
Magical Burst Homebrew Shit

Apr 18th, 2014
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  1. When taking a change, roll 1d(number of changes within the relevant category)
  2. Remember to reroll all duplicate or conflicting changes.
  4. Custom Fury Changes:
  5. 32. Mad-Eye
  6. Your eyes are changed to a mysterious pattern, and anyone who stares into them for too long will get nauseous. Does not effect other Magical Girls.
  8. 33. Big Mouth
  9. Randomly while talking, you end up uncontrollably shouting without noticing instead.
  11. 34. Choker
  12. Every now and then you find yourself completely unable to breathe for a few seconds. Alarming, but harmless.
  14. 35. Snakespeak
  15. Your tongue forks and lengthens, and you find yourself holding your 's' when speaking, and periodically flitting your tongue out into the air.
  17. 36. Vampiric
  18. Your skin pales slightly, and you acquire a preference for the dark, and the night. Your canines sharpen themselves as well.
  20. 37. Mauled
  21. One of your eyes spontaneously gets torn up horribly, and painfully. It won't heal either.
  23. 38. Hot Blooded
  24. Your skin is hot to the touch, and hot temperatures do not affect you. Your skin can still be damaged by fire, but you won't feel the heat so much.
  26. 39. Back in 'Nam
  27. You have a tendency to experience flashbacks. While primarily you flash back to traumatic experiences, you can recall some pleasant memories as well. In any event, you're rooted in place as the memory passes before you.
  29. 40. Elemental Vomit
  30. Periodically you cough up things related to your element. A time user might cough up a few old watches, and a light user might cough out a brief, colorful beam.
  32. 41. THE CLAWWWWW
  33. Your fingerbones elongate to sharp points, a few inches out of the tips of your fingers.
  35. 42. Rough Around the Edges
  36. The skin all across your body feels very rough, like sandpaper. Nothing you try seems to alleviate the effect.
  39. Custom Magic Changes:
  40. 27. Dead-Eye
  41. Both of your eyes glass over to a solid white. Can be hidden easily with coloured contacts, but still very unsettling to see.
  43. 28. Eye of the Beholder
  44. Somewhere on your body, a large, red eye sprouts. Concealable with clothing, but it gets restless at times.
  46. 29. Lizardtongue
  47. Your tongue elongates and becomes not unlike a lizard's.
  49. 30. Cat-eye
  50. Your pupils become like that of a cat's.
  52. 31. Goat-eye
  53. Your pupils become rectangles.
  55. 32. Antennae
  56. Two antennae that seem to move on their own sprout from the top of your head. You can still flatten them without harming yourself, though.
  58. 33. Unlucky
  59. You seem to cross under ladders, break mirrors, and see black cats much more often than usual, and you seem to always be the one getting nailed by stray baseballs, or getting caught in the rain.
  61. 34. Chain Chomper
  62. A small, animate iron ball with a mouth is chained by a magical, unbreakable cuff to your leg. It randomly leaps out at passerby if not restrained, attempting to tear out a chunk of them, and by extension, dragging you along!
  64. 35. Headlights
  65. Your eyes glow unnaturally in the light, and in the dark work like flashlights, impeding your vision.
  67. 36. Ghost Abs
  68. Anything you eat or drink just goes right through you, literally.
  70. 37. Big Windup
  71. You have a large clockwork key embedded in your back, which must be twisted every day for you to continue functioning.
  73. 38. Hollow Limb
  74. Upon taking this, roll 1d4. That limb becomes hollow, and at either the ankle or wrist, can snap open to reveal a clean, dry interior, perfect for storage. Unfortunately the hinges are loose, and they sometimes pop open randomly.
  76. 39. Cog Jockey
  77. One or more of your internal organs have been replaced with cog-based machinery that functions much as the original organ did. Of course, the machinery is rather old, and it may malfunction... (Can be restarted by a successful attack against you, magical or otherwise.)
  79. 40. Twinkie Twinkie
  80. You have a borderline obsession with anything related to delicious, creame-filled golden spongecakes, and can not help but eat, eat or eat anything resembling twinkies.
  83. Custom Heart Changes:
  84. 26. Colorchange
  85. Your natural hair color changes to something completely different, but still normal. (GMs choice.)
  87. 27. Elven
  88. Your ears elongate and become pointed, like an elf's.
  90. 28. Elvis
  91. You find yourself unable to stop moving the edge of your lip up a bit, like some famous King.
  93. 29. Alluring
  94. People seem to move close to you more often, without even noticing themselves doing it.
  96. 30. Buckteeth
  97. Your front teeth become enlarged, and stick out a tiny bit, even when your mouth is closed.
  99. 31. Wide-eye
  100. You constantly have a surprised look on your face.
  102. 32. Poker-Face
  103. You are unable to make facial expressions for longer than about a second. (Cannot be taken if you already have "Always Smiling")
  105. 33. Wata-magical
  106. You find yourself unable to talk to new people normally until you've gotten to know them, and no matter what you do, your hair seems to fall over and cover one of your eyes.
  108. 34. Fan Following
  109. Through some twisted turn of events, you are now insanely popular! Enjoy never having a moment to yourself ever again, and the thrill of running away from massive mobs of camera wielding reporters.
  111. 35. Peer Review
  112. You can't stop yourself from hearing any thoughts about you from people nearby.
  114. 36. Twinkle Twinkle
  115. You have a borderline obsession with anything sparkly, and can not help but look at, touch, or take anything that shines.
  117. 37. Primal Urges
  118. You have an almost uncontrollable urge to throw yourself down any structure or object used to change your elevation in a timely manner.
  120. 38. Monotone
  121. You have a hard time voicing your emotions. Anything you say is delivered flatly with no inflection whatsoever. You can still make facial expressions provided nothing else is stopping you.
  123. 39. Apologetic
  124. You can not help but get on your knees and beg for forgiveness at even the slightest folly or inconveinence you give someone.
  126. 40. Heart On Your Sleeve
  127. You have grown a second heart. Obvious biological problems aside, it also happens to be located inside your shoulder, impeding movement with that particular arm and giving you an extra vulnerable spot.
  129. 41. Never Grew Up
  130. You feel the need to always carry around a stuffed animal, perhaps a particular favorite one. You feel broken and at a complete loss when seperated from it, and will attack anyone or anything that damages it.
  133. Whether on your outfit or in your hair, you always have at least two neatly tied, colorful bows on. They are always a bright and cheery color, whether or not it clashes with you and your outfit.
  135. 43. Ahoge
  136. A portion of your hair sticks straight up, like an antenna, with a slight curve to it in the middle. No matter how you try to comb it, it will never stay flat. It may occasionally react to your emotions, for example standing straight and stiffening when you are shocked, or drooping when you are depressed.
  141. Introducing... Extreme Changes! Like a normal Change, but far more life, uh, changing. A list of relevant Extreme Changes will be located within this folder.
  143. When you get 8 or 9 Overcharge, you can elect to either get a Burst, or an Extreme Change. If you roll for an Extreme Change, and don't like the result, you're free to fall back on a Burst instead... but at double the power! If you decline to take an Extreme Change after you've rolled for it, you default to a Burst, at twice the strength of what it would have been.
  145. Fury Aligned:
  147. 1. Elemental 'Do
  148. Your hair is changed to reflect your element. A fire user might have a head of flames, while an ice user might have a cool, solid 'fro.
  150. 2. Self-Destructive
  151. Upon taking this change, roll 1d4 to see which of your limbs it affects. At the extremity of whichever limb is chosen, a tiny mouth forms instantly, which begins painfully eating away at you. It stops when the limb is completely gone. Cutting away the mouth only results in it reforming and consuming you faster.
  153. 3. Evil Twin
  154. You spawn a precise copy of yourself. She is not a magical girl, but she knows everything you do about magic at the time this Change takes effect. She also hates you, and will try to screw up your life however she can.
  156. 4. Elemental Resonance
  157. Instances of your magical element have a way of behaving abnormally when youfre around. If your element is
  158. water, the water in the schoolfs pool might take on a life of its own for example.
  160. 5. Aura of Death
  161. You acquire an invisible aura of death. Smaller creatures around you and larger creatures that are particularly sickly (including people) will tend to die off unexpectedly. The more a given weak organism is around you, the more likely it is to die.
  163. 6. Up Close and Personal
  164. You find a great thrill in getting hands-on with your enemies, and relish the feel of their bones buckling beneath your blows. As a bonus, you cannot summon your magical weapon for any reason whatsoever! Try to remember the basics of CQC.
  168. Heart Aligned:
  170. 1. Little One
  171. Congratulations! You've just had a child, though not in the usual sense. Upon taking this change, in an explosion of light, a baby appears before you, and bears a striking resemblance to you. The child's age is 2d3+2. What you do with the kid is up to you. Decide to keep it and you instantly get a 1 point relationship with it, though enjoy explaining THIS to your parents.
  173. 2. Weak Aura
  174. Your aura has become destabilized, making your gpresenceh periodically slip away. When this happens, people simply lose the ability to perceive you, even your best friends, unless you do something really extreme to catch their attention, and even then you'll quickly slip out of their perception.
  176. 3. Amnesia
  177. You lose access to significant parts of your memory. The specifics of this change should be discussed with the GM.
  179. 4. Clone Form
  180. You are transformed to look like someone you have a relationship with.
  182. 5. New Identity
  183. You become convinced that youfre someone else. You can keep your existing Relationships (they still care about you, and youfll feel an instinctual connection), though if you alienate people you may put Strain on a relationship.
  185. 6. Revolting Sight
  186. You become disgusting to look at. Any sentient being that looks at you (youma possibly included) will be forcefully subjected to disturbing images, disgusting smells, or just an immense sense of unease - enough to shock anyone unprepared, and perhaps people who are prepared as well. After someone's been around you for long enough, they can eventually get used to it, though. This effect lasts for only an instant, and typically only applies the first time you meet someone in a day.
  190. Magic Aligned:
  192. 1. Strange Element
  193. Your Magical Element is suddenly changed to something bizarre and possibly alarming. Examples include: blood, radiation, sickness, void, nightmare.
  195. 2. Portal
  196. A magical portal periodically opens up near you. Strange things come out, technicolor spirits or sometimes tsukaima or youma.
  198. 3. Tsukaima Form
  199. When not transformed, you look like a tsukaima, a fanciful furry creature capable of human speech. Your magical girl form is still human, but of course you can only maintain it for a short time.
  201. 4. Always Transformed
  202. You lose the ability to revert to your normal form. No matter what you do, you will always appear in your outlandish costume. If someone other than a magical girl gets this mutation, their clothes always distort into something outlandish.
  204. 5. EM Phenomenon
  205. Your body emits electromagnetic waves that disrupt electronics. Cell phones and other things that require radio signals stop working within a city block of you, and you can no longer use cell phones, computers, etc. yourself.
  207. 6. Maddening Costume Pattern
  208. Your costume is covered by a strange pattern. People who look at it get headaches in short order, and if someone were to stare at it for a long time they might go crazy.
  212. My "Oblivion Seed Overcharge" mechanic:
  213. When a magical girl is in some really deep shit, they can elect to absorb one of their Oblivion Seeds to gain a temporary boost, at the cost of losing the seed itself (and possibly something else.)
  216. Absorbing the energy of the Oblivion Seed will consume the seed, but gives a boost of 3 free Overcharge dice to one roll, as well as a damage boost of 6 and an increase of your Attack, Defend and Support stats by 6 for 1d6 turns. The absorbtion is a free action, and can be done at any time. The effects begin the following turn.
  219. Oblivion Fallout is the consequence of absorbing an Oblivion Seed. When the scene in which the seed was absorbed ends, roll from the following table. It's not going to be nice, but it's a better tradeoff than dying (most of the time).
  222. 1. Nothing happens (no negative Fallout effects)
  224. 2. Permanemtly lose 1 Resolve
  226. 3. Take 2 Changes
  228. 4. Lose 2 points from the Heart attribute. If this brings the total to 0, the relationship with the highest value loses a point and the Heart attribute becomes 1. If there is more than one relationship with that value, the player may choose. If there are no relationships, the character turns into a Youma.
  230. 5. Gain 6 Overcharge to an attribute of the player's choice.
  232. 6. A costume element changes drastically, and now looks like something that would belong on a Youma.
  234. 7. Lose 2 XP. If no XP is available to spend, lose 2 XP worth of Advances.
  236. 8. Lose another Oblivon Seed. If the player has no more Oblivion Seeds, reroll.
  238. 9. Lose one point from a Normal attribute of the player's choice, down to a minimum of 1. Can not put into an Attribute already at 1, must select another.
  240. 10. Your character goes into a frenzy at the end of combat, starting a new round and attacking anything, allies included, until her Resolve reaches 0.
  245. Movement is in hexes, like Fallout. Each hex is approximately 1x1 meter, and a girl can move her Physical's worth in hexes as a free action.
  248. Attacks:
  250. Every girl starts with 4 attacks. Think Pokemon. These attacks can be whatever you want, based on your element, weapon, effects, powers etc. Discuss attack statistics with GM.
  252. Example attacks:
  254. Sarah Salem, a girl whose element is Time, weapon is a billhook, and has the power of super speed:
  255. Charge: Move 3 spaces without a move action. -2 to hit, +1 to damage.
  256. Hypercharge: Move 9 spaces without a move action. -6 to hit, +3 to damage.
  257. Slash, Arc: Hit a cone of 3 hexes. -1 to damage, -1 to hit.
  258. Helmsplitter: Jump toward the enemy and slash downward at them. +2 damage, and +1 for every hex of height, but -3 hit chance.
  259. Thrust: Jab forward with the pike end. +3 to hit, +1 range, -2 damage.
  260. Magical Mail: Boosts defense of an ally by 3 for 1d4 turns and can't be used again for the next (1d4 result)+1 turns
  261. Time Out: Freezes an enemy in time, rendering them unable to act. TN14 Support, freezes for 3 turns, +1 for each raise. (Anyone's turn, not just the target's.)
  262. Double Time: Make a stable loop with yourself, allowing you to fight alongside a time-clone. Double damage, but if the enemy wins a clash, you take double damage. (Both get hit)
  265. Eve Ishi, a girl whose element is Luck, weapon is a sword-sized scalpel, and has the power of healing:
  266. Quick Heal: You can restore 2 resolve to any magical girl within range as a free action. Can only be used 3 times per battle.
  268. Razor Clover: A swarm of four-leaf clovers rise up at your command,hitting any enemy in sight for 1d6+2 damage with a -2 chance to hit, as a normal attack challenge. Can be used as a multiple target attack, but normal rules apply. Can only be done once per turn.
  270. Clover Field: Clovers burst from the ground and surround nearby entities (anyone within a 3x3 hex range of the designated area) with a protective field, giving anyone who attacks them -2 attack. This lasts until your next turn and can only be done once every three turns. TN:13
  272. Lucky Dodger: Surround an ally with a field of pure luck, causing any enemy attacking them to suffer a -4 penalty to hit chance. This lasts one round ( until your next turn ) and can only be done once every thee turns.
  275. Eri Motai, whose element is non-ionizing radiation, weapon is a claymore sword and who has unrelated powers:
  276. Invisibility – A TN14 Support roll must be made to become invisible, anything less does not have an effect and essentially wasted your attack. Any opponent must make a Finesse roll equal to or greater than your roll to spot you by some means, either seeing papers flutter for no reason, puddles splash, etc. The Finesse roll takes up their active turn, and effectively makes you visible again to the opponent that spots you, but not any others (unless they communicate as such). Attacking or being damaged dispels the invisibility. You must reroll every round in order to stay invisible. Attacking an unaware opponent while invisible grants +2 to your Attack.
  278. Black Body Sword – Takes a full turn to activate. The following turn, your Attack stat is buffed by +1. The turn after, +2. The third turn, +3. Then the buff wears off and you’re back to normal. Takes 2 turns cooldown before it can be used again.
  280. Clone Mirage – A TN14 Support roll. You create 1d6 duplicates, plus 1 for every raise (a raise is 3 over the TN). You must pick a number between 1 and x (x being number of duplicates plus 1) to assign to yourself. Any enemy wishing to attack you must roll 1dx. If they roll the number that you selected, you are hit. If they roll a number for a duplicate, that duplicate vanishes as the image is dispelled. Lose 1*r (r being the round number that the duplication has been held for) resolve every round. So for example, after the first round, you lose 1 resolve. After the second, you lose 2 resolve, and the third you lose 3 resolve, etc.
  282. Microwave Burst - Has a range of x hexes, with x being the stat/number of the Magical Attribute currently set to your attack. It is a normal attack roll, and as such must pass the enemy's defense to deal damage. The damage dealt is less than a standard attack, dealing only 1d6 damage instead of the normal 1d6+half attack, but that damage applies to anything within the cone of range that has its defense beaten. If the Attack roll is a raise above the enemy's defense, the enemy is stunned for one turn. 3 turn immunity to stun if previously stunned.
  284. Illusion: (SUPPORT ROLL) Can generate a single moving illusion. TN is determined by size and complexity of the illusion.
  287. Satoya Taji, whose element was Life, weapon a bonesword and power bone crafting (and who was an awful catgirl that made terrible puns):
  289. Purrtecting Shield: A fixed wall with defense 15 rises out of the ground
  291. Apocalypse Meow: 1d6 cats with 1/4th of the attack damage as the player,
  292. 3 resolve each
  294. Servants of the Grimoirawr: Hits 1d3 enemies for normal damage divided by the roll on the D3
  296. Furrious Entity: Summons an undead titan with half of the players resolve, has a normal attack roll, half physical for movement.
  299. Ichimi Wakana, whose element was Sand, weapon a ring and powers unrelated:
  301. Sand-Attack – Blasts sand in an opponent's eyes, lowering their accuracy by 1d6 for 2 turns.
  303. Sandstorm – Creates a powerful wind storm that blasts sand around at high speeds, dealing 1 resolve of damage per turn to everything for 2d6 turns.
  305. Choke – Forces sand down an opponent's throat and into their nostrils. They must spend a turn to clear the blockage with a
  306. Fortitude roll of TN12 plus 1 for every raise above the enemy's defense. If the blockage is not cleared in 4 turns, they take 3 Resolve of damage from suffocation per turn. If still uncleared when they reach 0 Resolve and detransform, the blockage must be cleared in 2 turns or they die. Can not use as a Multiple Target Attack.
  308. Quicksand – Slows enemy's movement by half, prevents them from making any jumps, and increases all damage they take by 1.
  312. And our current list of custom Advances:
  314. Every "level up" (XP spent in intervals of 5, ie 5, 10, 15...) you can select EITHER a new Power, Archetype Effect, OR magical item (discuss with GM). ONLY ONE.
  316. Every 20 XP spent, you gain a new Magical Element. You can do variants of your original attacks with this new element. Statistical and effectual differences between the same attack made using a different element can be discussed.
  319. XP Advancements:
  321. 1 XP - XP Reassignment - Taking this at the cost of 1 XP allows you to pull out all the XP that you've earned (minus the cost of this advance) and reassign it as you see fit. Doing this will remove all advances, including Resolve, Luck and Stat boosts, new moves, Powers and Effects, both Normal and Archetype, Elements, magical items and anything else, unless you re-take them.
  323. 1 XP - Change a Change - Allow you to spend a point of luck to reroll your result after rolling for a random Change. Can be used as many times as you have points of luck.
  325. 1 XP - Mind Ping - With a Magic roll averaging around TN12 for simple, nearby attempts, you can send out a bit of non-elemental magical to "ping" a target of your choice's mind. This allows you to locate their position, trigger specific Change effects, or open a telepathy connection so you two can talk discretely. Higher TNs will apply for greater distance or increased severity of Change triggering. Can only be used on girls you've met before.
  327. 2 XP - A new Attack/Move (like one of the original 4 we made)
  329. 2 XP - Seperate Archetype Archetype Effect - When you tier up (every 5 XP spent I shouldn't have to mention), you can spend 2 XP to get an Archetype Effect from an Archetype that is not your own. For example, Dayna Dickdodger has 7 XP. She just spent 5, and is now Tier 2, meaning she can get a new Archetype Effect, Power or magical item. She chooses Archetype Effect. Dayna is a Tactician, but doesn't like any Tactician Effects, so for her remaining 2 XP, she can choose an Effect from either Striker or Guardian.
  331. 2 XP - STRONK - You can choose to activate this ability during any situation where STRANGTH IS THE ONLY STAT. This ability automatically makes your next Physical roll have the maximum result. Can only be used once per session.
  333. 2 XP - Like a Cat - You can choose to activate this ability during any situation requiring a bit of finesse. This ability automatically makes your next Finesse roll have the maximum result. Can only be used once per session.
  335. 2 XP - Silver-tongued Devil - You can choose to activate this ability during any social situation with an NPC. This ability automatically makes your next Socail roll have the maximum result. Can only be used once per session.
  337. 2 XP - The Wall - You can choose to activate this ability whenever you need to be less of a wimp. This ability automatically makes your next Fortitude roll have the maximum result. Can only be used once per session.
  339. 2 XP - Tag Team - You and another magical girl whom you have at least 1 relationship point with may each spend 3 XP to take this Advance. This gives you both a unique, powerful new attack/move that requires both of you to function. Work out details of move with GM.
  341. 3 XP - Lady Luck - After every successful attack, roll a 1d100. If it scores within your max luck, then a helpful spirit will come along to lend you a paw in your troubles.
  343. 3 XP - Can I Borrow That? - You can activate this ability at any time to borrow a weapon, attack, effect or element from a nearby ally for your turn.
  345. 3 XP - Buff to a current move (discuss with GM)
  347. 3 XP - Lucky 6s - When you roll a 6 on a Luck roll, the dice can now explode up to a maximum of (whatever your base Luck is) times, at no cost to your Luck pool for the session. In other words, if Suzy Cockdodger has 2 Luck, and she spends 1 point, then rolls a 6, that die can explode 2 more times, because she has a max of 2 luck. If she spends her second luck point and rolls a 6, the effect still stands, and that too can twice explode.
  349. 4 XP - Bring a Normal/Magical Attribute from 10 to 11. +1 XP cost for further +1 to Atttributes, ie 5 XP from 11 to 12, 6 XP from 12 to 13, etc. (This will never get used :V)
  351. 5 XP - Overcharge Resilience - You may select one of your Magical Attributes to become Overcharge Resiliant. An Overcharge Resiliant Magical Attribute can gain up to 4 Overcharge with no Fallout penalties. In other words, if you gain 4, 3, 2 or 1 Overcharge in that Attribute, and combat ends, that Overcharge is automatically vented back to 0 with no penalty. Somewhat similar to the "Rad Tolerance" perk from Fallout 3. No more forgetting you got 3 OC and accidentally getting a magical burst later! If, at any point during combat, the Overcharge in your Resiliant Attibute goes above 4, then normal Fallout effects will apply.
  353. 6 XP - Dante's Special - With a mighty shout of "FUCK YOU," you charge at your enemy, ready to kick ass. You gain all the positive effects of an Oblivion Seed Overcharge for one round, with no negative fallout. Stacks with normal Oblivion Seed Overcharge. Can only be used once per session.
  355. 10 XP - Deus ex Machina - Sheer coincidence, pure luck, or the will of the gods, it doesn't matter. Something extraordinary happens to help you out when you need it most. Maybe that seemingly useless item you picked up offscreen at some point is of use now, or some helpful little enviornment quirk appears that gives you a massive edge, or anything of the sort. When you're in a pinch this can help you out. Big time. Essentially, you get to GM what happens for a short time. Can only be used once every three sessions.
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