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- function BackPropAlgo(Input, Output)
- %STEP 1 : Normalize the Input
- %Checking whether the Inputs needs to be normalized or not
- if max(abs(Input(:)))> 1
- %Need to normalize
- Norm_Input = Input / max(abs(Input(:)));
- else
- Norm_Input = Input;
- end
- %Checking Whether the Outputs needs to be normalized or not
- if max(abs(Output(:))) >1
- %Need to normalize
- Norm_Output = Output / max(abs(Output(:)));
- else
- Norm_Output = Output;
- end
- %Assigning the number of hidden neurons in hidden layer
- m = 2;
- %Find the size of Input and Output Vectors
- [l,b] = size(Input);
- [n,a] = size(Output);
- %Initialize the weight matrices with random weights
- V = rand(l,m); % Weight matrix from Input to Hidden
- W = rand(m,n); % Weight matrix from Hidden to Output
- %Setting count to zero, to know the number of iterations
- count = 0;
- %Calling function for training the neural network
- [errorValue delta_V delta_W] = trainNeuralNet(Norm_Input,Norm_Output,V,W);
- %Checking if error value is greater than 0.1. If yes, we need to train the
- %network again. User can decide the threshold value
- while errorValue > 0.05
- %incrementing count
- count = count + 1;
- %Store the error value into a matrix to plot the graph
- Error_Mat(count)=errorValue;
- %Change the weight metrix V and W by adding delta values to them
- W=W+delta_W;
- V=V+delta_V;
- %Calling the function with another overload.
- %Now we have delta values as well.
- count
- [errorValue delta_V delta_W]=trainNeuralNet(Norm_Input,Norm_Output,V,W,delta_V,delta_W);
- end
- %This code will be executed when the error value is less than 0.1
- if errorValue < 0.05
- %Incrementing count variable to know the number of iteration
- count=count+1;
- %Storing error value into matrix for plotting the graph
- Error_Mat(count)=errorValue;
- end
- %Calculating error rate
- Error_Rate=sum(Error_Mat)/count;
- figure;
- %setting y value for plotting graph
- y=[1:count];
- %Plotting graph
- plot(y, Error_Mat);
- end
- Function to train the network
- %Created By : Anoop.V.S & Lekshmi B G
- %Created On : 18-09-2013
- %Description : Function to train the network
- function [errorValue delta_V delta_W] = trainNeuralNet(Input, Output, V, W, delta_V, delta_W)
- %Function for calculation (steps 4 - 16)
- %To train the Neural Network
- %Calculating the Output of Input Layer
- %No computation here.
- %Output of Input Layer is same as the Input of Input Layer
- Output_of_InputLayer = Input;
- %Calculating Input of the Hidden Layer
- %Here we need to multiply the Output of the Input Layer with the -
- %synaptic weight. That weight is in the matrix V.
- Input_of_HiddenLayer = V' * Output_of_InputLayer;
- %Calculate the size of Input to Hidden Layer
- [m n] = size(Input_of_HiddenLayer);
- %Now, we have to calculate the Output of the Hidden Layer
- %For that, we need to use Sigmoidal Function
- Output_of_HiddenLayer = 1./(1+exp(-Input_of_HiddenLayer));
- %Calculating Input to Output Layer
- %Here we need to multiply the Output of the Hidden Layer with the -
- %synaptic weight. That weight is in the matrix W
- Input_of_OutputLayer = W'*Output_of_HiddenLayer;
- %Clear varables
- clear m n;
- %Calculate the size of Input of Output Layer
- [m n] = size(Input_of_OutputLayer);
- %Now, we have to calculate the Output of the Output Layer
- %For that, we need to use Sigmoidal Function
- Output_of_OutputLayer = 1./(1+exp(-Input_of_OutputLayer));
- %Now we need to calculate the Error using Root Mean Square method
- difference = Output - Output_of_OutputLayer;
- square = difference.*difference;
- errorValue = sqrt(sum(square(:)));
- %Calculate the matrix 'd' with respect to the desired output
- %Clear the variable m and n
- clear m n
- [n a] = size(Output);
- for i = 1 : n
- for j = 1 : a
- d(i,j) =(Output(i,j)-Output_of_OutputLayer(i,j))*Output_of_OutputLayer(i,j)*(1-Output_of_OutputLayer(i,j));
- end
- end
- %Now, calculate the Y matrix
- Y = Output_of_HiddenLayer * d; %STEP 11
- %Checking number of arguments. We are using function overloading
- %On the first iteration, we don't have delta V and delta W
- %So we have to initialize with zero. The size of delta V and delta W will
- %be same as that of V and W matrix respectively (nargin - no of arguments)
- if nargin == 4
- delta_W=zeros(size(W));
- delta_V=zeros(size(V));
- end
- %Initializing eetta with 0.6 and alpha with 1
- etta=0.6;alpha=1;
- %Calculating delta W
- delta_W= alpha.*delta_W + etta.*Y;%STEP 12
- %STEP 13
- %Calculating error matrix
- error = W*d;
- %Calculating d*
- clear m n
- [m n] = size(error);
- for i = 1 : m
- for j = 1 :n
- d_star(i,j)= error(i,j)*Output_of_HiddenLayer(i,j)*(1-Output_of_HiddenLayer(i,j));
- end
- end
- %Now find matrix, X (Input * transpose of d_star)
- X = Input * d_star';
- %STEP 14
- %Calculating delta V
- delta_V=alpha*delta_V+etta*X;
- end
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