

May 31st, 2020 (edited)
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  1. For a specific question, try pressing Control + F and typing it in.
  3. General Speedrunning Related Questions:
  5. What is RNG and how does it affect the run?
  6. RNG stand for Random Number Generator and is how Video Games Calculate Luck. In other words, if you hear the term RNG, just replace it with luck. Boos are RNG where they hide and how they move so if you have Good RNG, or they are hiding in a good spot, you can save time vs if you had bad RNG, or they are in a bad spot, usually further away. This applies to All Boos in the game as even Boolossus can be RNG if you get all of them in 1 shot.
  8. Why do you Reset the Game/Timer?
  9. I do this because when I make a big mistake or cant beat my PB (Personal Best) I restart with a fresh start so I can have a good run again.
  11. What's a Gold/Rainbow Split?
  12. If my timer ever shows a rainbow colored time, it means that it was the best I have ever done that segment before. The text that says Sum of Best Segments (Commonly Referred to as Sum of Best/SOB) is the combination of all my Gold splits for all segments combined.
  14. Luigi's Mansion Related Questions:
  16. What does No OOB stand for?
  17. No OOB stands for No Out of Bounds and it is the category I will be generally running and also the most popular in the game. Out of bounds is a glitch you can use and the WR using it is under 8 and a half minutes!!!
  19. What's the World Record/WR?
  20. 55:39 by jovin
  22. Why do you play on the hidden mansion?
  23. On the hidden mansion, your vacuum does more damage, meaning you can suck up ghosts a lot faster.
  25. Why do you play on the Japanese Version? Do you speak Japanese or are from Japan?
  26. No, I don't speak Japanese or come from japan. The Japanese version is approximately 25 seconds for the category I run (No OOB). This is due to the fact the Japanese language displays words in less characters. It also has 2 text skips exclusive to itself not present on any other version. This is found in the butler's room and the hidden room. You also take twice as much damage on English reducing death risk and making a Quality of Life change. English is faster in area 1 which is the start of the game until after you finish Chauncey, because there are some spots with less text and faster animations.
  28. When I select hidden mansion, everything is different. Is my game Bugged?
  29. No, its not! You have the PAL version which changes many things about the hidden mansion. The PAL version is the version exclusive to Europe and Australia. A list of differences can be seen here:
  31. Why doesn't the map appear after you grab a key or press the Y button?
  32. I do a glitch called map glitch by resetting and opening the map at the same time. This saves time because the map doesn't come up after every key saving a fraction of a second each time.
  34. How are you sucking up ghosts so fast?
  35. The first 10 health you are pulling back, the game adds a damage multiplier dealing more damage to the ghost. If you go to neutral and then pull back, you will receive this multiplier again and deal 10 more fast damage. I do it every 10 because that's the most damage you can do with the multiplier.
  37. What is Chest Glitch?
  38. If you try to open a chest it sometimes just doesn't open even though you try to open it. This can easily be seen by trying to open it from the backside. Due to how Luigi's positioned and when/how fast you try to open it, it may still not open even though you are trying to open it from the front, costing some time.
  40. Why do you avoid Pearls and Coins in Area 1 and get hit by Chauncey a lot?
  41. I try to get something called low% where I have 0 coins and 0 pearls, all unique money in the game are added on to the total at the end of the area. The game counts these all individually and takes some time. If you have no money at all, the total will be displayed for 1 frame vs about a second if you have money. Getting hit by Chauncey loses no time and because you drop coins, I can lose all my coins I currently have by getting hit and have no money, skipping it being counted and saving some time. I don't do this anywhere else because I can't consistently have 0 money because I usually get bills and purposely pick up pearls.
  43. What is Early Release/ER and Grimmly RNG?
  44. Early Release aka ER is when the floating Whirlindas, the dancing couple in the ball room, can randomly show their heart 10 seconds earlier then normal. You will know this because they will show they hear and I will start dealing damage when they are on the left side of the spinning platform. There are times where they will show their heart at a random point between ER and when they normally do. ER is completely Random and is, with current knowledge, uncontrollable. Grimmly is the portrait ghost that you catch in the blackout to get the cellar key in the wardrobe room. He can show his heart anytime between 0-45 seconds with anything over around 10 being very rare.
  46. Why don't you use the mirror in the wardrobe room at the start of the game?
  47. This is actually a tiny bit slower then just walking, so I walk instead.
  49. Why do you pick up pearls if this is not 100% and when you said it was slower?
  50. Due to the fact its very hard to not get pearls in any area after 1, I don't have to avoid pearls. The way this game works there is something called auto lock-on where Luigi will prioritize getting pearls over boos, so when I am trying to get a boo he will go after the pearls, which can be problematic, so I try to get them out of the way. I have a pretty bad habit of not doing this or just forgetting so hopefully I won't.
  52. What are you doing to make the boos not move/What is R Pumping?
  53. First, let me explain boo mechanics. A boo is programmed to stay in a room until it has reached 15 cackles (the laugh type sound they make). Once he reached that limit, he is forced to leave and cant be stopped unless you suck him up. The way a boo cackles is if you do damage and then for 1 or more frames, don't deal damage then damage them again. This will stun them for 10 HP before they gain control until you suck them up, Stop and then Re Damage them, or they leave. If you do the math, 15 cackles x 10 damage every cackle, you can do 150 Damage if you have perfect R Pumps. Meaning Every Boo in the game that has 150 or Less HP can be 1 cycled with Perfect R Pumps Alone. Another strat I use is dragging the boo, essentially dealing damage without cackles. Every R Pump you don't deal damage for a few frames, losing you those frames so the less cackles the better.
  55. How come E. Gadd isn't calling you sometimes when you catch a boo?
  56. Whenever you catch a Boo and then before it enters the vacuum, interrupt it, either by going into a mouse hole, or sucking up a cloth, the game disregards that you got the boo and doesn't show the text that normally comes up after killing a boo. This will only work if the cloth is got after the boo enters the vacuum. If I mess up the mouse hole bad enough, the text may still appear, or worse, I will get stuck in a wall and be forced to end the run.
  58. What is a double cackle and why is it so bad?
  59. When Luigi is far from a boo, a boo is high, or is stuck on an object, he will cackle more and faster then before. This can be problematic because of the 15 cackle limit which he will reach faster and you will get less damage off him, causing him to leave. I can avoid this by bringing him down, getting closer, or dragging him to avoid all 3 possible ways a double cackle can happen.
  61. Why are you randomly using an element after going through a door or getting a key?
  62. This goes by a few names. Element Cancel, Light Cancel, Flashlight Cancel, Flashlight Skip, L Cancel, all those names are valid. Every time Luigi pulls out the flashlight, he stops and if you use an element he doesn't. I may also do this in a lit room to avoid the animation of pulling out the vacuum when I use it.
  64. What's Van Gore Text?
  65. After getting any boo after the 15th, the text is RNG and it can vary in length. The longest is called Van Gore text and can lose over 5s every time you get it. Text that is long is called long text and text that is short is called short text.
  67. Where can I learn to speedrun Luigi's Mansion?
  68. You can join the discord here: and you can check out
  70. Personal Questions:
  72. Why did you speedrun Luigi's Mansion?
  73. It has always been a favorite of mine and I really enjoy the whole series. The length is also a big factor of why I picked it.
  75. What is your No OOB goal?
  76. My current goal is 58. My long term is probably to have a 57/56 and maybe a 55/WR.
  78. What's your favorite Portrait Ghost?
  79. The Clockworks Soldiers are my favorite because of their design, the eerie vibe the music gives, and the clever way of making them show their hearts.
  81. What's your favorite area?
  82. Area 3 because it contains my favorite split, Clairvoya.
  84. What's your favorite game of all time?
  85. I have played so many I don't really have an answer.
  87. What's your favorite Luigi's Mansion game?
  88. Its hard to pick from the first 3. I like 1 for speedrunning, 2 was the first I played so I have nostalgia, and 3 was very fun casually.
  90. What's your Stream Schedule?
  91. Because I don't have a sleep schedule, I can't promise any stream schedule right now, but when/if its fixed, I may have one.
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