142. >It's something you like to do to treat yourself from time to time
  143. >You tended to work so late into the night that your days eventually flipped around, turning you into a bit of a night owl
  144. >This also gave you the benefit of being able to enjoy some wine in public without drawing any attention
  145. >You walk through the streets of the now silent city, bottle tucked under your arm
  146. >The castle looked beautiful at this hour
  147. >The pale moonlight seemed to cause the alabaster stone to glow with an amazing blue aura
  148. >You make your way to the southern end of the castle proper to the garden
  149. >You find a quiet spot to sit and pop the cork
  150. >With a heavy swig, you lean back against a tree and stare up to the moon
  151. >Your mind begins to wander as the night takes you
  152. >This is all you needed, you thought to yourself
  153. “This is just perfect...”
  155. >”I thank you for the compliment”
  156. >The voice catches you off guard in a big way. This sends you into a panic, almost dumping your wine all over the lawn
  157. >You try to gain some composure and look around to see where the voice came from, clutching the bottle like it was your purse
  158. >Fuck it's dark...
  159. >All of the sudden, you notice a dark silhouette emerge from around a tree to your right
  160. >You make out a flowing, blue mane, shimmering with what looks like stars from the night sky
  161. >Large cyan eyes meet yours as the figure walks towards you.
  162. >You take in the crescent moon on her flank as it dawns on you...
  163. >You just made yourself look like a tit in front of royalty
  164. >'Bow dumbass!'
  165. >Right... You put the bottle back on the ground and drop to a knee, lowering your head slightly
  166. “G-Good evening Princess.”
  167. >”Please. No need to be so formal. May I ask what brings you out here so late”
  168. >Maybe if you tell her it's just juice...
  169. >Nope. That's retarded. Bail! Abort mission! Fall back!!!
  170. “My apologies. I didn't expect anyone to be in the gardens so late. I'll be on my way.”
  171. >Before you can turn fully to make your way back home, the bottle seems to jump from your arms
  172. >Wrapped in a blue glow, it floats back to the princess, who raises and eyebrow after taking a sniff
  173. >She looks back at you with a look of judgment
  174. >Fuck me sideways...
  175. “I'm really sorry, Princess. I wasn't going to cause a ruckus. I was just out for a stroll and...”
  176. >She interupts you
  177. >”Is this wine?”
  178. “...yes...”
  179. >You begin to panic. One of your most important clients just found you drinking in her back yard...
  180. >Damage control is failing miserably
  181. >”Wait here. Do not move a muscle until we return...”
  182. >Her voice is sharp... This is it. Dungeon...
  183. >Her wings stretch out. Very majestic, Luna was. If you weren't so terrified of her right now, you'd offer a compliment
  184. >She darts back to the castle proper, through the open doors of a balcony
  185. >Must be her room... No wonder she got the drop on you
  186. >It doesn't take her long to return. She lands in front of you with a stern look. Not anger. Dissapointment.
  187. >It hurt a lot more...
  188. >She walks towards you, stopping a few feet in front
  189. >She raises her head, looking down on you...
  190. >herewego.jpg
  191. >She then drops her wings, folding them to her body, revealing 2 wine glasses, floating in her signature blue glow
  192. >Your jaw falls slack, noticing a shit eating grin on Luna's face
  193. >”May I join you?”
  194. >It dawns on you that you're been bamboozled
  195. >It takes a second for the anxiety to leave you. You've remember that Luna had a reputation as a prankster
  196. >You pick up the bottle and grab one of the glasses from the air
  197. “Well played, Highness”
  198. >”Luna is fine, Anon”
  199. >You pour out a glass and hold it to the princess and she grabs it with her magic
  200. >You do the same for yourself as you sit back down against the tree
  201. >Luna joins you, sipping from the glass
  202. >”My. It seems you have fine taste”
  203. “Thank you P... Luna.”
  204. >”So what brings you here at this hour?”
  205. >You fiddle with the glass a bit.
  206. “Well, I finished the table ahead of schedule and thought I'd come enjoy some night air”
  207. >You notice a soft smile come across her face
  208. >”Well, I hope the evening has been a pleasant one”
  209. “Always is”
  210. >You raise your glass, she reciprocates with a cheers
  211. >”Quiet the flatterer” She says chuckling
  212. >”So the table is complete? That's wonderful. I hope it wasn't any trouble”
  213. “None at all, You and Princess Celestia were huge helps when I was getting my shop opened. I'm happy to offer my services”
  214. >”Have the tools we commissioned for you been helpful?”
  215. “Invaluable, I assure you”
  216. >She nods with satisfaction
  217. >”Excellent”
  218. >You both fall into a comfortable silence. It lasts what some time before Luna breaks it.
  219. >”Do you make a habit of this late night public drinking”
  220. >There was definitely some chastising to her words there
  221. “Well... I'm a bit of a night owl, so late night walks aren't uncommon”
  222. >Luna seems to become intrigued
  223. >”When do you sleep if not at night?”
  224. “Idunno. I got so used to working into the early morning when I started the shop that I sort of made a habit from it”
  225. >You continue to nurse your glass. Not too quickly. She's still royalty...
  226. >Luna seems to have regained that playful grin
  227. >”Well I'm glad you seem to appreciate my handiwork.”
  228. >She stands back up. Finishing her glass in one swig
  229. >Royalty... right?
  230. >”However, morning will soonn be upon us, so we should call this a night, don't you think?”
  231. “I suppose so”
  232. >You polish off what you have left. Handing the glass to Luna
  233. >You reach for the bottle before it is also wrapped in a blue glow, floating away from you towards Luna
  234. >”I'll be hanging on to this.”
  235. >What the fuck? You leave your hand outstretched as if your child had been pried from your arms
  236. “What, now?”
  237. >”Don't worry Anon. This is a trade...”
  238. >Luna turns her attention to the moon, placing the bottle and glasses back on the ground
  239. >Her horn glows brighter than before as she closes her eyes
  240. >You look to the moon...
  241. >Seems a shooting star has fallen from the moon's surface, shooting through the night sky brilliantly
  242. >It is rather pretty... Kind of sappy, but no point in arg...
  243. >Wait.. It's starting to turn mid flight...
  244. >... ...Toward you...
  245. “Luna?”
  246. >She says nothing
  247. “Luna!”
  248. >You still get nothing from her
  249. >It seems to burn the closer it comes to the garden
  250. >Christ on a crutch it's coming right at you! Fucker's close!
  252. >You pull a Max Payne behind a bush, head tucked into your lap as if to wish your old buddy farewell
  253. >”What are you doing?”
  254. >No crash yet...
  255. >You poke your head from the bushes
  256. >Luna is staring at you quizzically with a small pale gray stone floating next to her.
  257. “What the billy blue fuck was that about”
  258. >You whisper harshly as not to cause any more of a commotion than you just did.
  259. >That fucking grin pops back through her face
  260. >”A token of my thanks for the wine.”
  261. >She floats the rock over to you and places it in your hand
  262. >”It was nice sharing the night with someone for a change. If you ever wish to spend it in the castle gardens again, feel free to use this to contact me.”
  263. >You're still a little rustled from all this... But you manage a response
  264. “Sure...”
  265. >”Wonderful!” Luna smiles warmly. “We can finish this off another time. Until then...”
  266. >She gracefully lifts into the air, your precious wine and the glasses following behind, up to the balcony overlooking the garden
  267. >These confounded ponies were the reason you drank so much and now they leave you high and literally dry
  268. >You look at the rock in your hand
  269. “Thought that counts I guess...”
  270. >What were you gonna do? Demand someone who apparently had the Meteor materia to give you your booze back?
  271. >You place it in your pocket and saunter back home
  272. >It was a nice time spent, all truth be told... If a little frightening at times...
  273. >And you weren't the type to turn down a drink, especially from your own bottle
  274. >You decide to take her up on her offer, but first thing's first...
  275. >You make it back to the workshop and enter
  276. >Snoring apparently had intensified
  277. >You check to make sure there was something in the fridge for Dash when she wakes up. She's gonna need it...
  278. >You plop in your recliner and get comfortable
  279. >Before sleep takes you, you pull the stone Luna gave you out one more time. Inspecting it.
  280. >A smile creeps across your face as you place it on the table next to Dashes book.
  281. >You'll get her back for that one... Tomorrow
  282. >Sleep takes you. Not a bad day.
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