Guest User


a guest
Jul 18th, 2018
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  1. var win = new Ext.Window({
  2. title: 'User Copy',
  3. id: 'win-usercopy',
  4. width: 400,
  5. height: 180,
  6. closable: true,
  7. resizable: false,
  8. modal: true,
  9. iconCls: 'icon-user-copy',
  10. items: new Ext.FormPanel({
  11. xtype: 'form',
  12. id: 'usercopy-form',
  13. layout: 'form',
  14. border: false,
  15. url: 'edituser.php',
  16. defaults: {
  17. type: 'textfield',
  18. anchor:'-10',
  19. allowBlank: false,
  20. required: true,
  21. labelWidth: 100,
  22. minLength: 3
  23. },
  24. items: [{
  25. name:'username',
  26. id: 'username',
  27. bodyStyle: 'color:#FFCCDD',
  28. value: copyfrom,
  29. fieldLabel:'Copy From',
  30. blankText: 'Username tidak boleh kosong.'
  31. },{
  32. name:'copyto',
  33. id: 'copyto',
  34. fieldLabel:'Copy To',
  35. blankText: 'Username tidak boleh kosong.'
  36. }] //eo items
  37. }),
  38. buttonAlign: 'center',
  39. buttons:[{
  40. text: 'Copy',
  41. //iconCls:'icon-user-add',
  42. handler:function() {
  43. copy();
  44. }
  45. },{
  46. text:'Close',
  47. //iconCls:'icon-user-add',
  48. handler:function() {
  49. Ext.getCmp('win-usercopy').close();
  50. }
  51. }] //eo buttons
  52. }); // eo new Ext.Window
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