
Crazy Candy - 1

Dec 13th, 2019 (edited)
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  1. deathproofpony, October 17, 2012; 01:24 / FB 5933
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. >be a fluffy mumma
  4. >be the best fluffy mumma in the world
  5. >whatever a world is
  6. >you're a pretty pink unicorn with a white mane and tail
  7. >your name is candy... or at least that's what daddy used to call you
  8. >then you decided to go outside without permission. THEN you decided to go make special friends with the handsome colt up the street
  9. >daddy was mad but he took you back in
  10. >then you had babies... daddy wanted to help you with the babies but you didn't need help!
  11. >you... sort of... accidentally... bit him
  12. >that made daddy REALLY mad
  13. >he hit you a few times and took your babies away and said you were a bad mommy
  14. >it wasn't fair! you were protecting them! loving them!
  15. >daddy said it didn't matter - he loved them too and wasn't going to hurt them, but you were selfish
  16. >you cried a whole lot
  17. >then daddy took you to the nice doctor man and you went to sleep for a while
  18. >when you woke up you heard daddy say you were fixed... but you weren't broken! silly daddy.
  19. >he said your babies went to good homes but YOUR home is the best!
  20. >then your special friend dug under daddy's fence to play in the back yard and give you special huggies again
  21. >but this time daddy saw him and hit him really hard with a stick, over and over
  22. >you decided it was time to leave... you didn't need daddy and his dummy rules
  23. >when he was putting your special friend in the trashy can, you slipped under the fence and left
  24. >okay... maybe that part was a mistake
  25. >as it turns out... spaghetti doesn't grow on trees
  26. >it doesn't even grow on the ground
  27. >you found out quickly that nummies are hard to come by when you're on your own
  28. >no warm home... no blankie... no toys...
  29. >you cry sometimes and wish you never left
  30. >nothing you can do about it now... you don't know how to get back to daddy's house
  31. >but that's okay
  32. >you've dug a nice little hole for yourself. it's snug and warm
  33. >you lined the floor with soft leaves and moss and some blankies you took from other mommies and daddies
  34. >you you live under a big bush next to an old daddy's house
  35. >he doesn't come outside very much. when he does, he moves very slowly
  36. >sometimes a younger daddy comes and takes away the big grassies. that's okay with you because the short grassies are more tender
  37. >but the monster he uses to eat the grassies scares the crap out of you
  38. >fortunately he doesn't come over much
  39. >you're so lonely though
  40. >you need BABIES!
  41. >THAT'LL fix everything!
  42. >for the next couple of days you look around the neighborhood... finally you spot a nice-looking stallion
  43. >you invite him to come over and give you special hugs. he's more than happy to do so
  44. >"enf enf enf" "dat feewl nise... do dat..."
  45. >finally, the stallion collapses on top of you
  46. >"haff babehs naow! wet spawky wive in buwwow?"
  47. >no way... you don't need a hubby. you don't want to share your burrow
  48. >"nuu! jus wan babehs... nu wan dada."
  49. >"buh... buh... spawky WAN be dada! be GUD dada!"
  50. >"spawky dummy fwuffy... onwy candy is gud fo babeh fwuffies."
  51. >his bottom lip quivers and he silently walks away, crying softly to himself
  52. >dummy fluffy. who needs help taking care of babies? certainly not you.
  53. >you wait. and wait. and wait.
  54. >something isn't right... it didn't take this long to get babies last time, did it?
  55. >just in case... you find a fluffy a couple of houses down
  56. >you dig a small hole under his mommy and daddy's fence
  57. >like Sparky, this stallion is more than happy to give you special hugs
  58. >"mah name ebny! wuv special huggies! enf enf enf..."
  59. >you wait patiently until the black stallion is done.
  60. >"yu wan wive wiff ebny an mommy an daddy? haff gud nummies!"
  61. >"nuu, dummy fwuffy! candy nu need anyone!"
  62. >okay... that was a lie... you REALLY miss spaghetti
  63. >but what if Ebony's mommy and daddy took your foals away again?
  64. >NO. not going to happen. you will raise them your way
  65. >so you wait. and wait. and wait
  67. >you're getting mad now. it's not fair. you're the best mumma ever. no other mares deserve foals...
  68. >they don't deserve them.
  69. >so you're going to take them away.
  70. >you know there's a big green place not far from where you live
  71. >small herds of fluffies live there. you saw them once when daddy took you there to play
  72. >herds have mummas
  73. >mummas have babies
  74. >what could possibly go wrong?
  75. >that night you sneak down to the big green
  76. >it stretches as far as you can see... some parts with just grassies, some with many trees
  77. >there are human buildings, too... daddy said some of them are pah-vill-yuns.
  78. >he said another one was a rest room. so humans can sit and rest, you suppose
  79. >you start with the human buildings. on the third pah-vill-yun you get lucky
  80. >a small fluff pile of... of...
  81. >one two three four five...
  82. >more than five ponies
  83. >whatever that is
  84. >yes! there's a fluffy mumma with two babies buried in her fluff
  85. >you need to be quiet... careful...
  86. >you silently waddle over and grab a foal by the back of its neck
  87. >you pull on the loose skin a little tighter than usual to make sure its chirps can't be heard
  88. >then you run. as quickly as you can.
  89. >you find one of those things humans call "bocks".
  90. >it's a small one, but big enough for a couple of foals
  91. >you drop the squeaking baby in the bocks
  92. >"mumma be back soon! nu cwy babeh!"
  93. >hurry back to the pah-vill-yun. grab the other foal
  94. >put it in the box, too
  95. >then you slowly drag the box back to your bush
  96. >deposit the crying, chirping foals in your den
  97. >after a few minutes, they quiet down and hug each other for warmth
  98. >they must be tired from a long day. that's good. they'll sleep for a while
  99. >drag your box back to the big green
  100. >start nosing around bushes and big trees
  101. >WOW! look at all the fluffies living here!
  102. >you manage to take four more babies before you finally get tired and decide to sleep
  103. >now you have... one two three four five... THAT many foals!
  104. >you are SUCH a good mumma
  105. >you fall asleep for a while. when you wake up, the foals are chirping and crawling all around
  106. >"nu babehs! stay wiff mumma! dun move wound too much! dun weave home!"
  107. >silly babies. you know best.
  108. >you place two of them on your belly. they instinctively move to your teats to drink
  109. >uh oh
  110. >it's been a while since you were a mumma... your teats barely make any milk
  111. >that's... that's okay. babies are small. they don't need much milk, right?
  112. >after they desperately suck a few drops out, you place two other babies there and hug the first two
  113. >you coo to them... they still chirp, hungry for milk
  114. >oh silly babies... you don't want too much milk! you might make mouth yuckies.
  115. >finally you feed the last two babies. they suck desperately at your teats, drawing a few last precious drops of milk
  116. >you are SUCH a good mumma
  117. >you tuck all the babies in a blankie and head out to get some nummies for yourself
  118. >more nummies means more milk
  119. >well, it's not going so well
  120. >you've eaten plenty of grassies but no good nummies
  121. >you did find some pretty red berries but you know by their smell they're bad berries
  122. >you wish you had some good berries
  123. >the yellow sky ball goes away
  124. >the babies are still chirping. silly babies. always so greedy.
  125. >they need to take it easy on mommy's milk. they need to save it for their NEW brothers and sisters
  126. >like the night before, you sneak out to the big green and take three more foals
  127. >you put them down in the den and feed them as best you can
  128. >your teats still make hardly any milk... seems like less than yesterday
  129. >that's okay... a foal's tummy stays full for a long time, right?
  130. >every night you sneak out... you check the houses around your house, you check the big green...
  131. >you have many foals now... because you're the BEST mumma!
  132. >you love to just lay there, hugging your babies, cooing to them, feeding them
  133. >life is great
  134. >you love your foals and they love their mumma
  135. >some time passes. the yellow sky ball comes and goes a few times.
  136. >"It's coming from over here... god, it reaks... it's like shit and death and taxes all rolled into one."
  137. >"What's that, David?"
  138. >"I said it SMELLS LIKE IT'S OVER HERE, grandpa!"
  139. >"What do you see?"
  140. >what's that noise? who's talking? is it humans?
  141. >you hear a noise and look up the hole from the den... you see your bush opening up and a HUMAN crawling in!
  142. >oh no! your babies! he can't take your babies!
  143. >"Oh my GOD it reaks."
  144. >"You alright, Dave?"
  145. >"Yeah, dad... make sure Grandpa doesn't come over here... the grass is still wet."
  146. >"Good thinking. Dad? DAD! Stay on the porch, okay? David just watered the lawn and it's slippery."
  147. >"Yeah all right..."
  148. >"There's a hole here..."
  149. >"Like what? Rabbits?"
  150. >"Bigger. Groundhog maybe... god it REAKS! It smells like death!"
  151. >"Here... take my flashlight..."
  152. >a bright light shines in your eyes... it hurts! you don't want it to hurt your babies! you cuddle as many of them close to you as you can
  153. >"dun wowwy babehs... bad hooman nu take yuu... mumma hewe... mumma wuv... mumma hug..."
  154. >"I hear... a voice. Oh, it's one of those fluffy ponies."
  155. >"Did it shit all over itself or what?"
  156. >"I can't see... I... oh... oh my god..."
  157. >the human crawls away and you here yucky sounds
  158. >"What? What was it, Dave?"
  159. >"Oh my god... it's... foals. It's got like... twenty foals down there. They all look dead. Rotting. Oh fuck... *BARF*"
  160. >"Take it easy... take it easy... I'll get a shovel."
  161. >humph. dummy humans. serves them right for trying to take your babies. good thing you didn't have to give them bad poopies or...
  162. >*SHENK*
  163. >what was THAT? oh no! one of the humans is digging out your den!
  164. >you huddle in the back, hugging your babies
  165. >you whisper to them... coo to them... the mean humans won't take them...
  166. >"Good lord... yeah, most of them look dead. I think I see one or two moving. Bunch of them have maggots on them. Ugh."
  167. >a pair of big human hands reach in and start taking your babies! NO!
  168. >you jump up and turn around, straining... a spray of poopies comes out the back of you
  169. >"Ew... she shit on my gloves."
  170. >"Want me to do it, dad?"
  171. >"Yeah... grab the mare first."
  172. >hands have a hold of you! a human is picking you up! you struggle with all your might... your little legs moving rapidly
  173. >the human has a hold on you... he puts you in a big bocks.
  175. >"Hey! Idiot! THEY'RE DEAD! What are you - stupid? They're all DEAD!"
  176. >no! that's not right! they're YOUR babies... you're the best mumma! THEY CAN'T BE DEAD! DUMMY HUMAN!
  177. >you start stomping on the bocks, trying to jump out, climb out, anything
  178. >one of the humans smacks you on the nose. you curl into a ball and start sobbing
  179. >"She's a mess... she must be frigging crazy, thinking these things are alive."
  180. >"What do you think? She had a really big litter? I've never heard of more than ten and she's got almost twenty here."
  181. >"I don't know, Dave... they look like they're all different sizes. Look..."
  182. >you can see one of the humans gingerly picking up one of your babies by its tail
  183. >don't do that! it hurts them! DUMMY HUMANS!
  184. >"This one is barely a week old. This one... is about three weeks. Here's one with its eyes still shut... probably a day or two tops."
  185. >"That's..."
  186. >"Yeah, it is. Get the last few, will you?"
  187. >"Sure, dad."
  188. >the human scoops out the last of your foals... you continue sobbing... reaching for them... wishing for a miracle to save your babies
  189. >it never comes
  190. >"I think this one's still alive... it's just barely moving..."
  191. >"God, the thing looks starved. We can take it to the vet but I have a feeling he'll say to put it down."
  192. >"Why?"
  193. >"I saw a special on Animal Planet about fluffies... the babies can't go more than a couple of days without a steady milk supply or they die. They have a much faster metabolism than the average animal."
  194. >"That's terrible..."
  195. >"We'll drive it over just in case. And we'll drop crazy lady off at the adoption center."
  196. >"Think anyone would adopt her?"
  197. >"Probably not... but it's the humane thing to do."
  198. >you feel the bocks moving. the humans take you to a new place that smells like lots of fluffies
  199. >they put you in a cage by yourself
  200. >you keep asking for your babies
  201. >they don't give them to you.
  202. >meanie humans
  203. >don't they know you're the BEST MUMMA EVER?
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