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Mar 31st, 2020
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  1. ##################################
  2. ### Main Config For McRPG ###
  3. ##################################
  4. #
  5. #Notes:
  6. # Do not use ' or " in messages as I have not yet added support for these icons.
  7. # - Do not remove any lines as that will throw errors
  8. # - This plugin only supports Minecraft color codes. Ex) &eHello World&7!
  9. # - Use this link for a list of the codes:
  10. # - If you want a message to be blank, please leave it as ''
  11. # - This plugin supports player name place holders as %Player%
  12. # If you receive an error when McRPG loads, ensure that:
  13. # - No tabs are present: YAML only allows spaces
  14. # - Indents are correct: YAML hierarchy is based entirely on indentation
  15. ###################################
  16. Configuration:
  17. #Converts a players level to exp and then convert that into boosted experience using the equation below
  18. McMMOConversionEquation: ((skill_exp)*0.5)
  19. #When a player gains exp, this equation is factored in and if there is remaining boosted exp,
  20. #then it will add this equation value to the gained amount
  21. BoostedExpUsageRate: ((gained_exp)*2.25)
  22. #The maximum amount of damage allowed for giving experience
  23. MaxDamageCap: 1000000
  24. #How much exp gain should be modified if the target is blocking with a shield.
  25. ShieldBlockingModifier: 0.5
  26. #If exp should be disabled for damage from ender pearls
  27. DisableEPearlExp: true
  28. #If skill books should be undroppable in the end
  29. DisableBooksInEnd: true
  30. #If ability spy should be on, alerting admins when abilities are unlocked and upgraded
  31. AbilitySpyEnabled: false
  32. #If redeem perms should be used
  33. UseRedeemPerm: false
  34. ConstantExpUpdates:
  35. #If players should be sent an update everytime they gain exp
  36. Enabled: false
  37. #What type should the display be. BOSSBAR, SCOREBOARD, or ACTIONBAR
  38. DisplayType: BOSSBAR
  39. #Duration of the reminder. Only used for scoreboard and bossbar
  40. DisplayDuration: 3
  41. #What worlds should be disabled
  42. DisabledWorlds:
  43. - test
  44. #This is how often the plugin saves player data (async) in minutes
  45. SaveInterval: 1
  46. #How long the cooldown for replacing an ability should be in minutes
  47. ReplaceAbilityCooldown: 1440
  48. #Should a player be required to have an empty offhand to use abilities
  49. RequireEmptyOffHand: false
  50. #What lang file you want to use. Do not include the .yml
  51. LangFile: en
  52. #Currently unused
  53. AutoUpdate: true
  54. #If a player should not gain exp when they are a certain level.
  55. #Use mcrpg.%skill%.%level% as the perm
  56. UseLevelPerms: false
  57. #If health bars of mobs should be universally disabled
  58. HealthBarEnabled: false
  59. #How long should the health bars be displayed for
  60. HealthBarDisplayTime: 1
  61. #Modify the exp worth of mobs from spawners and eggs
  62. ModifySpawnExp:
  63. MobsFromSpawner: 0.5
  64. MobsFromEggs: 0.5
  65. Redeeming:
  66. #If when players redeem levels, should this reset the amount of exp needed to level up.
  67. RedeemLevelsResetExp: true
  68. #Use this to configure how various displays show up
  69. DisplayConfig:
  70. Scoreboard:
  71. DisplayName: '&a%Skill%'
  72. Lines:
  73. CurrentLevel: '&bCurrent Level:'
  74. CurrentExp: '&eExp:'
  75. ExpNeeded: '&eExp Left:'
  76. BossBar:
  77. DisplayName: '&5Lv.&e%Current_Level% &7- &5%Skill%: &e%Exp_To_Level%'
  78. Color:
  79. Swords: Red
  80. Mining: Blue
  81. Unarmed: White
  82. Herbalism: Green
  83. Archery: Pink
  84. Woodcutting: Green
  85. Fitness: White
  86. Excavation: Blue
  87. Axes: Red
  88. Fishing: Blue
  89. Sorcery: Pink
  90. ActionBar:
  91. Swords:
  92. Message: '&a+%Exp_Gained% &eexp &a%Exp_To_Level% &eremaining'
  93. Mining:
  94. Message: '&a+%Exp_Gained% &eexp &a%Exp_To_Level% &eremaining'
  95. Unarmed:
  96. Message: '&a+%Exp_Gained% &eexp &a%Exp_To_Level% &eremaining'
  97. Herbalism:
  98. Message: '&a+%Exp_Gained% &eexp &a%Exp_To_Level% &eremaining'
  99. Archery:
  100. Message: '&a+%Exp_Gained% &eexp &a%Exp_To_Level% &eremaining'
  101. Woodcutting:
  102. Message: '&a+%Exp_Gained% &eexp &a%Exp_To_Level% &eremaining'
  103. Fitness:
  104. Message: '&a+%Exp_Gained% &eexp &a%Exp_To_Level% &eremaining'
  105. Excavation:
  106. Message: '&a+%Exp_Gained% &eexp &a%Exp_To_Level% &eremaining'
  107. Axes:
  108. Message: '&a+%Exp_Gained% &eexp &a%Exp_To_Level% &eremaining'
  109. Fishing:
  110. Message: '&a+%Exp_Gained% &eexp &a%Exp_To_Level% &eremaining'
  111. PlayerConfiguration:
  112. #This amount is how many ability slots are in the players loadout
  113. #Modifying this requires a restart. A reload will break plugin
  114. AmountOfTotalAbilities: 9
  115. #When the power level reaches a multiple of this number an ability point is awarded
  116. AbilityPointInterval: 100
  117. #How many seconds a player should stay ready for
  118. PlayerReadyDuration: 2
  119. PoseidonsGuardian:
  120. #What summoning chance should players start with.
  121. DefaultSummonChance: 0.0
  122. #If the distance between the last fish caught and the next one caught is less than or equal to this value, increase the summoning chance.
  123. Range: 100
  124. #The max summoning chance that a player can have for the guardian.
  125. MaxChance: 0.0
  126. #The min summoning chance that a player can have for the guardian.
  127. MinChance: 0.0
  128. #How much should the summon chance increase if the fish caught is inside of the range.
  129. WithinRangeIncrease: 0.0
  130. #How much should the summon chance decrease if the fish caught is outside of the range.
  131. OutsideRangeDecrease: 100.0
  132. #What type of entity should the guardian be.
  133. GuardianType: DROWNED
  134. #How much health should the guardian have.
  135. Health: 150
  136. #What weapon should the guardian have.
  137. Weapon: IRON_SWORD
  138. #Should the weapon be enchanted.
  139. Enchanted: false
  140. #What enchantments should be on the weapon.
  141. Enchants:
  142. - DAMAGE_ALL:1
  143. #How much redeemable exp should the player get when killing the guardian.
  144. RedeemableExpReward: 5000
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