

Jul 15th, 2014
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  1. <Arikado> mibbit is finally working
  2. <Piex> mibbit sounds like a frog
  3. <Piex> Arikado it sounds like
  4. <Piex> you own a frog slave ring
  5. <DittoCrow> mibbit is a frog
  6. <Piex> forcing frogs to grow bananas
  7. <Piex> and mibbit was
  8. <Piex> this one frog
  9. <Piex> who refused to work
  10. <Piex> so u did
  11. <Kaerose> how would frogs even grow bananas?
  12. <Piex> very inappropriate things to it
  13. <Piex> and then it did
  14. *** dtc [i@tame.dragons] has joined #pokemon
  15. *** mode/#pokemon [+ao dtc dtc] by Porygon2
  16. <Piex> cos they're slaves
  17. <haruhi> out of their necks
  18. <Piex> and all slves grow bananas
  19. <Piex> therefore
  20. <haruhi> like tropius
  21. <Piex> Arikado owns a frog slave ring
  22. <Piex> *slaves
  23. <Piex> Arikado how could you?
  24. <Kaerose> is tropius a frog tree?
  25. <dtc> boo they gave tough claws to mega metagross?
  26. <Kaerose> yes
  27. <haruhi> yes
  28. <Piex> Trafficing those poor frogs?
  29. <dtc> that's the third mega they've given tough claws too lol
  30. <dtc> oh and magic bounce too
  31. <Piex> you know that frogs often die in traffic
  32. <Piex> getting run over by the cars
  33. <Kaerose> frogger~
  34. <Piex> why thefuck are u trafficing them to grow bananas
  35. <Pwnemon> rip
  36. <Piex> grow ur own
  37. <Piex> fuckin bananans
  38. <Piex> you horrible person
  39. <haruhi> well slavery isn't legal anymore
  40. <Piex> and stop rape-murdering frogs
  41. *** thefwf_work [] has quit [Client exited]
  42. <Kaerose> human slavery
  43. <haruhi> human slavery that is
  44. <Piex> for bananas
  45. *** Colonel_M [] has joined #pokemon
  46. *** mode/#pokemon [+v Colonel_M] by Porygon2
  47. <Piex> to put into more frogs
  48. <Arikado> piex i like frogs though
  49. <Piex> and then the whole cycle
  50. <Piex> begins again
  51. <haruhi> nigga you a frog
  52. <Arikado> is that an approved insult
  53. <Arikado> 'you're a frog'
  54. <Colonel_M> I dont get why macle has a fetish for frogs
  55. <Piex> yeah but in a banana-inside-the-frog kind of like
  56. <Kaerose> ribbit
  57. <haruhi> kero kero motherfucker
  58. <Piex> I'll tell macle about your
  59. <Piex> illicit child frog ring
  60. <Piex> growing bananas
  61. <Arikado> 19:32dtcthat's the third mega they've given tough claws too lol
  62. <Piex> and dieing in traffic
  63. <Arikado> whats the second ?
  64. <Piex> and then you'll be sorry
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