
GeekShed (2013) - Techman and UnrealIRCD

May 29th, 2013
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  1. 10 07 30 PM<Techman> Wait guppy
  2. 10 07 32 PM<Queenie> i think Adam already did
  3. 10 07 41 PM<Techman> I need to get or something
  4. 10 07 42 PM<guppy> ?
  5. 10 07 43 PM<Techman> where do I get that
  6. 10 07 47 PM<guppy> OMFG
  8. 10 08 02 PM<MindyC> Lordy.
  9. 10 08 02 PM<guppy> you REALLY shouldn't be running this now
  10. 10 08 27 PM<guppy> you can't start it, don't know where motd is, think this is complicated, don't read docs, doesn't unhash the beginning lines at the START of it
  11. 10 08 30 PM<Techman> well how do you do it
  12. 10 08 33 PM<guppy> when it even TELLS YOU that
  13. 10 08 41 PM<Techman> Where?
  14. 10 08 44 PM<guppy> I just knew this stuff would happen
  15. 10 09 41 PM<guppy> ffs
  16. 10 09 42 PM<Techman> where do you do it
  17. 10 09 55 PM<guppy> I must be really sleepy or something cause my anger issues are kicking in
  18. 10 10 31 PM<Queenie> i am starting ot think i can start a irc network with my eyes closed
  19. 10 10 40 PM<Queenie> seeing all te problems he is having
  20. 10 10 51 PM<guppy> I'm gonna make one this week
  21. 10 10 54 PM<guppy> I liked owning networks
  22. 10 11 04 PM<Queenie> i do own one
  23. 10 11 25 PM<Techman> Well everyone has their first Queenie
  24. 10 11 37 PM<Queenie> lol
  25. 10 12 03 PM<Techman> anways
  26. 10 12 06 PM<Techman> how do you do it?
  27. 10 12 11 PM<Techman> Imma ask dave
  28. 10 12 14 PM<guppy> ask him
  29. 10 12 20 PM<guppy> I'm getting fucking steamed
  30. 10 13 57 PM<Techman> alright I can't do it
  31. 10 14 01 PM<Techman> But I'm a hair away
  32. 10 14 35 PM<Techman> !topic Ok, Michael's Unreal project is almost finished, just gotta 'unhash modules' or whatever // stay tuned
  33. 10 14 35 PM* ChuckNorris has changed the topic to: Ok, Michael's Unreal project is almost finished, just gotta 'unhash modules' or whatever // stay tuned
  34. 10 14 47 PM<guppy> DUDE
  35. 10 15 02 PM* You have left channel #techmansworld (I gotta go and calm down before I explode in here)
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