
Group 8 Session 06

Jun 20th, 2012
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  1. **** REGISTO INICIADO EM Sun Jun 17 06:04:31 2012
  3. Jun 17 06:04:31 * A conversar em #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  4. Jun 17 06:04:31 * Tópico para #FalloutEquestriaPNP2 é: * Current rulebook: | Dicebot/OOC: #FalloutEquestriaDice | ALL GDocs arranged: | All the forum threads you could possibly need at: | New character sheets!:
  5. Jun 17 06:04:31 * Tópico para #FalloutEquestriaPNP2 colocado por mimezinga a Sat Mar 24 15:46:06 2012
  6. Jun 17 06:04:42 * DontAskForCookies agora chama-se Grand-Finale
  7. Jun 17 06:04:44 * Agora chama-se Haywire
  8. Jun 17 06:06:01 * Shade` oferece voz a Grand-Finale
  9. Jun 17 06:06:04 * Shade` oferece voz a Haywire
  10. Jun 17 06:06:27 * Shade` coloca o modo de semi-operador a AMARDA_GM
  11. Jun 17 06:06:58 * Grand_Finale saiu (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  12. Jun 17 06:09:17 <AMARDA_GM> We join our 'heroes' as they continue to potter around hoof rot. Grand-Finale exhausted after his training session, and Midnight_Rain the only pony of the females whom managed to dodge the clutches of one of the dressmakers in the store they visited. Haywire is still looking around for more examples of the device he want so bad and Terminal is waking up from her drunken state in the East Hoof Rot tavern.
  13. Jun 17 06:11:37 * Terminal emerges from what feels like weeks of rest to the alicorn amidst apparently a tavern? When had they come to a tavern? Where was everypony?
  14. Jun 17 06:12:17 * Grand-Finale rests his head on the floor of the basment sparring room, compleatly whiped out from hours of brutal training. "Damn Zaliz, how did you get so fast? I could hardly see you move, your like some sort of blurry, striped, storrm with a sword!"
  15. Jun 17 06:13:00 <AMARDA_GM> Terminal finds a hastily scribbled note saying 'Gone to Hoof Rot North, Shade. -PS Cover your wings!'.
  16. Jun 17 06:14:30 * Terminal blinks and checks her hooves
  17. Jun 17 06:14:38 <AMARDA_GM> Zaliz grunts. "I trained long and hard, my tribe chose me to be a champion of their people." he moves around to where Grand-Finale is lying and slowly begins to massage the prone pony.
  18. Jun 17 06:15:38 * Terminal makes doubly sure to stuff her feathery appendages back inside her armor, if Shade felt it was important to mention.
  19. Jun 17 06:16:24 * Grand-Finale dose not notice the zebras approuch until he feels hooves on his back. Tensing up he quickly realizes that he is not being assaulted again with the zebras crazy self-healing training sword and relaxes, not really having the energy to move anyway.
  20. Jun 17 06:16:49 * Grand-Finale "Is that so? that sounds like a tough gig, lots of responsibilty"
  21. Jun 17 06:18:29 <AMARDA_GM> The Zebra knows his stuff. While you don't feel anymore energetic, your aches and pains seem to just disappear. "Yes, responsibility, we who were chosen had to struggle long and hard to be better, be the best we could be."
  22. Jun 17 06:19:44 * Grand-Finale groans a bit as the zebras hooves work their magic. "So how did it turn out for you, if you dont mind me asking".
  23. Jun 17 06:19:45 * Terminal goes back to figuring out which of her hooves is on the north end. Hoof rot is a serious problem!
  24. Jun 17 06:21:55 * Haywire 's eyes go left to right, trying to find a repair shop. They stop at each earth pony along the way. Some annoyance shows in his serious face.
  25. Jun 17 06:23:13 <AMARDA_GM> whilst Terminal is dancing around trying to figure out where her north hoof is, she spots a crealy marked out map on one of the tables. There is even a handy compass next to it.
  26. Jun 17 06:24:43 <Terminal> "Oooh! Paper!"
  27. Jun 17 06:25:21 * Terminal trots over to discover it's secrets.
  28. Jun 17 06:25:44 <AMARDA_GM> Haywire spots a shop with a sign that reads 'Nut's and Bolt's Repair and maintenance.'
  29. Jun 17 06:26:14 * Midnight_Rain sighs and looks up at the sky
  30. Jun 17 06:27:08 * Grand-Finale allows his imagination to roam freely as he waits for his answer from the zebra, loosing himself in the expert rub down. Hell this was almost worth the pain of the training!
  31. Jun 17 06:28:37 * Terminal peeks at the map.
  32. Jun 17 06:28:42 <AMARDA_GM> The Zebra has spen the last few moments mulling over the question. "It went as well as it did." He finally says. "I was given my tools and made a warrior, I preformed great deeds, but when it all came to the most vital part I failed, thus my debt."
  33. Jun 17 06:30:16 * Haywire adjusts his googles, with a small smile of satisfaction. "Well, let's see what we have here." He goes in, keeping an eye for unusual hats and robot disassembly tools.
  34. Jun 17 06:31:37 * Grand-Finale moans into the old floorboards as Zaliz works out a especially large knot from his back, "Well at least you made out well for yourself. I mean, Hoof rot isnt perfect but you have work, a wife, this place under the shop. I would say things are going pretty good for you Zaliz"
  35. Jun 17 06:33:34 <AMARDA_GM> Inside the store he finds two very similar looking ponies, one a Unicorn the other an Earth Pony. The Earth Pony is currently using a screw driver with one of the horns you saw earlier. It's movement are poor and his work sloppy. "No brother, less jerkyness, make the action smoother." The Unicorn says as he watchs the other work.
  36. Jun 17 06:35:18 <AMARDA_GM> Zaliz nods. "Good, not perfect. I miss my tribe, and my wife is well, she just isn't the same as she was." He stops talking and begins a series of lighter, more delicate rubs.
  37. Jun 17 06:36:32 * Terminal hums, "Map, map, map, map!"
  38. Jun 17 06:37:09 <AMARDA_GM> The map is clearly meant to be easy to follow, almost like it was for a faol to be taught.
  39. Jun 17 06:37:24 * Grand-Finale opens his mouth and lets out a shakey sigh that vibrates with each chop, "Oooooh-ya~... your amazing at this, almost as good as you are with a sword. Ever thought about opening like, I dont know, a spa or something?"
  40. Jun 17 06:37:39 * Grand-Finale saiu (Connection closed)
  41. Jun 17 06:38:14 * DontAskForCookies ( entrou em #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  42. Jun 17 06:38:39 * DontAskForCookies agora chama-se Grand_Finale
  43. Jun 17 06:38:55 * Terminal has discovered a map! And not one that made her head hurt like the 'topographic' ones.
  44. Jun 17 06:40:04 * Arcane_Scroll oferece voz a Grand_Finale
  45. Jun 17 06:40:07 * Midnight_Rain heads back towards east hoof rot
  46. Jun 17 06:43:03 * [AMARDA_GM] ( Peter
  47. Jun 17 06:43:03 * [AMARDA_GM] #FalloutEquestria #FalloutEquestriaPNP #FalloutEquestriaTavern %#FalloutEquestriaPNP2 #FalloutEquestriaDice2
  48. Jun 17 06:43:03 * [AMARDA_GM] :The derp eyed
  49. Jun 17 06:43:03 * [AMARDA_GM] inactivo 00:01:32, ligou-se: Sun Jun 17 05:07:40
  50. Jun 17 06:43:03 * [AMARDA_GM] Fim da lista WHOIS.
  51. Jun 17 06:43:09 <AMARDA_GM> Zaliz nods thoughtfully. "It may help me out of my debt, but I do not see myself liking the company of ponies most of the time." he slowly brings the massage to a halt, but doesn't get off of Grand_Finale's back. "I miss the company of my Brothers inarms, I miss my home and my other family." He says in a somber tone.
  52. Jun 17 06:43:54 * Haywire approaches the pair. "Well, I see the this telekinetic helmet actually does work. I'd like to ask you more about it later, if you don't mind, but I suppose you aren't here to be answering questions about other ponies works. Anyway, I have a robot to disassemble, but I don't have a workshop or specialized tools available. If you could lend your facilities, I'd be grateful. I'd be willing to pay a fee for it, if necessary."
  53. Jun 17 06:45:56 * Terminal would make use of that, but it seems important to wait for everypony to come back, leading her to lay back down.
  54. Jun 17 06:46:02 * Grand_Finale Waits a short while for the zebra to break the silence. After a short while Grand bites his lips and decides to say something, anything to get the conversation going again before he choked on the awkwardness.
  55. Jun 17 06:46:37 <AMARDA_GM> The two ponies notice Haywire only after his speech. Instantly the Unicorn changes his posture and begins a rehearsed speec. "Welcome to Nut's and Bolt's, premiere repair ponies of the wastes!" He makes a pose for a second before getting down to business. "Now sir we here are please to offer are facilities and skills in the pursuit of knowledge and the betterment of you. I'm Nut by the way, that's Bolt."
  56. Jun 17 06:46:59 * Grand_Finale "Well... is there anything you could do to get them back? I mean, I dont know your story and I dont want to burden you with questions, but you dont seem happy..."
  57. Jun 17 06:47:49 <AMARDA_GM> As Midnight_Rain walks along back to East side, she hears the sound of a foal crying for help.
  58. Jun 17 06:49:16 <AMARDA_GM> The Zebra gently lowers himself down and awkwardly wraps his hooves around Grand_Finale. "I miss them is all, good company and sparring partners are so rare in these lands. More so those willing to even try."
  59. Jun 17 06:49:38 * Midnight_Rain heads towards the sound her pistol ready for combat at a moments notice
  60. Jun 17 06:51:25 * Grand_Finale tenses up again at the sudden and completely unexpected sensation of the zebra pressing up against him. Shocked his eyes dart around to see if anypony ells was around to see the zebras moment of weekness. Wrapping his hoof around Zaliz Grand pats his back.
  61. Jun 17 06:51:30 <AMARDA_GM> What Midnight_Rain sees is what looks to be a slaver pony advancing on a terrified earth pony filly. What looks to be here mother is unconsious or dead further down the bank. A small boat sits at waters edge with another Unicorn waiting at the helm.
  62. Jun 17 06:52:01 * Grand_Finale "ummm...there there, Zaliz. Im sure things will turn around for you"
  63. Jun 17 06:54:37 * Midnight_Rain walks up towards the pony advancing towards the filly "Sir might i ask what you are doing?"
  64. Jun 17 06:56:11 <AMARDA_GM> The pony reacts by spinning and triggering a burst from the silenced .22 SMG mounted on his battle saddle.
  65. Jun 17 06:56:35 <Haywire> He nods, memorizing the ponies' names. " would think the unicorn would be named Bolt." thinking out louder than intended.
  66. Jun 17 06:57:23 * Terminal saiu (Quit: Leaving.)
  67. Jun 17 06:58:58 <AMARDA_GM> The Unicorn nods. "We get that a lot, But I am the stronger of the two of us. So sir, you wish to use our facilities? That could be costly. Also, if I may, are you even trained to use some of the stuff we have in this place?"
  68. Jun 17 07:00:06 <AMARDA_GM> The Slavers eyes go wide as his burst misses. The trees behind Midnight_Rain being ripped apart by the bullets.
  69. Jun 17 07:01:18 * Midnight_Rain brings her pistol up and around towards the slaver "I'll ask again what are you doing here?"
  70. Jun 17 07:02:27 <AMARDA_GM> The pony doesn't respond verbally but fires another burst at Midnight_Rain. The unicorn looks like he want to as well, but the weapon he has looks terribly loud.
  71. Jun 17 07:02:56 <AMARDA_GM> this time the bullets land closer to Midnight_Rain but still miss.
  72. Jun 17 07:02:59 * Grand_Finale rubs the zebras back as he relaxes from the shock of the embrace. "Sure, a strong warrior like you? Its only a matter of time before your back on your hooves!"
  73. Jun 17 07:03:22 * Haywire 's eyes cross the room, stopping at some tools he have never seen before. "I... can manage... eventually..."
  74. Jun 17 07:03:35 <Haywire> "Well, I guess some assistance could make matters somewhat easier."
  75. Jun 17 07:04:42 <AMARDA_GM> Zaliz nods, then awkwardly moves to kiss Grand on the cheeks. He pauses though and tries to disentangle himself from Grand_Finale's hooves. He mutters something under his breath as he does so.
  76. Jun 17 07:08:41 <AMARDA_GM> Nut and Bolt look at Haywire and smile. "Say, we could give you some lessons, bring you up to speed on what's what." Says Nut in a sing song voice. "But we would like a return on investment, if you would be so kind." Says Bolt.
  77. Jun 17 07:09:26 * Midnight_Rain fires five shots at the slaver who ever he was he started shooting first
  78. Jun 17 07:09:27 * Grand_Finale keeps an calm face as the zebra pulls back, rolling his eyes as soon as the striped sword master turns his head. Sighing heavily Grand rolls over himself and pulls himself up, stretching and flexing his refreshed muscles.
  79. Jun 17 07:09:29 <Haywire> "How much are we talking about?"
  80. Jun 17 07:10:26 <AMARDA_GM> "Oh, we aren't talking monetary, we'd like something picked up and delivered, something we've been wanting a while now." Says Bolt.
  81. Jun 17 07:11:00 * Grand_Finale checking his sword is in its sheath (both of them), Grand turns to look at the zebra. "Well I was thinking about leaving tommorow on the caravann... but it sure seems like I have a lot to learn, and you mentioned you dont have a partner... a sparing partner that is"
  82. Jun 17 07:11:18 * Grand_Finale "So why dont I stick around Rot Hoof for a while?"
  83. Jun 17 07:12:29 * Haywire looks relieved. "Well, that seems a reasonable request. Where and what is it? Most importantly, what kinds of dangers I may find along the way?"
  84. Jun 17 07:14:05 <AMARDA_GM> Midnight_Rain's first shot hits the raider dead square between the eyes. He goes down with out even a sound. However the next shot jams the gun and before Midnight_Rain realizes it, her second bullet blows the slide clean off.
  85. Jun 17 07:17:00 <AMARDA_GM> Nut unrolls an old map. "we'd like you to go here, it's an old storage unit that's never been touched, to many rads unfortunately. But with a bit of protection you can simply waltz right on in. We want the only MAS box in the building, really easy to see through the windows. It has something we want, a lot!"
  86. Jun 17 07:17:49 <AMARDA_GM> The Unicorn in the boat levitates a really big gun towards Midnight_Rain. With a sound like thunder he fires one shot at her.
  87. Jun 17 07:18:33 <Haywire> "...all this to get a robot disassembled?"
  88. Jun 17 07:21:45 <AMARDA_GM> Zaliz moves awkwardly near Grand. "That sounds good." He mumbles.
  89. Jun 17 07:22:48 <AMARDA_GM> "And to be trained, don't forget that. We offer a top notch training course to any and all who ask. We are after all business ponies."
  90. Jun 17 07:24:33 * Haywire sighs. "Well, hoof me the map."
  91. Jun 17 07:25:13 * Grand_Finale smiles, the zebra still scared him but this shy side was actually sort of cute. "Good, Im glad that I can look forward to some more training sessions and rub-downs in the near future. To be honest I have never been real interested in sword-fighting before today, and training was painful, but its all worth it for another rub-down like that"
  92. Jun 17 07:25:22 * Grand_Finale winks
  93. Jun 17 07:25:52 <AMARDA_GM> Nut passes the map. "Now we have a supply of Rad-X we will give you and a Rad Suit. But first, heres we go, time to get a learning mister..."
  94. Jun 17 07:26:33 * Haywire nods and follows.
  95. Jun 17 07:27:08 * Midnight_Rain drops her pistol and takes out her sniper and fires two shots at the unicorn trying to murder her
  96. Jun 17 07:27:39 <AMARDA_GM> Nut stays silent, waiting for Haywire. "Um, I didn't get you name mister..."
  97. Jun 17 07:29:11 <AMARDA_GM> The Unicorn staggers as he is hit by the shot from Midnight_Rain. Through the scope you can clearly see blood across the back of the boat.
  98. Jun 17 07:29:48 <Haywire> "Didn't I tell you? Well, the name is Haywire."
  99. Jun 17 07:31:20 <AMARDA_GM> Zaliz blushes at Grand_Finale's actions. "That would be, nice." And then, as if he changed his entire persona Zaliz drops into his combat stance. "Now that you feel better, lets try this again!"
  100. Jun 17 07:32:57 * Grand_Finale staggers momentarily at the lightning fast mood-swing, the scary Zaliz was back! "Gah! let me get ready first!"
  101. Jun 17 07:33:21 <AMARDA_GM> "Yes Haywire, nice name by the way, we shall begin with the H&H Auto Mill six thousand. Please copy what me and my brother show you for this is vital to your future work."
  102. Jun 17 07:34:18 * Grand_Finale reaches for his sword, thinking to himself as he brandished the zebra weapon, 'and things had been going so well....'
  103. Jun 17 07:34:19 <AMARDA_GM> The Unicorns gun snaps open and he fihes out another shell from a holster on his leg. There is plenty of time for Midnight_Rain to react.
  104. Jun 17 07:35:40 * Haywire observes carefully how the brothers handle the Auto Mill.
  105. Jun 17 07:36:21 * Midnight_Rain fires three shots at the unicorn hoping that Luna would guide her shots into the enemy allowing her to save ponies
  106. Jun 17 07:37:53 <AMARDA_GM> Haywire gets given a turn and finds the Auto Mill hard to use at first, but soon adapts well to the tool. "Well sir, that was good, not the best I've seen but not a disappointment. Next we have the Magi-Recal Model Three, the perfect device to make alterations to Spell Matrix's."
  107. Jun 17 07:38:55 <AMARDA_GM> The Unicorn smiles as the first shot misses, shots two and three find vital places and force him against the side of the boat in a heap.
  108. Jun 17 07:39:09 <Haywire> "That sounds fascinating!" He keeps his eye attentive.
  109. Jun 17 07:40:25 * Haywire sees himself distracted by the possibilities of such tool, but ends up losing focus of it's actual use.
  110. Jun 17 07:40:49 <Haywire> *its
  111. Jun 17 07:40:58 <AMARDA_GM> Haywire takes his turn, and although he looks to start ok, after a second the gem reacts violently and stops glowing. "Tsk tsk tsk, to much power to quickly. Remember, ease it in, don't rush it." Says Bolt.
  112. Jun 17 07:41:26 <Haywire> "I will keep that in mind."
  113. Jun 17 07:43:55 <AMARDA_GM> "Really Mr Haywire? here, let me guide you through this." Bolt gently places his hooves on Haywire's. "You have to keep the gem steady, keep it focused and make sure you don't overload the matrix."
  114. Jun 17 07:45:27 * Haywire focuses and carefully follows the gestures of the businesspony.
  115. Jun 17 07:45:30 <AMARDA_GM> This time things go right, and Haywire is rewarded with a gem of perfect quality. "There you go sir, just like that next time and everything will be perfect." Say Nut from where he is watching
  116. Jun 17 07:47:20 <AMARDA_GM> From behind Midnight_Rain there is the sound of shouting and then about ten ponies come galloping onto the scene. They look at the bodies of the slavers and the wounded or dead pony on the bank and scramble to get the mess sorted. Two pin Midnight_Rain to the ground whil another goes to comfort the foal.
  117. Jun 17 07:47:49 * Haywire smiles to himself. "Hopefully. This has great potential."
  118. Jun 17 07:49:08 * Midnight_Rain is pinned by two of the ponies "Whoa there i'm on you're side i found this slavers trying to get this Foal and i tried to talk to the slavers and they opened fire so i kill them."
  119. Jun 17 07:49:44 <AMARDA_GM> Grand_Finale is unable to see Zaliz move and gets another cut to the flank. It's very shallow now due to how tough his skin seems to have gotten and the pain is far less distressing. "Try again, Grand." Zaliz says.
  120. Jun 17 07:50:24 <AMARDA_GM> The two ponies continue to hold Midnight_Rain down. "We'll see once we get this all sorted out." One says to her.
  121. Jun 17 07:50:49 * Grand_Finale grits his teath and chokes up on the sword handle, getting ready for the next assualt. He definately liked shy Zaliz better.
  122. Jun 17 07:52:44 <AMARDA_GM> Nut and Bolt look at Haywire and smile. "The last piece we think your ready for it this." They sweep their hooves around to show Haywire a large and foreboading machine that was hidden behind the first two. "This is our pride and joy, the Fabricator Mark 5 built to order by the MWT, only seven of these were ever made and we own one!" They say in an odd unison.
  123. Jun 17 07:54:51 <AMARDA_GM> Grand manages to bring his blade down to counter Zaliz. There is a loud clang as the two blades meet. Zaliz seems really happy with how Grand_Finale managed to block his sword. "Now try again." He looks a lot happier than the last time you spared.
  124. Jun 17 07:55:03 * Haywire observes the machine, containing his excitement. "Impressive. But what is its purpose?"
  125. Jun 17 07:56:24 <AMARDA_GM> The Ponies check out the mare and find her to be badly injured but still breathing. They take her and the foal away from the scene. Midnight_Rain is then lead off by a somber looking pony towards another place of law enforcement.
  126. Jun 17 07:56:50 * Grand_Finale shakes his head a bit, that may have looked impressive but Grand knew he barely pulled it off and his head was still ringing from the blades contact.
  127. Jun 17 07:56:59 * Midnight_Rain follows along
  128. Jun 17 07:58:08 <AMARDA_GM> Nut smiles the widest smile you've ever seen. "This is the motherload, the most valuable piece of kit ever known. Put in the right raw materials and have the right schematics and tada! A new device/robot/spare part you name it! That's what this does!"
  129. Jun 17 08:00:42 <AMARDA_GM> Zaliz's blade bounces off of Grand_Finale's badly timed block, the stallion feeling the blade cutting deeper than it ever has. Blood pours from the wound and Zaliz looks genuinely distressed. He pulls the sword out and places a hoof over the wound to stop the bleeding.
  130. Jun 17 08:01:12 * Haywire moves the googles up to see it with eyes bare, his smile widens as well. "That is amazing! The possibilities... they are endless!"
  131. Jun 17 08:02:36 * Grand_Finale stumbles and falls to a knee, tightly closeing his eyes as he trys to block out the pain. "Ok... so now I know never to dodge in the same direction your feinghting..."
  132. Jun 17 08:03:35 <AMARDA_GM> They both nod. "Now you see why we want the box, we want what it contains. We want to change the wasteland!" They say in unison. Then they both go sheepish. "But it only works at five percent of what it's meant to, so we can't make the really good stuff." Say Nut. "But spares are reall easy to make, so we keep old tech working good as new!" Say Bolt.
  133. Jun 17 08:06:52 <AMARDA_GM> Midnight_Rain is sat down with a pony in a waiting area. Time passes but eventually a Griffin enters the room and hands her a small box. "For your saving my client and her foal I am required to give you this as a token of thanks." He then starts walking away.
  134. Jun 17 08:07:07 * Grand_Finale spits out a bit of blood, "Guess Ill have to try harder.."
  135. Jun 17 08:08:22 <AMARDA_GM> Zaliz doesn't even laugh. He gently makes sure that Grand_Finale lays down before applying a gel of sorts to the wound. It feels so nice and soothing that you nearly forget you were wounded.
  136. Jun 17 08:09:04 <Haywire> "I... see." He can't hide his disappointment. "Well, if it can get the machine working properly, I'll do whatever is needed." A last shine of resolve shows in his eyes before he lowers his protective goggles again.
  137. Jun 17 08:09:39 * Midnight_Rain opens the box to see what is inside
  138. Jun 17 08:10:31 <AMARDA_GM> Inside is hundred caps and a replacement 10mm Pistol.
  139. Jun 17 08:10:46 * Grand_Finale lays still and lets the zebra do his work, quitely milling over the days events. Thrown in the clink, striped of his last caps, all evening sword training session with a zebra who seems to walk on the same side of the street.
  140. Jun 17 08:11:37 * Grand_Finale "So... do you think I, you know, have what it takes to be ok with this sword thing? I seem to be doing nothing but bleeding all over you denn"
  141. Jun 17 08:12:26 <AMARDA_GM> They both look sad at his last words. "Wish it were that easy, me and Bolt can't make the parts needed to fix it cause the schematics are lost." Nut says. "But we hope to find them one day. Sooner rather than later, but one day." Bolt continues.
  142. Jun 17 08:12:56 * Midnight_Rain takes the 100 caps and puts them away puts her new pistol in the holster and the old one in her bags and trots out back to where the slavers were.
  143. Jun 17 08:13:31 <AMARDA_GM> The zebra laughs softly. "Your doing better than when I started. I was horrid for my first three years learning." He slowly hugs Grand_Finale. "Please don't hate me for doing this."
  144. Jun 17 08:15:08 <AMARDA_GM> Midnight_Rain finds the scene again but is shoed off as some ponies seem to be gathering evidence about what happened.
  145. Jun 17 08:15:39 * Grand_Finale opens an eye and looks back to Zaliz, A confused look on his face. "Hate you, for what? I asked for this"
  146. Jun 17 08:15:46 * Midnight_Rain walks over trying to help "Anyway i can help you guys?"
  147. Jun 17 08:16:35 <AMARDA_GM> They shoe Midnight_Rain off. "You can help by not coming back here for a while. We'll contact you when we need to."
  148. Jun 17 08:17:38 <AMARDA_GM> Zaliz smiles bitterly. "My past is, well, not something I want to be proud of." He stops there before nuzzling Grand_Finale. "Please, just let me forget, please?"
  149. Jun 17 08:17:45 * Midnight_Rain heads towards north Hoof Rot going to look for some potions and ammo
  150. Jun 17 08:21:51 * Grand_Finale reaches back and wraps a hoof around the zebra, wincing as he pulls him as tightly to him as he could while injured. "Hell Zaliz, the past is the past. You wont hear any more questions from me, to be honest Im not to proud of my past either. Its the whole reason I came south in the first place, trying to get away and find... something new"
  151. Jun 17 08:22:03 <Haywire> "Well, nothing is easy in the wasteland... but we'll see what we can get with what we have. I'm sure it still can enable great inventions and there is always the possibility of finding a way to repair it."
  152. Jun 17 08:23:25 <Haywire> "Well, I guess it's time for my part in the deal."
  153. Jun 17 08:25:52 <AMARDA_GM> Group 8 end!
  154. Jun 17 08:28:14 * Grand_Finale saiu (Connection closed)
  155. Jun 17 08:28:40 * Arcane_Scroll agora chama-se Arcane_Sleeping[A]
  156. **** REGISTO TERMINADO EM Sun Jun 17 08:30:06 2012
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