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Feb 27th, 2016
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  1. >>14843517
  2. >being this conservative
  4. Having sexual intercourse without mutual consent is wrong. Animals that aren't human cannot give mutual consent which is why bestiality is illegal.
  6. As for children, it is classified as statutory rape, which is covered more in the legal aspect than in morals. Age of consent is different per country but biologically, women experience menarche in their teens, not twenties because of shorter age expectancy thousands of years ago. It is possible that the age of consent could be lowered in the future if people argue that they want to have freedom with what they want to do with their bodies.
  8. Sorry if I am going off topic but arguably, that girl (which I will refer her as Ms. Onodera) is likely not a kid or child. A child is someone between the stages of birth and puberty. However, your country's legal definition of a child might just be anyone under the age of majority (Japan - 20, US - 21). Now if we are not talking about legal definitions, girls begin puberty around 10-11 and complete their process around 15-17. So from a biological stand point, little Ms. Onodera isn't a child, rather an adolescent.
  10. As for the victim's point of view, humans have been procreating in their teens for thousands of years. In Ancient Rome, brides had to be at least 12. In medieval Eastern Europe, brides were aged 12-15. Age of consent laws dated back to 800 years ago also was at the age of 12. It wasn't until in the last one hundred years that the 1917 Code of Canon Law raised the minimum age for a valid marriage to 16 and 14 for males and females respectively. This was thanks to the increase of popularity for women's rights and activists for them. So from this standpoint, it could be arguable that humans are genetically inclined to procreate in their teens and hebephilia could be genetic. I don't have any evidence of this on hand and cannot say the same for pedophilia.
  12. Honestly, I don't give a shit anymore and I doubt you do either. I don't study any of this legal nonsense but it was an interesting and worthwhile research topic.
  15. And no, I'm not CWO or some psychological/sociological student.
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