
How Do I Rank Without Backlinks?

May 5th, 2019
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  1. How Do I Rank Without Backlinks?
  2. So I've recently put up a new website and it has no authority of course. I've been doing some research and stumbled across this post which talked about the keyword golden ratio as an easy way to rank without backlinks.
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  20. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  21. Has anyone had any experience with the keyword golden ratio? Seems a little dodgy to me.
  22. It didn't let me link to the post so here's the URL (
  25. I'm familiar with the method. Also, I have a website that has very low amount of links and it did gain google rankings, until some recent Google algorithm updates at least.
  26. This is a common sense advice in general. However, note that 250 searches per month is a very low volume for a keyword and you basically need to be in the top 3 position to gain any signifant traffic for it. Also, you MUST create extremly good content around a search term. And what that means is hours and hours spend researching and writing a thoughtfully structured content. This is not a shortcut to getting a results quickly and easily.
  27. You will also spend quite a lot of time to find enough keyowrds with this techique. But it should be well worth it. It is not for the unpatient people.
  28. In total, you do put a SOLID amount of work with this model and by all accounts you will get some traffic by using it. A traffic that you will be able to monetise.
  29. I wouldn't try to do it litteraly without any backlinks though. There is no reason to not create some backlinks on a regular bases.
  32. Implement Paid Campaigns.
  35. Well if you plan to rank a post you need backlinks but if you dont want to do that i think writing content more often tergeting more keywords it will help your rankings and you would get more traffic
  39. So I've recently put up a new website ...
  40. If your website is indexed, IT IS ALREADY RANKED! If it is not indexed, submit your URL to Google and it will be indexed AND ranked within a few hours.
  42. On-page SEO will only take you so far in order to rank for competitive keywords you will need quality backlinks.
  45. I once used social signals to rank my keywords on google first page. I tried it and it worked.
  46. I also spent some time to build backlinks. It worked and there was difference.
  47. From this experiment, I learnt one thing: social signals cannot replace the importance of backlinks.
  48. In fact, backlinks and quality contents carries more weight in google ranking factors - whiles social signals carry a little.
  49. What I'm trying to say is: if you want to rank for your keywords, you need backlinks. Quality and relevant backlinks as such.
  52. You can improve ranking by proper relevant quality organic content. You can also promote it in different social networks such as Fb, Twitter, Instagram for Social Media Marketing and gaining Link popularity. This will help you a lot for increasing your ranking in SERP.
  56. You can improve ranking by proper relevant quality organic content. You can also promote it in different social networks such as Fb, Twitter, Instagram for Social Media Marketing and gaining Link popularity. This will help you a lot for increasing your ranking in SERP.
  57. This is great advice! Adding content that is relevant and useful to the visitor will also keep people coming back. Social Media is a great way to get the word out and attract more traffic to your sites and blogs.
  60. To rank, you will need the following:
  61. 1. High quality content (SEO optimized but be careful not to stuff keywords)
  62. 2. Social signals
  63. These 2 will help with ranking but remember that over time, you will need some backlinks
  67. So I've recently put up a new website and it has no authority of course. I've been doing some research and stumbled across this post which talked about the keyword golden ratio as an easy way to rank without backlinks. Has anyone had any experience with the keyword golden ratio? Seems a little dodgy to me.
  68. It didn't let me link to the post so here's the URL (
  69. Ranking without backlinks is how most people start with their sites. It takes a while to get up and running (be patient, the payoff is nice). I found the biggest way was to do what most people don't have the time or want to spend the time doing, which is creating useful content consistently. Provide a value to someone and your rank will increase organically. It isn't a lie, I promise.
  70. Additionally, try signing up for business directories. I advise personally against black hat SEO tactics as they hinder more than help. Google is a smart robot.
  74. This is great advice! Adding content that is relevant and useful to the visitor will also keep people coming back. Social Media is a great way to get the word out and attract more traffic to your sites and blogs.
  75. This is so true. Industry specific articles, how to articles, blogging just about anything of relevance with natural language and good back end SEO works!
  79. To rank, you will need the following:
  80. 1. High quality content (SEO optimized but be careful not to stuff keywords)
  81. 2. Social signals
  82. These 2 will help with ranking but remember that over time, you will need some backlinks
  83. FALSE and FALSE
  84. The ONLY thing needed to be ranked is making sure the site is INDEXED! If it is NOT indexed, it will NEVER be ranked. If it IS indexed, it will ALWAYS be ranked!
  86. While ranking is nice, quality traffic that leads to conversions/actions should always be the number one goal (at least in my opinion).
  88. You could write a lot of articles or posts about the different issues on the topic you want to rank for. Quality is king, make sure your content is interesting and people will want to read it once they've landed on your page. If they don't find your content interesting or useful, even backlinks are not going to help, but if they enjoy reading your content, you will surely rank for it sooner or later.
  89. Create a user-friendly site linking different articles together to prevent audience from leaving your site, internal links within your site help a lot in this regard.
  90. On-page SEO is the answer I think you are looking for to rank highly without backlinks. Make sure that your keyword is in the heading and title of your article etc. Follow all of the steps for good on-page SEO, you could use the Yoast plugin, it is a free wordpress plugin that helps a lot with your SEO on-page optimization.
  92. I am sorry to say but its not a business strategy. You have to get backlinks.
  93. Via content and on-page optimizations can get you ranked but if your competitors even if they have a slightest advantage (one link can also make difference) over the backlink profile then they will rank better.
  95. So I've recently put up a new website and it has no authority of course. I've been doing some research and stumbled across this post which talked about the keyword golden ratio as an easy way to rank without backlinks. Has anyone had any experience with the keyword golden ratio? Seems a little dodgy to me.
  96. It didn't let me link to the post so here's the URL
  97. It's funny I feel like Google know's local businesses are already busy. If they lay out a simple site with some basic kws I'm sure they will grade it differently and kind of give them a boost. Once I started adding quality links and spaced out etc, I started losing rankings. I've been building links still and working on speed etc and seeing a nice boost back up. If this makes any sense (I'm high) I think they have level of grading when it comes to local companies. Once you start looking like a real business that's trying to grow, then Google will drop you and make you work for it since it seems you know what you're doing it evens the playing field.
  99. It's funny I feel like Google know's local businesses are already busy. If they lay out a simple site with some basic kws I'm sure they will grade it differently and kind of give them a boost. Once I started adding quality links and spaced out etc, I started losing rankings. I've been building links still and working on speed etc and seeing a nice boost back up. If this makes any sense (I'm high) I think they have level of grading when it comes to local companies. Once you start looking like a real business that's trying to grow, then Google will drop you and make you work for it since it seems you know what you're doing it evens the playing field.
  100. Lol
  101. Perhaps you are right, but it could also be that local websites are just highly relevant to local users, and since they are the ones searching those keywords, these local websites get healthy rankings. They might not have the best SEO, but local users view them differently to international sites.
  103. While ranking is nice, quality traffic that leads to conversions/actions should always be the number one goal (at least in my opinion).
  104. Very true. I would like to expand on this and say that quality traffic are the people who are actually looking to buy. Since they are already ready to buy, finding them would be more rewarding than simply ranking on Google. Finding them may be looking at related forums, social media, and other platforms where users discuss about buying and selling things in your field. Quality traffic leads to a high conversion ratio, and this should be the ultimate objective.
  106. The ONLY thing needed to be ranked is making sure the site is INDEXED! If it is NOT indexed, it will NEVER be ranked. If it IS indexed, it will ALWAYS be ranked!
  107. Websites are indexed. Keywords are ranked.
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