
Small Hina 9/13/20

Sep 13th, 2020 (edited)
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  45. </style> <div id="boxb"> Small Hina WayStone <div class="clouds"> </div>
  47. <div style="font-size:40px;line-height:44px;padding:9px 55px 22px 55px;color:#30a;text-align:justify;text-indent:44px;"> Pollyanna and Aisuruhito adopted Small Hina. Polly's heart melted for Hina. The family matriarchs decided yes, we would adopt her, but into Dr. Aisuruhito's family since Aisu can't have children for a few more years. Aisuruhito now lives in the menagerie house near 3rd mansion, and Pollyanna lives at 3rd mansion, so the situation is cozy for all
  48. <p>Oh yes, Small Hina gave birth to a very beautiful baby this morning. Baby's name is Paris.</div>
  50. <div style="color:#f02;font-size:174px;text-align:center;text-shadow:4px 4px 4px #703;
  51. font-family:dancing script, arial;margin-top:0px;"> Small Hina<p> </div>
  53. <div style="font-size:40px;line-height:44px;margin:-80px 55px 22px 55px;color:#50a;text-align:justify;text-indent:44px;font-weight:bold;">
  54. (Small Hina is a charra invented by someone else who allowed her to be adopted. Except by permission, Small Hina will not interact with others in RPC. But Paris is both our creations.) </div>
  55. <br><img src="  " style="width:55%;"><br>
  57. <table style="width:100%;color:#40a;padding:20px 33px 22px 6px;text-align:left;margin-top:44px;
  58. font-family:kalam, arial;font-size:46px;line-height:50px;"><tr>
  59. <td style="color:#aa002d;" valign="top">Name:</td><td>Hina, often called Small Hina<p><br></td></tr><tr>
  60. <td style="color:#aa002d;" valign="top">Parents:      </td><td>
  61. <li>Hina has not told us who her biological parents are. She was declared parentless by the state, and was legally adopted into the WayStone family.
  62. <li>One parent is now Dr. Aisuruhito WayStone
  63. <li>Other parent is Momma Pollyanna WayStone   </td></tr><tr>
  64. <td style="color:#aa002d;" valign="top">Children:     </td><td>
  65.    <li>Just this morning, Hina gave birth to a girl named Paris.
  66.    <li>         </td></tr><tr>
  67. <td style="color:#aa002d;" valign="top">Siblings:     </td><td>Hina has 2 older sisters</td></tr><tr>
  68. <td style="color:#aa002d;" valign="top">Birth:         </td><td>It was apparently 4 years ago. Though Hina is aging at the normal human rate in most ways, one thing is different. She had a baby while she is 4 apparent years old.</td></tr><tr>
  69. <td style="color:#aa002d;" valign="top">Gender:      </td><td>Female <br><img src="  " style="width:33%;">  <p><br></td></tr><tr>
  71. <td style="color:#aa002d;" valign="top">Sexy:          </td><td>Hina adores making love, especially with hermaphrodites. </td></tr><tr>
  72. <td style="color:#aa002d;" valign="top">Further:      </td><td> Dr. Uncle did a genetic test for Small Hina and discovered she is about 1/16th fairy, the rest is human. One of her great great grandparents was a fairy.</td></tr><tr>
  73. <td style="color:#aa002d;" valign="top">Job:            </td><td>For a 4 year old human, Hina is very bright. She completed kindergarten, and can read English well, and some Spanish also. Her job is going to school and excelling.</td></tr><tr>
  74. <td style="color:#aa002d;" valign="top">Home:         </td><td>3rd mansion, the new menagerie house.  </td></tr><tr>
  75. <td style="color:#aa002d;" valign="top">Height:        </td><td>  She's growing fast  
  76. <br><img src="  " style="width:44%;"><br>                              </td></tr><tr>
  77. <td style="color:#aa002d;" valign="top">Weight:       </td><td>  40 pounds                                           </td></tr><tr>
  78. <td style="color:#aa002d;" valign="top">Status:        </td><td>  Adopted                                              </td></tr><tr>
  79. <td style="color:#aa002d;" valign="top">Body:         </td><td>   Soft, squishy, n huggable.                     </td></tr><tr>
  80. <td style="color:#aa002d;" valign="top">Eyes:          </td><td>   Dark chocolate and gold.                      <p><br></td></tr><tr>
  82. <td style="color:#aa002d;" valign="top">Hair:           </td><td>   Dark minty chocolate.
  83. <br><img src="  " style="width:44%;"><br></td></tr><tr>
  84. <td style="color:#aa002d;" valign="top">Teeth:        </td><td>   Nice, straight, bright white baby teeth.   </td></tr><tr>
  85. <td style="color:#aa002d;" valign="top">Style:         </td><td> Bows n ribbons, n cotton dresses.            </td></tr><tr>
  86. <td style="color:#aa002d;" valign="top">Pets:          </td><td> The menagerie                                       </td></tr><tr>
  87. <td style="color:#aa002d;" valign="top">Breast:       </td><td> Flat, slightly puffy!                                  </td></tr><tr>
  88. <td style="color:#aa002d;" valign="top">Pleasures:   </td><td> Hina likes getting pregnant. Besides that, she likes going on adventures. <p><br></td></tr><tr>      </td></tr></table>
  89. <center><img src="  " style="width:55%;"></center><p><br>
  90. <center><img src="  " style="width:44%;"></center><p><br>
  91. <center><img src="  " style="width:44%;"></center><p><br>
  93. </div></div></div></div>
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  97. </style><div id="boxend"> Small Hina 9/13/20 </div></div></script></body></html>
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